diff --git a/NickvisionMoney.Shared/Docs/html/gl/account.html b/NickvisionMoney.Shared/Docs/html/gl/account.html new file mode 100644 index 000000000..cc26e8b15 --- /dev/null +++ b/NickvisionMoney.Shared/Docs/html/gl/account.html @@ -0,0 +1,134 @@ + + + + + +Account + + + +



This page explains all properties of accounts in Denaro. Most of them are shown in Account Settings Dialog. This dialog also opens automatically after you create a new account.


Each account is stored in a single *.nmoney file. Files created in an older stable version of Denaro can be safely opened in a more recent stable version of the application. Although the app can run on different platforms (Windows and Linux), the *.nmoney files are 100% compatible between platforms as long as they are from the same application version (i.e. V2023.1.0).

+ + +

Unstable (Beta and RC) versions of the application can contain bugs or unfinished modifications that can cause data loss. DO NOT use account files that contain real data in unstable versions of the app!


Account name is shown in the list of recent accounts and in tabs. A name doesn't have a length limit and it can contain any characters, including emojis.

Account Type

There are 3 account types available: 🟣Checking, 🔵Savings and 🟢Business. Account type is only a useful label that is shown in the list of recent accounts and doesn't affect how the application works or what you can do with an account. Each account type has its own color, these colors can be configured in global settings.

Default Transaction Type

When you create a new transaction its type by default will be the same as in this setting.

Transaction Reminders Threshold

The threshold used when showing reminders about upcoming transactions.

System Currency

Every time the application starts, it gets data about currency and numbers formatting from your system locale, and this data is used to show currency symbol (unless custom currency is used, see below) and to determine in what format the numbers will be accepted as values for transaction amounts. A few examples:

  • If your locale is English (US), currency symbol will be set to $ and 1,000.00 will be accepted as a valid number.

  • +
  • If your locale is Italian, currency symbol will be set to and 1.000,00 will be accepted as a valid number.

  • +
  • If your locale is Russian, currency symbol will be set to and 1000,00 will be accepted as a valid number.

  • +
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + +

On Linux, it is possible to set different locales for system language and formats. Changing these settings varies depending on the desktop environment you are using. Despite differences in the location of these settings on the desktop, changing these settings modify system environment variables, such as LANG, LC_TIME, and LC_MONETARY. Denaro will try to use amount and date formats according to these variables. If the app fails to use the expected formats, please make sure the variables are set correctly via the locale command in a terminal. If you found a bug and want to report it, please provide the output of the locale command to allow developers to reproduce your issue with the same settings.

Use Custom Currency

If this option is enabled, Custom Currency Symbol will be used instead of currency symbol provided by your system locale.

Custom Currency Symbol

Up to 3 characters or 1 emoji. It can't be a number.

Custom Currency Code

Up to 3 characters or 1 emoji.


An example to understand the difference between a symbol and a code: $ is a symbol, USD is a code.

Custom Currency Amount Style

A choice of displaying an amount in one of the following ways:

  • $n

  • +
  • n$

  • +
  • $ n

  • +
  • n $

  • +
Custom Currency Decimal and Group Separators

Up to 2 characters or 1 emoji.

Custom Currency Decimal Digits

The size of decimal part of amount values. With "Unlimited" digits there will be as many numbers in decimal part as required to show the precise amount, but there will be no decimal part if the amount is an integer number.


Each account can be password-protected. Adding a password causes an account to become encrypted (making it impossible to read the data without decrypting it using the password). Be careful: if the password is lost, you won't be able to restore the data! A password can also be changed or removed using the account settings dialog of an open account. Removing a password will decrypt the account.

Sort by Id, Date or Amount

Each account stores whether to sort transactions in the main window by their id, date or amount. Every time you change this, it will be saved to the account file and restored when you reopen the account.

Sorting Order

Each account stores information about the order of transactions in the main window. Every time you change this, it will be saved to the account file and restored when you reopen the account.

Groups Visibility

Each account stores information about whether the groups list in the main window is hidden or not. Every time you change groups list visibility, it's saved and then restored when you reopen the account.

Tags Visibility

Each account stores information about whether the tags list in the main window is hidden or not. Every time you change tags list visibility, it's saved and then restored when you reopen the account.

