From e9c55a4bfc2278517e1ba1b410f6058e685421b0 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: NovaRain Date: Sat, 30 Sep 2023 20:38:38 +0800 Subject: [PATCH] Sync with RPU translations --- data/text/czech/dialog/ncchiwri.msg | 7 +-- data/text/czech/dialog/ncchrwri.msg | 4 +- data/text/czech/dialog/rcdrjohn.msg | 2 +- data/text/czech/game/trait.msg | 2 +- data/text/french/dialog/ncchiwri.msg | 19 +++----- data/text/french/dialog/ncchrwri.msg | 8 ++-- data/text/french/dialog/ncmormen.msg | 2 +- data/text/french/dialog/ncscient.msg | 2 +- data/text/french/dialog/rcdrjohn.msg | 8 ++-- data/text/hungarian/dialog/dctyler.msg | 6 +-- data/text/hungarian/dialog/ncchiwri.msg | 7 +-- data/text/hungarian/dialog/qccurlng.msg | 2 +- data/text/hungarian/dialog/rcdrjohn.msg | 2 +- data/text/hungarian/dialog/vcmclure.msg | 2 +- data/text/hungarian/game/editor.msg | 2 +- data/text/hungarian/game/trait.msg | 2 +- data/text/italian/dialog/ncchiwri.msg | 3 +- data/text/italian/dialog/ncchrwri.msg | 5 +- data/text/italian/dialog/ncjules.msg | 5 +- data/text/italian/dialog/rcdrjohn.msg | 2 +- data/text/italian/game/trait.msg | 2 +- data/text/po/czech.po | 51 +++++--------------- data/text/po/french.po | 49 +------------------ data/text/po/hungarian.po | 53 +-------------------- data/text/po/italian.po | 33 +------------ data/text/po/russian.po | 12 +---- data/text/po/spanish.po | 2 +- data/text/russian/dialog/ncchrwri.msg | 4 +- data/text/spanish/dialog/ocgoris.msg | 2 +- data/text/spanish/dialog_female/ocgoris.msg | 2 +- 30 files changed, 63 insertions(+), 239 deletions(-) diff --git a/data/text/czech/dialog/ncchiwri.msg b/data/text/czech/dialog/ncchiwri.msg index 929a40384..224f589bf 100644 --- a/data/text/czech/dialog/ncchiwri.msg +++ b/data/text/czech/dialog/ncchiwri.msg @@ -38,9 +38,7 @@ {280}{}{Ani ne. Sorry že sem otravoval.} {290}{}{Ty neznáš rodinu Wrightových? Musels být v poušti pěkně dlouho. Wrightova rodina je největší kriminální rodina v Renu. Brzy budeme šéfovat celýmu městu.} {291}{}{Opravdu? To zní, jako kdyby měli všechny esa. Nabírají lidi?} -{292}{}{Actually, I got the impression they were one of the weakest of the families... I mean, they - only deal in alcohol, they have no casino or drug trade, and their numbers are much less than - other families.} +{292}{}{Vlastně mi přijde, že jsou nejslabší rodina... chci říct, kšeftujou jenom s chlastem, nemají ani kasíno nebo fet a dohromady jich je mnohem méně než v ostatních rodinách.} {293}{}{Když už mluvíme o rodině, potkal jsem tvoji matku.} {294}{}{Můžeš mi říct, co se stalo tvému bratrovi Richardovi?} {295}{}{Opravdu? To je zajímavé... poslyš, už musím jít.} @@ -121,8 +119,7 @@ {486}{}{Hej, dámo, DÍKY.} {487}{}{Díky tobě víme, kdo zabil Rika a celá rodina Wrigtů ti za to děkuje. A to nejsou žádný malý díky, jasný?} {488}{}{Rozumím. Uvidíme se později, Chrisi.} -{495}{}{Jules at the head of town also sells Jet, but he mostly sells to tourists... then there's Little Jesus Mordino: - he mighta pushed drugs on Rich while Rich was out alone. He hangs out at the Desperado.} +{495}{}{Ještě Jules na kraji města prodává Jet, ale většinou jen turistům... a pak je tady Malej Ježíš Mordino. Mohl ho napumpovat drogama, když byl Rich sám venku. Poflakuje se kolem Desperada.