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Nicklas Marc Pedersen edited this page Jul 16, 2018 · 19 revisions

These instructions will guide you through downloading and installing the bot.

Git (optional)

It is HIGHLY recommended that you use git. Using git will make it very easy to install and update the bot when new changes are released (this is quite frequently), it is a lot faster than downloading and setting it up manually.

Download git from their official page and go through the installation process. If you're not sure if you already have it, open a command prompt / terminal and write git --version, if you see a version, then you know it is installed.

You install the repository by writing git clone

Download without git

Download the whole repository by clicking on the green button on the main page. Remember to extract the downloaded ZIP file.


NPM (Node Package Manager) is used to download and install the NodeJS modules that the bot needs. NPM comes with the NodeJS installation, you install NodeJS here. To check if it is already installed, write node -v and npm -v.

Once NodeJS is installed, go to the folder and install the modules by double-clicking on the install.bat file. If you are not using Windows - Navigate to the folder and use the command npm install.

You've now installed the source, and its dependencies. You are now ready to configure the bot, proceed to the configuration guide.

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