A Javascript MVC framework for CodeIgniter and MooTools.
- Automatically loads and instantiates Javascript controllers based upon which CI controller is active.
- Allows you to easily pass information from PHP to your Javascript without printing data into the DOM.
- Combines separate javascript files into a single document, making for cleaner head areas.
Make sure to load the Ember_js library in your controller, or add it to the libraries array in autoload.php
Print ember into your document head
<? $this->ember_js->print_head(); ?>
Copy example-controller.js and make some controllers! For example, if you have a CI controller called "welcome.php" create assets/js/controllers/Welcome.js. That file will be automatically loaded and instantiated every time the Welcome controller is active in CI.
If your Welcome controller has "news" method (Example, welcome/news), then add a news method to your Welcome.js, and it will be automatically executed.
var Welcome = new Class({
Extends: Controller,
initialize: function()
this.parent.attempt(arguments, this);
// Controller wide code goes here
* Methods get called automatically corresponding to the active CI method
index: function()
// This runs at welcome
news: function()
// This runs at welcome/news
In PHP you can use ember_js->set() to pass data to your javascript controllers.
// Single variable
$this->ember_js->set('first_name', 'matt');
// Multiple
$this->ebmer_js->set(array('last_name' => 'McCloskey', 'age' => 31));
Then you can access that data in your javascript controller from the options object:
alert(this.options.first_name + ' '+ this.options.last_name +' is '+this.options.age);
Pass data from PHP to Javascript
$this->ebmer_js->set(array('last_name' => 'McCloskey', 'age' => 31));
If you want ember to run a different javascript controller than the one active in CI
If you want ember to run a different javascript method than the one active in CI
- controllers_directory - The directory where you store your JS controllers. Defaults to 'assets/js/controllers/'
- scripts - A list of scripts to always load (paths should be relative to controllers_directory)
- default_controller - The default controller, and controller which all custom controllers should extend.
- config - Data to be loaded into the config object. Variables like site_url are automatically set
- controller_instance_name - The variable name that initialized controllers are given in JS. Defaults to window.controller