} {496}{}{Rozumím. Poslyš, chci se zeptat...} {497}{}{Pořezanej Jimmy J, Renesco Rakeťák, Jules a Malej Ježíš...podívám se na ně. Díky za informace, Chrisi.} {1200}{}{! Takhle se nakopává Enklávě prdel!} diff --git a/data/text/czech/dialog/ncchrwri.msg b/data/text/czech/dialog/ncchrwri.msg index f5a774b9f..73e80ccf6 100644 --- a/data/text/czech/dialog/ncchrwri.msg +++ b/data/text/czech/dialog/ncchrwri.msg @@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ {280}{}{Ani ne. Sorry že sem otravoval.} {290}{}{Ty neznáš rodinu Wrightů? To jsi musel být v poušti asi pěkně dlouho. Wrightova rodina je největší zločinecká rodina v Renu. Brzy budem šéfovat celýmu městu.} {291}{}{Opravdu? To zní, jako kdyby měli všechny esa. Nabírají lidi?} -{292}{}{Actually, I got the impression they were one of the weakest of the families... I mean, they only deal in alcohol, they have no casino or drug trade, and their numbers are much less than other families.} +{292}{}{Vlastně mi přijde, že jsou nejslabší rodina... chci říct, kšeftujou jenom s chlastem, nemají ani kasíno nebo fet a dohromady jich je mnohem méně než v ostatních rodinách.} {293}{}{Když už mluvíme o rodině, potkal jsem tvoji matku.} {295}{}{Opravdu? To je zajímavé... poslyš, už musím jít.} {296}{}{Wrightova rodina je největší zločinecká rodina v Renu. Brzy budem šéfovat celýmu městu.} @@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ {486}{}{Hej, dámo, DÍKY. } {487}{}{Díky tobě víme, kdo zabil Rika a celá rodina Wrigtů ti za to děkuje. A to nejsou žádný malý díky, jasný?} {488}{}{Rozumím. Uvidíme se později, Chrisi.} -{495}{}{Jules at the head of town also sells Jet, but he mostly sells to tourists... then there's Little Jesus Mordino: he mighta pushed drugs on Rich while Rich was out alone. He hangs out at the Desperado.} +{495}{}{Ještě Jules na kraji města prodává Jet, ale většinou jen turistům... a pak je tady Malej Ježíš Mordino. Mohl ho napumpovat drogama, když byl Rich sám venku. Poflakuje se kolem Desperada.} {497}{}{Pořezanej Jimmy J, Renesco Rakeťák, Jules a Malej Ježíš...podívám se na ně. Díky za informace, Chrisi.} {1200}{}{! Takhle se nakopává Enklávě prdel!} {1201}{}{! Jseš nejlepší!} diff --git a/data/text/czech/dialog/rcdrjohn.msg b/data/text/czech/dialog/rcdrjohn.msg index 4f1972ac1..40552ae95 100644 --- a/data/text/czech/dialog/rcdrjohn.msg +++ b/data/text/czech/dialog/rcdrjohn.msg @@ -229,4 +229,4 @@ {326}{}{Á, vidím, že jste konečně vzhůru. Právě jste doslova nacpaný rozptylovači tepla a tepelnými membránami. Za pár týdnů už sice nebudete vypadat tak hrbolatě, ale i tak zapomeňte na účast v soutěži krásy. Jo a zkuste se neškrábat kolem drenáží, dokud z nich nepřestane vytékat hnis.} {327}{}{Díky za radu, doktore. Je to skvělé. Poslyšte, chci se ještě na něco zeptat.} {328}{}{Díky za operaci, doktore. Už musím jít. Sbohem.} -{329}{}{You deliver the Jet antidote to Dr. Johnson.} +{329}{}{Protilátka na Jet byla doručena doktoru Johnsonovi.} diff --git a/data/text/czech/game/trait.msg b/data/text/czech/game/trait.msg index 53c79e57e..8930063a8 100644 --- a/data/text/czech/game/trait.msg +++ b/data/text/czech/game/trait.msg @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ {208}{}{Nějakým podivným řízením osudu lidé kolem tebe umírají násilně. Vždy uvidíš ten nejhorší možný způsob smrti.