+ +
+ diff --git a/NickvisionMoney.Shared/Docs/html/gl/configuration.html b/NickvisionMoney.Shared/Docs/html/gl/configuration.html new file mode 100644 index 000000000..803ba8bc4 --- /dev/null +++ b/NickvisionMoney.Shared/Docs/html/gl/configuration.html @@ -0,0 +1,83 @@ + + + + + +Configuration + + + +



This page describes what you can change in the application configuration.


Depending on your platform, in the application interface the configuration is referred as either Preferences or Settings.


Set light or dark theme, or make Denaro follow your system theme. Changing this on Windows requires the application restart to apply.

Transaction Default Color

A color that will be selected by default when adding a new transaction with unique color. Changing this will not affect existing transactions, even if they use previously selected default color.

Transfer Default Color

A color that will be used for transactions created using transfer. Changing this will not affect existing transactions.

Group Default Color

A color that will be selected by default when adding a new group. This is also a color for «Ungrouped» group.

Checking Account Color

A color used to mark accounts with the Checking type in a recent accounts list.

Savings Account Color

A color used to mark accounts with the Savings type in a recent accounts list.

Business Account Color

A color used to mark accounts with the Business type in a recent accounts list.

Use Native Digits

Whether to use numerals that are native for your locale instead of latin digits. For example, if this setting is enabled ٠١٢ will be used instead of 012 for locales that use Eastern Arabic numerals.

Insert Decimal Separator

Set for which keys pressed will the locale's decimal separator be inserted into an amount field: numpad period, any period and comma, or none. If decimal separator is already presented in a field, it will not be inserted.

CSV Backup Folder

A folder where your data will be automatically exported to CSV after every change. This feature doesn't work for password-protected accounts, because CSV files can't be password-protected.

+ +
+ diff --git a/NickvisionMoney.Shared/Docs/html/gl/import-export.html b/NickvisionMoney.Shared/Docs/html/gl/import-export.html new file mode 100644 index 000000000..5e145b1b8 --- /dev/null +++ b/NickvisionMoney.Shared/Docs/html/gl/import-export.html @@ -0,0 +1,158 @@ + + + + + +Import/Export + + + +



Import Formats

  • +

    Open Financial Exchange (.ofx)


    Dates should be in YYYYMMDD format.

  • +
  • +

    Quicken Interchange Format (.qif)


    Dates should be in English (US) format (MM/DD/YYYY).

  • +
  • +

    Denaro CSV (.csv)


    ❗ While CSV is a common format and some banks allow their users to export information as CSV, these files are in fact tables that can contain arbitrary data. Importing a CSV file created in other program will fail, because its data will not be compatible with what Denaro tries to get from a file. The purpose of CSV import/export is to provide a way to add data to an account using external programs such as text editors and office suites. Import will only add new transactions without overriding existing ones. If you want to create a CSV file manually, this is the header that includes all columns Denaro expects to find:



    • +



      Transaction Id, should be unique for a given account. Ids start with 1.

    • +
    • +



      Transaction date (or start date in case of repeat transaction), should be in English (US) format (MM/DD/YYYY).

    • +
    • +



      Transaction description, it can contain any characters except semicolon.

    • +
    • +



      Transaction type: 0 for income, 1 for expense.

    • +
    • +



      A number representing transaction repeat interval:


      0 - Never


      1 - Daily


      2 - Weekly


      7 - Biweekly


      3 - Monthly


      4 - Quarterly


      5 - Yearly


      6 - Biyearly


      See Repeat Interval in transaction page for details about repeat transactions.

    • +
    • +



      Should be either an Id of source transaction or 0 if it's a source transaction or -1 if it's not repeat transaction.

    • +
    • +



      End date for repeat transaction, should be in English (US) format (MM/DD/YYYY). Leave it empty if it's not repeat transaction.

    • +
    • +



      Transaction amount in English (US) format (123,456.78).

    • +
    • +



      Transaction color, should be in rgb(R,G,B) format where R, G and B are integers in range between 0 and 255.

    • +
    • +



      Whether a transaction should use group color: 0 — false, 1 — true.

    • +
    • +



      Transaction's group Id. Ids start with 1. For ungrouped transaction it should be -1 (not 0, this is incorrect value for group Id).

    • +
    • +



      Transaction's group name, should match group Id. It can contain any characters except semicolon. Leave it empty for ungrouped transaction, in any other cases it shouldn't be empty.

