In this challenge, the goal is to survive as long as possible. Your snake need to eat a fruit only when it necessary. At some point the board will be full of fruits, so it important that your snake chase it own tail. I think that each turn there's 15% chance that a fruit spawn.
My snake's strategy is to go in a corner, then tail-chasing until low health. Get a fruit and immediatly return tail-chasing. Repeat until a fruit spawn in my snake way to tail-chasing, and my snake die. You can use a pre-determine path in that challenge.
My snake isn't fully optimize, but with luck, I'm sure that it's possible to reach >2000 turns.
To reach my highscore, I got a lot of luck...
In this challenge, the goal is to reach the longest possible length. The board is 7x7 so 49 squares. Because the snake grow after eating, it's possible to reach a length of 50.
I found that the "easiest" way to complete that challenge was to use two pre-determined paths. First one was a tail-chasing path until the board is full of fruits. And then a other path to eat all fruits on board.
In this challenge, the goal is to survive as long as possible, as challenge #1 but you're playing against/with yourself. First it's important that your snake can play "two games" at the same time, because your snake will receive two "move" request each turn, one of each snake. As soon a snake die, the challenge end.
I used a similar strategy as Challenger #1, my snakes have two pre-determined path ( one of each snake), and going a lot of tail-chasing.
In this challenge, the goal is to keep all 4 snakes alive as soon as possible. There's many strategies possible. One of them is to split the board in four section and code your snake to stay in thier section. Another strategy is to "tail-chase" until food need.
In this challenger you must occupy the four corner when your snake die. The board is larger than usual, it's 19x19. A good strategy is the eat as long your snake reach the minimum size required. I think the minimun is a size of 54. Then follow the board edge, and as soon you occupy the four corner, the snake must kill itself (going out-of-bound)
In this challenge, you must keep two snakes alives as long as possible under BattleRoyale rules. I had hard-time to reach the gold cup. My strategy was to kill one of my snake early, you let more space to my other snakes. Afther that, my snakes eat only when necessary.
This challenge is still in BETA - may change in the future. The goal is to beat all snakes. Just a normal game. I got bit lucky on that one. I got it on my first try. I didn't use any strategy, just a regular game.