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698 lines (556 loc) · 27 KB

File metadata and controls

698 lines (556 loc) · 27 KB

Introduced in

  • In the next major, the flow actions are not executed over the symfony events anymore, we'll remove the dependence from EventSubscriberInterface in Shopware\Core\Content\Flow\Dispatching\Action\FlowAction.
  • In the next major, the flow actions are not executed via symfony events anymore, we'll remove the dependency from EventSubscriberInterface in Shopware\Core\Content\Flow\Dispatching\Action\FlowAction. That means, all the flow actions extending FlowAction get the "services" tag.
  • The flow builder will execute the actions when calling the handleFlow function directly, instead of dispatching an action event.
  • To get an action service in flow builder, we need to define the tag action service with an unique key, which should be an action name.
  • The flow action data is stored in StorableFlow $flow, so you should use $flow->getStore('order_id') or $flow->getData('order') instead of $flowEvent->getOrder.
    • Use $flow->getStore($key) if you want to get the data from aware interfaces. Example: order_id in OrderAware or customer_id from CustomerAware.
    • Use $flow->getData($key) if you want to get the data from original events or additional data. Example: order, customer or contactFormData.


 <service id="Shopware\Core\Content\Flow\Dispatching\Action\SendMailAction">
    <tag name="flow.action"/>
class FlowExecutor
    $this->dispatcher->dispatch($flowEvent, $actionname);

abstract class FlowAction implements EventSubscriberInterface

class SendMailAction extends FlowAction
    public static function getSubscribedEvents()
        return ['' => 'handle'];
    public function handle(FlowEvent $event)
        $orderId = $event->getOrderId();
        $contactFormData = $event->getConta();


 <service id="Shopware\Core\Content\Flow\Dispatching\Action\SendMailAction">
    <tag name="flow.action" key="action.mail.send" />
class FlowExecutor
    $actionService = $actions[$actionName];

abstract class FlowAction

class SendMailAction extends FlowAction
    // The `getSubscribedEvents` function has been removed.
    public function handleFlow(StorableFlow $flow)
        $orderId = $flow->getStore('order_id');
        $contactFormData = $event->getData('contactFormData');
  • The interface Shopware\Core\System\Snippet\Files\SnippetFileInterface is deprecated, please use Shopware\Core\System\Snippet\Files\AbstractSnippetFile instead.

Remove old database migration trigger logic

The addForwardTrigger(), addBackwardTrigger() and addTrigger() methods of the MigrationStep class were removed, use createTrigger() instead. Do not rely on the state of already executed migrations in your database triggers anymore! Additionally, the @MIGRATION_{migration}_IS_ACTIVE DB connection variables are not set at kernel boot anymore.

Removal of \Shopware\Core\Framework\Event\FlowEvent

We removed \Shopware\Core\Framework\Event\FlowEvent, since Flow Actions are not executed via symfony's event system anymore. You should implement the handleFlow() method in your FlowAction and tag your actions as flow.action.

Internal Migrations

All DB migration steps are now considered @internal, as they never should be extended or adjusted afterwards.

Introduced in

Removal of /api/_action/database

The /api/_action/database endpoint was removed, this means the following routes are not available anymore:

  • POST /api/_action/database/sync-migration
  • POST /api/_action/database/migrate
  • POST /api/_action/database/migrate-destructive

The migrations can not be executed over the API anymore. Database migrations should be only executed over the CLI.

Introduced in

Deprecated the OpenApiPathsEvent:

  • Move the schema described by your @OpenApi / @OA annotations to json files.
  • New the openapi specification is now loaded from $bundlePath/Resources/Schema/.
  • For an examples look at src/Core/Framework/Api/ApiDefinition/Generator/Schema.

Removed DatabaseInitializer

Removed class \Shopware\Core\Maintenance\System\Service\DatabaseInitializer, use SetupDatabaseAdapter instead.

Removed JwtCertificateService

Removed class \Shopware\Recovery\Common\Service\JwtCertificateService, use JwtCertificateGenerator instead.