    • +
    • +



      Transaction's group description, should match group Id. It can contain any characters except semicolon and can be empty. Leave it empty for ungrouped transaction.

    • +
    • +



      Group color, should be in rgb(R,G,B) format where R, G and B are integers in range between 0 and 255.

    • +

    Receipt and notes are not present in CSV.

  • +

Export Formats


You can select whether to export all information or only from the current view. If you select the current view, currently displayed transactions will be exported in the same order in which they are shown.

  • +

    Portable Document Format (.pdf)


    A file will contain an account information, a list of transactions and images of receipts. Transactions are colored like in the application, but colors are modified by making them half-transparent in order to make black text always clearly visible. You can set a password for an exported file.

  • +
  • Denaro CSV (.csv)

  • +
+ +
+ diff --git a/NickvisionMoney.Shared/Docs/html/gl/index.html b/NickvisionMoney.Shared/Docs/html/gl/index.html new file mode 100644 index 000000000..1364e0931 --- /dev/null +++ b/NickvisionMoney.Shared/Docs/html/gl/index.html @@ -0,0 +1,58 @@ + + + + + +Denaro Help + + + +
+ diff --git a/NickvisionMoney.Shared/Docs/html/gl/transaction.html b/NickvisionMoney.Shared/Docs/html/gl/transaction.html new file mode 100644 index 000000000..cdc2a31cd --- /dev/null +++ b/NickvisionMoney.Shared/Docs/html/gl/transaction.html @@ -0,0 +1,86 @@ + + + + + +Transaction + + + +



This page explains all properties of transactions in Denaro.


Each transaction has an Id that is unique for a given account. Ids start with 1 and increase for every transaction added. Ids can't be changed, ids of removed transactions are not reused.


No limit on length. It can't contain semicolon.


A number in a format that is valid for your locale, see System Currency in Account page for details.


Income or Expense. By default the one chosen in account settings will be selected when you open a dialog to add new transaction.


Any date can be selected, you can also create transactions for future dates.

Repeat Interval

Use this option to create a recurring transaction. After you add transaction with repeat interval, this transaction will become a source transaction. Denaro will automatically generate repeat transactions for the dates up until today or a provided end date if set in the past. Repeat transactions can't be edited or deleted, only source can be modified. When you modify source transaction Denaro will ask if you want to modify or disassociate repeat transactions. If you choose to disassociate, repeat transactions become normal transactions and can be edited or deleted separately.

Repeat End Date

End date for a transaction with repeat. It can't be earlier than or on the same day as start date.


Each transaction can belong to only one group or none («Ungrouped» group).


A color for transaction. Can be set to use either a group color or a unique color. When selecting unique color, it will be set by default to the color selected in configuration, but can be changed to any color.


A list of tags for transaction. A transaction can have unlimited number of tags (or have no tags). Tags can contain any characters except comma (,), and have any length, but they are expected to be short keywords. Tags are meant to be used for additional filtering when using groups is not enough. Tags are only saved in transactions themselves, and as result unused tags disappear automatically on account closing.


An image of a receipt for transaction. You can upload JPEG or PNG image or PDF document, but no matter the format it will be converted and saved as JPEG image. In case of PDF, only the first page will be saved. You can delete or upload another file anytime.


A freeform text note to attach to transaction.

+ +
+ diff --git a/NickvisionMoney.Shared/Docs/html/gl/transfer.html b/NickvisionMoney.Shared/Docs/html/gl/transfer.html new file mode 100644 index 000000000..add52ea56 --- /dev/null +++ b/NickvisionMoney.Shared/Docs/html/gl/transfer.html @@ -0,0 +1,67 @@ + + + + + +Transfer + + + +



Transfer is a way to move money from one account to another. After running a transfer 2 transactions will be created with the following descriptions:

  • «Transfer to Destination Account Name» on source account.

  • +
  • «Transfer from Source Account Name» on destination account.

  • +

Transactions created using transfer are simple transactions that can be freely edited or deleted. These transactions are not connected: modifying transaction on source account will not affect transaction on destination account, and vice versa.


Transfer doesn't allow you to create repeating transactions or set any properties other than the amount. The color selected in configuration will be used for created transactions.


If you create a transfer between accounts with different currencies, you will be asked to provide a conversion rate.