} {209}{}{Ta dobrá zpráva je, že všem okolo tebe v boji častěji něco selže. Ta špatná zpráva je, že se to stává i tobě!} {210}{}{Během svého života ses zaměřoval především na studium nebojových dovedností. Se svými bojovými dovednostmi začínáš na nižším stupni, ale První Pomoc, Léčení, Řeč a Obchodování jsou podstatně vylepšeny.} -{211}{}{You are more easily influenced by drugs. Your chance to be addicted to drug use is twice normal, but you recover faster from their ill effects.} +{211}{}{Snadněji se stáváš závislým na chemikáliích. Tvoje šance stát se závislým jsou dvojnásobné, ale na druhé straně se podstatně rychleji zotavuješ z jejich vedlejších účinků.} {212}{}{Chemikálie na tvou postavu působí sice jen poloviční dobu než obvykle, ale tvá šance stát se na nich závislým je rovněž o 50% menší oproti ostatním lidem.} {213}{}{Máš přesně to pravé "vybavení". Pro opačné pohlaví jsi velmi přitažlivá osoba, ale příslušníci stejného pohlaví mívají tendenci poněkud žárlit.} {214}{}{Protože jsi věnoval zlepšování svých dovedností víc času než ostatní, obdržíš za každou novou úroveň 5 dovednostních bodů navíc. Výměnou za to získáš perk jen jednou za čtyři úrovně.} diff --git a/data/text/french/dialog/ncchiwri.msg b/data/text/french/dialog/ncchiwri.msg index 548c7b7c4..a5dad961d 100644 --- a/data/text/french/dialog/ncchiwri.msg +++ b/data/text/french/dialog/ncchiwri.msg @@ -38,9 +38,7 @@ {280}{}{Pas vraiment. Je m'excuse de te déranger.} {290}{}{Tu n'as pas entendu parler de la famille Wright ? Tu as séjourné dans le désert trop longtemps. La famille Wright est la plus grande famille criminelle de Reno. Nous allons devenir les maîtres de cette ville. } {291}{}{Ah bon ? La famille Wright semble avoir tous les atouts en main. Embauche-t-elle ? } -{292}{}{Actually, I got the impression they were one of the weakest of the families... I mean, they - only deal in alcohol, they have no casino or drug trade, and their numbers are much less than - other families.} +{292}{}{En fait, j'avais l'impression qu'elle était l'une des familles les moins puissantes... C'est vrai, elle est juste impliquée dans le commerce de l'alcool, elle ne possède pas de casino et ne fait pas de trafic de stupéfiants, et elle a beaucoup moins de représentants que les autres familles.} {293}{}{En parlant de famille, j'ai rencontré ta mère.} {294}{}{Peux-tu me dire ce qui est arrivé à ton frère Richard ?} {295}{}{Ah bon ? C'est intéressant... Ecoute, il faut que je file.} @@ -55,8 +53,7 @@ {317}{}{[Tu lui donnes un coup de pied avec la chaussure sur laquelle il a craché]} {318}{}{[Dégage]} {319}{}{[Tu le laisses tranquille et tu files, pour cette fois]} -{325}{}{Well... I...I mean, the Wright family... my family... might have an opening. I ain't promising nothing, but go to the mansion - south of here, find my brother Keith and tell him I sent you. Name's Chris. Chris Wright.} +{325}{}{Eh bien, la... La famille Wright... Ma famille... a peut-être quelque chose pour toi. Je ne promets rien, mais rends-toi au manoir au Sud d'ici, va trouver mon frère Keith et dis-lui que c'est moi qui t'envoie. Mon nom c'est Chris. Chris Wright.