This document was authored by members of the Experience API Working Group (see list on pp. 7-8) in support of the Office of the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense (Readiness) Advanced Distributed Learning (ADL) Initiative. Please send all feedback and inquiries to
1.0. Revision History
2.0. Role of the Experience API
2.1. ADL's Role in the Experience API
2.2. Contributors
2.2.1. Working Group Participants
2.2.2. Requirements Gathering Participants
3.0. Definitions
4.0. Statement
4.1. Statement Properties
4.1.1. ID
4.1.2. Actor
4.1.3. Verb
4.1.4. Object
4.1.5. Result
4.1.6. Context
4.1.7. Timestamp
4.1.8. Stored
4.1.9. Authority
4.1.10. Voided
4.1.11. Attachments
4.1.12. Signed Statements
4.1.13. Data Constraints
4.2. Retrieval of Statements
5.0. Miscellaneous Types
5.1. Document
5.2. Language Map
5.3. Extensions
5.4. Identifier Metadata
6.0. Runtime Communication
6.1. Encoding
6.2. API Versioning
6.3. Concurrency
6.4. Security
6.4.1. Authentication Definitions
6.4.2. OAuth Authorization Scope
7.0. Data Transfer (REST)
7.1. Error Codes
7.2. Statement API
7.3. Document APIs
7.4. State API
7.5. Activity Profile API
7.6. Agent Profile API
7.7. About resource
7.8. Cross Origin Requests
7.9. Validation
Appendix A: Bookmarklet
Appendix B: Creating an "IE Mode" Request
Appendix C: Example definitions for activities of type "cmi.interaction"
Appendix D: Example statements
Appendix E: Converting Statements to 1.0.0
Appendix F: Example Signed Statement
Rustici Software, who delivered the Project Tin Can API, made modifications to the API prior to the April 2012 Kickoff Meeting. It was voted in this meeting to move those changes into the current spec and revision to 0.9.
"Core" verbs and activity types were removed from the specification. References to these verbs in results, context, interactions, and activity definitions were also removed. It was recommended that implementers prefer community defined verbs to creating their own verbs.
- Verbs, activity types, and extension keys are now URIs
- Restructured and added language around some of the other implementation details and scope.
- Changed from using a person-centric view of agents to a persona-centric view.
- Friend of a Friend (FOAF) agent merging requirement was removed.
- Agent objects must now have exactly 1 uniquely identifying property, instead of at least one.
Various refinements and clarifications including:
- Adding attachments
- Activity metadata is now stored as JSON rather than XML
- Changes to voiding statements
- Clarification and naming of the Document APIs
- Changes to querying the Statement API
- Signed statements
Specifically, the Experience API provides:
The structure and definition of statement, state, learner, activity and objects, which are the means by which experiences are conveyed by a Learning Activity Provider.
Data Transfer methods for the storage and retrieval (but not validation) of these objects to/from a Learning Record Store. Note that the systems storing or retrieving records need not be Learning Activity Providers. LRSs may communicate with other LRSs, or reporting systems.
Security methods allowing for the trusted exchange of information between the Learning Record Store and trusted sources.
The Experience API is the first of many envisioned technologies that will enable a richer architecture of online learning and training. Authentication services, querying services, visualization services, and personal data services are some examples of additional technologies for which the Experience API is designed to support. While the implementation details of these services are not specified here, the Experience API is designed with this larger architectural vision in mind.
### 2.1 ADL's Role in the Experience API ADL has taken a role of steward and facilitator in the development of the Experience API. The Experience API is seen as one piece of the ADL Training and Learning Architecture, which facilitates learning anytime and anywhere. ADL views the Experience API as an evolved version of SCORM that can support similar use cases, but can also support many of the use cases gathered by ADL and submitted by those involved in distributed learning which SCORM could not enable. ### 2.2 Contributors My thanks to everyone who contributed to the Experience API project. Many of you have called into the weekly meetings and helped to shape the specification into something that is useful for the entire distributed learning community. Many of you assisted in releasing code samples, products, and documentation to aid those who are creating and adopting the specification. I'd also like to thank all of those who were involved in supplying useful, honest information about your organization's use of SCORM and other learning best practices. Through the use-cases, shared experiences, and knowledge you have shared, ADL and the community clearly identified the first step in creating the Training and Learning Architecture--the Experience API. You are truly the community leaders on which we depend to make our training and education the very best.Kristy S. Murray, Ed.D.
Director, ADL Initiative
OSD, Training Readiness & Strategy (TRS)
Name: | Organization: |
Aaron Silvers | ADL |
Al Bejcek | NetDimensions |
Ali Shahrazad | SaLTBOX |
Andrew Downes | Epic |
Andy Johnson | ADL |
Andy Whitaker | Rustici Software |
Anthony Altieri | American Red Cross |
Anto Valan | Omnivera Learning Solutions |
Avron Barr | Aldo Ventures, Inc. |
Ben Clark | Rustici Software |
Bill McDonald | Boeing |
Brian J. Miller | Rustici Software |
Chad Udell | Float Mobile Learning |
Dan Allen | Litmos |
Dan Kuemmel | Sentry Insurance |
Dave Mozealous | Articulate |
David Ells | Rustici Software |
Doug Hagy | Twin Lakes Consulting Corporation |
Eric Johnson | Planning and Learning Technologies, Inc. |
Fiona Leteney | Feenix e-learning |
Greg Tatka | Menco Social Learning |
Ingo Dahn | University Koblenz-Landau |
Jason Haag | ADL |
Jeff Place | Questionmark |
Jennifer Cameron | Sencia Corporate Web Solutions |
Jeremy Brockman | |
Joe Gorup | CourseAvenue |
John Kleeman | Questionmark |
Jonathan Poltrack | ADL |
Kris Miller | edcetra Training |
Kris Rockwell | Hybrid Learning Systems |
Lang Holloman | |
Lou Wolford | ADL |
Luke Hickey | dominKnow |
Marcus Birtwhistle | ADL |
Mark Davis | Exambuilder |
Megan Bowe | Rustici Software |
Melanie VanHorn | ADL |
Michael Flores | Here Everything's Better |
Michael Roberts | vTrainingRoom |
Mike Palmer | OnPoint Digital |
Mike Rustici | Rustici Software |
Nik Hruska | ADL |
Patrick Kedziora | Kedzoh |
Paul Roberts | Questionmark |
Rich Chetwynd | Litmos |
Richard Fouchaux | Ontario Human Rights Commission |
Richard Lenz | Organizational Strategies, Inc. |
Rick Raymer | Serco |
Rob Chadwick | ADL |
Robert Lowe | |
Russell Duhon | SaLTBOX |
Stephen Trevorrow | Problem Solutions, LLC. |
Steve Baumgartner | |
Steve Flowers | XPConcept |
Thomas Ho | |
Tim Martin | Rustici Software |
Tom Creighton | ADL |
Walt Grata | ADL |
Since you’re reading this document, it’s probably safe to say that you’re interested in understanding the Experience API (xAPI), informally called the "Tin Can API". The purpose of this document is to describe how the xAPI is implemented in a large variety of systems. It’s a fairly technical document by nature and you may decide that you don’t understand much of it. Even so, there are useful things to learn by reading further. Not only because the tools that you work with are based on the specifications described below; the technical people that you talk to may assume that you have a basic level of knowledge. For this reason you’re advised to read the small sections labeled ‘description’ and ‘rationale’ while skipping the ‘details’ and ‘examples’. Needless to say, many other sources can be found that explain xAPI very well, but this document is the core of them all.
## 3.0 Definitions- Activity
- Authentication
- Authorization
- Community of Practice
- Experience API (xAPI)
- Immutable
- Inverse Functional Identifier
- Learning Activity Provider
- Learning Management System (LMS)
- Learning Record Store (LRS)"
- [MUST / SHOULD / MAY](<#def-must-should-may)
- Profile
- Registration
- Service
- State
- Statement
- Tin Can API (TCAPI)
Property | Type | Default | Description |
id | UUID | UUID assigned by LRS if not set by the Learning Activity Provider. | |
actor | Object | Who the statement is about, as an Agent or Group object. Represents the "I" in "I Did This". | |
verb | Object | Action of the Learner or Team object. Represents the "Did" in "I Did This". | |
object | Object | Activity, agent, or another statement that is the object of the statement. Represents the "This" in "I Did This". Note that objects which are provided as a value for this field should include a "objectType" field. If not specified, the object is assumed to be an activity. | |
result | Object | Result object, further details representing a measured outcome relevant to the specified verb. | |
context | Object | Context that gives the statement more meaning. Examples: a team the actor is working with, altitude at which a scenario was attempted in a flight simulator. | |
timestamp | Date/Time | Timestamp (Formatted according to ISO 8601) of when what this statement describes happened. If not provided, LRS should set this to the value of "stored" time. | |
stored | Date/Time | Timestamp (Formatted according to ISO 8601) of when this statement was recorded. Set by LRS. | |
authority | Object | Agent who is asserting this statement is true. Verified by the LRS based on authentication, and set by LRS if left blank. | |
version | String | "1.0.0" | xAPI version the statement conforms to. Set by LRS. |
attachments | Array of attachment objects | false | Headers for attachments to the statement |
An example of the simplest possible statement using all properties that MUST or SHOULD be used:
"id": "12345678-1234-5678-1234-567812345678",
See Appendix D: Example statements for more examples.
#### 4.1.1 ID:A UUID (see RFC 4122 for requirements, and the UUID must be in standard string form).
- SHOULD be generated by the Learning Activity Provider.
- MUST be generated by the LRS if a statement is received without an ID.
A mandatory Agent or Group object.
##### Agent ###### Description: An Agent (an individual) is a persona or system that can be involved in an action.An agent...
- MUST be identified by one (1) of the four types of inverse functional identifiers (see Inverse functional Identifier).
- MUST NOT include more than one (1) inverse functional identifier;
- SHOULD NOT use inverse functional identifiers that are also used for any Groups;
- is an important concept in relation to OAuth, see the section on OAuth for details.
The table below lists the properties of Agent objects, other than the inverse functional identifiers (see Inverse functional Identifier).
