- Removed "tabs" permission from the extension, enhancing privacy.
- Changed the default settings to not open shuffled videos in a new tab.
- Moved the informative text about remaining YouTube API quota to the advanced settings menu.
- Updated the welcome page for a better experience.
- News page will no longer open after updating from v3.1.5 or an earlier version.
- Temporarily disabled the news feature.
- The button's tooltip may now show additional information on the shuffle status.
- The extension will now show that a shuffle is still running when navigating within a channel.
- Fixed a bug where an active shuffle would continue in the background when navigating to a different channel.
- Fixed a bug where clicking the shuffle button while the shuffle was running would start a second shuffle at the same time.
- Fixed a bug where the shuffle button would sometimes not be added to the page if it was opened directly from a new tab.
- Fixed a bug where the playlist created by the extension would sometimes not be renamed correctly.
- Fixed an animation bug when ignoring shorts and shuffling a channel with many videos from a shorts page.
- Fixed the shuffle button not being added to the channel page if the browser is using a new YouTube UI.
- The extension's news page can now be updated with breaking changes or other important information without the need to update the extension itself.
- Fixed some dynamic content on the News page.
- Added a hint in the popup if no channel has yet been visited.
- Removed some unneeded scripts from the extension's pages.
- Reverted UI changes made while the playlist generation feature was broken.
- Removed hints from the breaking news page.
- Added a news page that can be populated on extension updates.
- Added news that playlist generation is currently broken.
- Changed the default option for generating playlists to be disabled while the feature does not work.
- Fixed an animation in the popup.
- Fixed the progress percentage displayed on the button when ignoring or only shuffling from shorts.
- When ignoring or only shuffling from shorts, the button will now more accurately display how long the shuffle will take.
- Cleaned up the popup and moved some settings to a separate menu.
- Fixed a bug where fixing a rare database corruption issue would reduce the user's daily API quota.
- Fixed the shuffle button not showing up if the user is on a different version of the YouTube UI.
- Firefox: If not already granted, the extension will now ask for permissions whenever the popup is opened.
- Fixed a bug that would cause the changelog page to show changes from an incorrect version in some cases.
- Updated versioning scheme for a better distinction between stable and beta versions.
- Fixed a bug where the extension would rename all playlists, instead of just the ones created by the extension.
- The collapsed playlist menu will now also have the correct playlist name.
- Firefox: The welcome page now prompts users to allow the extension to access the youtube.com domain, this is needed for the extension to function.
- Fixed a bug where the shuffle button in the popup would only work on the second try.
- Firefox: Fixed the options page not being accessible.
- Firefox: Fixed a bug where the extension was unable to retrieve the amount of local storage used.
- Fixed the fetch percentage in the shuffling page being misaligned.
- Fixed the old "Ignore shorts" option not being updated to the new format correctly.
- Shorts pages are now supported! Shuffle buttons can now be found on all shorts pages.
- Added a new option to shuffle only from shorts.
- Added a 'welcome' page that will be shown when you first install the extension and guide you through the first steps.
- The popup now also works as a standalone options page.
- When watching shorts, the extension will now update the last visited channel in the popup.
- Reduced the time it takes to shuffle, as the extension now uses a new way to decide whether or not to check if a video has been deleted or not.
- The playlist that is opened when shuffling (if the option is enabled) now has a better title and tooltip.
- The shuffle button now feels more responsive when clicked, and will give more information if it takes a bit longer to shuffle.
- The popup now feels smoother in some places, and will make it clearer when some inputs are invalid.
- If certain errors are encountered, the playlist will still be saved locally and in the database, to speed up the next shuffle.
- Fixed bugs that would prevent some initialization logic to run after the extension is updated.
- Shuffling when excluding shorts is now a lot quicker if you have shuffled from the channel before, as the extension will remember which videos are shorts and skip them automatically.
- Added an additional message to the shuffle button if shuffling takes a bit longer due to ignoring shorts.
- Fixed a rare data inconsistency bug occurring with specific database values.
- Fixed an alignment issue of the shuffle button on channel pages that was introduced with the latest update to the YouTube UI.
- Fixed some issues with the display of the shuffle button if the shuffle icon is not loaded in time.
- Error messages now include the current channel ID to help with reporting an issue.
- Some changes in how data that is sent to the database is handled, to prepare for a future security update.
- Fixed a bug where there would be no video IDs stored in the database, leading to an error.