} {326}{}{Euh, la famille Wright ? Qui c'est ?} {327}{}{Wright, euh ? J'ai rencontré ta mère.} {328}{}{Peux-tu me dire ce qui est arrivé à ton frère Richard ?} @@ -79,17 +76,16 @@ {370}{}{Probablement. Ecoute, il faut que j'y aille. } {380}{}{Elle va prêcher la bonne parole un peu partout, mais elle ne sait pas vraiment ce que papa fait. C'est ça ou alors elle fait semblant de ne pas savoir. } {381}{}{Que fait ton père ?} -{382}{}{Hmmmm. Say, I had some other questions...} +{382}{}{Hum. D'accord, j'avais deux ou trois autres questions...} {383}{}{Intéressant. Bon, il faut que j'y aille. } {390}{}{Il fait de l'alcool, vend des armes, descend ceux qui lui cassent les pieds... les affaires habituelles de famille. Maman serait révoltée si elle soupçonnait ce qui se passe. Surtout si elle découvrait cette distillerie.} {391}{}{A quel point serait-elle révoltée ?} -{392}{}{Hmmmm. Say, I had some other questions...} +{392}{}{Hum. D'accord, j'avais deux ou trois autres questions...} {393}{}{Intéressant. Bon, il faut que j'y aille. } {400}{}{Probablement assez pour dévaster l'endroit... au moins. Ensuite, elle nous passerait un savon et on aurait le droit à des sermons pendant plusieurs jours. Hé.} -{401}{}{Interesting. Say, I had some other questions...} +{401}{}{Intéressant. J'avais d'autres questions...} {402}{}{Hum. Merci. } -{410}{}{Rich? Aw, you know, he was found like one of those Jet crashers, dead in one of the gutters. Near as we can - figure, someone pumped him with drugs until he was dead.} +{410}{}{Richard ? Oh, tu sais, on l'a trouvé comme l'un des ces accros au Jet, mort dans un caniveau. Tout ce qu'on sait pour l'instant, c'est que quelqu'un lui a refilé du matos jusqu'à ce qu'il en meure.} {411}{}{*Quelqu'un* ? Comment sais-tu qu'il n'a pas fait une overdose parce qu'IL en avait pris trop ?} {412}{}{D'après toi, qui a pu faire ça ?} {413}{}{Je regrette d'entendre ça. Mais dis-moi...} @@ -121,8 +117,7 @@ {486}{}{Hé, ma p'tite dame, MERCI.} {487}{}{Tu as découvert qui a tué mon frère et toute la famille Wright t'en remerciera. Et comme il se doit, tu vois ce que je veux dire ?} {488}{}{Je comprends. A plus tard, Chris. } -{495}{}{Jules at the head of town also sells Jet, but he mostly sells to tourists... then there's Little Jesus Mordino: - he mighta pushed drugs on Rich while Rich was out alone. He hangs out at the Desperado.} +{495}{}{Jules dirige la ville et vend également du Jet, mais principalement aux touristes... Et puis, il y a Petit Jésus Mordino : c'est sûrement lui qui fournissait Rich lorsqu'il sortait tout seul. Il traîne au Desperado.} {496}{}{Compris. Tiens, j'avais d'autres questions...} {497}{}{Jimmy J l'édenté, Renesco l'homme fusée, Jules et Petit Jésus... Je vais aller voir ça. Merci pour l'info, Chris.} {1200}{}{ ! C'est comme ça qu'on donne une leçon à l'Enclave !} diff --git a/data/text/french/dialog/ncchrwri.msg b/data/text/french/dialog/ncchrwri.msg index a6a13f1a9..5f63b02b3 100644 --- a/data/text/french/dialog/ncchrwri.msg +++ b/data/text/french/dialog/ncchrwri.msg @@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ {280}{}{Pas vraiment. Je m'excuse de te déranger.