Property | Type | Description |
objectType | string | "Agent". This property is optional except when the Agent is used as a statement's Object. |
name | string | Full name of the Agent. This property is optional. |
A Group...
- represents collections of Agents;
- can be used most places an Agent can;
- can either be anonymous or identified.
An anonymous group...
- MAY be used to describe a cluster of people where there is no ready identifier for this cluster, e.g. an ad hoc team;
- MUST include a 'member' property listing constituent Agents;
- MUST NOT contain Group objects in the 'member' property.
- MUST NOT include any inverse functional identifiers
The table below lists all properties of an anonymous Group.
Property | Type | Description |
objectType | String | "Group". This property is required. |
name | String | Name of the group. Optional. |
member | Array of Agent objects | The members of this Group. |
An identified group...
- MUST include exactly one (1) inverse functional identifier;
- MAY include a 'member' property listing constituent Agents;
- MUST NOT contain Group objects in the 'member' property.
- SHOULD NOT use inverse functional identifiers that are also used for any Agents.
The table below lists all properties of an identified Group, other than the inverse functional identifiers (see Inverse functional Identifier).
Property | Type | Description |
objectType | String | "Group". This property is required. |
name | String | Name of the group. Optional. |
member | Array of Agent objects | The members of this Group. |
A system consuming Statements...
- MUST consider each anonymous Group distinct even if it has an identical set of members;
- MUST NOT assume that Agents in the 'member' property comprise an exact list of agents in a given anonymous or identified Group.
Learning experiences become meaningless if they cannot be attributed to identifiable individuals and/or groups. In an xAPI statement this is accomplished with a set of inverse functional identifiers loosely inspired on the widely accepted FOAF principle (see: Friend Of A Friend).
Property | Type | Description |
mbox | mailto URI | The required format is "mailto:email address". The local part of the email address must be URI encoded. Only emails that have only ever been and will ever be assigned to this Agent, but no others, should be used for this property and mbox_sha1sum. |
mbox_sha1sum | string | The SHA1 hash of a mailto URI (i.e. the value of an mbox property). An LRS MAY include Agents with a matching hash when a request is based on an mbox. |
openID | URI | An openID that uniquely identifies the Agent. |
account | account object | A user account on an existing system e.g. an LMS or intranet. |
A user account on an existing system, such as a private system (LMS or intranet) or a public system (social networking site).
- If the system that provides the "account" uses OpenID, the Learning Activity Provider SHOULD use the openID property instead of account.
- If the Learning Activity Provider is concerned about revealing personally identifiable information about an Agent or Group, it SHOULD use an opaque account name (for example an account number) to identify all statements about a person while maintaining anonimity.
The table below lists all properties of Account objects.
Property | Type | Description |
homepage | URL | The canonical home page for the system the account is on. This is based on FOAF's accountServiceHomePage. |
name | string | The unique ID or name used to log in to this account. This is based on FOAF's accountName. |
This example shows an agent identified by an opaque account:
"objectType": "Agent",
"account": {
"homePage": "",
"name": "1625378"
The verb defines the action between actor and activity. It asserts what is done by the actor in relation to the activity. Verbs appear in statements as objects consisting of a URI and a set of display names.
The verb in an xAPI statement describes the learning experience. The xAPI does not specify any particular verbs. (With one exception, namely the reserved verb ''). Instead, it defines how to create verbs so that communities of practice can coin their own meaningful verbs and make them available for use by anyone. A predefined list of verbs would be limited by definition and they might not be able to effectively capture all possible future learning experiences.
The Verb URI identifies the particular semantics of a word, not the word itself.
For example, the English word "fired" could mean different things depending on context, such as "fired a weapon", "fired a kiln", or "fired an employee". In this case, a URI MUST identify one of these specific meanings, not the word "fired".
A verb in the Experience API is a URI, and denotes a specific meaning not tied to any particular language.
For example, a particular verb URI such as might denote the action of firing a gun, or the verb URIفعل/خواندن might denote the action of reading a book.
The person who coins a new verb...
- MUST own the URI, or...
- MUST have permission from the owner to use it to denote an xAPI verb;
- SHOULD make a human-readable description of the intended usage of the verb accessible at the URI.
ADL released a set of recommended verbs. Other lists have been published by other groups and organisations. If the meaning of one of the verbs on these lists is intended, Learning Activity Providers...
- SHOULD use the corresponding existing verb;
- MAY create and use their own verbs where a suitable verb does not already exist.
In some future version, this specification might specify additional machine-readable information about the verb be made available, but the choice to do so is postponed to monitor emerging practices and pain points.
The verb object is the representation of a verb that is actually included in a statement. It consists of:
- a reference the verb itself via a URI;
- a display property which provides the human-readable meaning of the verb in one or more languages.
The display property:
- MUST be used to illustrate the meaning which is already determined by the verb URI;
- MUST NOT be used to alter the meaning of a verb;
- SHOULD be used by all statements.
A system reading a statement:
- MUST use the verb URI to infer meaning;
- MUST NOT use the display property to infer any meaning from the statement;
- MUST NOT use the display property for any purpose other than display to a human. For example, the display property MUST NOT be used for aggregation or categorization of statements.
The table below lists all properties of the Verb object.
Property | Type | Description | Example |
id | URI | Corresponds to a verb definition. Each verb definition corresponds to the meaning of a verb, not the word. The URI should be human-readable and contain the verb meaning. | id : "" |
display | Language Map | The human readable representation of the verb in one or more languages. This does not have any impact on the meaning of the statement, but serves to give a human-readable display of the meaning already determined by the chosen verb. | display : { "en-US" : "ran"} display : { "en-US" : "ran", "es" : "corrió" } |
The verb in the table above is included for illustrative purposes only. This is not intended to imply that a verb with this meaning has been defined with this id. This applies to all example verbs given in this specification document, with the exception of the reserved verb ''.
####4.1.4 Object ###### DefinitionThe object of a statement is the Activity, Agent, or Statement that is the object of the statement. It is the "this" part of the statement, cf. "I did this".
Objects which are provided as a value for this field SHOULD include an "objectType" field. If not specified, the object is assumed to be an Activity. Other valid values are: Agent, Statement or StatementRef.
Objects in a statement may be either an Activity, an Agent or another statement. Some examples:
- The object is an Activity: "Jeff wrote an essay about hiking."
- The Object is an Agent: "Nellie interviewed Jeff."
- The Object is a Statement: "Nellie commented on 'Jeff wrote an essay about hiking.'"
Statements as objects are typically, but not exclusively, used in scenarios where some existing activity is graded, reviewed or commented on.
##### When the "Object" is an ActivityA statement may represent an Activity as the object of the statement. An activity is any thing which is interacted with. See section 3.0 Definitions.
Property | Type | Description |
objectType | String | MUST be "Activity" when present. Optional in all cases. |
id | URI | Required. MAY be a URL, which points to the logical definition of the activity. This MAY point to metadata or the URL for the activity |
definition | Optional Activity Definition Object | Metadata, See below |
The activity ID is unique, and any reference to it always refers to the same activity. Activity Providers must ensure this is true and the LRS may not attempt to treat multiple references to the same ID as references to different activities, regardless of any information which indicates two authors or organizations may have used the same activity ID.
When defining an activity ID, care must be taken to make sure it will not be re-used. It should use a domain the creator controls or has been authorized to use for this purpose, according to a scheme the domain owner has adopted to make sure activity IDs within that domain remain unique.
Any state or statements stored against an activity ID must be compatible and consistent with any other state or statements that are stored against the same activity ID, even if those statements were stored in the context of a new revision or platform.
The prohibition against an LRS treating references to the same activity ID as two different activities, even if the LRS can positively determine that was the intent, is crucial to prevent activity ID creators from creating IDs that could be easily duplicated, as intent would be indeterminable should a conflict with another system arise.
###### Activity DefinitionActivity definitions SHOULD include populated name, description, and type properties. Other properties defined below MAY be included.
Property | Type | Description |
name | Language Map | The human readable/visual name of the activity |
description | Language Map | A description of the activity |
type | URI | the type of activity. Note, URI fragments (sometimes called relative URLs) are not valid URIs. As with verbs, we recommend that Learning Activity Providers look for and use established, widely adopted, activity types. |
url | URL | A url which SHOULD resolve to human-readable information about the activity, which MAY inclue a way to 'launch' the activity. |
interactionType | correctResponsesPattern | choices | scale | source | target | steps | See "Interaction Activities" | |
extensions | Extensions Object | A map of other properties as needed (see: Extensions) |
Traditional e-learning has included structures for interactions or assessments. As a way to allow these practices and structures to extend Experience API's utility, this specification include built in definitions for interactions which borrows from the CMI data model. These definitions are intended to provide a simple and familiar utility for recording interaction data. These definitions are simple to use, and consequently limited. It is expected that communities of practice requiring richer interactions definitions will do so through the use of extensions to an activity's type and definition.
When defining interaction activities, the activity type: "" SHOULD be used, and a valid interactionType MUST be specified. If interactionType is specified, an LRS processing MAY validate the remaining properties as specified in the table below, and return HTTP 400 "Bad Request" if the remaining properties are not valid for the interaction type.
Property | Type | Description |
interactionType | String | As in "cmi.interactions.n.type" as defined in the SCORM 2004 4th edition Runtime Environment. |
correctResponsesPattern | An array of strings | Corresponds to "cmi.interactions.n.correct_responses.n.pattern" as defined in the SCORM 2004 4th edition Runtime Environment, where the final n is the index of the array. |
choices | scale | source | target | steps | Array of interaction components | Specific to the given interactionType (see below). |
Interaction components are defined as follows:
Property | Type | Description |
id | String | As in "" as defined in the SCORM 2004 4th edition Runtime Environment |
description | Language Map | a description of the interaction component (for example, the text for a given choice in a multiple-choice interaction) |
The following table shows the supported lists of CMI interaction components for an interaction activity with the given interactionType.
interactionType | supported component list(s) |
choice, sequencing | choices |
likert | scale |
matching | source, target |
performance | steps |
true-false, fill-in, numeric, other | [No component lists defined] |
See Appendix C for examples of activity definitions for each of the cmi.interaction types.
