manifest: filemeta: @[table.field]: "table.field content (strictly this style) inside or /** */" filemeta.script: "filemeta.script" filemeta.css: "save/update/bundle to filemeta.css starting <style> endofcontent </style>" filemeta.head: "filemeta.head starting endofcontent " @cron: "create/update cron" @filemeta.description: "update filemeta.description" @filemeta.todo: "update filemeta.todo" @filemeta.features: "update filemeta.features" @filemeta.doc: "update filemeta.doc"
@filemetacore.description: "update filemetacore.description"
@filemetacore.todo: "update filemetacore.todo"
@filemetacore.features: "update filemetacore.features"
@filemetacore.doc: "update filemetacore.doc"
readonly: "set not edited"
img: "set <img>"
img-icon: "set <img> for icon library"
img-photo: "set <img> for user photo library"
img-graph: "set <img> for Graph creation"
meta: "comma separated words (replace with comma)"
comma: "comma separated words"
twig: "set twig editor by Form/Template (replace with pug)"
pug: "set pug editor by Form/Template"
sql: "read as sql by Form/Template"
selectjoin-[table].name: "read from Form as joined with other table"
selectG-[key]: "read as $this->G[key] (replace with ENUM)"
auto: "read as primary key (mostly id, not edit) (deprecated, not used, delete it)"
boolean: "read as checkbox boolean or FALSE/TRUE NO/YES 0/1 (διακόπτης)"
json: "read and decoded as json"
exe: "render button for execution, execute straight code (replaced with js, php, the lang executed)"
loc: "localized textarea used by Lang for translation"
cron: "varchar in cron format to be executed by Action converted to linux cron or sql event"
cubos: "folder with cubos"
compos: "folder with components"
main: "admin/folder"
kronos: null
ermis: null
public: null