- Fixed the 'Changelog' button on the changelog page not doing anything.
- Fixed a bug where the extension would be unable to determine if a non-embeddable video is a short or not.
- The extension now handles the case where shorts are ignored, but a channel has only uploaded shorts.
- Fixed some minor bugs regarding version compatibility.
- Fixed the scrollbar on Chromium browsers not being styled correctly.
- Added links to browser add-on stores to the popup.
- The shuffle page opened by the popup will now inform you if a shuffle takes a bit longer than expected.
- The 'Shuffle' button's text will now correctly reset when navigating to a different page after an error was encountered.
- If an error was encountered when shuffling from the popup, the opened shuffle page will no longer prevent you from shuffling again.
- Fixed a bug where the extension's service worker would get shut down while video data was being fetched from the YouTube API, leading to a 'Receiving end does not exist' error.
- Fixed a bug where the shuffling page opened by the popup would sometimes incorrectly show an error message for a brief moment.
- Internal pages such as the changelog page will now use more available space on smaller resolutions.
- The extension is now available for Firefox as well.
- The extension's background service worker will no longer reload if an error was encountered when shuffling using the button in the popup.
- Fixed a bug where a fatal error would be encountered if the extension was choosing a non-embeddable video and shorts were ignored.
- Fixed a bug where the 'Shuffle' button could sometimes show a negative fetch percentage when updating a channel's videos.
- Fixed a bug where you were unable to shuffle when using the 'percentage' filtering option with a value of 100%.
- Fixed a bug where it was possible that the default user settings would not get initialized correctly when first installing the extension.
- Fixed a bug where new tabs opened by the extension would sometimes be opened in a new window instead of a new tab.
- Fixed a number of bugs related to internal message passing that may have occurred when using the extension on Firefox.
- Fixed some cosmetic issues across the extension.
- Made the internal handling of user settings more robust.
- The extension is now bundled using Webpack, which makes it faster and easier to maintain.
- Added a new option: 'Ignore shorts'. When enabled, the extension will not choose shorts when shuffling. This option is disabled by default, you can enable it in the extension popup.
- The 'Open as playlist' option has been reworked to be more useful in the context of the extension: If this option is enabled, the shuffle will now open a playlist of randomly chosen videos instead of the uploads playlist of the channel. Please note that YouTube does not allow you to save this playlist.
- Added an input to let you choose how many videos should be shuffled and placed in the playlist when the 'Open a playlist' option is enabled. YouTube limits the length of these temporary playlists to 50 videos. Higher values will also lead to longer shuffle times.
- The 'Reuse new tab' option is now able to reuse the tab even if it is not the currently focused one. It will however not reuse the tab if you have since navigated away from YouTube, to not accidentally overwrite a page you might still need.
- Added a 'Changelog' button to the popup that will open the changelog in a new tab. The button will be highlighted if the extension has received an update since the last time you opened the changelog. You can also use this page to view older versions of the changelog.
- Added hints and useful information about the extension to the shuffling page opened when using the shuffle button from the popup.
- Added a tooltip to the 'Shuffle' button on channel and video pages.
- Added a link to the YouTube API documentation to help you get started with setting up your own API key. You can find it in the popup when enabling the 'Use custom API key' option.
- Sliders in the popup for enabled options will no longer play their 'enable' animation when the popup is opened and instead directly start in the correct position.
- Changed some default settings for a better first-time experience.
- Sped up the process of checking if a video exists or not by not waiting for unnecessary results from an API request.
- Sped up the popup initialization.
- Fixed the buttons displayed under a video sometimes being misaligned/overlapping for most resolutions.
- Fixed a bug where it was possible that the 'Shuffle' button shuffled from a previously visited channel instead of the current one.
- Fixed an issue with the extension checking an internal URL against a fixed instead of dynamic extension ID.
- Fixed a small scaling issue in the popup.
- Added an option that allows you to reuse the same tab when shuffling multiple times from the same channel. This setting only takes effect if you have enabled the option to open shuffled videos in a new tab.
- Fixed a bug where it was possible for the database to not include some videos uploaded on a channel.
- Correctly migrate old channel settings to the new format.
- Small improvement to backend logic for channel settings.
- Added three new options to the popup: You can now choose to only shuffle from...
- ...videos uploaded on or after a certain date.
- ...videos uploaded on or after the day another video was uploaded.