##### When the "Object" is an Agent or a GroupStatements that specify an Agent or Group as an Object...
- MUST specify an 'objectType' property.
See section 4.1.2 for details regarding Agents.
##### When the "Object" is a StatementA statement that is the object in another statement can either be existing or new. For example, when grading or commented on an experience that is tracked as an independant event, the existing statement about that experience will be the object of the statement. Also, in the special case of voiding, the object is an already existing statement. In these situations, a Statement Reference is used.
When the object is an experience that would be misleading as an independent statement, that experience can be tracked as a statement within a statement. These are called Sub-Statements. An example is given further below.
###### Statement ReferencesA statement reference is a pointer to another pre-existing statement.
The table below lists all properties of a Statement Reference object:
Property | Type | Description |
objectType | string | MUST be "StatementRef". |
id | UUID | MUST be set to the UUID of a statement which is present on the system. |
Assuming that some statement has already been stored with the ID 8f87ccde-bb56-4c2e-ab83-44982ef22df0, the following example shows how a comment could be issued on the original statement, using a new statement:
"actor" : {
"objectType": "Agent",
"verb" : {
"display": {
"object" : {
"result" : {
"response" : "Wow, nice work!"
A Sub-Statement is a new statement included as part of a parent statement.
A Sub-Statement...
- MUST specify an "objectType" property with the value "SubStatement";
- MUST NOT have the "id", "stored", or "authority" properties;
- MUST NOT contain a sub-statement of their own i.e. cannot be nested.
Implementations MUST validate the sub-statement as they would other statements, with the addition of these rules.
One interesting use of sub-statements is in creating statements of intention.
For example, using sub-statements we can create statements of the form
"<I> <planned> (<I> <did> <this>)"
to indicate that we've planned to take some
action. The concrete example that follows logically states that
"I planned to visit 'Some Awesome Website'".
"actor": {
"objectType": "Agent",
"verb" : {
"object": {
"objectType": "SubStatement",
"actor" : {
"objectType": "Agent",
"verb" : {
"en-US":"will visit"
"object": {
"definition": {
"name" : {
"en-US":"Some Awesome Website"
Whilst the verb display MAY take the future tense, the verb id SHOULD remain past tense. Later, when 'I' actually visit 'Some Awesome Website', reporting tools can thereby match the verb ids.
#### 4.1.5 Result: ###### Description:An optional field that represents a measured outcome related to the statement in which it is included.
A result can be completion, success, score, etc. The 'Result' field may also contain arbitrary measurements if needed by the Learning Activity Provider.
property | type | description |
score | Score object | The score of the agent in relation to the success or quality of the experience. |
success | Boolean | Was the learning activity successful? |
completion | Boolean | Was the learning activity completed? |
response | String | A response appropriately formatted for the given activity. |
duration | Formatted according to ISO 8601 with a precision of 0.01 seconds | Period of time over which the statement occurred. |
Extensions | Extensions object | A map of other properties as needed. |
An optional numeric field that represents the outcome of a graded activity achieved by an agent.
The table below defines the score object.
Property | Type | Description |
scaled | Decimal number between -1 and 1, inclusive | Cf. 'cmi.score.scaled' in SCORM 2004 4th Edition |
raw | Decimal number between min and max (if present, otherwise unrestricted), inclusive | Cf. 'cmi.score.raw' |
min | Decimal number less than max (if present) | Cf. 'cmi.score.min' |
max | Decimal number greater than min (if present) | Cf. 'cmi.score.max' |
The Score property...
- SHOULD include 'scaled' if a logical percent based score is known;
- SHOULD NOT be used for scores relating to progress or completion. Consider using an extension from an extension profile instead.
An optional field that provides a place to add contextual information to a statement. All its field properties are optional.
The "context" field provides a place to add some contextual information to a statement. It can store information such as the instructor for an experience, if this experience happened as part of a team activity, or how an experience fits into some broader activity.
property | type | description |
registration | UUID | The registration that the statement is associated with. See |
instructor | Agent (may be a group) | Instructor that the statement relates to, if not included as the Actor of the statement. |
team | Group | Team that this statement relates to, if not included as the Actor of the statement. |
contextActivities | contextActivities object | A map of the types of learning activity context that this statement is related to. Valid context types are: "parent", "grouping", "category", "other". See |
revision | String | Revision of the learning activity associated with this statement. Format is free. - SHOULD be used to track fixes of minor issues (like a spelling error), - SHOULD NOT be used if there is a major change in learning objectives, pedagogy, or assets of an activity. (Use a new activity ID instead). - MUST NOT be used if the statement's object is a Person. |
platform | String | Platform used in the experience of this learning activity. - MUST NOT be used if the statement's object is a Person. Defined vocabulary, TBD. |
language | String (as defined in RFC 5646) | Code representing the language in which the experience being recorded in this statement (mainly) occurred in, if
applicable and known. - MUST NOT be used if not applicable or unknown. |
statement | Statement by reference or by object | Another statement (either existing or new), which should be considered as context for this statement. See section for details about including statements within other statements. |
extensions | Extensions object | A map of any other domain-specific context relevant to this statement. For example, in a flight simulator altitude, airspeed, wind, attitude, GPS coordinates might all be relevant (See section 5.3) |
An instance of a learner undertaking a particular learning activity.
When an LRS is an integral part of an LMS, the LMS likely supports the concept of registration. For example all the statements about one time a person took a test might have one registration. If the learner takes the test again, the statements from this second occasion would have a different registration from the first occasion.
The LMS may also close the registration at some point when it considers the learning experience complete. For Experience API purposes, a registration may be applied more broadly; an LMS could assign a group of students to a group of activities and track all related statements in one registration.
##### contextActivities propertyA map of the types of learning activity context that this statement is related to.
Many statements do not just involve one object activity that is the focus, but relate to other contextually relevant activities. "Context activities" allow for these related activities to be represented in a structured manner.
- every key in the contextActivities object MUST be one of parent, grouping, category, or other.
- every value in the contextActivities object MUST be either a single Activity object or an array of Activity objects.
- every value in the contextActivities object SHOULD be an array of Activity objects instead of a single Activity object.
- every value in the contextActivities object MUST be returned as an array, even if it arrived as a single Activity object (in which case it MUST be returned as an array of length one containing the same Activity).
There are four valid context types. All, any or none of these MAY be used in a given statement:
Parent : an activity with a direct relation to the activity which is the object of the statement. In almost all cases there is only one sensible parent or none, not multiple. For example: a statement about a quiz question would have the quiz as its parent activity.
Grouping : an activity with an indirect relation to the activity which is the object of the statement. For example: a course that is part of a qualification. The course has several classes. The course relates to a class as the parent, the qualification relates to the class as the grouping.
Category : an activity used to categorize the statement. "Tags" would be a synonym. Category SHOULD be used to indicate a "profile" of xAPI behaviors, as well as other categorizations. For example: Anna attempts a biology exam, and the statement is tracked using the CMI-5 profile. The statement's activity refers to the exam, and the category is the CMI-5 profile.
Other : a context activity that doesn't fit one of the other fields. For example: Anna studies a textbook for a biology exam. The statement's activity refers to the textbook, and the exam is a context activity of type "other".
Single Activity objects are allowed as values so that 0.95 statements will be compatible with 1.0.0.
The values in this section are not for expressing all the relationships the statement object has. Instead, they are for expressing relationships appropriate for the specific statement (though the nature of the object will often be important in determining that). For instance, it is appropriate in a statement about a test to include the course the test is part of as parent, but not to include every possible degree program the course could be part of in the grouping value.
"other" : [{
"id" : ""
Consider the following hierarchical structure: "Questions 1 to 6" are part of "Test 1" which in turn belongs to the course "Algebra 1". The six questions are registered as part of the test by declaring "Test 1" as their parent. Also they are grouped with other statements about "Algebra 1" to fully mirror the hierarchy. This is particularly useful when the object of the statement is an agent, not an activity. "Andrew mentored Ben with context Algebra I".
"parent" : [{
"id" : " 1"
"grouping" : [{
"id" : ""
The time at which a statement about an experience took place.
A timestamp:
- MUST be formatted according to ISO 8601;
- MAY be truncated or rounded to a precision of at least 3 decimal digits for seconds (millisecond precision MUST be preserved)
- SHOULD include the timezone;
- MAY be a moment in the future, to denote a deadline for planned learning, provided it is included inside a SubStatement;
- SHOULD be the current or a past time when it is outside of a SubStatement.
A reporting tool:
- MAY consider timestamps from different timezones that represent the same logical time to be equivalent.
A timestamp in a statement related to learning that occurs outside of the system can differ from 4.1.8. Stored (the system time of the event). Namely, there can be delays between the occurrence of the experience and the reception of the corresponding statement by the LRS. Another cause is when statements are propagated to other systems.
#### 4.1.8 Stored: ###### Definition: The time at which a statement is stored by the LRS.Stored time:
- MUST be formatted according to ISO 8601;
- MAY be truncated or rounded to a precision of at least 3 decimal digits for seconds (millisecond precision MUST be preserved)
- SHOULD include the timezone;
- SHOULD be the current or a past time
A reporting tool:
- MAY consider stored time from different timezones that represent the same logical time to be equivalent.
- The LRS SHOULD overwrite the authority on all stored recieved statements, based on the credentials used to send those statements.
- The LRS MAY leave the submitted authority unchanged but SHOULD do so only where a strong trust relationship has been established, and with extreme caution.
- The LRS MUST ensure that all statements stored have an authority.
If a statement is stored using a validated OAuth connection, and the LRS creates or modifies the authority property of the statement, the authority MUST contain an agent object that represents the OAuth consumer, either by itself, or as part of a group in the case of 3-legged OAuth. This agent MUST be identified by account, and MUST use the consumer key as the account name field. If the OAuth consumer is a registered application,then the token request endpoint MUST be used as the account homePage, otherwise the temporary credentials endpoint must be used as the account homePage.
Except as specified in the paragraph above, agent objects MUST NOT use any OAuth endpoint as an account homePage.