Introduced in

Removal of old icons:

  • Replace any old icon your integration uses with its successor. A mapping can be found here src/Administration/Resources/app/administration/src/app/component/base/sw-icon/legacy-icon-mapping.js.
  • The object keys of the json file are the legacy icons. The values the replacement.
  • In the next major the icons have will have no space around them by default. This could eventually lead to bigger looking icons in some places. If this is the case you need to adjust the styling with CSS so that it matches your wanted look.



<sw-icon name="default-object-image"/>


<sw-icon name="regular-image"/>

Extending StringTemplateRenderer

The class StringTemplateRenderer should not be extended and will become final.

Introduced in

Moved and changed the ThemeCompilerEnrichScssVariablesEvent

We moved the event ThemeCompilerEnrichScssVariablesEvent from \Shopware\Storefront\Event\ThemeCompilerEnrichScssVariablesEvent to \Shopware\Storefront\Theme\Event\ThemeCompilerEnrichScssVariablesEvent. Please use the new event now.

Method pluginActivate in PluginLifecycleSubscriber will be exchanged with new method pluginPostActivate

We exchanged the method pluginActivate in PluginLifecycleSubscriber and will now use the pluginPostActivate with the PluginPostActivateEvent.

Storefront OffCanvas requires different HTML:

The OffCanvas module of the Storefront (src/plugin/offcanvas/ajax-offcanvas.plugin) was changed to use the Bootstrap v5 OffCanvas component in the background. If you pass a string of HTML manually to method, you need to adjust your markup according to Bootstrap v5 in order to display the close button and content/body.



const offCanvasContent = `
<button class="btn btn-light offcanvas-close js-offcanvas-close btn-block sticky-top">
<div class="offcanvas-content-container">


// OffCanvas now needs additional `offcanvas-header`
// Content class `offcanvas-content-container` is now `offcanvas-body`
const offCanvasContent = `
<div class="offcanvas-header p-0">
    <button class="btn btn-light offcanvas-close js-offcanvas-close btn-block sticky-top">
<div class="offcanvas-body">

// No need for changes in general usage!;

Removal of the /_proxy/store-api-API route

The store-api proxy route was removed. Please use the store-api directly. If that is not possible use a custom controller, that calls the StoreApiRoute internally. The StoreApiClient class from storefront/src/service/store-api-client.service.js was also removed, as that class relied on the proxy route.

Removed repository decorators

Removed the following repository decorators:

  • MediaRepositoryDecorator
  • MediaThumbnailRepositoryDecorator
  • MediaFolderRepositoryDecorator
  • PaymentMethodRepositoryDecorator

If you used one of the repository and type hint against this specific classes, you have to change your type hints to EntityRepository:


private MediaRepositoryDecorator $mediaRepository;


private EntityRepositoryInterface $mediaRepository;

Thumbnail repository flat ids delete

The media_thumbnail.repository had an own implementation of the EntityRepository(MediaThumbnailRepositoryDecorator) which breaks the nested primary key pattern for the delete call and allowed you providing a flat id array. If you used the repository in this way, you have to change the usage as follows:


$repository->delete([$id1, $id2], $context);


    ['id' => $id1], 
    ['id' => $id2]
], $context);

@internal entity repositories

We removed the EntityRepositoryInterface & SalesChannelRepositoryInterface classes and declared the EntityRepository & SalesChannelRepository as final. Therefor if you implemented an own repository class for your entities, you have to remove this now. To modify the repository calls you can use one of the following events:

  • BeforeDeleteEvent: Allows an access point for before and after deleting the entity
  • EntitySearchedEvent: Allows access points to the criteria for search and search-ids
  • PreWriteValidationEvent/PostWriteValidationEvent: Allows access points before and after the entity written
  • SalesChannelProcessCriteriaEvent: Allows access to the criteria before the entity is search within a sales channel scope

Additionally, you have to change your type hints from EntityRepositoryInterface & SalesChannelRepositoryInterface to EntityRepository or SalesChannelRepository:

Introduced in

Deprecations in Shopware\Core\Framework\Store\Services\StoreAppLifecycleService

The class StoreAppLifecycleService has been marked as internal.