+ +
+ diff --git a/NickvisionMoney.Shared/Docs/html/pl/configuration.html b/NickvisionMoney.Shared/Docs/html/pl/configuration.html index e56841459..049681d87 100644 --- a/NickvisionMoney.Shared/Docs/html/pl/configuration.html +++ b/NickvisionMoney.Shared/Docs/html/pl/configuration.html @@ -33,7 +33,7 @@

A color used to mark accounts with the Checking type in a recent accounts list.

Savings Account Color

A color used to mark accounts with the Savings type in a recent accounts list.

Business Account Color
Kolor konta firmowego

A color used to mark accounts with the Business type in a recent accounts list.

Use Native Digits

Whether to use numerals that are native for your locale instead of latin digits. For example, if this setting is enabled ٠١٢ will be used instead of 012 for locales that use Eastern Arabic numerals.

diff --git a/NickvisionMoney.Shared/Docs/html/pt_BR/account.html b/NickvisionMoney.Shared/Docs/html/pt_BR/account.html index a4887e3f7..0a51091c7 100644 --- a/NickvisionMoney.Shared/Docs/html/pt_BR/account.html +++ b/NickvisionMoney.Shared/Docs/html/pt_BR/account.html @@ -32,7 +32,7 @@

Existem 3 tipos de conta disponíveis: 🟣Corrente, 🔵Poupança e 🟢Comercial. O tipo da conta é so um rótulo útil que é mostrado na lista de contas recentes e não afeta o funcionamento do aplicativo ou o que pode ser feito com uma conta. Cada tipo de conta possui sua própria cor. Essas cores podem ser configuradas nas configurações globais.

Tipo Padrão das Transações

Quando você cria uma nova transação, o seu tipo, por padrão, será o mesmo que nesta configuração.

Transaction Reminders Threshold
Limite de Lembretes de Transação

The threshold used when showing reminders about upcoming transactions.

Moeda do Sistema
diff --git a/NickvisionMoney.Shared/Docs/yelp/gl/account.page b/NickvisionMoney.Shared/Docs/yelp/gl/account.page new file mode 100644 index 000000000..31e0395b7 --- /dev/null +++ b/NickvisionMoney.Shared/Docs/yelp/gl/account.page @@ -0,0 +1,105 @@ + + + + + Account 🏦 + + Fyodor Sobolev + 2023 + + + Nicholas Logozzo + 2023 + +

Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License

+ +Account +

This page explains all properties of accounts in Denaro. Most of them are shown in Account Settings Dialog. This dialog also opens automatically after you create a new account.


Each account is stored in a single *.nmoney file. Files created in an older stable version of Denaro can be safely opened in a more recent stable version of the application. Although the app can run on different platforms (Windows and Linux), the *.nmoney files are 100% compatible between platforms as long as they are from the same application version (i.e. V2023.1.0).

+ +

Unstable (Beta and RC) versions of the application can contain bugs or unfinished modifications that can cause data loss. DO NOT use account files that contain real data in unstable versions of the app!

+ + + + Name +

Account name is shown in the list of recent accounts and in tabs. A name doesn't have a length limit and it can contain any characters, including emojis.

+ + Account Type +

There are 3 account types available: 🟣Checking, 🔵Savings and 🟢Business. Account type is only a useful label that is shown in the list of recent accounts and doesn't affect how the application works or what you can do with an account. Each account type has its own color, these colors can be configured in global settings.

+ + Default Transaction Type +

When you create a new transaction its type by default will be the same as in this setting.

+ + Transaction Reminders Threshold +

The threshold used when showing reminders about upcoming transactions.

+ + System Currency +

Every time the application starts, it gets data about currency and numbers formatting from your system locale, and this data is used to show currency symbol (unless custom currency is used, see below) and to determine in what format the numbers will be accepted as values for transaction amounts. A few examples:

+ +

If your locale is English (US), currency symbol will be set to $ and 1,000.00 will be accepted as a valid number.


If your locale is Italian, currency symbol will be set to and 1.000,00 will be accepted as a valid number.


If your locale is Russian, currency symbol will be set to and 1000,00 will be accepted as a valid number.

+ +

On Linux, it is possible to set different locales for system language and formats. Changing these settings varies depending on the desktop environment you are using. Despite differences in the location of these settings on the desktop, changing these settings modify system environment variables, such as LANG, LC_TIME, and LC_MONETARY. Denaro will try to use amount and date formats according to these variables. If the app fails to use the expected formats, please make sure the variables are set correctly via the locale command in a terminal. If you found a bug and want to report it, please provide the output of the locale command to allow developers to reproduce your issue with the same settings.