The behavior of an LRS SHOULD NOT rely on Agents with an account using the temporary credentials endpoint as the homePage and with matching account names coming from the same source, as there is no way to verify that, since multiple unregistered applications could choose the same consumer key. Each unregistered consumer SHOULD pick a unique consumer key.
If a user connects directly (using HTTP Basic Authentication) or is included as part of a 3-legged OAuth workflow, the LRS MUST include the user as an Agent in the authority, and MAY identify the user with any of the legal identifying properties.
In a 3-legged OAuth workflow, authentication involves both an OAuth consumer and a user of the OAuth service provider. For instance, requests made by an authorized Twitter plugin on your Facebook account will include credentials that are specific not only to Twitter as a client application, or you as a user, but the unique combination of both.
To support this concept, an LRS preparing the authority of a statement received via 3-legged OAuth MUST use a pairing of an application and a user. Below is a concrete example which represents a pairing of an OAuth consumer and a user.
"authority": {
"objectType" : "group",
"member": [
"account": {
The certainty that an LRS has an accurate and complete collection of data is guaranteed by the fact that statements cannot be logically changed or deleted. This immutability of statements is a key factor in enabling the distributed nature of Experience API. However, not all statements are perpetually valid once they have been issued. Mistakes or other factors could require that a previously made statement is marked as invalid. This is called ‘voiding a statement’ and the reserved verb “” is used for this purpose.
When issuing a statement that voids another, the object of that voiding statement...
- MUST have the “objectType” field set to “StatementRef”;
- MUST specify the ID of the statement-to-be-voided by it’s “id” field.
Upon receiving a statement that voids another, the LRS...
- MAY roll back any changes to activity or agent definitions which were introduced by the statement that was just voided;
- SHOULD return a descriptive error if the target statement cannot be found;
- MUST NOT report the voided statement when queried, but MUST report the voiding statement (see StatementRef in 7.2 Statement API).
"actor" : {
"objectType": "Agent",
"name" : "Example Admin",
"mbox" : ""
"verb" : {
"object" : {
"id" : "e05aa883-acaf-40ad-bf54-02c8ce485fb0"
This example statement voids a previous statement which it identifies with the statement ID "e05aa883-acaf-40ad-bf54-02c8ce485fb0".
Any statement that voids another cannot itself be voided. An activity provider that wants to “unvoid” a previously voided statement...
- SHOULD issue that statement again under a new ID
A reporting system...
- SHOULD NOT show voided or voiding statements by default.
See "Statement References" in section for details about making references to other statements.
#### 4.1.11 AttachmentsA digital artefact providing evidence of a learning experience.
In some cases an attachment may logically be an important part of a learning record. Think of a simulated communication with ATC, an essay, a video, etc. Another example of such an attachment is (the image of) a certificate that was granted as a result of an experience. It is useful to have a way to store these attachments in and retrieve them from an LRS.
The table below lists all properties of the Attachment object.
Property | Type | Description | Required |
usageType | URI | Identifies the usage of this attachment. For example: one expected use case for attachments is to include a "completion certificate". A type URI corresponding to this usage should be coined, and used with completion certificate attachments. | yes |
display | Language Map | Display name (title) of this attachment. | yes |
description | Language Map | A description of the attachment | no |
contentType | Internet Media Type | The content type of the attachment. | yes |
length | integer | The length of the attachment data in octets | yes |
sha2 | base64 | The SHA-2 hash of the attachment data. A minimum key size of 256 bits is recommended. | yes |
fileUrl | URL | A URL at which the attachment data may be retrieved, or from which it used to be retrievable. | no |
Since these attachments may lead to very large statements, it should be possible for a client to filter out attachments when retrieving statements, by following this procedure:
- A statement including an attachment is construed according to the Transmission Format described below.
- The statement is sent to the receiving system using a content-Type of "multipart/mixed". The attachments are placed at the end of such transmissions.
- The receiving system decides whether to accept or reject the statement based on the information in the first part.
- If it accepts the attachment, it can match the raw data of an attachment with the attachment header in a statement by comparing the SHA-2 of the raw data to the SHA-2 declared in the header.
A statement stream that includes attachments:
- MUST be of type "multipart/mixed" rather than "application/json";
- The first part of the multipart document MUST contain the statements themselves, with type "applicaton/json";
- Each additional part contains the raw data for an attachment and forms a logical part of the statement. This capability will be available when issuing PUT or POST against the statement resource.
- SHOULD only include one copy of an attachment when the same attachment is used in multiple statements that are sent in one message;
- MUST conform to the definition of multipart/mixed in RFC 1341;
- SHOULD include a Content-type field in each part's header, for the first part this MUST be "application/json";
- MUST include a X-Experience-API-Hash field in each part's header after the first (statements) part;
- This field MUST be set to match the "sha2" property of the attachment declaration corresponding to the attachment included in this part.
- MUST include a Content-Transfer-Encoding field with a value of "binary" in each part's header after the first (statements) part;
- MUST accept statements via the statements resource PUT or POST that contain attachments in the Transmission Format described above;
- MUST reject statements having attachments that neither contain a fileUrl nor match a received attachment part based on their hash;
- MUST include attachments in the Transmission Format described above when requested by the client (see section 7.2 "Statement API");
- MUST NOT pull statements from another LRS without requesting attachments;
- MUST NOT push statements into another LRS without including attachments;
- MAY reject (batches of) statements that are larger than the LRS is configured to allow;
- SHOULD accept statements in the above format that don't declare any attachments.
- SHOULD assume a Content-Transfer-Encoding of binary for attachment parts
- MAY send statements with attachments as described above;
- MAY send multiple statements where some or all have attachments if using "POST".
Below is an example of a very simple statement with an attachment. Please note the following:
- The boundary in the sample was chosen to demonstrate valid character classes;
- The selected boundary does not appear in any of the parts;
- For readability the sample attachment is text/plain. Even if it had been a 'binary' type like 'image/jpeg' no encoding would be done, the raw octets would be included;
- Per RFC 1341, the boundary is followed by -- followed by the boundary string declared in the header.
Don't forget the <CRLF>
when building or parsing these messages.
Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary=abcABC0123'()+_,-./:=?
"actor": {
"mbox": "",
"name": "Sample Agent",
"objectType": "Agent"
"verb": {
"id": "",
"display": {
"en-US": "answered"
"object": {
"id": "",
"objectType": "Activity",
"definition": {
"name": {
"en-US": "Multi Part Activity"
"description": {
"en-US": "Multi Part Activity Description"
"attachments": [
"usageType": "",
"display": { "en-US": "A test attachment" },
"description": { "en-US": "A test attachment (description)" },
"contentType": "text/plain; charset=ascii",
"length": 27,
"sha2": "495395e777cd98da653df9615d09c0fd6bb2f8d4788394cd53c56a3bfdcd848a"
here is a simple attachment
A statement may include a digital signature to provide strong and durable evidence of the authenticity and integrity of the statement.
Some statements will have regulatory or legal significance, or otherwise require strong and durable evidence of their authenticity and integrity. It may be necessary to verify these statements without trusting the system they were first recorded in, or perhaps without access to that system. Digital signatures will enable a third-party system to validate such statements.
Signed statements include a JSON web signature (JWS) as an attachment. This allows the original serialization of the statement to be included along with the signature. For interoperability, the "RSA + SHA" series of JWS algorithms have been selected, and for discoverability of the signer X.509 certificates SHOULD be used.
- MUST include a JSON web signature (JWS) as defined here:, as an attachment with a usageType of "" and a contentType of "application/octet-stream".
- The JWS signature MUST have a payload of a valid JSON serialization of the statement generated before the signature was added.
- The JWS signature MUST use an algorithm of "RS256","RS384", or "RS512"
- The JWS signature SHOULD have been created based on the private key associated with an X.509 certificate.
- If X.509 was used to sign, the JWS header SHOULD include the "x5c" property containing the associated certificate chain.
LRS requirements when receiving a signed statement:
- The LRS MUST reject requests to store statements that contain malformed signatures,
with HTTP 400 and SHOULD include a message describing the problem in the response.
In order to verify signatures are well formed, the LRS MUST do the following:
- Decode the JWS signature, and load the signed serialization of the statement from the JWS signature payload.
- Validate that the "original" statement is logically equivalent to the received statement.
- If the JWS header includes an X.509 certificate, validate the signature against that certificate as defined in JWS.
Note: The step of validating against the included X.509 certificate is intended as a way to catch mistakes in the signature, not as a security measure. Clients MUST NOT assume a signature is valid simply because an LRS has accepted it. The steps to authenticate a signed statement will vary based on the degree of certainty required and are outside the scope of this specification.
See Appendix F: Example Signed Statement for an example.
#### 4.1.13 Data Constraints All the properties used in statements are restricted to certain types, and those types constrain the behavior of systems processing statements. For clarity, certain key requirements are documented here, emphasizing where compliant systems have a responsibility to act in certain ways.The following requirements reiterate especially important requirements already included elsewhere, to emphasize, clarify, and provide implementation guidance.
- Values requiring IRIs MUST be sent with valid IRIs. Please use a library to construct them instead of string concatenation. Complete IRI validation is extremely difficult, so much of the burden for ensuring data portability is on the client.
- For similar reasons, keys of language maps MUST be sent with valid RFC 5646 language tags.
- MUST reject statements
- with any null values (except inside extensions).
- with strings where numbers are required, even if those strings contain numbers.
- with strings where booleans are required, even if those strings contain booleans.
- with any non-format-following key or value, including the empty string, where a. string with a particular format (such as mailto URI, UUID, or IRI) is required.
- where the case of a key does not match the case specified in the standard.
- where the case of a value restricted to enumerated values does not match an enumerated value given in the standard exactly.
- MAY use best-effort validation for URL, URI, and IRI formats to satisfy the non-format-following rejection requirement.
- MUST reject statements containing URL, URI, or IRI values without a scheme.
- MAY use best-effort validation for language map keys to satisfy the non-format-following rejection requirement.
- MUST at least validate that the sequence of token lengths for language map keys matches the RFC 5646 standard.
- MUST process and store numbers with at least the precision of IEEE 754 32-bit floating point numbers.
- MUST validate parameter values to the same standards required for values of the same types in statements. Note: string parameter values are not quoted as they are in JSON.
