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875 lines (576 loc) · 26 KB
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¿Qué hay de nuevo en Python 3.11?

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Marzo 2020

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Estamos de vuelta

>>> import datetime
>>> import humanize
>>> delta = datetime.datetime(2022, 10, 27) - datetime.datetime(2020, 3, 4)
>>> humanize.i18n.activate("es_ES")
>>> print(repr(humanize.precisedelta(delta)))
"2 años, 7 meses y 23 días"

Python Málaga


Sobre mí Nekmo

Programando en Python desde 2006

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Python 2.5

¿Qué hay de nuevo en Python 3.11?

Listado de cambios

  • PEP 654: Exception Groups y except*.
  • PEP 678: Enriquecer excepciones con notas.
  • PEP 680: tomllib.
  • PEP 657: Mejoras en las indicaciones de error en los tracebacks.
  • Opción -P en la línea de comandos y variable de entorno PYTHONSAFEPATH.
  • PEP 646: Variadic Generics.
  • PEP 655: TypedDict Required/NotRequired.
  • PEP 673: Tipo Self.
  • PEP 675: Tipo de cadena literal arbitraria
  • PEP 681: Data Class Transforms
  • Módulos obsoletos (PEP 594), Py_UNICODE API eliminada (PEP 624) y macros convertidas a funciones estáticas en línea (PEP 670).
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PEP 654: Exception Groups y except*

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.. revealjs-code-block:: python
   :data-line-numbers: 1-2,7,12|11-14|5-7|13-14

    class NameError(Exception):

    def validate_name(value: str) -> None:
        if not value.istitle():
            raise NameError("El nombre debe empezar por mayúscula.")

    form = {"name": "nekmo"}
    except NameError as err:
        print(err)  # Salta el error

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.. revealjs_break::

.. revealjs-code-block:: python
   :data-line-numbers: 13,17|8-10,14,19|21|22-23

    from typing import Iterable, Tuple, Dict, Callable

    class NumberError(Exception):

    def validate_age(value: str) -> None:
        if not value.isdigit():
            raise NumberError("La edad debe ser un valor numérico.")

    form = {"name": "nekmo", "age": "diez"}
    form_validations = [("name", validate_name), ("age", validate_age)]
    exceptions = []

    for form_key, input_validation in input_validations:
        except Exception as err:
    if exceptions:
        raise ExceptionGroup("errors message", exceptions)

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.. revealjs-code-block:: python
   :data-line-numbers: 1-8|3-5|6-8

    except* NameError as eg:
        # Si hay errores NameError esto se llama
        print(f"Errores en el nombre: {eg.exceptions}")
    except* NumberError as eg:
        # Y si hay errores NumberError, esto también
        print(f"Errores numéricos: {eg.exceptions}")

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raise ExceptionGroup("nested",


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PEP 678: Enriquecer excepciones con notas

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.. revealjs-code-block:: python
   :data-line-numbers: 2|3|4|5

         raise TypeError('bad type')
    except Exception as e:
         e.add_note('¡Ah, ah, ah! ¡No has dicho la palabra mágica!')

.. revealjs_break::

.. revealjs-code-block:: python
   :data-line-numbers: 1-4|4

    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "<stdin>", line 2, in <module>
    TypeError: bad type
    ¡Ah, ah, ah! ¡No has dicho la palabra mágica!

.. revealjs_break::

+ Exception Group Traceback (most recent call last):
|   File "", line 4, in test
|     def test(x):
|   File "hypothesis/", line 1202, in wrapped_test
|     raise the_error_hypothesis_found
|     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
| ExceptionGroup: Hypothesis found 2 distinct failures.
+-+---------------- 1 ----------------
    | Traceback (most recent call last):
    |   File "", line 6, in test
    |     assert x > 0
    |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^
    | AssertionError: assert -1 > 0
    | Falsifying example: test(
    |     x=-1,
    | )
    +---------------- 2 ----------------
    | Traceback (most recent call last):
    |   File "", line 5, in test
    |     assert x < 0
    |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^
    | AssertionError: assert 0 < 0
    | Falsifying example: test(
    |     x=0,
    | )

PEP 657: Mejoras en las indicaciones de error en los tracebacks

.. revealjs_break::

.. revealjs-code-block:: python
   :data-line-numbers: 5-6

    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "", line 11, in <module>
        print(manhattan_distance(p1, p2))
      File "", line 6, in manhattan_distance
        return abs(point_1.x - point_2.x) + abs(point_1.y - point_2.y)
    AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'x'

.. revealjs_break::

.. revealjs-code-block:: python
   :data-line-numbers: 4,6-8

    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "", line 11, in <module>
        print(manhattan_distance(p1, p2))
      File "", line 6, in manhattan_distance
        return abs(point_1.x - point_2.x) + abs(point_1.y - point_2.y)
    AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'x'

.. revealjs_break::

.. revealjs-code-block:: python
   :data-line-numbers: 11-13

    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "", line 37, in <module>
      File "", line 18, in magic_arithmetic
        return add_counts(x) / 25
      File "", line 24, in add_counts
        return 25 + query_user(user1) + query_user(user2)
      File "", line 32, in query_user
        return 1 + query_count(db, response['a']['b']['c']['user'], retry=True)
    TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not subscriptable

PEP 680: Tomllib

Tom's Obvious, Minimal Language

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.. revealjs_break::

