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Introduction to Bash Scripting

Source: Codecademy

Bash (or shell) scripting is a great way to automate repetitive tasks and can save you a ton of time as a developer. Bash scripts execute within a Bash shell interpreter terminal. Any command you can run in your terminal can be run in a Bash script. When you have a command or set of commands that you will be using frequently, consider writing a Bash script to perform it.

There are some conventions to follow to ensure that your computer is able to find and execute your Bash scripts. The beginning of your script file should start with #!/bin/bashon its own line. This tells the computer which type of interpreter to use for the script. When saving the script file, it is good practice to place commonly used scripts in the ~/bin/directory.

The script files also need to have the "execute" permission to allow them to be run. To add this permission to a file with filename: use:

chmod +x

Your terminal runs a file every time it is opened to load its configuration. On Linux style shells, this is ~/.bashrc and on OSX, this is ~/.bash_profile. To ensure that scripts in ~/bin/ are available, you must add this directory to your PATH within your configuration file:

  • PATH=~/bin:$PATH

Now any scripts in the ~/bin directory can be run from anywhere by typing the filename.


Within bash scripts (or the terminal for that matter), variables are declared by simply setting the variable name equal to another value. For example, to set the variable greeting to "Hello", you would use the following syntax:


Note that there is no space between the variable name, the equals sign, or "Hello".

To access the value of a variable, we use the variable name prepended with a dollar sign ($). In the previous example, if we want to print the variable value to the screen, we use the following syntax:

echo $greeting


When bash scripting, you can use conditionals to control which set of commands within the script run. Use if to start the conditional, followed by the condition in square brackets ([ ]). then begins the code that will run if the condition is met. else begins the code that will run if the condition is not met. Lastly, the conditional is closed with a backwards if, fi.

A complete conditional in a bash script uses the following syntax:

if [ $index -lt 5 ]
  echo $index
  echo 5

Bash scripts use a specific list of operators for comparison. Here we used -lt which is "less than". The result of this conditional is that if $index is less than 5, it will print to the screen. If it is 5 or greater, "5" will be printed to the screen.

Here is the list of comparison operators for numbers you can use within bash scripts:

  • Equal: -eq
  • Not equal: -ne
  • Less than or equal: -le
  • Less than: -lt
  • Greater than or equal: -ge
  • Greater than: -gt
  • Is null: -z

When comparing strings, it is best practice to put the variable into quotes ("). This prevents errors if the variable is null or contains spaces. The common operators for comparing strings are:

  • Equal: ==
  • Not equal: !=

For example, to compare if the variables fooand bar contain the same string:

if [ "$foo" == "$bar"]


There are 3 different ways to loop within a bash script: for, while and until.

A for loop is used to iterate through a list and execute an action at each step. For example, if we had a list of words stored in a variable paragraph, we could use the following syntax to print each one:

for word in $paragraph
  echo $word

Note that word is being "defined" at the top of the for loop so there is no $ prepended. Remember that we prepend the $ when accessing the value of the variable. So, when accessing the variable within the do block, we use $word as usual.

Within bash scripting until and while are very similar. while loops keep looping while the provided condition is true whereas untilloops loop until the condition is true. Conditions are established the same way as they are within an if block, between square brackets. If we want to print the index variable as long as it is less than 5, we would use the following while loop:

while [ $index -lt 5 ]
  echo $index
  index=$((index + 1))

Note that arithmetic in bash scripting uses the $((...)) syntax and within the brackets the variable name is not prepended with a $.

The same loop could also be written as an until loop as follows:

until [ $index -eq 5 ]
  echo $index
  index=$((index + 1))


To make bash scripts more useful, we need to be able to access data external to the bash script file itself. The first way to do this is by prompting the user for input. For this, we use the read syntax. To ask the user for input and save it to the number variable, we would use the following code:

echo "Guess a number"
read number
echo "You guessed $number"

Another way to access external data is to have the user add input arguments when they run your script. These arguments are entered after the script name and are separated by spaces. For example:

saycolors red green blue

Within the script, these are accessed using $1, $2, etc, where $1 is the first argument (here, "red") and so on. Note that these are 1 indexed.