Property | Type | Description |
statements | Array of Statements | List of statements. If the list returned has been limited (due to pagination), and there are more results, they will be located at the "statements" property within the container located at the URL provided by the "more" element of this statement result object. |
more | URL | Relative URL that may be used to fetch more results, including the full path
and optionally a query string but excluding scheme, host, and port.
Empty string if there are no more results to fetch.
Property | Type | Description |
id | String | Set by AP, unique within state scope (learner, activity). |
updated | Timestamp | When the document was most recently modified. |
contents | Arbitrary binary data | The contents of the document |
Extensions are available as part of activity definitions, as part of statement context, or as part of some statement result. In each case, they’re intended to provide a natural way to extend those elements for some specialized use. The contents of these extensions might be something valuable to just one application, or it might be a convention used by an entire community of practice.
Extensions should logically relate to the part of the statement where they are present. Extensions in statement context should provide context to the core experience, while those in the result should provide elements related to some outcome. For activities, they should provide additional information that helps define an activity within some custom application or community.
A statement should not be totally defined by its extensions, and be meaningless otherwise. Experience API statements should be capturing experiences among actors and objects, and SHOULD always strive to map as much information as possible into the built in elements, in order to leverage interoperability among Experience API conformant tools.
### 5.4 Identifier Metadata There are several types of URI identifiers used in this specification: * verb * activity id * activity type * extension key * attachment usage typeFor activity ids, see activity definition.
For all other identifiers, metadata MAY be provided in the following JSON format:
Property | Type | Description |
name | Language Map | The human readable/visual name |
description | Language Map | description |
If metadata is provided, both name and description SHOULD be included.
- For any of the identifier URIs above, if the URI is a URL that was coined for use with this specification, the owner of that URL SHOULD make this JSON metadata available at that URL when the URL is requested and a Content-Type of "applicaton/json" is requested.
- If this metadata is provided as describe above, it is the canonical source of information about the identifier it describes
- Other sources of information MAY be used to fill in missing details, such as translations, or take the place of this metadata entirely if it was not provided or can not be loaded. This MAY include metadata in other formats stored at the URL of an identifier, particularly if that identifier was not coined for use with this specification.
As with verbs, we recommend that Learning Activity Providers look for and use established, widely adopted identifiers for all types of URI identifier other than activity id. Where an identifier already exists, the Learning Activity Provider:
- SHOULD use the corresponding existing identifier;
- MAY create and use their own verbs where a suitable identifier does not already exist.
Sections 6 and 7 detail the more technical side of the Experience API, dealing with how statements are transferred between Activity Provider and LRS. A number of libraries are under development for a range of technologies (including JavaScript) which handle this part of the specification. It therefore may not be necessary for content developers to fully understand every detail of this part of the specification.
### 6.1 Encoding: All strings must be encoded and interpreted as UTF-8. ### 6.2 API Versioning:Every request from a client and every response from the LRS must include an HTTP header with the name “X-Experience-API Version” and the version number as the value. Starting with 1.0.0, xAPI will be versioned according to Semantic Versioning 1.0.0
Example: X-Experience-API Version : 1.0.0
Future revisions of the spec may introduce changes such as properties added to statements. Systems retrieving statements may then receive responses that include statements of different versions. The version header allows for these version differences to be handled correctly, and to ascertain that no partial or mixed LRS version implementations exist. Using Semantic Versioning will allow clients and LRSs to reliably know whether they're compatible or not as the specification changes.
Requirements for the LRS:
- MUST include the "X-Experience-API Version" header in every response;
- MUST set this header to ""1.0.0"";
- MUST reject requests with version header prior to "1.0.0" unless such requests are routed to a fully conformant implementation of the prior version specified in the header;
- MUST reject requests with a version header of "1.1.0" or greater.
- MUST make these rejects by responding with an HTTP 400 error including a short description of the problem.
Requirements for the client:
- SHOULD tolerate receiving responses with a version of "1.0.0" or later;
- SHOULD tolerate receiving data structures with additional properties;
- SHOULD ignore any properties not defined in version 1.0.0 of the spec.
Converting statements to other versions:
- Systems MUST NOT convert statements of newer versions into a prior version format e.g. in order to handle version differences.
- Systems MAY convert statements of older versions into a newer version only by following the methods described in Appendix E: Converting Statements to 1.0.
When responding to a GET request, the LRS will add an ETag HTTP header to the response. The value of this header must be a hexidecimal string of the SHA-1 digest of the contents, and must be enclosed in quotes.
The reason for specifying the LRS ETag format is to allow API consumers that can't read the ETag header to calculate it themselves.
When responding to a PUT request, the LRS must handle the If-Match header or If-None-Match header as described in RFC2616, HTTP 1.1, if the If-Match header contains an ETag, or the If-None-Match header contains "*". In the first case, this is to detect modifications made after the consumer last fetched the document, and in the second case, this is to detect when there is a resource present that the consumer is not aware of.
In either of the above cases, if the header precondition specified fails, the LRS must return HTTP status 412 "Precondition Failed", and make no modification to the resource.
xAPI consumers should use these headers to avoid concurrency problems. The State API will permit PUT statements without concurrency headers, since state conflicts are unlikely. For other APIs that use PUT (Actor and Activity Profile), the headers are required. If a PUT request is received without either header for a resource that already exists, the LRS must return HTTP status 409 "Conflict", and return a plain text body explaining that the consumer must check the current state of the resource and set the “If-Match” header with the current ETag to resolve the conflict. In this case, the LRS must make no modification to the resource.
### 6.4 Security:The LRS MUST support authentication using at least one of the following methods:
- OAuth 1.0 (rfc5849), with signature methods of "HMAC-SHA1", "RSA-SHA1", and "PLAINTEXT"
- HTTP Basic Authentication
- Common Access Cards (implementation details to follow in a later version)
The LRS is always responsible for making, or delegating, decisions on the validity of statements, and determining what operations may be performed based on the credentials used.
The below matrix describes the possible authentication scenarios.
A registered application is an application that will authenticate to the LRS as an OAuth consumer that has been registered with the LRS. A known user is a user account on the LRS, or on a system which the LRS trusts to define users.
Known user | User unknown | |
Application is registered | Standard workflow for OAuth. | LRS trusts application to access xAPI without additional user credentials. OAuth token steps are not invoked |
Application is not registered | The application Agent is not identified as a registered Agent and the LRS cannot make assumptions on its identity. | |
No application | HTTP Basic Authentication is used instead of OAuth, since no application is involved. | |
No authentication | MAY be supported by the LRS, possibly for testing purposes. |
- The LRS must record the application's name and a unique consumer key (identifier);
- The LRS must provide a mechanism to complete this registration, or delegate to another system that provides such a mechanism; The means by which this registration is accomplished are not defined by OAuth or the xAPI.
- Use endpoints below to complete the standard workflow.
- If this form of authentication is used to record statements and no authority is specified, the LRS should record the authority as a group consisting of an Agent representing the registered application, and a Person representing the known user.
- LRS will honor requests that are signed using OAuth with the registered application’s credentials and with an empty token and token secret.
- If this form of authentication is used to record statements and no authority is specified, the LRS should record the authority as the Agent representing the registered application.
- Use a blank consumer secret;
- Call “Temporary Credential” request;
- Specify “consumer_ name” and other usual parameters; User will then see “consumer_ name” plus a warning that the identity of the application requesting authorization cannot be verified.
- the LRS MUST record an authority that includes both that application and the authenticating user, as a group, since OAuth specifies an application.
- Use username/password combination that corresponds to an LRS login.
- Authority to be recorded as the Agent identified by the login, unless…
- other Authority is specified and…
- LRS trusts the known user to specify this Authority.
- Requests should include headers for HTTP Basic Authentication based on a blank username and password, in order to distinguish an explicitly unauthenticated request from a request that should be given a HTTP Basic Authentication challenge.
Requirements for the LRS:
- MUST be able to be configured for complete support of the xAPI
- With any of the above methods;
- In any of the workflow scenarios above.
- MAY (for security reasons):
- Support a subset of the above methods;
- Limit the known users or registered applications.
- SHOULD at a minimum supply Oauth with "HMAC-SHA1" and "RSA-SHA1" signatures.
LRSs are not required to support any of these scopes except “all”. These are recommendations for scopes which should enable an LRS and an application communicating using the xAPI to negotiate a level of access which accomplishes what the application needs while minimizing the potential for misuse. The limitations of each scope are in addition to any security limitations placed on the user account associated with the request.
For example, an instructor might grant "statements/read" to a reporting tool, but the LRS would still limit that tool to statements that the instructor could read if querying the LRS with their credentials directly (such as statements relating to their students).
xAPI scope values:
Scope | Permission |
statements/write | write any statement |
statements/read/mine | read statements written by "me", that is with an authority matching what the LRS would assign if writing a statement with the current token. |
statements/read | read any statement |
state | read/write state data, limited to activities and actors associated with the current token to the extent it is possible to determine this relationship. |
define | (re)Define activities and actors. If storing a statement when this is not granted, IDs will be saved and the LRS may save the original statement for audit purposes, but should not update its internal representation of any actors or activities. |
profile | read/write profile data, limited to activities and actors associated with the current token to the extent it is possible to determine this relationship. |
all/read | unrestricted read access |
all | unrestricted access |
Note that the parameters "consumer_name" and "scope" are not part of OAuth 1.0, and therefore if used should be passed as query string or form parameters, not in the OAuth header.
Name | Endpoint | Example |
Temporary Credential Request | OAuth/initiate | |
Resource Owner Authorization | OAuth/authorize | |
Token Request | OAuth/token | |
Note: In all of the example endpoints given in the specification, "" is the example URL of the LRS and everything after this represents the endpoint which MUST be used.
The LRS MUST reject with HTTP 400 status (see directly below) any request to any of these APIs using any parameters:
- the LRS does not recognize (Note: LRSs may recognize and act on parameters not in this specification).
- that match parameters described in this specification in all but case.
Example endpoint:
Stores statement with the given ID.
