Over 7000 Holidays that you may or may not have heard of that happen annually - all conveniently available through this API.
Ever wondered what obscure holidays were today? On your birthday? Or this month? Or how many pizza-related holidays there are?
This might be the most complete list of Holidays on the internet - I've aggregated from many sources so all your queries produce the most complete and accurate results!
All API urls are extended off of /api
arguments: none
returns all of the holidays that take place on the date of the GET request in GMT +/- 0:00
GET /api/today
"day": 27,
"month": 8,
"holidays": ["Banana Lovers Day", "The Duchess Who Wasnt Day", "The Duchess Who Wasn't Day", "Petroleum Day", "Tug-of-War Day", "International Bat Night", "National Pots de Cr\u00e8me Day", "Burger Day", "Pots De Creme Day", "National Banana Lovers Day", "International Lottery Day"]
arguments: month, day (both required, both ints.)
returns all annual holidays that take place on month/day/year
GET /api/date/11/26
"day": 26,
"month": 11,
"holidays": ["A Blue Christmas", "National Cake Day", "Cakes Day", "Turkey Free Thanksgiving", "Cake Day", "Day of Mourning"]
arguments: none
returns the date and name of a single random holiday on that date
GET /api/random
"month": 1,
"day": 31,
"holiday": "Gorilla Suit Day"
arguments: month (int, required)
returns all the holidays that take place in the specified month, grouped by the day they occur on.
GET /api/month/4
"month": 4,
"holidays": {
"1": ["Reading Is Funny Day", "Fun at Work Day", "Day Of Hope", "One Cent Day", "Sourdough Bread Day", "Fun Day"],
"2": ["Love Your Produce Manager Day", "Ferret Day", "National Peanut Butter and Jelly Day", "Peanut Butter and Jelly Day", "World Autism Day", "Children's Book Day", "Tell A Lie Day"],
"3": ["National Find a Rainbow Day", "World Party Day", "Poet in a Cupcake Day", "Tweed Day", "Fish Fingers and Custard Day", "Find A Rainbow Day", "Chocolate Mousse Day", "Walk to Work Day"],
"4": ...
returns all the holidays that have titles that pattern match the query parameter, sorted by date
GET /api/search/pizza
"2": {
"9": ["Pizza Day", "National Pizza Day (at least five slices)[1]"],
"10": ["Great American Pizza Bake"],
"16": ["Great American Pizza Bake"]
"4": {
"5": ["Deep Dish Pizza Day"]
"5": {
"15": ["Pizza Party Day"]
"9": {
"5": ["National Cheese Pizza Day", "Cheese Pizza Day"],
"20": ["Pepperoni Pizza Day", "National Pepperoni Pizza Day"]
"10": {
"9": ["Beer and Pizza Day", "International Beer and Pizza Day"],
"11": ["Sausage Pizza Day", "National Sausage Pizza Day"]
"11": {
"12": ["Pizza With The Works Except Anchovies Day", "National Pizza with the Works Except Anchovies Day"]
The data for this app has been scraped from:
- timeanddate.com
- nationaltoday.com
- blankcalendarpages.com
- wikipedia.org
- wikipedia.org again
- daysoftheyear.com
- anydayguide.com
- checkiday.com
Can't find a holiday that you expect?
- suggest adding it under the issues for this project on github
- create a pr and add it yourself
- preferably, follow the procedure in the holiday_agg directory