We also removed the StoreAppLifecycleService::getAppIdByName() method.

Removal of Shopware\Core\Framework\Store\Exception\ExtensionRequiresNewPrivilegesException

We removed the ExtensionRequiresNewPrivilegesException exception. Will be replaced with the internal ExtensionUpdateRequiresConsentAffirmationException exception to have a more generic one.

Overwrite or extend line item templates:

If you are extending line item templates inside the cart, OffCanvas or other areas, you need to use the line item base template Resources/views/storefront/component/line-item/line-item.html.twig and extend from one of the template files inside the Resources/views/storefront/component/line-item/types/ directory.

For example: You extend the line item's information about product variants with additional content.


{# YourExtension/src/Resources/views/storefront/page/checkout/checkout-item.html.twig #}

{% sw_extends '@Storefront/storefront/page/checkout/checkout-item.html.twig' %}

{% block page_checkout_item_info_variant_characteristics %}
    {{ parent() }}
    <div>My extra content</div>
{% endblock %}


{# YourExtension/src/Resources/views/storefront/component/line-item/type/product.html.twig #}

{% sw_extends '@Storefront/storefront/component/line-item/type/product.html.twig' %}

{% block component_line_item_type_product_variant_characteristics %}
    {{ parent() }}
    <div>My extra content</div>
{% endblock %}

Since the new line-item.html.twig is used throughout multiple areas, the template extension above will take effect for product line items in all areas. Depending on your use case, you might want to restrict this to more specific areas. You have the possibility to check the current displayMode to determine if the line item is shown inside the OffCanvas for example. Previously, the OffCanvas line items had an individual template. You can now use the same line-item.html.twig template as for regular line items.


{# YourExtension/src/Resources/views/storefront/component/checkout/offcanvas-item.html.twig #}

{% sw_extends '@Storefront/storefront/component/checkout/offcanvas-item.html.twig' %}

{% block cart_item_variant_characteristics %}
    {{ parent() }}
    <div>My extra content</div>
{% endblock %}


{# YourExtension/src/Resources/views/storefront/component/line-item/type/product.html.twig #}

{% sw_extends '@Storefront/storefront/component/line-item/type/product.html.twig' %}

{% block component_line_item_type_product_variant_characteristics %}
    {{ parent() }}

    {# Only show content when line item is inside offcanvas #}
    {% if displayMode === 'offcanvas' %}
        <div>My extra content</div>
    {% endif %}
{% endblock %}

You can narrow down this even more by checking for the controllerAction and render your changes only in desired actions. The dedicated confirm-item.html.twig in the example below no longer exists. You can use line-item.html.twig as well.


{# YourExtension/src/Resources/views/storefront/page/checkout/confirm/confirm-item.html.twig #}

{% sw_extends '@Storefront/storefront/page/checkout/confirm/confirm-item.html.twig' %}

{% block cart_item_variant_characteristics %}
    {{ parent() }}
    <div>My extra content</div>
{% endblock %}


{# YourExtension/src/Resources/views/storefront/component/line-item/type/product.html.twig #}

{% sw_extends '@Storefront/storefront/component/line-item/type/product.html.twig' %}

{% block component_line_item_type_product_variant_characteristics %}
    {{ parent() }}

    {# Only show content on the confirm page #}
    {% if controllerAction === 'confirmPage' %}
        <div>My extra content</div>
    {% endif %}
{% endblock %}

Refactoring of HreflangLoader

The protected method \Shopware\Core\Content\Seo\HreflangLoader::generateHreflangHome() was removed, use \Shopware\Core\Content\Seo\HreflangLoader::load() with route = '' instead.


class CustomHrefLoader extends HreflangLoader
    public function someFunction(SalesChannelContext $salesChannelContext)
        return $this->generateHreflangHome($salesChannelContext);


class CustomHrefLoader extends HreflangLoader
    public function someFunction(SalesChannelContext $salesChannelContext)
        return $this->load(
            new HreflangLoaderParameter('', [], $salesChannelContext)

Removal of Feature::triggerDeprecated()

The method Feature::triggerDeprecated() was removed, use Feature::triggerDeprecationOrThrow() instead.