+ + Use Custom Currency +

If this option is enabled, Custom Currency Symbol will be used instead of currency symbol provided by your system locale.

+ + Custom Currency Symbol +

Up to 3 characters or 1 emoji. It can't be a number.

+ + Custom Currency Code +

Up to 3 characters or 1 emoji.


An example to understand the difference between a symbol and a code: $ is a symbol, USD is a code.

+ + Custom Currency Amount Style +

A choice of displaying an amount in one of the following ways:

+ +





$ n


n $

+ + Custom Currency Decimal and Group Separators +

Up to 2 characters or 1 emoji.

+ + Custom Currency Decimal Digits +

The size of decimal part of amount values. With "Unlimited" digits there will be as many numbers in decimal part as required to show the precise amount, but there will be no decimal part if the amount is an integer number.

+ + Password +

Each account can be password-protected. Adding a password causes an account to become encrypted (making it impossible to read the data without decrypting it using the password). Be careful: if the password is lost, you won't be able to restore the data! A password can also be changed or removed using the account settings dialog of an open account. Removing a password will decrypt the account.

+ + Sort by Id, Date or Amount +

Each account stores whether to sort transactions in the main window by their id, date or amount. Every time you change this, it will be saved to the account file and restored when you reopen the account.

+ + Sorting Order +

Each account stores information about the order of transactions in the main window. Every time you change this, it will be saved to the account file and restored when you reopen the account.

+ + Groups Visibility +

Each account stores information about whether the groups list in the main window is hidden or not. Every time you change groups list visibility, it's saved and then restored when you reopen the account.

+ + Tags Visibility +

Each account stores information about whether the tags list in the main window is hidden or not. Every time you change tags list visibility, it's saved and then restored when you reopen the account.

diff --git a/NickvisionMoney.Shared/Docs/yelp/gl/configuration.page b/NickvisionMoney.Shared/Docs/yelp/gl/configuration.page new file mode 100644 index 000000000..3236601bf --- /dev/null +++ b/NickvisionMoney.Shared/Docs/yelp/gl/configuration.page @@ -0,0 +1,62 @@ + + + + + Configuration 🔧 + + Fyodor Sobolev + 2023 + + + Nicholas Logozzo + 2023 + +

Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License

+ +Configuration +

This page describes what you can change in the application configuration.


Depending on your platform, in the application interface the configuration is referred as either Preferences or Settings.

+ + + Theme +

Set light or dark theme, or make Denaro follow your system theme. Changing this on Windows requires the application restart to apply.

+ + Transaction Default Color +

A color that will be selected by default when adding a new transaction with unique color. Changing this will not affect existing transactions, even if they use previously selected default color.

+ + Transfer Default Color +

A color that will be used for transactions created using transfer. Changing this will not affect existing transactions.

+ + Group Default Color +

A color that will be selected by default when adding a new group. This is also a color for «Ungrouped» group.

+ + Checking Account Color +

A color used to mark accounts with the Checking type in a recent accounts list.

+ + Savings Account Color +

A color used to mark accounts with the Savings type in a recent accounts list.

+ + Business Account Color +

A color used to mark accounts with the Business type in a recent accounts list.

+ + Use Native Digits +

Whether to use numerals that are native for your locale instead of latin digits. For example, if this setting is enabled ٠١٢ will be used instead of 012 for locales that use Eastern Arabic numerals.

+ + Insert Decimal Separator +

Set for which keys pressed will the locale's decimal separator be inserted into an amount field: numpad period, any period and comma, or none. If decimal separator is already presented in a field, it will not be inserted.

+ + CSV Backup Folder +

A folder where your data will be automatically exported to CSV after every change. This feature doesn't work for password-protected accounts, because CSV files can't be password-protected.

diff --git a/NickvisionMoney.Shared/Docs/yelp/gl/figures/denaro.png b/NickvisionMoney.Shared/Docs/yelp/gl/figures/denaro.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000..e815330da Binary files /dev/null and b/NickvisionMoney.Shared/Docs/yelp/gl/figures/denaro.png differ diff --git a/NickvisionMoney.Shared/Docs/yelp/gl/import-export.page b/NickvisionMoney.Shared/Docs/yelp/gl/import-export.page new file mode 100644 index 000000000..e366e3c0c --- /dev/null +++ b/NickvisionMoney.Shared/Docs/yelp/gl/import-export.page @@ -0,0 +1,117 @@ + + + + + Import/Export 📤 + + Fyodor Sobolev + 2023 + + + Nicholas Logozzo + 2023 + +

Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License

+ +Import/Export +
+ Import Formats + + +

Open Financial Exchange (.ofx)


Dates should be in YYYYMMDD format.

