The easiest way to help out is to submit bug reports and feature requests on our issues page.
When submitting a bug report, please include:
- The device and operating system version that produced the bug
- The version or commit of Routing Library that produced the bug
- Steps required to recreate the issue
- What happened
- What you expected to happen
To develop for the library, it is usually easiest to build and test your changes using either the Mac OS X or Ubuntu desktop targets.
In general, code changes should follow the style of the surrounding code.
When in doubt, you can use the provided clang-format style file for automatic styling.
Install clang-format (available through brew or apt-get):
brew install clang-format
sudo apt-get install clang-format
Run clang-format with specified style (use -i to modify the contents of the specified file):
clang-format -i -style=file [file]