Returns: 204 No Content
Parameter | Type | Default | Description |
statementId | String | ID of statement to record |
Example endpoint:
Stores a statement, or a set of statements. Since the PUT method targets a specific statement ID, POST must be used rather than PUT to save multiple statements, or to save one statement without first generating a statement ID. An alternative for systems that generate a large amount of statements is to provide the LRS side of the API on the AP, and have the LRS query that API for the list of updated (or new) statements periodically. This will likely only be a realistic option for systems that provide a lot of data to the LRS.
Returns: 200 OK, statement ID(s) (UUID).
An LRS MUST NOT make any modifications to its state based on a receiving a statement with a statementID that it already has a statement for. Whether it responds with "409 Conflict", or "204 No Content", it MUST NOT modify the statement or any other object.
If the LRS receives a statement with an ID it already has a statement for, it SHOULD verify the received statement matches the existing one and return 409 Conflict if they do not match.
The LRS MAY respond before statements that have been stored are available for retrieval.
Example endpoint:
This method may be called to fetch a single statement or multiple statements. If the statementId or voidedStatementId parameter is specified a single statement is returned. Otherwise returns: A StatementResult object, a list of statements in reverse chronological order based on "stored" time, subject to permissions and maximum list length. If additional results are available, a URL to retrieve them will be included in the StatementResult object.
Returns: 200 OK, statement or Statement Result (See section 4.2 for details)
Parameter | Type | Default | Description |
statementId | String | ID of statement to fetch | |
voidedStatementId | String | ID of voided statement to fetch. see Voided Statements | |
agent | Agent or identified Group Object (JSON) | Filter, only return statements for which the specified agent or group is the actor or object of the statement.
See agent/group object definition for details. |
verb | String | Filter, only return statements matching the specified verb id. | |
activity | Activity id (URI) | Filter, only return statements for which the object of the statement is an activity with the specified id. | |
registration | UUID | Filter, only return statements matching the specified registration ID. Note that although frequently a unique registration ID will be used for one actor assigned to one activity, this should not be assumed. If only statements for a certain actor or activity should be returned, those parameters should also be specified. | |
related_activities | Boolean | False | Apply the activity filter broadly. Include statements for which the object, any of the context activities, or any of those properties in a contained SubStatement match the activity parameter, instead of that parameter's normal behavior. Matching is defined in the same way it is for the 'activity' parameter." |
related_agents | Boolean | False | Apply the agent filter broadly. Include statements for which the actor, object, authority, instructor, team, or any of these properties in a contained SubStatement match the agent parameter, instead of that parameter's normal behavior. Matching is defined in the same way it is for the 'agent' parameter. |
since | Timestamp | Only statements stored since the specified timestamp (exclusive) are returned. | |
until | Timestamp | Only statements stored at or before the specified timestamp are returned. | |
limit | Nonnegative Integer | 0 | Maximum number of statements to return. 0 indicates return the maximum the server will allow. |
format | {"ids", "exact", "canonical"} | exact | If "ids", only include minimum information necessary in agent and
activity objects to identify them, If "exact", return agent and
activity objects populated exactly as they were when the statement was received.
The LRS MUST reject with an HTTP 400 error any requests to this resource which:
- contain both statementId and voidedStatementId parameters
- contain statementId or voidedStatementId parameters, and also contain any other parameter besides "attachments" or "format".
The LRS MUST include the header "X-Experience-API-Consistent-Through" on all responses to statements requests, with a value of the timestamp for which all statements that have or will have a "stored" property before that time are known with reasonable certainty to be available for retrieval. This time SHOULD take into account any temporary condition, such as excessive load, which might cause a delay in statements becoming available for retrieval.
Due to query string limits, this method MAY be called using POST and form fields if necessary. The LRS MUST differentiate a POST to add a statement or to list statements based on the parameters passed.
###### Note: For filter parameters which are not time or sequence based (that is, other than since, until, or limit), statements which target another statement (by using a StatementRef as the object of the statement) will meet the filter condition if the targeted statement meets the condition. The time and sequence based parameters must still be applied to the statement making the StatementRef in this manner. This rule applies recursively, so that "statement a" is a match when a targets b which targets c and the filter conditions described above match for "statement c".For example, consider the statement "Ben passed explosives training", and a follow up statement: "Andrew confirmed <StatementRef to original statement>". The follow up statement will not mention "Ben" or "explosives training", but when fetching statements with an actor filter of "Ben" or an activity filter of "explosives training", both statements match and will be returned so long as they fall into the time or sequence being fetched.
This section does not apply when retrieving statements with statementId or voidedStatementId.
###### Voided statements The LRS MUST not return any statement which has been voided, unless that statement has been requested by voidedStatementId. The LRS MUST still return any statements targetting the voided statement when retrieving statements using explicit or implicit time or sequence based retrieval, unless they themselves have been voided, as described in [the section on filter conditions for StatementRefs](#queryStatementRef). This includes the voiding statement, which cannot be voided. Reporting tools can identify the presence and statementId of any voided statements by the target of the voiding statement. Reporting tools wishing to retrieve voided statements SHOULD request these individually by voidedStatementId. ### 7.3 Document APIs: The 3 Document APIs provide document storage for learning activity providers and agents. The details of each API are found in the following sections, and the information in this section applies to all three APIs.An Activity Provider MAY send documents to any of the document APIs for activities and agents that the LRS does not have prior knowledge of. The LRS MUST NOT reject documents on the basis of not having prior knowledge of the activity and/or agent.
API | Method | Endpoint | Example |
State API | POST | activities/state | |
Activity Profile API | POST | activities/profile | |
Agent Profile API | POST | agent/profile | |
APs MAY use Documents of content type "application/json" to store sets of variables. For example a document contains:
"x" : "foo",
"y" : "bar"
When an LRS receives a POST request with content type application/json for an existing document also of content type application/json, it MUST merge the posted document with the existing document. In this context merge is defined as:
- de-serialize the objects represented by each document
- for each property directly defined on the object being posted, set the corresponding property on the existing object equal to the value from the posted object.
- store any valid json serialization of the existing object as the document referenced in the request
Note that only top-level properties are merged, even if a top-level property is an object the entire contents of each original property are replaced with the entire contents of each new property.
For example, this document is POSTed with the same id as the existing document above:
"x" : "bash",
"z" : "faz"
the resulting document stored in the LRS is:
"x" : "bash",
"y" : "bar",
"z" : "faz"
If the original document exists, and the original document or the document being posted do not have a Content-Type: of "application/json", or if either document can not be parsed as JSON objects, the LRS MUST respond with HTTP status code 400 "Bad Request", and MUST NOT update the target document as a result of the request.
If the original document does not exist, the LRS MUST treat the request the same as it would a PUT request and store the document being posted.
If the merge is successful, the LRS MUST respond with HTTP status code 204 "No Content".
If an AP needs to delete a property, it SHOULD use a PUT request to replace the whole document as described below.
### 7.4 State API: Generally, this is a scratch area for activity providers that do not have their own internal storage, or need to persist state across devices. When using the state API, be aware of how the stateId parameter affects the semantics of the call. If it is included, the GET and DELETE methods will act upon a single defined state document identified by "stateId". Otherwise, GET will return the available IDs, and DELETE will delete all state in the context given through the other parameters.Example endpoint:
Stores, fetches, or deletes the document specified by the given stateId that exists in the context of the specified activity, agent, and registration (if specified).
Returns: (PUT | POST | DELETE) 204 No Content, (GET) 200 OK - State Content
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
activityId | String | yes | The activity ID associated with this state |
agent | (JSON/XML) | yes | The agent associated with this state |
registration | UUID | no | The registration ID associated with this state. |
stateId | String | yes | The id for this state, within the given context. |
Example endpoint:
Fetches IDs of all state data for this context (activity + agent [ + registration if specified]). If “since” parameter is specified, this is limited to entries that have been stored or updated since the specified timestamp (exclusive).
Returns: 200 OK, Array of IDs
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
activityId | String | yes | The activity ID associated with these states. |
agent | (JSON/XML) | yes | The actor associated with these states. |
registration | UUID | no | The registration ID associated with these states. |
since | Timestamp | no | Only IDs of states stored since the specified timestamp (exclusive) are returned. |
Example endpoint:
Deletes all state data for this context (activity + agent [+ registration if specified]).
Returns: 204 No Content
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
activityId | String | yes | The activity ID associated with this state |
agent | (JSON/XML) | yes | The actor associated with this state |
registration | UUID | no | The registration ID associated with this state. |
The Activity Profile API also includes a method to retrieve a full description of an activity from the LRS.
Example endpoint:
Loads the complete activity object specified.
Returns: 200 OK - Content
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
activityId | String | yes | The ID associated with the activities to load. |
Example endpoint:
Saves/retrieves/deletes the specified profile document in the context of the specified activity.
Returns: (PUT | POST | DELETE) 204 No Content, (GET) 200 OK - Profile Content
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
activityId | String | yes | The activity ID associated with this profile. |
profileId | String | yes | The profile ID associated with this profile. |
Example endpoint:
Loads IDs of all profile entries for an activity. If "since" parameter is specified, this is limited to entries that have been stored or updated since the specified timestamp (exclusive).
Returns: 200 OK - List of IDs
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
activityId | String | yes | The activity ID associated with these profiles. |
since | Timestamp | no | Only IDs of profiles stored since the specified timestamp (exclusive) are returned. |
The Agent Profile API also includes a method to retrieve a special object with combined information about an Agent derived from an outside service, such as a directory service.
Example endpoint:
Return a special, Person object for a specified agent. The Person object is very similar to an Agent object, but instead of each attribute having a single value, each attribute has an array value, and it is legal to include multiple identifying properties. Note that the argument is still a normal Agent object with a single identifier and no arrays. Note that this is different from the FOAF concept of person, person is being used here to indicate a person-centric view of the LRS agent data, but agents just refer to one persona (a person in one context).
An LRS capable of returning multiple identifying properties for an Person SHOULD require the connecting credentials have increased, explicitly given permissions. An LRS SHOULD reject insufficiently privileged requests with 403 "Forbidden". If an LRS does not have any additional information about an Agent to return, the LRS MUST still return a Person when queried, but that Person object will only include the information associated with the requested Agent.
