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File metadata and controls

108 lines (97 loc) · 5.49 KB

API Document


The device table has five columns: id, device_type, manage_ip, name, rack_no. The column id is auto-incremented, column name is not nullable and should be unique.

  1. Get the infomation of all devices
    • GET /device
    • Return a list of all devices in json format.
  2. Get the infomation of a certain device
    • GET /device/{name}
    • Return the infomation of the certain device in json format.
    • Error: {"error": "NO DEVICE"} if the device does not exist.
  3. Add a new device
    • POST /device/add
    • BODY: in json format, the following fields are required: device_type, manage_ip, name, rack_no. For example: { "device_type": "", "manage_ip": "", "name": "QSH.SW1", "rack_no": "" }
    • Return the infomation of the new device in json format.
    • Error: {"error": "DEVICE EXISTS"} if the device already exists.
  4. Delete a device
    • DELETE /device/delete/{name}
    • Return the infomation of the deleted device in json format.
    • Error: {"error": "NO DEVICE"} if the device does not exist.
  5. Update a device's type
    • POST /device/update/type
    • BODY: in form data format, the following fields are required: name, deviceType.
    • Error: {"error": "NO DEVICE"} if the device does not exist.
  6. Update a device's manage ip
    • POST /device/update/manageIp
    • BODY: in form data format, the following fields are required: name, manageIp.
    • Return the infomation of the updated device in json format.
    • Error: {"error": "NO DEVICE"} if the device does not exist.
  7. Update a device's rack no
    • POST /device/update/rackNo
    • Return the infomation of the updated device in json format.
    • BODY: in form data format, the following fields are required: name, rackNo.
    • Error: {"error": "NO DEVICE"} if the device does not exist.


The member table has five columns: id, name, student_id, bank_num and phone_num. The column id is auto-incremented, column name and student_id is not nullable and should be unique.

  1. Get the infomation of all members
    • GET /member
    • Return a list of all members in json format.
  2. Get the infomation of a certain member
    • GET /member/{studentId}
    • Return the infomation of the certain member in json format.
    • Error: {"error": "NO MEMBER"} if the member does not exist.
  3. Add a new member
    • POST /member/add
    • BODY: in json format, the following fields are required: name, student_id, bank_num, phone_num. For example: { "name": "david", "studentId": "2020010101001", "bankNum": "", "phoneNum": "" }
    • Return the infomation of the new member in json format.
    • Error: {"error": "MEMBER EXISTS"} if the member already exists.
  4. Delete a member
    • DELETE /member/delete/{studentId}
    • Return the infomation of the deleted member in json format.
    • Error: {"error": "NO MEMBER"} if the member does not exist.
  5. Update a member's bank number
    • POST /member/update/bank
    • BODY: in form data format, the following fields are required: studentId, bankNum.
    • Return the infomation of the updated member in json format.
  6. Update a member's phone number
    • POST /member/update/phone
    • BODY: in form data format, the following fields are required: studentId, phoneNum.
    • Return the infomation of the updated member in json format.
    • Error: {"error": "NO MEMBER"} if the member does not exist.


The user table has four columns: id, username, password and authority. The column id is auto-incremented, every column is not nullable and column username should be unique.

  1. Get the infomation of all users
    • GET /user
    • Return a list of all users in json format.
  2. Get the infomation of a certain user
    • GET /user/{username}
    • Return the infomation of the certain user in json format.
  3. Add a new user
    • POST /user/add
    • BODY: in json format, the following fields are required: username, password, authority. For example: { "username": "david", "password": "123456", "authority": "admin,user" } The password SHOULD NOT be encrypted, it will be encrypted before storing in the database.
    • Return the infomation of the new user in json format.
    • Error: {"error": "USER EXISTS"} if the user already exists.
  4. Delete a user
    • DELETE /user/delete/{username}
    • Return the infomation of the deleted user in json format.
    • Error: {"error": "NO USER"} if the user does not exist.
  5. Update a user's authority
    • POST /user/update/authority
    • BODY: in form data format, the following fields are required: username, authority.
    • Return the infomation of the updated user in json format.
  6. Update a user's password
    • POST /user/update/password
    • BODY: in form data format, the following fields are required: username, oldPassword and newPassword. All passowrds SHOULD NOT be encrypted, it will be encrypted before storing in the database and the bank end will automatically match the old password with the existed one.
    • Return {"success": "PASSWORD CHANGED"}.
    • Error: {"error": "NO USER"} if the user does not exist. {"error": "WRONG PASSWORD"} if the old password is wrong.


  1. Main page
    • GET /index
    • Return "Welcome to NetUnion Manager!"
  2. From Login
    • POST /login
    • BODY: in form data format, the following fields are required: username and password.
    • Return to /index if the login is successful by default.
  3. GitHub login
    • GET /oauth2/authorization/github
    • Return to /index if the login is successful by default.