+ +

Quicken Interchange Format (.qif)


Dates should be in English (US) format (MM/DD/YYYY).

+ +

Denaro CSV (.csv)


❗ While CSV is a common format and some banks allow their users to export information as CSV, these files are in fact tables that can contain arbitrary data. Importing a CSV file created in other program will fail, because its data will not be compatible with what Denaro tries to get from a file. The purpose of CSV import/export is to provide a way to add data to an account using external programs such as text editors and office suites. Import will only add new transactions without overriding existing ones. If you want to create a CSV file manually, this is the header that includes all columns Denaro expects to find:



+ + + ID +

Transaction Id, should be unique for a given account. Ids start with 1.

+ + Date +

Transaction date (or start date in case of repeat transaction), should be in English (US) format (MM/DD/YYYY).

+ + Description +

Transaction description, it can contain any characters except semicolon.

+ + Type +

Transaction type: 0 for income, 1 for expense.

+ + RepeatInterval +

A number representing transaction repeat interval:


0 - Never


1 - Daily


2 - Weekly


7 - Biweekly


3 - Monthly


4 - Quarterly


5 - Yearly


6 - Biyearly


See Repeat Interval in transaction page for details about repeat transactions.

+ + RepeatFrom +

Should be either an Id of source transaction or 0 if it's a source transaction or -1 if it's not repeat transaction.

+ + RepeatEndDate +

End date for repeat transaction, should be in English (US) format (MM/DD/YYYY). Leave it empty if it's not repeat transaction.

+ + Amount +

Transaction amount in English (US) format (123,456.78).

+ + RGBA +

Transaction color, should be in rgb(R,G,B) format where R, G and B are integers in range between 0 and 255.

+ + UseGroupColor +

Whether a transaction should use group color: 0 — false, 1 — true.

+ + Group +

Transaction's group Id. Ids start with 1. For ungrouped transaction it should be -1 (not 0, this is incorrect value for group Id).

+ + GroupName +

Transaction's group name, should match group Id. It can contain any characters except semicolon. Leave it empty for ungrouped transaction, in any other cases it shouldn't be empty.

+ + GroupDescription +

Transaction's group description, should match group Id. It can contain any characters except semicolon and can be empty. Leave it empty for ungrouped transaction.

+ + GroupRGBA +

Group color, should be in rgb(R,G,B) format where R, G and B are integers in range between 0 and 255.


Receipt and notes are not present in CSV.

+ Export Formats +

You can select whether to export all information or only from the current view. If you select the current view, currently displayed transactions will be exported in the same order in which they are shown.

+ + +

Portable Document Format (.pdf)


A file will contain an account information, a list of transactions and images of receipts. Transactions are colored like in the application, but colors are modified by making them half-transparent in order to make black text always clearly visible. You can set a password for an exported file.

+ +

Denaro CSV (.csv)

diff --git a/NickvisionMoney.Shared/Docs/yelp/gl/index.page b/NickvisionMoney.Shared/Docs/yelp/gl/index.page new file mode 100644 index 000000000..fcf91ef67 --- /dev/null +++ b/NickvisionMoney.Shared/Docs/yelp/gl/index.page @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ + + + + Denaro Help + Denaro Help + + Fyodor Sobolev + 2023 + + + Nicholas Logozzo + 2023 + +

Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License

+ +<media its:translate="no" type="image" src="figures/denaro.png"/> Denaro Help +

This documentation will help you understand how to configure and manage data in Denaro to get the most of the application.


To get support, use issues or discussions on Github, or join our Matrix channel.

diff --git a/NickvisionMoney.Shared/Docs/yelp/gl/transaction.page b/NickvisionMoney.Shared/Docs/yelp/gl/transaction.page new file mode 100644 index 000000000..ccae4ccb8 --- /dev/null +++ b/NickvisionMoney.Shared/Docs/yelp/gl/transaction.page @@ -0,0 +1,70 @@ + + + + + Transaction 🧾 + + Fyodor Sobolev + 2023 + + + Nicholas Logozzo + 2023 + +

Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License

+ +Transaction +

This page explains all properties of transactions in Denaro.

