- Obtain the source code via git
git clone https://github.com/Nepochal/wallabag-cli.git
- Install python 3.4.2 or above
- Install all missing dependencies via pip
pip install -r requirements.txt
The program can now be used by executing wallabag.py.
Next steps
- Create a config
wallabag.py config
- See the help
wallabag.py --help
This project uses semantic versioning.
All releases have a tag with the scheme "x.y.z-identifier". Identifiers can be alpha, beta, rc1, rc2... Final releases have no identifier.
The master-branch always heads on the latest release.
The hotfix-branch includes bugfixes for the next hotfix-patch.
The develop-branch consists of changes for the next feature-update.
Every other branch is a temporary branch for a single purpose.
Feel free to send me issues or pull requests. If you wish to contribute than use a different new branch for the pull request.
Pull requests on the master-, hotfix- or develop-branches will be rejected unseen!