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Installing Arska to Shelly Pro 1 v.1

Olli edited this page May 26, 2023 · 7 revisions


Please note that according to the license of the (Arska) software there is no warranty or liability. Read the manufacturer's instructions and think before you decide start programming or installing a reprogrammed device. However, one instruction regarding programming safety: According to many sources the device's programming port is not intended to be used when the device is connected to the mains. So, disconnect the device from the mains before connecting to the programming port.

  • There is comprehensive information about Shelly Pro 1 at ESPHome site, where I got e.g. the pin sequence of the programming interface and the relay connection through the SN74HC595 circuit. You can find more instructions on YouTube and the internet in general.

  • Shelly Pro 1 relays or LEDs are not controlled directly via the GPIO outputs, but there is an SN74HC595 (shift register) circuit in between. Uncomment a line //define HW_EXTENSIONS_ENABLED in main.cpp:to enable SN74HC595 support in the latest Arska version. Then build and upload the firmware and filesystem to the device.

  • I used an adapter with FT232 circuit (Aliexpress). At Shelly's end, a 1.27 mm a female header was used. I put thin single-stranded connecting wires (approx. 0.5mm) and glued wires to the female header with two-component glue .

  • When TX,RX, GND and 3V3 are connected correctly to the adapter and the device is in programming mode - Shelly Pro goes into programming mode (flashing mode) when the GIO0 pin is connected to ground during startup - you can use PlatformIO to upload the Arska firmware and filesystem.

  • The USB adapter I always used was not able to supply enough power for Arska to operate, but the device restarted as soon as the Wi-Fi was turned on by Arska. For this reason, I connected the device to a separate 12V DC power source for test use. Some Shelly versions probably do not support 12 V power input. Arska does not support Shelly ethernet port (RJ45).

  • has VoltLink adapters for Shelly programming for sale. Next batch should arrive in June 2023. I haven't tested that adapter yet. If it works, it's easier to buy than to do it yourself.

  • Before upload, I backed up Shelly's program from the device to my computer. Recovery seemed to work too.

#backup, —port parameters depends you computer OS, adapter etc
` --port /dev/port_id --baud 115200 read_flash 0 0x800000 shelly1probackup.bin`
` --port /dev/cu.usbserial-A50285BI --baud 115200 write_flash 0 shelly1probackup.bin`