Removal of the psalm dependency

The platform does not rely on psalm for static analysis anymore, but solely uses phpstan for that purpose. Therefore, the psalm dev-dependency was removed. If you used the dev-dependency from platform in your project, please install the psalm package directly into your project.

Introduced in


  • The ArrayEntity::getVars() has been changed so that the data property is no longer in the payload but applied to the root level.

    • This change affects all entity definitions that do not have their own entity class defined.
    • The API routes should not be affected, because they did not work with an ArrayEntity before the change, so no before/after payload can be shown.
    • before
    $entity = new ArrayEntity(['foo' => 'bar']);
    assert($entity->getVars(), ['data' => ['foo' => 'bar'], 'foo' => 'bar']);
    • after
    $entity = new ArrayEntity(['foo' => 'bar']);
    assert($entity->getVars(), ['foo' => 'bar']);

Skipping of the cart calculation if the cart is empty

If the cart is empty the cart calculation will be skipped. This means that all \Shopware\Core\Checkout\Cart\CartProcessorInterface and \Shopware\Core\Checkout\Cart\CartDataCollectorInterface will not be executed anymore if the cart is empty.

Possible empty response in checkout info route

The route /widgets/checkout/info will now return an empty response with HTTP status code 204 - No Content, as long as the cart is empty, instead of loading the page and responding with a rendered template.

If you call that route manually in your extensions, please ensure to handle the 204 status code correctly.

Additionally, as the whole info widget pagelet will not be loaded anymore for empty carts, your event subscriber or app scripts for that page also won't be executed anymore for empty carts.

New Profiling pattern

Due to a new and better profiling pattern we removed the following services:

  • \Shopware\Core\Profiling\Checkout\SalesChannelContextServiceProfiler
  • \Shopware\Core\Profiling\Entity\EntityAggregatorProfiler
  • \Shopware\Core\Profiling\Entity\EntitySearcherProfiler
  • \Shopware\Core\Profiling\Entity\EntityReaderProfiler

You can now use the Profiler::trace() function to add custom traces directly from your services.

Refactoring of Number Ranges

We refactored the number range handling, to be faster and allow different storages to be used.

Removal of IncrementStorageInterface

We removed the Shopware\Core\System\NumberRange\ValueGenerator\Pattern\IncrementStorage\IncrementStorageInterface. If you have implemented a custom increment storage please use the abstract class Shopware\Core\System\NumberRange\ValueGenerator\Pattern\IncrementStorage\AbstractIncrementStorage. Before:

class CustomIncrementStorage implements IncrementStorageInterface
    public function pullState(\Shopware\Core\System\NumberRange\NumberRangeEntity $configuration): string
        return $this->increment($configuration->getId(), $configuration->getPattern());
    public function getNext(\Shopware\Core\System\NumberRange\NumberRangeEntity $configuration): string
        return $this->get($configuration->getId(), $configuration->getPattern());


class CustomIncrementStorage extends AbstractIncrementStorage
    public function reserve(array $config): string
        return $this->increment($config['id'], $config['pattern']);
    public function preview(array $config): string
        return $this->get($config['id'], $config['pattern']);
    public function getDecorated(): self
        return $this->decorated;

Removal of ValueGeneratorPatternInterface

We removed the Shopware\Core\System\NumberRange\ValueGenerator\Pattern\ValueGeneratorPatternInterface. If you have implemented a custom value pattern please use the abstract class Shopware\Core\System\NumberRange\ValueGenerator\Pattern\AbstractValueGenerator.