All array properties must be populated with members with the same definition as the similarly named property from Agent objects.
Property | Type | Description |
objectType | String | "Person". Required. |
name | Array of strings. | Optional. List of names of Agents to retrieve. |
mbox* | Array of URIs in the form "mailto:email address". | List of e-mail addresses of Agents to retrieve. |
mbox_sha1sum* | Array of strings. | List of the SHA1 hashes of mailto URIs (such as go in an mbox property) |
openid* | Array of strings. | List of openids that uniquely identify the agents to retrieve. |
account* | Array of account objects. | List of accounts to match. Complete account objects (homePage and name) must be provided. |
See also: section Agent.
Returns: 200 OK - Expanded Agent Object
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
agent | Object (JSON) | yes | The agent representation to use in fetching expanded agent information. |
Example endpoint:
Saves/retrieves/deletes the specified profile document in the context of the specified agent.
Returns: (PUT | POST | DELETE) 204 No Content, (GET) 200 OK - Profile Content
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
agent | Object (JSON) | yes | The agent associated with this profile. |
profileId | String | yes | The profile ID associated with this profile. |
Example endpoint:
Loads IDs of all profile entries for an agent. If "since" parameter is specified, this is limited to entries that have been stored or updated since the specified timestamp (exclusive).
Returns: 200 OK - List of IDs
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
agent | Object (JSON) | yes | The agent associated with this profile. |
since | Timestamp | no | Only IDs of profiles stored since the specified timestamp (exclusive) are returned |
Example endpoint:
Returns JSON object containing information about this LRS, including the xApi version supported.
Primarily this resource exists to allow clients that suport multiple xAPI versions to decide which version to use when communicating with the LRS. Extensions are included to allow other uses to emerge.
Returns: 200 OK - Single 'about' JSON document.
property | type | description |
version | string | xApi version this LRS supports |
Extensions | Extensions object | A map of other properties as needed. |
- MUST return the JSON document describe above, with a version property of "1.0"
- SHOULD allow unauthenticated access to this resource
- MUST NOT reject requests based on their version header as would otherwise be required by 6.2 API Versioning.
The following describes alternate syntax for consumers to use only when unable to use the usual syntax for specific calls due to the restrictions mentioned above. All LRSs must support this syntax.
Method: All xAPI requests issued must be POST. The intended xAPI method must be included as the only query string parameter on the request. (example:
Headers: Any required parameters which are expected to appear in the HTTP header must instead be included as a form parameter with the same name.
Content: If the xAPI call involved sending content, that content must now be encoded and included as a form parameter called "content". The LRS will interpret this content as a UTF-8 string, storing binary data is not supported with this syntax.
See Appendix B for an example function written in Javascript which transforms a normal request into one using this alternate syntax.
It should also be noted that versions of Internet Explorer lower than 10 do not support Cross Domain Requests between HTTP and HTTPS. This means that for IE9 and lower, if the LRS is on an HTTPS domain, the client sending the statement must also be on HTTPS. If the LRS is on HTTP, the client must be too.
There may be cases where there is a requirement for the client activity provider to support IE8 and IE9 where the client code is hosted on a different scheme (HTTP or HTTPS) from the LRS. In these cases, proxy is needed to communicate to the LRS. Two simple solutions might be to 1) set up a proxy pass through on the same scheme as the client code to the LRS or 2) to host an intermediary server side LRS on the same scheme as the client code to route statements to the target LRS. An LRS MAY choose to provide both HTTP and HTTPS endpoints to support this use case. HTTP is inherently less secure than HTTPS, and both LRS and client should consider the security risks before making the decision to use this scheme.
### 7.9 Validation: The function of the LRS within the xAPI is to store and retrieve statements. As long as it has sufficient information to perform these tasks, it is expected that it does them. Validation of statements in the Experience API is focused solely on syntax, not semantics. It SHOULD enforce rules regarding structure, but SHOULD NOT enforce rules regarding meaning. Enforcing the rules that ensure valid meaning among verb definitions, activity types, and extensions is the responsibility of the Activity Provider sending the statement. ### 7.10. HTTP HEADThe LRS will respond to HEAD requests by returning the meta information only, using the HTTP headers, and not the actual document.
Clients accessing the LRS may need to check if a particular statement exists, or determine the modification date of documents such as state or activity or agent profile. Particularly for large documents it's more efficient not to get the entire document just to check its modification date.
- The LRS MUST respond to any HTTP HEAD request as it would have responded to an otherwise
identical HTTP GET request except:
- The message-body MUST be omitted
- The Content-Length header MAY be omitted, in order to avoid wasting LRS resources
An xAPI Bookmarklet enables individual user tracking with base authentication. Examples could be an "I think this", “I learned this”, “I like this”, or “I don’t like this” statement that allows self-reporting. The following is an example of such a bookmarklet, and the statement that this bookmarklet would send if used on the page:
The bookmarklet MAY be provided by the LRS to track a specific user for behavior analytics.
Therefore the LRS URL, authentication, and actor information is hard coded into the bookmarklet. Note that since the authorization token must be included in the bookmarklet, the LRS should provide a token with limited privileges, Ideally the token should enable the storage of self-reported learning statements only.
The UUID SHOULD be included as part of the bookmarklet PUT statement. If a statement is POSTed without a UUID, the LRS MUST generate one.
In order to allow cross-domain reporting of statements, a browser that supports the "Access-Control-Allow-Origin" and "Access-Control-Allow-Methods" headers must be used, such as IE 8+, FF 3.5+, Safari 4+, Safari iOS Chrome, or Android browser. Additionally the server must set the required headers.
In the example below, the following values in the first few lines should be replaced with your own values. All other values should be left as they are.
Value in example | Explanation |
http://localhost:8080/xAPI/ | Endpoint of the LRS to send the statements to. |
dGVzdDpwYXNzd29yZA== | Base 64 encoded username and password, usually in the form "username : password". | | Email address of the learner using the bookmarklet. |
var url = "http://localhost:8080/xAPI/statements?statementId="+_ruuid();
var auth = "Basic dGVzdDpwYXNzd29yZA==";
var statement = {
"objectType": "Agent",
"mbox" : ""
var definition = statement.object.definition;
statement.verb=''; = window.location.toString();
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();"PUT", url, true);
xhr.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/json");
xhr.setRequestHeader("Authorization", auth);
xhr.onreadystatechange = function() {
if(xhr.readyState == 4) {
alert(xhr.status + " : " + xhr.responseText);
Modified from: Math.uuid.js (v1.4)
Copyright (c) 2010 Robert Kieffer
Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses.
function _ruuid() {
return 'xxxxxxxx-xxxx-4xxx-yxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx'.replace(/[xy]/g, function(c) {
var r = Math.random()*16|0, v = c == 'x' ? r : (r&0x3|0x8);
return v.toString(16);
"content-type": "application/json; charset=UTF-8",
"authorization": "d515309a-044d-4af3-9559-c041e78eb446",
"referer": "",
"content-length": "###",
"origin": ""
PUT : /xAPI/Statements/?statementId=ed1d064a-eba6-45ea-a3f6-34cdf6e1dfd9
"actor": {
"objectType": "Agent",
"mbox": ""
"verb": "",
"object": {
"id": " ",
"definition": {
"type": ""
var newUrl = url;
// Everything that was on query string goes into form vars
var formData = new Array();
var qsIndex = newUrl.indexOf('?');
if(qsIndex > 0){
newUrl = newUrl.substr(0, qsIndex);
// Method has to go on querystring, and nothing else
newUrl = newUrl + '?method=' + method;
// Headers
if(headers !== null){
for(var headerName in headers){
headerName + "=" +
// The original data is repackaged as "content" form var
if(data !== null){
formData.push('content=' + encodeURIComponent(data));
return {
<a name="AppendixC"/>
## Appendix C: Example definitions for activities of type “cmi.interaction”
###### true-false
"definition": { "description": { "en-US": "Does the xAPI include the concept of statements?" }, "type": "", "interactionType": "true-false", "correctResponsesPattern": [ "true" ] }
###### choice
"definition": { "description": { "en-US": "Which of these prototypes are available at the beta site?" }, "type": "", "interactionType": "choice", "correctResponsesPattern": [ "golf[,]tetris" ], "choices": [ { "id": "golf", "description": { "en-US": "Golf Example" } }, { "id": "facebook", "description": { "en-US": "Facebook App" } }, { "id": "tetris", "description": { "en-US": "Tetris Example" } }, { "id": "scrabble", "description": { "en-US": "Scrabble Example" } } ] }
###### fill-in
"definition": { "description": { "en-US": "Ben is often heard saying: " }, "type": "", "interactionType": "fill-in", "correctResponsesPattern": [ "Bob’s your uncle" ] }
###### likert
"definition": { "description": { "en-US": "How awesome is Experience API?" }, "type": "", "interactionType": "likert", "correctResponsesPattern": [ "likert_3" ], "scale": [ { "id": "likert_0", "description": { "en-US": "It’s OK" } }, { "id": "likert_1", "description": { "en-US": "It’s Pretty Cool" } }, { "id": "likert_2", "description": { "en-US": "It’s Damn Cool" } }, { "id": "likert_3", "description": { "en-US": "It’s Gonna Change the World" } } ] }
###### matching
"definition": { "description": { "en-US": "Match these people to their kickball team:" }, "type": "", "interactionType": "matching", "correctResponsesPattern": [ "ben[.]3[,]chris[.]2[,]troy[.]4[,]freddie[.]1" ], "source": [ { "id": "ben", "description": { "en-US": "Ben" } }, { "id": "chris", "description": { "en-US": "Chris" } }, { "id": "troy", "description": { "en-US": "Troy" } }, { "id": "freddie", "description": { "en-US": "Freddie" } } ], "target": [ { "id": "1", "description": { "en-US": "Swift Kick in the Grass" } }, { "id": "2", "description": { "en-US": "We got Runs" } }, { "id": "3", "description": { "en-US": "Duck" } }, { "id": "4", "description": { "en-US": "Van Delay Industries" } } ] }
###### performance
"definition": { "description": { "en-US": "This interaction measures performance over a day of RS sports:" }, "type": "", "interactionType": "performance", "correctResponsesPattern": [ "pong[.]1:[,]dg[.]:10[,]lunch[.]" ], "steps": [ { "id": "pong", "description": { "en-US": "Net pong matches won" } }, { "id": "dg", "description": { "en-US": "Strokes over par in disc golf at Liberty" } }, { "id": "lunch", "description": { "en-US": "Lunch having been eaten" } } ] }
###### sequencing
"definition": { "description": { "en-US": "Order players by their pong ladder position:" }, "type": "", "interactionType": "sequencing", "correctResponsesPattern": [ "tim[,]mike[,]ells[,]ben" ], "choices": [ { "id": "tim", "description": { "en-US": "Tim" } }, { "id": "ben", "description": { "en-US": "Ben" } }, { "id": "ells", "description": { "en-US": "Ells" } }, { "id": "mike", "description": { "en-US": "Mike" } } ] }
###### numeric
"definition": { "description": { "en-US": "How many jokes is Chris the butt of each day?" }, "type": "", "interactionType": "numeric", "correctResponsesPattern": [ "4:" ] }
###### other
"definition": { "description": { "en-US": "On this map, please mark Franklin, TN" }, "type": "", "interactionType": "other", "correctResponsesPattern": [ "(35.937432,-86.868896)" ] }
<a name="AppendixD"/>
## Appendix D: Example statements
Example of a simple statement:
{ "id":"fd41c918-b88b-4b20-a0a5-a4c32391aaa0", "actor":{ "objectType": "Agent", "name":"Project Tin Can API", "mbox":"" }, "verb":{ "id":"", "display":{ "en-US":"created" } }, "object":{ "id":"", "definition":{ "name":{ "en-US":"simple statement" }, "description":{ "en-US":"A simple Experience API statement. Note that the LRS does not need to have any prior information about the actor (learner), the verb, or the activity/object." } } } }
Typical simple completion with verb "attempted":
{ "actor":{ "objectType": "Agent", "name":"Example Learner", "mbox":"" }, "verb":{ "id":"", "display":{ "en-US":"attempted" } }, "object":{ "id":"", "definition":{ "name":{ "en-US":"simple CBT course" }, "description":{ "en-US":"A fictitious example CBT course." } } }, "result":{ "score":{ "scaled":0.95 }, "success":true, "completion":true } }
<a name="AppendixE"/>
## Appendix E: Converting Statements to 1.0.0
This is a 1.0.0 specification, and as such implementers should not have to consider prior
versions of the specification. However, prior versions did see notable adoption. This data
conversion is specified in order
to preserve the data tracked using earlier versions, and make it available to new implementers
in a consistant manner.
