sast-scan has decent integration with CircleCI. This repo contains an example for a yaml pipeline that invokes sast-scan using docker run.
- CircleCI does not support docker volume mounts. A suggested workaround is to use
docker create
along withdocker cp
to copy the repo with compiled code and then perform sast-scan against that.
The config is reproduced here for convenience.
- checkout
- setup_remote_docker
- run:
name: Compile and prepare volume
command: |
# Compile the code
mvn compile
# Create a dummy container with the application data
docker create -v /app --name appcon alpine:3.4 /bin/true
# Copy the repo to the temporary volume
docker cp $PWD appcon:/app
- run:
name: Perform sast-scan
command: |
set +e
# start an application container using this volume
docker run --name sastscan -e "WORKSPACE=${CIRCLE_REPOSITORY_URL}" --volumes-from appcon scan --src /app --out_dir /app/reports
# Copy the reports
docker cp sastscan:/app/reports reports
- store_artifacts:
path: reports
destination: sast-scan-reports
In the above snippet, almost all the steps are necessary.
- setup_remote_docker - This is required for performing docker create, cp commands etc
- mvn compile - Certain tools expect both the source code and its compiled form. Hence it is necessary to compile and build the application before performing sast-scan
docker create and cp
- This is the workaround for the lack of volume mounts in CircleCI. If you are not a fan of this, then ask CircleCI to implement the mount feature 😒set +e
- This prevents the docker run command from breaking the build so that the reports can be stored and viewed later on. Alternatively, if you indeed want the build to break then remove this line.docker cp
- This is how the produced reports are copied back to the build containerstore_artifacts
- Stores reports as an artifact for later use