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Nicklas Marc Pedersen edited this page Jan 21, 2020 · 19 revisions

This page will go through how to download the bot and other tools.

Download and install required programs


The way you download the bot is by using Git. Git is a distributed version-control system for tracking changes in source code during software development (

(You don't need to use Git to download the bot, but it makes it a lot easier to update the bot)


Download Git from

Mac / Linux

Git should already be installed, check if it is by opening the terminal and using the command git -v.


Windows / Mac / Linux

Download from

Downloading the bot

Once you have installed Git, open a command prompt or a terminal and navigate to the location where you want the bot to be saved. You can always move the folder to a different location, but for this example we will use the desktop. Write cd Desktop in the console and hit enter, then you should see it says something like C:\Users\<Your Username>\Desktop>. When at the desktop, use the command git clone Once it is done cloning, then the bot has been downloaded to a new folder called tf2-automatic.

Installing modules

When the bot has been downloaded you need to install the modules. Do this by navigating to the tf2-automatic folder with the command prompt or a terminal and using the command npm install.

Compiling source

The bot is made with typescript. This means that you need to compile the source code to be able to run it. When using npm install it should install typescript globally, then install the dependencies, and then compile the source.

Steps to compile the source:

  1. Install typescript using npm install typescript@latest -g
  2. Install dependencies using npm install
  3. Compile the source using tsc -p .

The compiled code will now be in inside a folder called dist.

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