Continuous integration: GitHub Action
Workflow: Branching workflow
Group size: 3
All group members utilized a simple branching model that revolved around a single main branch. This helped facilitate collaboration, code review, and continuous integration when developing the YelpViz R package. Each group member was responsible for carrying out the tasks of developing specific functions that helped contribute to an overall business visualization package in R code using Yelp's API.
Nijiati Abulizi: create_word_cloud, get_all_businesses, search_businesses; presentation material
Kulaphong Jitareerat: create_geo_heatmap; GitHub Action, R package build and publish
Craig Adlam: analyze_cities, analyze_business_sectors; README
All group members were able to collaborate throughout the development stages by meeting in person as well as interacting online. Each member contributed to the vignette and supportive documentation.