the brain
- what our brain is?
- ~1.3 square, ~100B neurons in adult human brain
- eg., some works from a berkeley lab
neuron morphological computing, //bio-mimic
- what neuron is?
- FACETS, media
- Blue brain
- bring cat out of bag?
- IBM TrueNorth, Summary
- others
Computational model from typical computer scientist's eyes
- Supervisor Learning, Unsupervisor Learning, Reinforcement Learning
- Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning
- Pattern Recognition
- Statistical Learning
- e.g.,
- on Tuning Machine
the deep revolution, started by Geoffrey Hinton
- works back from 30 years ago
- how to deep
- e.g., , ,
- history of the Hinton family
- the ending Moore's law for tuning machine (or say von Neumann machine), e.g.
- ,
- end of down-scale, high clock frequency, power consuming
- the efficiency of silicon footprint
- CPU/SIMD/GPU/FPGA/deep learning accelerator?
- Emergence in the silicon world
- the biggest acquiration in history for Intel, Intel acquired Altera
- CAS Diannao, DaDiannao series
- Horizontal Tech, by Kai Yu, Ex-Baiduer, the former leader of Baidu IDL
- the Synopsys IP
- Mobileye
- to name a few //other vendors/projects
- review, the singularity metaphor of computation capacity, new era for computation, the left/right brain for silicon
What we can do from now, and here (eg., XCJ)
- Caffe, the DL tools chain/environment
- online demo
- the Nvidia Jetson
- some resource (eg., jetsonhacks
- Caffe on Jetson
- the DeepLearningRobotics
- computational complexity (mostly on model of tuning machine or likely)
- artificial intelligence
- 它的平均性能(TOPS)可以达到CPU和GPU的15到30倍,能耗效率(TOPS/W)能到30到80倍。如果使用GPU的DDR5 memory,这两个数值可以达到大约GPU的70倍和CPU的200倍。[Google TPU 揭密, StarryHeavensAbove]
- MLU100 采用寒武纪最新的 MLUv01 架构和 TSMC 16nm 工艺,可工作在平衡模式(主频 1Ghz)和高性能模式(1.3GHz)主频下,等效理论峰值速度则分别可以达到 128 万亿次定点运算/166.4 万亿次定点运算,而其功耗为 80w/110w
- groq: 400TOP/s的性能指标,8TOP/s/W的能效指标
- [Vathys] Asynchronous Logic, High-density Memory, Wireless 3D stacking: 1PetaFLOPs
- 如何设计一颗40PFLOPS量级的AI芯片?
- Hennessy and Patterson
- 2018-02-05,Google 的母公司 Alphabet 宣布 John Hennessy 将接替 Eric Schimdt 就任董事长。而在这之前,David Patterson 就已经开始在 Google 担任杰出工程师
- RISC-V与DSA! 计算机架构宗师Patterson与Hennessy 演讲实录
- 2017年图灵奖颁给计算机体系结构大师Hennessy和Patterson
- --
Some proposal:
- 图灵计算与深度计算,硅上的左脑与右脑*
- 脑,神经认知计算与硅实现,深度学习,深度硬件加速器,以及在新车间我们能够干嘛
|| *左右脑这个称呼并不精确,但是鉴于这个被误用的概念为人们熟知所以在这里作为一个隐喻
报告材料没做完,也可能就这么用 -