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File metadata and controls

200 lines (153 loc) · 9.25 KB


User Module

Login for all will be different,


Admin will be inherently created => Admins will add Faculty => Faculty will add Students (will support bulk insertion using some method). => All the 3 users can login to their accounts.

Administrator will add departments

Student -

  • enrollmentNumber : Unique identification number assigned to the student for enrollment.

  • name : Name of the student.

  • dob: Date of birth of the student.

  • doa : Date of admission of the studen.

  • email : Email address of the student, used for communication.

  • gender : Gender of the student (options: "Male", "Female", "Other").

  • parentPhoneNumber : Phone number of the student's parent or guardian.

  • bloodGroup : Blood group of the student (options: "A+", "A-", "B+", "B-", "AB+", "AB-", "O+", "O-").

  • phoneNumber : Phone number of the student.

  • address : Address of the student's residence.

  • age : Age of the student.

  • semester : Semester in which the student is currently enrolled.

  • department : Department of the current student.

  • passOutYear : Year of the pass-out of the user.

  • profilePicture : Profile Picture of the user.

    Faculty -

  • name : Name of the faculty member.

  • department : Department to which the faculty member is assigned.

  • address : Address of the faculty member's residence or office.

  • phone_no : Phone number of the faculty member.

  • email : Email address of the faculty member.

  • designation : Designation of the faculty member.

  • qualification : Array of qualifications attained by the faculty member.

  • experience : Number of years of teaching experience.

  • doj : Date of joining (employment start date) of the faculty member.

  • dob : Date of birth of the faculty member.

  • salary : Salary of the faculty member.

  • semesters : Semesters the faculty member is responsible for teaching.

  • subjects : Subjects taught by the faculty member.

  • profilePicture : Profile picture of the faculty.

  • isHOD: true if the user is a HOD of the department.

Admin: -

  • email : Email address of the admin, used for communication and password recovery. (String, Required, Unique)
  • fullName : Full name of the admin. (String, Required)
  • phone : Phone number of the admin for contact purposes. (String)
  • doj : Date of joining of the admin.
  • isActive : Indicates whether the admin account is currently active. (Boolean, Default: true)
  • profilePicture : URL or file path to the admin's profile picture or avatar.

Department and Subject


  • name : Name of the department.
  • departmentId : Unique identifier for the department.
  • headOfDepartment : Name or ID of the faculty member who heads the department. (virtuals) to be calculated by checking the one with isHOD flag ON
  • contactEmail : Email address for contacting the department.
  • contactPhone : Phone number for contacting the department.
  • officeLocation : Location or office room number where the department is located within the college campus.
  • budget : Budget allocated to the department for academic and administrative expenses.
  • researchAreas : Areas of research or specialization within the department.
  • facilities : List of facilities or resources available to students and faculty within the department (e.g., labs, libraries, equipment).
  • accreditation : Accreditation status or certifications obtained by the department.
  • events : Upcoming events or activities organized by the department.


  • name - Name of the subject
  • subject code - Subject Code.
  • semester - Semester of the subject.
  • department - Department of the subject
  • description - Description of the subject
  • credit - Number of credits assigned to the subject.
  • hoursPerWeek - Number of hourse per week.
  • resources - Additional resources or materials available to students for studying the subject (e.g., online lectures, tutorials).
  • syllabus - will be added later.


This schema represents an exam within a college management system.

  • name: Name of the exam. (String, required)
  • description: Description of the exam. (String, required)
  • totalMarks: Total marks allocated for the exam. (Number, required)
  • subject: Reference to the Subject schema representing the subject associated with the exam. (ObjectId, required)
  • examType: Type of the exam, chosen from predefined options. (String, enum, required)
    • Valid options: "Mid-Semester", "End-Semester", "Quiz", "Assignment", "Lab", "Project", "Viva", "Other"
    • The totalMarks and exam type must be consistent according to the following rules:
      • Mid-Semester: 30 totalMarks
      • End-Semester: 70 totalMarks
      • Quiz: Total marks less than 100
      • Assignment: Total marks less than 100
      • Lab: 100 totalMarks
      • Project: 100 totalMarks
      • Viva: 20 totalMarks
  • date: Date of the exam. (Date, required)
  • duration: Duration of the exam in hours. (Number, required)

Additional features:

  • Validation: The schema includes validation to ensure that the exam type and totalMarks are consistent.
  • Timestamps: The schema automatically generates createdAt and updatedAt timestamps.