If your script needs to accept an indefinite number of input arguments, you can iterate over them using the "$@" syntax. For our saycolors example, we could print each color using:

for color in "$@"
  echo color

Lastly, we can access external files to our script. You can assign a set of files to a variable name using standard bash pattern matching using regular expressions. For example, to get all files in a directory, you can use the * character:

files = /some/directory/*

You can then iterate through each file and do something. Here, lets just print the full path and filename:

for file in $files
  echo $file


You can set up aliases for your bash scripts within your .bashrc in Linux or .bash_profile in MacOS file to allow calling your scripts without the full filename. For example, if we have our script, we can alias it to the word saycolors using the following syntax:

alias saycolors='./'

You can even add standard input arguments to your alias. For example, if we always want "green" to be included as the first input to saycolors, we could modify our alias to:

alias saycolors='./ "green"'


Take a minute to review what you've learned about bash scripting.

  • Any command that can be run in the terminal can be run in a bash script.
  • Variables are assigned using an equals sign with no space (greeting="hello").
  • Variables are accessed using a dollar sign (echo $greeting).
  • Conditionals use if, then, else, fisyntax.
  • Three types of loops can be used: for, while, and until.
  • Bash scripts use a unique set of comparison operators:
    • Equal: -eq
    • Not equal: -ne
    • Less than or equal: -le
    • Less than: -lt
    • Greater than or equal: -ge
    • Greater than: -gt
    • Is null: -z
  • Input arguments can be passed to a bash script after the script name, separated by spaces ( "hello" "how are you").
  • Input can be requested from the script user with the read keyword.
  • Aliases can be created in the .bashrc or .bash_profile using the alias keyword.

Running Commands

We can run any CLI commands inside the bash script. Example: ls -al

In order to store the output of running a command, we can assign them to variables like this:


Example: listAll=$(ls -a)

Project: Build a Build Script

One common use of bash scripts is for releasing a "build" of your source code. Sometimes your private source code may contain developer resources or private information that you don't want to release in the published version.

In this project, you'll create a release script to copy certain files from a source directory into a build directory.

  1. Take a look at the build and source folders. The objective of our script is to files from source to build, with a couple of exceptions and modifications.
$ ls                                      
build  source  

Get started on the script by adding a header to, identifying the type of script.

  1. Let's welcome the user to the script. Feel free to use your own style here. Make sure to save your script. Test your script in the terminal using ./
echo "Welcome User"
$ ./
Welcome User
  1. Since we are creating a new build, let's verify with the user that they have updated with the current release version.

The first line of the file contains a version number with markdown formatting like so:

## 1.1.1

Read the first line of this file into a variable firstline. You can use the linux command head for this purpose.

$ ls source/
bar.js        foo1.html
buzz.css      foo2.html  foo3.html
echo "Welcome User"
release=$(head -n1 ./source/
echo $release
$ ./
Welcome User
## 11.2.3
  1. We want just the version number without the markdown formatting. The command read can be used to split a string into an array using the -a argument.

Split the string firstline into the array splitfirstline.

The syntax for splitting a string foointo an array bar is:

read -a bar <<< $foo
echo "Welcome User"
firstline=$(head -n1 ./source/
read -a splitfirstline <<< $firstline
echo $splitfirstline
$ ./
Welcome User
  1. Now we are ready to set the value of the version of the script. It is located in index 1 of the array splitfirstline.

The syntax for accessing the value at index of an array foo is:


Save the version to a variable, version.

Print a statement to the terminal notifying the user of the version they are building.

echo "Welcome User"
firstline=$(head -n1 ./source/
read -a splitfirstline <<< $firstline
echo $version
$ ./
Welcome User
  1. Let's give the user a chance to exit the script if they need to make a change to the version.

Ask the user to enter "1" (for yes) to continue and "0" (for no) to exit.

Assign their response to the variable versioncontinue.

echo "Welcome User"
firstline=$(head -n1 ./source/
read -a splitfirstline <<< $firstline
echo $version
echo "Enter 1 to continue, 0 to exit"
read versioncontinue
$ ./
Welcome User
Enter 1 to continue, 0 to exit
  1. Add a conditional. If the user said "1" to the continue question, we will execute the rest of our script. For now, respond "OK".