- ...the most recent x% of videos uploaded on the channel.
- Fixed a bug that might sometimes cause user settings to not get saved correctly.
- Fixed the "Shuffling..." text on the shuffle button not being reset after a shuffle.
- Added an additional threshold to prevent the API quotas to be used up by channels with too many uploads by accident.
- Added an alert for users of custom API keys when they are shuffling from a channel with 20,000+ uploads, as the YouTube API only provides the most recent 20,000 results.
- Added a small text change to the shuffle button to indicate the shuffle is working in case it takes a bit longer to fetch data from the database.
- Fixed some alignment issues in the extension popup.
- Removed unused code.
- Fixed a bug where the channel name displayed in the popup would sometimes not be synchronized with the one that is used in the backend.
- Fixed a bug where it would not be possible to set the shuffle percentage to 100% if another value was previously set.
- Fixed a bug occurring when a channel has no videos.
- The shuffle button will now show the current progress when more than one request to the YouTube API needs to be made.
- The extension popup now shows the number of videos you have shuffled so far.
- Fixed a bug where the surprise wouldn't work for people with certain settings.
- Added a small surprise!
- Fixed a bug that caused the shuffle button to not work initially after an update in a specific case.
- Added a shuffle button to the extension popup that will shuffle from your most recently visited channel. When shuffling using this button, a new tab will open that must remain open while the shuffle is being prepared.
- When an error is encountered, the full error message and a hint for what to do about it will be displayed.
- Some updates to the internal handling of API keys.
- Improved maintainability of the codebase.
- Limited the amount of daily requests a user may make to the YouTube API to protect the userbase against abuse. This should not affect users with normal usage patterns. If you are affected by this, you may make use of the custom API key option to remove this limitation.
- The extension now provides more information when setting a custom YouTube API key.
- Improvements to the reliability of API requests.
- Various improvements to storage management both locally and in the remote database.
- Reduced the size of stored video data.
- Fixed an issue with the API.
- You are now able to set the percentage of videos that are shuffled for each individual channel instead of one global value. Simply visit a channel or video page and open the extension popup.
- Removed unnecessary logging.
- Fixed a bug where the extension would throw an API error when navigating from the subscriptions to a channel page and clicking the shuffle button.
- The shuffle button is now displayed on all sub-pages of a channel page no matter the entry page.
- The extension now uses a faster & more reliable method of getting the channel ID for the current page.
- When opening shuffled videos in a new tab, the currently playing video will be paused.
- Added a new option: Open the shuffled video in a new tab.
- Added a new option: Open the shuffled video within the uploads playlist of the channel.
- Added a new option: Only shuffle from the last x% of videos uploaded on the channel - use this to exclude older videos from the shuffle.
- The backend database now uses a more efficient method of storing and communicating video IDs.
- Fixed a bug where the newest videos would not be fetched from the YouTube API in a certain case.
- Fixed a bug where the extension was attempting to access a non-existent version of the shuffle-button.
- Fixed a bug where the extension would shuffle from videos of the wrong channel when navigating from the subscriptions to the channel page.
- Changed the text of the button from "Random" to "Shuffle" to match YouTube's naming conventions.
- Fixed increased API quota usage introduced by a previous update.
- Prevented the icon on the 'Randomize' button from not loading in fast enough in some cases.
- Eliminated previously necessary page reloads during normal YouTube navigation.
- Added support for channel pages in the format "youtube.com/channelName".
- Fixed a bug where users using a custom API key would need to re-fetch video ID's more often than would be necessary.
- Fixed a bug preventing interaction with the database in some cases.
- Added option to use custom API key.
- Added option to opt out of sharing video id's with other users (can be enabled if using a custom API key).
- Smoother user experience in some places.
- Various bugfixes.
- Fixed a bug where the extension would not be able to choose a video if a channel has uploaded a new video since the last check.
- If a deleted video is chosen by the extension, it will now choose a new one instead of redirecting to a broken YouTube page.
- Various improvements to how local storage is handled.
- The extension will now make less requests to the database.
- Added a backend database removing the need for users to provide an API key.
- The extension popup has a new look! No more default html.
- The extension icons and store visuals have been updated.
- Various bugfixes.
- Added the randomize-button to YouTube video pages - find it next to the subscribe button!
- The button is now smarter and will be able to tell you if you should wait or if something went wrong.
- Sped up & fixed some things.
- Initial release.