Nokolino_pcb is made of two boards. Both of them are 6x5 cm, with two layers: The main board for the buttons, the charging module, the ATtiny and the MP3 module, the top board for the speaker. The battery is on the downside of the main board.
There are three versions: V3.0 for the JQ6500-16p MP3 module, V3.1 for the JQ8400-10p MP3 module and V3.2 for the DFPlayer. I recommend using the newer JQ8400, if you just need a monster. Do you want Nokolino to play longer files like musc then choose the DFPlayer.
There are three ways to get your own set of boards:
Upload the chosen gerber files to a PCB manufactor of your choice. In China, you can order a set of 10 boards for about 15€ in less then three weeks. If you are in a hurry, you can choose express shipping. But be careful: in Germany, if your order has a value more than 22€ including shipping costs, you have to pay taxes and a processing fee, which also takes additional time! So try to keep your or order below 22€! if you need help, feel free to contact me. Order specifications: two layers and standard presets like PCB thickness 1.6. In Germany, i recommend Aisler, were you get three PCBs for less then 19€, including shipment. With the top PCB, 38€ for three Nokolinos within three days. Fair.
There will be a complete kit available in the heise store. Look at the kit repository and stay tuned!
Contact me. I have always some boards and sometimes a few kits left. But please: First try to order them by yourself as written in option 1.