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Nononitas edited this page Jul 4, 2023 · 57 revisions

How to give access to another/multiple groups?

You'll need to assign every group under "inherited-groups:". Meaning if you have ranks e.g.Admin, Moderator and Default, this is how you'd assign 2 groups to the group Admin: (Config from the Spigot version)

      - ban
      - ban
    priority: 20
      - default
      - Moderator

Note that groups are inherited recursively. For example, if moderator also inherits default, you don't have to inherit default for the Admin group as well.

How do my players get pl-hide group permissions?

By default everyone gets the group "default" regardless of whether you assign it or not. Otherwise, you need to add the permission for example "" to apply the group "Test". Be sure to not get confused with "" as this could lead to failure.

What is a group mode?

If a group should block commands and remove these commands from the tab completion, set group-mode to blacklist.

Otherwise if group-mode is set to whitelist, only the listed commands will be executable and all not listed commands will be removed from the tab complete

How to set the group mode?

By default the group mode is whitelist. If you want to change it to blacklist, you have to give the player a permission: For the commands it's plhide.blacklist.commands and for the tab complete it's plhide.blacklist.tabcomplete

How to block all subargs of a command in whitelist mode?

That's what the "~" character is for. It blocks everything from the "~" character.

For example: If you whitelist "help ~" you can only execute "/help" but not "/help 1", same with the tabcompletion. It's also not possible to execute for "/help 1 1"

How to allow the base command and some subargs? [Only for the commands lists]

If you are using whitelist mode and want the base command and only some subargs of the command to be executable, then you need the "~" after the base command: For example, you have the warp command with the subargs admin, test, player, city Then if you would like to allow "/warp", "/warp player", and "/warp city" to be executable, you would list it like this:

  - warp ~
  - warp player
  - warp city

What is the operator *?

The * stands for every possible word. You can only use them in subargs, so listing "* test" or "*" won't work

Using whitelist mode:
If you list "ban * test" it's allowed to execute /ban player test or /ban Nononitas test but it's not allowed to execute /ban Nononitas Hello. You are also allowed to execute /ban player test Lol but you are not allowed to execute /ban player Lol Hello

Using blacklist mode:
If you list "ban * test" /ban player test is blocked or /ban Nononitas test is blocked but not /ban Nononitas Hello. The command /ban player test Lol is also blocked, but /ban player Lol Hello is not

Same for the tab completion

Add all commands of a plugin automatically

You can add all commands from a plugin with this entry plugin:<PluginName>
For example with WorldEdit it would be this entry plugin:WorldEdit
Note: Some plugins might not work as they don't register their commands via the Bukkit or Bungeecord API. This feature also doesn't work for Velocity plugins.

Add worldedit commands?

There's a common misconception that adding - / will work. It isn't going to work because that isn't a command. Instead use - /wand as an example.

I think my groups are not set correctly

  • Check if the priority is correctly set.
  • Check if the servers list is correctly [Bungee/Velocity]
  • If you are using the Bungee/Velocity version, check that the permissions are set via a Bungee/Velocity permission manager and are set without context
  • If you have * or op you might also be always in the * and/or op group
  • Execute /plhide check for detailed information (might /plhide-bungee or /plhide-velocity depending where you installed plhide)

Create a bypass group

If you want to create a group where neither commands nor tab complete is blocked, create a group as shown below


    commands: []
    tabcomplete: []
    priority: 20 
    blocked-command-message: "Unknown command. Type \"/help\" for help."
    inherited-groups: []


        commands: []
        tabcomplete: []
      - all
    priority: 20 
    blocked-command-message: "Unknown command. Type \"/help\" for help."
    inherited-groups: []

Now give the user the permissions, plhide.blacklist.* and plhide.unblock-plugin-named-commands.*

Tab completion with a space

If you have a tab completion where you can tab command arg as one entry, you cannot list the entry the default way. Instead you need to list it like commands%space%arg