+ + + + Id +

Each transaction has an Id that is unique for a given account. Ids start with 1 and increase for every transaction added. Ids can't be changed, ids of removed transactions are not reused.

+ + Description +

No limit on length. It can't contain semicolon.

+ + Amount +

A number in a format that is valid for your locale, see System Currency in Account page for details.

+ + Type +

Income or Expense. By default the one chosen in account settings will be selected when you open a dialog to add new transaction.

+ + Date +

Any date can be selected, you can also create transactions for future dates.

+ + Repeat Interval +

Use this option to create a recurring transaction. After you add transaction with repeat interval, this transaction will become a source transaction. Denaro will automatically generate repeat transactions for the dates up until today or a provided end date if set in the past. Repeat transactions can't be edited or deleted, only source can be modified. When you modify source transaction Denaro will ask if you want to modify or disassociate repeat transactions. If you choose to disassociate, repeat transactions become normal transactions and can be edited or deleted separately.

+ + Repeat End Date +

End date for a transaction with repeat. It can't be earlier than or on the same day as start date.

+ + Group +

Each transaction can belong to only one group or none («Ungrouped» group).

+ + Color +

A color for transaction. Can be set to use either a group color or a unique color. When selecting unique color, it will be set by default to the color selected in configuration, but can be changed to any color.

+ + Tags +

A list of tags for transaction. A transaction can have unlimited number of tags (or have no tags). Tags can contain any characters except comma (,), and have any length, but they are expected to be short keywords. Tags are meant to be used for additional filtering when using groups is not enough. Tags are only saved in transactions themselves, and as result unused tags disappear automatically on account closing.

+ + Receipt +

An image of a receipt for transaction. You can upload JPEG or PNG image or PDF document, but no matter the format it will be converted and saved as JPEG image. In case of PDF, only the first page will be saved. You can delete or upload another file anytime.

+ + Notes +

A freeform text note to attach to transaction.

diff --git a/NickvisionMoney.Shared/Docs/yelp/gl/transfer.page b/NickvisionMoney.Shared/Docs/yelp/gl/transfer.page new file mode 100644 index 000000000..ff67a34de --- /dev/null +++ b/NickvisionMoney.Shared/Docs/yelp/gl/transfer.page @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ + + + + + Transfer 💸 + + Fyodor Sobolev + 2023 + + + Nicholas Logozzo + 2023 + +

Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License

+ +Transfer +

Transfer is a way to move money from one account to another. After running a transfer 2 transactions will be created with the following descriptions:

+ + +

«Transfer to Destination Account Name» on source account.

+ +

«Transfer from Source Account Name» on destination account.


Transactions created using transfer are simple transactions that can be freely edited or deleted. These transactions are not connected: modifying transaction on source account will not affect transaction on destination account, and vice versa.


Transfer doesn't allow you to create repeating transactions or set any properties other than the amount. The color selected in configuration will be used for created transactions.


If you create a transfer between accounts with different currencies, you will be asked to provide a conversion rate.

diff --git a/NickvisionMoney.Shared/Docs/yelp/pl/configuration.page b/NickvisionMoney.Shared/Docs/yelp/pl/configuration.page index 8ea204302..b1359ee1b 100644 --- a/NickvisionMoney.Shared/Docs/yelp/pl/configuration.page +++ b/NickvisionMoney.Shared/Docs/yelp/pl/configuration.page @@ -43,7 +43,7 @@

A color used to mark accounts with the Savings type in a recent accounts list.

- Business Account Color + Kolor konta firmowego

A color used to mark accounts with the Business type in a recent accounts list.

diff --git a/NickvisionMoney.Shared/Docs/yelp/pt_BR/account.page b/NickvisionMoney.Shared/Docs/yelp/pt_BR/account.page index ac0543878..debf72e0d 100644 --- a/NickvisionMoney.Shared/Docs/yelp/pt_BR/account.page +++ b/NickvisionMoney.Shared/Docs/yelp/pt_BR/account.page @@ -35,7 +35,7 @@

Quando você cria uma nova transação, o seu tipo, por padrão, será o mesmo que nesta configuração.

- Transaction Reminders Threshold + Limite de Lembretes de Transação

The threshold used when showing reminders about upcoming transactions.