class CustomPattern implements ValueGeneratorPatternInterface
    public function resolve(NumberRangeEntity $configuration, ?array $args = null, ?bool $preview = false): string
        return $this->createPattern($configuration->getId(), $configuration->getPattern());
    public function getPatternId(): string
        return 'custom';


class CustomIncrementStorage extends AbstractValueGenerator
    public function generate(array $config, ?array $args = null, ?bool $preview = false): string
        return $this->createPattern($config['id'], $config['pattern']);
    public function getPatternId(): string
        return 'custom';
    public function getDecorated(): self
        return $this->decorated;

Removal of \Shopware\Core\System\NumberRange\ValueGenerator\Pattern\ValueGeneratorPatternRegistry::getPatternResolver()

We removed the ValueGeneratorPatternRegistry::getPatternResolver() method, please call the generatePattern() method now directly. Before:

$patternResolver = $this->valueGeneratorPatternRegistry->getPatternResolver($pattern);
if ($patternResolver) {
    $generated .= $patternResolver->resolve($configuration, $patternArg, $preview);
} else {
    $generated .= $patternPart;


$generated .= $this->valueGeneratorPatternRegistry->generatePattern($pattern, $patternPart, $configuration, $patternArg, $preview);

Introduced in

  • Deprecated function logBusinessEvent at src/Core/Framework/Log/LoggingService.php.
  • Deprecated src/Core/Framework/Log/LogAwareBusinessEventInterface.php use LogAware instead.

Removal of \Shopware\Core\Framework\Adapter\Twig\EntityTemplateLoader::clearInternalCache()

We removed \Shopware\Core\Framework\Adapter\Twig\EntityTemplateLoader::clearInternalCache(), use reset() instead.

Introduced in

Bootstrap v5 introduces breaking changes in HTML, (S)CSS and JavaScript. Below you can find a migration overview of the effected areas in the Shopware platform. Please consider that we cannot provide code migration examples for every possible scenario of a UI-Framework like Bootstrap. You can find a full migration guide on the official Bootstrap website: Migrating to v5


The Update to Bootstrap v5 often contains the renaming of attributes and classes. Those need to be replaced. However, all Twig blocks remain untouched so all template extensions will take effect.

Rename attributes and classes

  • Replace data-toggle with data-bs-toggle
  • Replace data-dismiss with data-bs-dismiss
  • Replace data-target with data-bs-target
  • Replace data-offset with data-bs-offset
  • Replace custom-select with form-select
  • Replace custom-file with form-file
  • Replace custom-range with form-range
  • Replace no-gutters with g-0
  • Replace custom-control custom-checkbox with form-check
  • Replace custom-control custom-switch with form-check form-switch
  • Replace custom-control custom-radio with form-check
  • Replace custom-control-input with form-check-input
  • Replace custom-control-label with form-check-label
  • Replace form-row with row g-2
  • Replace modal-close with btn-close
  • Replace sr-only with visually-hidden
  • Replace badge-* with bg-*
  • Replace badge-pill with rounded-pill
  • Replace close with btn-close
  • Replace left-* and right-* with start-* and end-*
  • Replace float-left and float-right with float-start and float-end.
  • Replace border-left and border-right with border-start and border-end.
  • Replace rounded-left and rounded-right with rounded-start and rounded-end.
  • Replace ml-* and mr-* with ms-* and me-*.
  • Replace pl-* and pr-* with ps-* and pe-*.
  • Replace text-left and text-right with text-start and text-end.

Replace .btn-block class with .d-grid wrapper


<a href="#" class="btn btn-block">Default button</a>


<div class="d-grid">
    <a href="#" class="btn">Default button</a>

Remove .input-group-append wrapper inside .input-group


<div class="input-group">
    <input type="text" class="form-control">
    <div class="input-group-append">
        <button type="submit" class="btn">Submit</button>


<div class="input-group">
    <input type="text" class="form-control">
    <button type="submit" class="btn">Submit</button>


Please consider that the classes documented in "HTML/Twig" must also be replaced inside SCSS.