# This is a TOML document

title = "TOML Example"

name = "Tom Preston-Werner"
dob = 1979-05-27T07:32:00-08:00

enabled = true
ports = [ 8000, 8001, 8002 ]
data = [ ["delta", "phi"], [3.14] ]
temp_targets = { cpu = 79.5, case = 72.0 }


ip = ""
role = "frontend"
.. revealjs_break::

import tomllib

with open("fichero.toml") as f:

Novedades en el tipado

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PEP 646: Variadic Generics

.. revealjs_break::

.. revealjs-code-block:: python
   :data-line-numbers: 9-14|5,18|10-11,18-19|13-14,18,21|1-21

    from typing import Tuple, Generic, TypeVarTuple, TypeVar

    T = TypeVar('T')
    Ts = TypeVarTuple('Ts')  # Esta es la novedad

    # Aquí usamos el TypeVarTuple como definición para el tipo
    class Array(Generic[*Ts]):
        def multiply(self, x: int) -> Tuple[*Ts]:  # Y aquí como return

        def add_dimension(self, t: T) -> Tuple[T, *Ts]:

    # Ts en este caso será [float, int, str]
    my_array: Array[float, int, str] = Array()
    my_array.multiply(2)  # El tipo devuelto será Tuple[float, int, str]
    # El tipo devuelto será Tuple[str, float, int, str]

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    :data-background-color: #000000
    :data-background-image: _static/confused.gif

PEP 655: TypedDict Required/NotRequired

.. revealjs_break::

.. revealjs-code-block:: python
   :data-line-numbers: 1-9|4

    from typing import TypedDict

    class Person(TypedDict, total=False):
        name: str  # Queremos que sea obligatorio pero no lo es
        surname: str  # Queremos que sea obligatorio pero no lo es
        age: int

    person: Person = {"name": "Juan", "surname": "Luna"}

.. revealjs_break::

.. revealjs-code-block:: python
   :data-line-numbers: 4-10|4,9

    from typing import TypedDict

    class PersonRequired(TypedDict, total=True):
        name: str
        surname: str

    class Person(PersonRequired, total=False):
        age: int

    person: Person = {"name": "Juan", "surname": "Luna"}

.. revealjs_break::

.. revealjs-code-block:: python
   :data-line-numbers: 1-10|7

    from typing import NotRequired, Required, TypedDict

    class Person(TypedDict):  # total=True por defecto
        name: str
        surname: str
        age: NotRequired[int]  # age no será requerido por el NotRequired[]

    person: Person = {"name": "Juan", "surname": "Luna"}

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.. revealjs-code-block:: python
   :data-line-numbers: 1-10|4|5-6

    from typing import NotRequired, Required, TypedDict

    class Person(TypedDict, total=False):
        name: Required[str]
        surname: Required[str]
        age: int

    person: Person = {"name": "Juan", "surname": "Luna"}

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    :data-background-image: _static/thumb.gif

PEP 673: Tipo Self

.. revealjs_break::

.. revealjs-code-block:: python
   :data-line-numbers: 10-11

    from typing import Self

    class Customer:

        def __init__(self, name: str, age: int):
   = name
            self.age = age

        def __copy__(self) -> Self:
            return self.__class__(, self.age)

PEP 675: LiteralString

.. revealjs_break::

.. revealjs-code-block:: python
   :data-line-numbers: 1-11|8|11

    from typing import LiteralString, Iterable, Any

    def execute(sql: LiteralString, *params: Iterable[Any]):

   # Esta línea validará, porque pasamos los parámetros de forma segura
   execute("SELECT * FROM data WHERE user_id = ?", [123])

   # Esta línea dará error, porque se modifica el string de entrada previamente
   execute(f"SELECT * FROM data WHERE user_id = {user_id}")  # MEEH! Error.

Más seguridad

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    :data-background-image: _static/security.gif

PEP 681: Data Class Transforms

.. revealjs_break::

# La clase ``ModelBase`` está definida en la biblioteca.
class ModelBase: ...

# La clase ``ModelBase`` puede ser usado para crear nuevos modelos,
# similar a como se hace en estos frameworks.
class CustomerModel(ModelBase):
    id: int
.. revealjs_break::

def dataclass_transform(
    eq_default: bool = True,
    order_default: bool = False,
    kw_only_default: bool = False,
    field_specifiers: tuple[type | Callable[..., Any], ...] = (),
    **kwargs: Any,
) -> Callable[[_T], _T]: ...

¿Qué otras novedades hay?

.. revealjs-fragments::

    * Nuevo argumento ``-P`` en la línea de comandos y variable de entorno ``PYTHONSAFEPATH`` para
      **evitar ejecutar código inseguro**.
    * **PEP 594**: Eliminar módulos muertos de la librería estándar (deprecated, a eliminar en 3.13).
    * **PEP 624**: Eliminadas las APIs de codificación de Py_UNICODE.
    * **PEP 670**: Convertir macros a funciones en la API en C de Python.
    * **¡Y es más rápido!** (10-60% respecto Python 3.10).

Más información

¿Cómo puedo conseguirlo?

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    **¡¡Ya disponible!!**

¿Desde los fuentes?

Python te necesita

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¡Muchas gracias!

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    * `Qué hay de nuevo en Python 3.11 (doc oficial) <>`_.
    * `Preview exception groups (Real Python) <>`_.
    * `Python variadic generics (Anthony Explains) <>`_.

¿Y la presentación?

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