Parse ZJU ugrs/grs class timetable and generate iCalender file for you. If you are grs student or selected grs courses, please use this repo.
we provide two binary file, zjuical and zjuicalsrv, both of them are same function, but one is running on your machine but the other is running on server and expose web page.
- download from release page
- don't need to edit configs
- use
./zjuical -u [userId] -p [password]
to generate - also can use
./zjuical --help
to find advanced usage
download from release page
edit configs/server.json
here is the fields description
{ "enckey": "D*F-JaNdRgUkXp2s5v8y/B?E(H+KbPeS",//aes key(must be 128bits or 192bits or 256bits)" "host": "localhost", //host path(localhost or your server domain) "port": 3000, //must be number "config": "configs/config.json", //path to config.json, can be empty(default) "ip_header": "", //if you use nginx as reverse proxy, you can set field ip-header to track real ip "redis_addr": "",//can be empty(default) "redis_pass": "" //can be empty(default) "cache_ttl": 0 //can be empty(default 48h), unit is hour }
and openhost::port
to use!
we provide three config file under /configs:
is used for zjuical to get username and password from file -
is used for zjuical and zjuicalsrv to get generated config, which is highly recommended not to modify, but if you are not satisfied with the generated config, you can modify it with follow rules:{ "lastUpdated": 20220913, //just a flag "tweaks": [ //some holidays for zju course schedule changed { "TweakType": 2, //0:clear,1:copy,2:exchange "Description": "[国庆节] 放假调休,课程对调", //description "From": 20221006, //format YYYYMMDD "To": 20221008 }, ], "termConfigs": [ // detailed term informations { "Year": "2022-2023", "Term": 0, // see pkg/zjuservice/class.go for details "Begin": 20220912, "End": 20221106, "FirstWeekNo": 1 }, { "Year": "2022-2023", "Term": 1, "Begin": 20221107, "End": 20230111, "FirstWeekNo": 1 } ], "classTerms": [ //want query class terms, must be in termConfigs "2022-2023:0",//see pkg/zjuservice/class.go for details "2022-2023:1" ], "examTerms": [ // want query exam terms, must be in termConfigs "2022-2023:0" //0 is fall and winter term, 1 is spring and summer term ] }
server.json is used for zjuicalsrv to get server config, which is must modified for yourown server
anyway, please don't move config file to another path(which is hard code!)
- Q: I generate a ics file by zjuical, but can't import it on my iphone?
- A: ical file can be directly import on Mac, Windows, Linux and Android, but can't be opened on iphone directly, you need send it to your email(or others email) and open it on
APP`, or you can use our online playground! - Q: I can't generate ics file by zjuical, even I can't run it!
- A: please check your download file from release page, you need download the binary file which is suitable for your machine, if you are fresh man and not sure, please download the
version, and if you are usingarm
, please download theArm64
version, if you are using M1/M2 mac, please download theDarwin_arm64
version. - Q: I am worried about the security of online services, what should I do if my account number and password are stolen
- A: The author pledges his reputation not to conduct private collections, you also can build your own server by manual