} {290}{}{Tu n'as pas entendu parler de la famille Wright ? Tu as séjourné dans le désert trop longtemps. La famille Wright est la plus grande famille criminelle de Reno. Nous allons devenir les maîtres de cette ville.} {291}{}{Ah bon ? La famille Wright semble avoir tous les atouts en main. Embauche-t-elle ? } -{292}{}{Actually, I got the impression they were one of the weakest of the families... I mean, they only deal in alcohol, they have no casino or drug trade, and their numbers are much less than other families.} +{292}{}{En fait, j'avais l'impression qu'elle était l'une des familles les moins puissantes... C'est vrai, elle est juste impliquée dans le commerce de l'alcool, elle ne possède pas de casino et ne fait pas de trafic de stupéfiants, et elle a beaucoup moins de représentants que les autres familles.} {293}{}{En parlant de famille, j'ai rencontré ta mère.} {295}{}{Ah bon ? C'est intéressant... Ecoute, il faut que je file.} {296}{}{La famille Wright est la plus grande famille de gangsters de Reno. On va gouverner cette ville. } @@ -73,12 +73,12 @@ {370}{}{Probablement. Ecoute, il faut que j'y aille. } {380}{}{Elle va prêcher la bonne parole un peu partout, mais elle ne sait pas vraiment ce que papa fait. C'est ça ou alors elle fait semblant de ne pas savoir.} {381}{}{Que fait ton père ?} -{382}{}{Hmmmm. Say, I had some other questions...} +{382}{}{Hum. D'accord, j'avais deux ou trois autres questions...} {383}{}{Intéressant. Bon, il faut que j'y aille. } {390}{}{Il fait de l'alcool, vend des armes, descend ceux qui lui cassent les pieds... Les affaires de famille habituelles. Maman serait révoltée si elle soupçonnait ce qui se passe. Et surtout si elle découvrait cette distillerie.} {391}{}{A quel point serait-elle révoltée ?} {400}{}{Probablement assez pour dévaster l'endroit... au moins. Ensuite, elle nous passerait un savon et on aurait le droit à des sermons pendant plusieurs jours. Hé.} -{401}{}{Interesting. Say, I had some other questions...} +{401}{}{Intéressant. J'avais d'autres questions...} {402}{}{Hum. Merci. } {410}{}{Richard ? Oh, tu sais, on l'a trouvé mort, comme l'un des ces accros au Jet. Tout ce qu'on sait pour l'instant, c'est que quelqu'un lui a refilé du matos jusqu'à ce qu'il en meure. } {411}{}{*Quelqu'un* ? Comment sais-tu qu'il n'a pas fait une overdose parce qu'IL en avait pris trop ?} @@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ {486}{}{Hé, ma pt'ite dame, merci.} {487}{}{Tu as découvert qui a tué mon frère et toute la famille Wright t'en remerciera. Et comme il se doit, tu vois ce que je veux dire ?} {488}{}{Je comprends. A plus tard, Chris. } -{495}{}{Jules at the head of town also sells Jet, but he mostly sells to tourists... then there's Little Jesus Mordino: he mighta pushed drugs on Rich while Rich was out alone. He hangs out at the Desperado.} +{495}{}{Jules dirige la ville et vend également du Jet, mais principalement aux touristes... Et puis, il y a Petit Jésus Mordino : c'est sûrement lui qui fournissait Rich lorsqu'il sortait tout seul. Il traîne au Desperado.} {497}{}{Jimmy J l'édenté, Renesco l'homme fusée, Jules et Petit Jésus... Je vais aller voir ça. Merci pour l'info, Chris.} {1200}{}{ ! C'est comme ça qu'on donne une leçon à l'Enclave !