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Retail Analytics in Shopping Malls

Project 1


This project analyzes customer shopping data set, which represents 100k anonymized transactions in 10 shopping malls in Istanbul for the period of 1/1/2021 - 3/8/2023. Besides this data set, historical currency exchange rates are used to account for inflation of Turkish lira. Historical weather data set is used to discover any customers' behavior related to weather conditions.

Results of the data analysis are compiled into a presentation.

Technology Stack

Python: pandas, matplotlib, scipy.stats, requests

Jupyter Notebook (IronPython), REST API, CSV

Analytical Stack

Null-hypothesis, ANOVA test, Chi-square test, linear regression

Data Sources

Source Data Files

  • Resources\source\original\customer_shopping_data.csv - original data set from
  • Resources\source\customer_shopping_data.csv - curated data set, result of RandomDataGeneration.ipynb
  • Resources\output\exchange_rate.csv - historical exchange rates, result of CurrencyExchangeAPI.ipynb
  • Resources\output\Istanbul_historical_weather.csv - historical weather, result of WeatherAPI.ipynb
  • Resources\output\customer_shopping_data.csv - combined and refined data set with exchange rates, weather and calendar columns

Project Structure

The project is organized into a few IronPython notebooks:

  1. DataDiscovery.ipynb This notebook represents initial analysis of the original (or curated) data set

  2. RandomDataGeneration.ipynb This notebook curates the original data set in the following way:

    • Generating random prices and quantity to represent more real prices and shopping behavior
    • Random prices also reflect real inflation of Turkish lira
    • Embedding some common shopping patterns

    All prices and quantities are configured at shopping category, gender and month levels.

  3. CurrencyExchangeAPI.ipynb This notebook ingests historical currency exchange rates for Turkish lira to US dollar for each unique date from the main data set

  4. WeatherAPI.ipynb This notebook ingests historical weather in Istanbul for each unique date from the main data set

  5. DataPreparation.ipynb This notebook transforms data from the original data set and ingested data sets in the following way:

    • Merging customer shopping dataset with historical currency exchange rates and weather
    • Calculating price and cost metrics in USD
    • Calculating age groups
    • Calculating cost groups
    • Adding calendar columns
    • Renaming and reordering columns
  6. DataAnalytics.ipynb This notebook performs analysis of the transformed data:

    • Common Analytics - Analytics against the whole data set. Preferable payment methods in Lower and Upper Cost Groups. Test the hypothesis that the price/cost/quantity of products purchased in a single transaction within a certain category depends on the age of customers. Test the hypothesis that the price/cost/quantity of products purchased in a single transaction within a certain category depends on the gender of customers


    • Shopping malls traffic - Checking the hypothesis are there shopping malls that are preferable by females more than males and vice versa?


    • Season Variance Analysis - Analysis of dependency between sales activity and a month of a year. Dependency On Weather Conditions Analysis. Checking the hypothesis that purchases of shoes depend on weather conditions


    • Average weather conditions over year - Indentify weather patterns for different months


    • Seasonal changes of average price and total cost for different categories - Identifying seasonal trends in sales in different categories


    • Analyzing seasonal fluctuations in the average price, total cost, and total quantity on a daily level - Analyzing seasonal fluctuations in the Clothing, Cosmetics, Food & Beverage, Shoes, Souvenir categories


  7. Retail Analytics in Shopping Malls.pdf - presentation about project and its analytical results


To run the analysis, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the repository
  2. Update configuration (if needed) in RandomDataGeneration.ipynb and regenerate source data with embedded patterns
  3. (optional) Obtain API keys from and and store them in file in the root folder under openexchangerates_api_key and visualcrossing_api_key names respectively to re-run CurrencyExchangeAPI.ipynb and WeatherAPI.ipynb. This is not required since historical data for currency exchange rates or weather is not changed
  4. Run DataPreparation.ipynb to re-assembly the main data set for analytics
  5. Run DataAnalytics.ipynb to explore existing analytics and discover new patterns in the shopping data