If the user did not, tell them "Please come back when you are ready".

echo "Welcome User"
firstline=$(head -n1 ./source/
read -a splitfirstline <<< $firstline
echo $version
echo "Enter 1 to continue, 0 to exit"
read versioncontinue
if [ $versioncontinue -eq 1 ]
	echo 'OK'
	echo 'Please come back when you are ready'
$ ./
Welcome User
Enter 1 to continue, 0 to exit
Please come back when you are ready
  1. Now we want to copy every file from source to build except for

Within the positive conditional (where we told the user "OK"), start by iterating over all the files in the **source ** directory and printing their names to the terminal.

echo "Welcome User"
firstline=$(head -n1 ./source/
read -a splitfirstline <<< $firstline
echo $version
echo "Enter 1 to continue, 0 to exit"
read versioncontinue
if [ $versioncontinue -eq 1 ]
	for file in $files
  	echo $file
	echo 'Please come back when you are ready'
$ ./
Welcome User
Enter 1 to continue, 0 to exit
  1. Check if the filename is "source/". If it is, inform the user that it is not being copied.

Otherwise, inform the user that it is being copied.

Make sure to use spaces in your string conditional.

echo "Welcome User"
firstline=$(head -n1 ./source/
read -a splitfirstline <<< $firstline
echo $version
echo "Enter 1 to continue, 0 to exit"
read versioncontinue
if [ $versioncontinue -eq 1 ]
	for file in $files
  	if [ $file == "source/" ]
    	echo "$file Not copied"
    	echo "$file being copied"
	echo 'Please come back when you are ready'
$ ./
Welcome User
Enter 1 to continue, 0 to exit
source/bar.js being copied
source/buzz.css being copied
source/ being copied
source/foo1.html being copied
source/foo2.html being copied
source/foo3.html being copied
source/ Not copied
  1. Now we can actually copy the files. After informing the user the file is being copied, copy the file into the build directory.

You can use the terminal to make sure the right files have been copied:

ls build/
echo "Welcome User"
firstline=$(head -n1 ./source/
read -a splitfirstline <<< $firstline
echo $version
echo "Enter 1 to continue, 0 to exit"
read versioncontinue
if [ $versioncontinue -eq 1 ]
	for file in $files
  	if [ $file == "source/" ]
    	echo "$file Not copied"
    	echo "$file being copied"
      cp $file build/
	echo 'Please come back when you are ready'
$ ./
Welcome User
Enter 1 to continue, 0 to exit
source/bar.js being copied
source/buzz.css being copied
source/ being copied
source/foo1.html being copied
source/foo2.html being copied
source/foo3.html being copied
source/ Not copied
$ ls build/
bar.js  foo2.html
buzz.css  foo1.html     foo3.html
  1. The final thing we want to do is list the files in the build directory for the user.

Outside of the loop over the filenames in the directory, use the script to change the directory to the build directory. So that we don't forget, also add the command to change back to the directory with the script.

  1. Add code to notify the user what files are currently in the build directory.

Be sure to reference the version in your message.

echo "Welcome User"
firstline=$(head -n1 ./source/
read -a splitfirstline <<< $firstline
echo $version
echo "Enter 1 to continue, 0 to exit"
read versioncontinue
if [ $versioncontinue -eq 1 ]
	for file in $files
  	if [ $file == "source/" ]
    	echo "$file Not copied"
    	echo "$file being copied"
      cp $file build/
  cd build/
  echo "Build version $version contains:"
  cd ..
	echo 'Please come back when you are ready'
$ ./
Welcome User
Enter 1 to continue, 0 to exit
source/bar.js being copied
source/buzz.css being copied
source/ being copied
source/foo1.html being copied
source/foo2.html being copied
source/foo3.html being copied
source/ Not copied
Build version 11.2.3 contains:
bar.js  foo2.html
buzz.css  foo1.html     foo3.html
  1. You now have a build script for this repository. Feel free to play around with making it more robust. Some ideas:
  • Copy but replace "42" with "XX".
  • Zip the resulting build directory.
  • Give the script more character with emojis.
  • If you are familiar with git, commit the changes in the build directory.