- Python
- PyTorch
(recommended) (compatible with:1.11.x
) - TensorFlow
(recommended) (compatible with:2.3.x
pip install netspresso
To install with editable mode,
git clone https://github.com/nota-netspresso/pynetspresso.git
cd pynetspresso
pip install -e .
Please clone this repository and refer to Dockerfile and docker-compose.yml.
For the latest information, please check docker-compose.yml.
# run command
export TAG=v$(cat netspresso/VERSION) && \
docker compose run --service-ports --name netspresso-dev netspresso bash
If you run with docker run
command, follow the image build and run command in the below:
# build an image
docker build -t netspresso:v$(cat netspresso/VERSION) .
# docker run command
docker run -it --ipc=host\
--gpus='"device=0,1,2,3"'\ # your GPU id(s)
-p 50001:50001\
-p 50002:50002\
-p 50003:50003\
-p 50004:50004\
--name netspresso-dev netspresso:v$(cat netspresso/VERSION) bash
root@cdd67a8bef5b:~# pip install -e .