This schema represents the result of an exam for a student within a college management system.

  • student: Reference to the Student schema representing the student who took the exam. (ObjectId, required)
  • exam: Reference to the Exam schema representing the exam for which the result is recorded. (ObjectId, required)
  • marks: Marks obtained by the student in the exam. (Number, required)
  • percentage (Virtual Field): Percentage of marks obtained by the student in the exam, calculated based on the total marks of the exam. (Virtual)
  • grade (Virtual Field): Grade obtained by the student in the exam, determined based on the percentage of marks obtained. (Virtual)

Additional features:

  • Timestamps: The schema automatically generates createdAt and updatedAt timestamps.
  • Virtual Fields: The schema includes virtual fields to calculate the percentage and grade based on the marks obtained and the total marks of the exam.
  • JSON and Object Serialization: The virtual fields are included in the JSON and Object representations of the schema.

Final Result Schema:

This schema represents the final result of a student for a semester within a college management system.

  • student: Reference to the Student schema representing the student for whom the final result is recorded. (ObjectId, required)
  • semester: Semester for which the final result is recorded. (Number, required)
  • examResults: Array of references to ExamResult schema representing the individual exam results of the student for the semester. (Array of ObjectId, required)
  • achievedMarks (Virtual Field): Total marks achieved by the student in all exams for the semester. (Virtual)
  • totalMarks (Virtual Field): Total marks possible in all exams for the semester. (Virtual)
  • percentage (Virtual Field): Percentage of marks achieved by the student in the semester. (Virtual)
  • grade (Virtual Field): Grade obtained by the student in the semester based on the percentage of marks achieved. (Virtual)
  • spi (Virtual Field): Semester Performance Index (SPI) calculated based on the percentage of marks achieved. (Virtual)

Additional features:

  • Timestamps: The schema automatically generates createdAt and updatedAt timestamps.
  • Virtual Fields: The schema includes virtual fields to calculate the achieved marks, total marks, percentage, grade, and SPI based on the exam results.
  • JSON and Object Serialization: The virtual fields are included in the JSON and Object representations of the schema.
  • Aggregation: Aggregation pipeline is used to compute the achieved marks and total marks from the individual exam results.


- Student ✅
- Faculty ✅
- Admin ✅
- Department ✅
- Subject ✅
- Exams ✅
- ExamResult ✅
- FinalResult✅
- Assignments ✅
- SubmittedAssignment ✅
- Payment
- Syllabus

*Later additions*
- Placement Records
- Participating Companies
- Recruiter login and other functionalities

Exam module

- Faculties can create Quizzes and other examinations individually.
- They can create Quizzes and Project submissions
- Updates can be applied to the exams by the creators and the admins
- Result will be added by the faculties for the students.


- Hod of the subject will create exams for the Mid-Sems, Viva and Internal Examinations
- It should happen by a button generate and a type of exam, starting and ending date - then we generate the exams.
- Appropriate updates will be applied to the examinations by the HOD
- Faculties of their particular subject will add the marks of the students by their enrollment no using excel sheet uploading 

Result Module

  • the result will be added for each and every exam

Features to be added - Feature Request, Bug Report, Book Store, Forum


  • Landing Page with College Introduction, Departments list, click on view details for the department, department details from GET /departments route
  • When logged in show the students section with the data from the API:

We'll use pnpm for package management. checkout at PNPM

changes -

  • result populate
  • subject