CoreFn is the intermediate format for purescript, it has no formal specification. This document tries to document its behaviure rathern then be a specification it should follow.
CoreFn files are jsonfiles, one per module that gets compiled.
example folder structure:
- Main\
- corefn.json
- Effect.Console\
- corefn.json
In contrast to Purescript corefn files are placed in a folder sharing the name of the module its describing.
The top element is a module object
{ "builtWith": "0.15.8"
, "comments":[]
, "decls":[]
, "exports":[]
, "foreign":[]
, "imports":[]
, "moduleName":["Main"]
, "modulePath":"src/Main.purs"
, "reExports":{}
, "sourceSpan":{}
Most (all?) nodes under decls has either a type
member or a *Type
member telling what layout that particular json object has, and what type it represents.