  • Replace all mixin usages of media-breakpoint-down() with the current breakpoint, instead of the next breakpoint:
    • Replace media-breakpoint-down(xs) with media-breakpoint-down(sm)
    • Replace media-breakpoint-down(sm) with media-breakpoint-down(md)
    • Replace media-breakpoint-down(md) with media-breakpoint-down(lg)
    • Replace media-breakpoint-down(lg) with media-breakpoint-down(xl)
    • Replace media-breakpoint-down(xl) with media-breakpoint-down(xxl)
  • Replace $custom-select-* variable with $form-select-*


With the update to Bootstrap v5, the jQuery dependency will be removed from the shopware platform. We strongly recommend migrating jQuery implementations to Vanilla JavaScript.

Initializing Bootstrap JavaScript plugins


// Previously Bootstrap plugins were initialized on jQuery elements
const collapse = DomAccess.querySelector('.collapse');


// With Bootstrap v5 the Collapse plugin is instantiated and takes a native HTML element as a parameter
const collapse = DomAccess.querySelector('.collapse');
new bootstrap.Collapse(collapse, {
    toggle: true,

Subscribing to Bootstrap JavaScript events


// Previously Bootstrap events were subscribed using the jQuery `on()` method
const collapse = DomAccess.querySelector('.collapse');
$(collapse).on('', this._myMethod.bind(this));
$(collapse).on('', this._myMethod.bind(this));


// With Bootstrap v5 a native event listener is being used
const collapse = DomAccess.querySelector('.collapse');
collapse.addEventListener('', this._myMethod.bind(this));
collapse.addEventListener('', this._myMethod.bind(this));

Still need jQuery?

In case you still need jQuery, you can add it to your own app or theme. This is the recommended method for all apps/themes which do not have control over the Shopware environment in which they are running in.

  • Extend the file platform/src/Storefront/Resources/views/storefront/layout/meta.html.twig.
  • Use the block layout_head_javascript_jquery to add a <script> tag containing jQuery. Only use this block to add jQuery.
  • This block is not deprecated and can be used in the long term beyond the next major version of shopware.
  • Do not use the {{ parent() }} call. This prevents multiple usages of jQuery. Even if multiple other plugins/apps use this method, the jQuery script will only be added once.
  • Please use jQuery version 3.5.1 (slim minified) to avoid compatibility issues between different plugins/apps.
  • If you don't want to use a CDN for jQuery, download jQuery from the official website (jQuery Core 3.5.1 - slim minified) and add it to MyExtension/src/Resources/app/storefront/src/assets/jquery-3.5.1.slim.min.js
  • After executing bin/console asset:install, you can reference the file using the assset() function. See also:
{% sw_extends '@Storefront/storefront/layout/meta.html.twig' %}

{% block layout_head_javascript_jquery %}
    <script src="{{ asset('bundles/myextension/assets/jquery-3.5.1.slim.min.js', 'asset') }}"></script>
{% endblock %}

Attention: If you need to test jQuery prior to the next major version, you must use the block base_script_jquery inside platform/src/Storefront/Resources/views/storefront/base.html.twig, instead. The block base_script_jquery will be moved to layout/meta.html.twig with the next major version. However, the purpose of the block remains the same:

{% sw_extends '@Storefront/storefront/base.html.twig' %}

{% block base_script_jquery %}
    <script src="{{ asset('bundles/myextension/assets/jquery-3.5.1.slim.min.js', 'asset') }}"></script>
{% endblock %}
  • The function translatedTypes in src/app/component/rule/sw-condition-type-select/index.js is removed. Use translatedLabel property of conditions.
## Introduced in
The whole namespace `Shopware\Core\Framework\Changelog` was marked `@internal` and is no longer part of the BC-Promise. Please move to a different changelog generator vendor.