######Conversion of statements created based on version 0.9
A 1.0.0 system converting a statement created in 0.9 MUST follow the steps below:
* If the statement has been voided or uses verbs, activity types, or properties not included in the
0.9 specification, do not convert it.
* Prefix "verb" with "".
* Prefix any activity ids which are not full absolute URIs with ",2013:expapi:0.9:activities:"
* Prefix any extension keys which are not full absolute URIs with ",2013:expapi:0.9:extensions:"
* Prefix activity types with ""
* for each agent (actor):
* Search for inverse functional identifiers in this order: "mbox, mbox_sha1sum, openId,
account". Keep the first populated inverse functional identifier found and discard the rest.
* For the above inverse functional identifier, take the first element in the array and
use that as the value of that inverse functional identifier property, discarding any
remaining elements.
* If the "name" property is present, set it equal to the first element in the "name"
array, discard the remaining elements.
* Remove all remaining properties.
* Remove the "voided" property from the statement, if present. Remember, if the value of the
voided property is true, then the statement MUST NOT be converted
* Add "version": "1.0.0"
* If an authority was not previously set, set the authority to an agent identified by
an account with a homePage set to the home page corresponding to the
system performing the conversion and an accountName of "unknown".
* Preserve all other fields without modification, including "stored". Stored should still
be updated if the statement is passed to another system.
######Conversion of statements created based on version 0.95
A 1.0.0 system converting a statement created in 0.95 MUST follow the steps below:
* If the statement is voided, do not convert it.
* Remove the "voided" property from the statement, if present. Remember, if the value
of the voided property is true, then the statement MUST NOT be converted
* Add "version": "1.0.0"
* If an authority was not previously set, set the authority to an agent identified by
an account with a homePage set to the home page corresponding to the
system performing the conversion and an accountName of "unknown".
* Preserve all other fields without modification, including "stored". Stored should still
be updated if the statement is passed to another system.
A 0.9 statement:
{ "id": "d1eec41f-1e93-4ed6-acbf-5c4bd0c24269", "actor": { "objectType": "Person", "name": [ "Joe Schmoe", "Joseph Schmoseph" ], "mbox": [ "" ], "openid": [ "" ] }, "verb": "completed", "inProgress": false, "object": { "objectType": "Activity", "id": "", "definition": { "name": { "en-US": "Example Activity" }, "type": "course" } }, "result": { "completion": true }, "context": { "instructor": { "objectType": "Person", "lastName": [ "Dad" ], "firstName": [ "Joe's" ], "mbox": [ "" ] }, "contextActivities": { "parent": { "objectType": "Activity", "id": "non-absolute-activity-id", "definition": { "name": { "en-US": "Another Activity" } } } } }, "timestamp": "2012-06-01T19:09:13.245Z", "stored": "2012-06-29T15:41:39.165Z" }
Converted to 1.0.0:
{ "version": "1.0.0", "id": "d1eec41f-1e93-4ed6-acbf-5c4bd0c24269", "actor": { "objectType": "Agent", "name": "Joe Schmoe", "mbox": "" }, "verb": { "id": "", "display": { "en-US": "completed" } }, "object": { "objectType": "Activity", "id": "", "definition": { "name": { "en-US": "Example Activity" }, "type": "" } }, "result": { "completion": true }, "context": { "instructor": { "objectType": "Agent", "mbox": "" }, "contextActivities": { "parent": [ { "objectType": "Activity", "id": ",2013:expapi:0.9:activities:non-absolute-activity-id", "definition": { "name": { "en-US": "Another Activity" } } } ] } }, "timestamp": "2012-06-01T19:09:13.245Z", "stored": "2012-06-29T15:41:39.165Z", "authority": { "objectType": "Agent", "account": { "homePage": "", "name": "unknown" } } }
<a name="AppendixF"/>
## Appendix F: Example Signed Statement
An example signed statement, as described in: <a href="#signature">4.1.12. Signed Statements</a>.
The original statement serialization to be signed:
{ "version": "1.0.0", "id": "33cff416-e331-4c9d-969e-5373a1756120", "actor": { "mbox": "", "name": "Example Learner", "objectType": "Agent" }, "verb": { "id": "", "display": { "en-US": "experienced" } }, "object": { "id": "", "objectType": "Activity", "definition": { "name": { "en-US": "Tax Tips & Information : How to File a Tax Return " }, "description": { "en-US": "Filing a tax return will require filling out either a 1040, 1040A or 1040EZ form" } } }, "timestamp": "2013-04-01T12:00:00Z" }
Example private key for X.590 certificate that will be used for signing:
-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY----- MIICXAIBAAKBgQDjxvZXF30WL4oKjZYXgR0ZyaX+u3y6+JqTqiNkFa/VTnet6Ly2 OT6ZmmcJEPnq3UnewpHoOQ+GfhhTkW13j06j5iNn4obcCVWTL9yXNvJH+Ko+xu4Y l/ySPRrIPyTjtHdG0M2XzIlmmLqm+CAS+KCbJeH4tf543kIWC5pC5p3cVQIDAQAB AoGAOejdvGq2XKuddu1kWXl0Aphn4YmdPpPyCNTaxplU6PBYMRjY0aNgLQE6bO2p /HJiU4Y4PkgzkEgCu0xf/mOq5DnSkX32ICoQS6jChABAe20ErPfm5t8h9YKsTfn9 40lAouuwD9ePRteizd4YvHtiMMwmh5PtUoCbqLefawNApAECQQD1mdBW3zL0okUx 2pc4tttn2qArCG4CsEZMLlGRDd3FwPWJz3ZPNEEgZWXGSpA9F1QTZ6JYXIfejjRo UuvRMWeBAkEA7WvzDBNcv4N+xeUKvH8ILti/BM58LraTtqJlzjQSovek0srxtmDg 5of+xrxN6IM4p7yvQa+7YOUOukrVXjG+1QJBAI2mBrjzxgm9xTa5odn97JD7UMFA /WHjlMe/Nx/35V52qaav1sZbluw+TvKMcqApYj5G2SUpSNudHLDGkmd2nQECQFfc lBRK8g7ZncekbGW3aRLVGVOxClnLLTzwOlamBKOUm8V6XxsMHQ6TE2D+fKJoNUY1 2HGpk+FWwy2D1hRGuoUCQAXfaLSxtaWdPtlZTPVueF7ZikQDsVg+vtTFgpuHloR2 6EVc1RbHHZm32yvGDY8IkcoMfJQqLONDdLfS/05yoNU= -----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----
Example public X.509 certificate
Example certificate authority certificate
JWS Header. Note that along with specifying the algorithm, the certificate chain for
the signing certificate has been included.
JWS signature
Signed Statement
{ "version": "1.0.0", "id": "33cff416-e331-4c9d-969e-5373a1756120", "actor": { "mbox": "", "name": "Example Learner", "objectType": "Agent" }, "verb": { "id": "", "display": { "en-US": "experienced" } }, "object": { "id": "", "objectType": "Activity", "definition": { "name": { "en-US": "Tax Tips & Information : How to File a Tax Return " }, "description": { "en-US": "Filing a tax return will require filling out either a 1040, 1040A or 1040EZ form" } } }, "timestamp": "2013-04-01T12:00:00Z", "attachments": [ { "usageType": "", "display": { "en-US": "Signature" }, "description": { "en-US": "A test signature" }, "contentType": "application/octet-stream", "length": 4235, "sha2": "dc9589e454ff375dd5dfd6f556d2583e231e8cafe55ef40102ddd988b79f86f0" } ] }
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