* Neuroxiq 2022
* Arctium Project / Code example
* TLS 1.3 - Server Name
* Example demonstrates how to configure Server Name on server side
* [example output]
* > Server name config - Received servername: localhost
using Arctium.Standards.Connection.Tls.Tls13.API;
using Arctium.Standards.Connection.Tls.Tls13.API.Extensions;
using System.Net;
using System.Net.Sockets;
using System.Text;
using System.Web;
namespace ConsoleAppTest
// This is a configuration of Server Name on server side
// Not that it inherits from abstract class and must override
// Handle method. Possible results are specified in example
class ConfigServerName : ExtensionServerConfigServerName
public override ResultAction Handle(byte[] hostName)
string hostNameString = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(hostName);
Console.WriteLine("Server name config - Received servername: {0}", hostNameString);
if (hostNameString == "localhost")
return ResultAction.Success;
return ResultAction.Ignore;
// also if needed can abort handshake with following return:
return ResultAction.AbortFatalAlertUnrecognizedName;
internal class MainProgram
static Socket socket;
static void Main()
socket = new Socket(SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp);
socket.Bind(new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Loopback, 444));
static void StartServer()
var certificateWithPrivateKey = Tls13Resources.CERT_WITH_KEY_cert_rsaencrypt_2048_sha256_1;
var serverContext = Tls13ServerContext.Default(new[] { certificateWithPrivateKey });
/* Configuration of Server Name */
// create instance of custom config class
serverContext.Config.ConfigureExtensionServerName(new ConfigServerName());
var tlsServer = new Tls13Server(serverContext);
var networkStream = AcceptSocketNetworkStream();
var tlsStream = tlsServer.Accept(networkStream, out var connectionInfo);
// read from stream, do something etc. ...
// tlsstream.read(...)
static NetworkStream AcceptSocketNetworkStream()
var rawSocket = socket.Accept();
return new NetworkStream(rawSocket);