} {1201}{}{Génial !} diff --git a/data/text/french/dialog/ncmormen.msg b/data/text/french/dialog/ncmormen.msg index d13cc61e5..014b99b01 100644 --- a/data/text/french/dialog/ncmormen.msg +++ b/data/text/french/dialog/ncmormen.msg @@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ {271}{}{Le dernier combat était vraiment épique, chica.} {272}{}{Hé, où t'entraînes-tu ? T'as besoin d'un entraîneur ?} {273}{}{Attention au Mastiquateur. Il aime bouffer les oreilles. C'est un drôle de type.} -{280}{}{Hey, hey, hey! Chica, you need me to put that weapon away for you?} +{280}{}{Hé, hé là ! Chica, tu veux que je range cette arme pour toi ?} {281}{}{Quoi, tu veux que je te taille un nouveau costard ? Allez, rengaine ton arme avant que je m'énerve.} {285}{}{Mais bordel, pourquoi te-te planques, } {290}{}{Dur d'échapper à l'oeil d'un Mordino avec un physique pareil, chica.} diff --git a/data/text/french/dialog/ncscient.msg b/data/text/french/dialog/ncscient.msg index 76b29ecf7..f26be0076 100644 --- a/data/text/french/dialog/ncscient.msg +++ b/data/text/french/dialog/ncscient.msg @@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ {208}{}{Myron, enfin ! On a des nouvelles du prochain arrivage d'esclaves, chef ?} {209}{}{Chef, Myron, nous avons déplacé 3 esclaves du groupe témoin vers le groupe d'essai à cause des problèmes respiratoires de la semaine dernière.} {210}{}{Chef, Myron, nous avons dû abattre un esclave qui tentait de s'échapper. Quel gâchis.} -{211}{}{Myron... this new mild hallucinogen you've developed is promising, but it is not as addictive as Jet...} +{211}{}{Myron, l'hallucinogène que nous développons en ce moment est prometteur, mais il ne rend pas aussi dépendant que le Jet.} {212}{}{Si tu as des suggestions, mets-les par écrit, et jette le papier directement dans la corbeille là-bas.} {213}{}{Oui, oui, quoi ?} {214}{}{On arrivera à rien si tu nous interromps tout le temps.} diff --git a/data/text/french/dialog/rcdrjohn.msg b/data/text/french/dialog/rcdrjohn.msg index b8caa6004..db355e4a2 100644 --- a/data/text/french/dialog/rcdrjohn.msg +++ b/data/text/french/dialog/rcdrjohn.msg @@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ {128}{}{Ecoute, je vais te faire un prix de groupe puisque je vois que vous êtes tous bien amochés. $100 pour le lot.} {129}{}{Voilà ton argent, Doc. Arrange-nous comme il faut.} {130}{}{On peut pas se payer ça maintenant. Je regrette Doc, plus tard peut-être.} -{131}{}{$100, huh? Maybe we'll have that done later. Goodbye, Doc.} +{131}{}{$100, hein ? On verra ça plus tard. Au revoir, Doc.} {132}{}{J'ai l'impression que c'est pas vraiment la forme. Je peux te guérir pour $100. Veux-tu que j'essaie ?} {133}{}{Ton camarade ne va pas fort. Je peux le retaper pour $100. Veux-tu que j'essaie ?} {134}{}{J'espère que tu feras mieux qu'essayer, Doc. Voilà ton argent.} @@ -132,9 +132,7 @@ {231}{}{C'est n'importe quoi. La Cité de l'Abri accorde des privilèges spéciaux à ses citoyens, mais uniquement parce qu'ils sont plus aptes à profiter de ces choses que ces rustres de non-citoyens. En outre, n'importe qui peut demander la citoyenneté de la Cité de l'Abri à condition de réussir les tests.} {232}{}{Je ne sais pas comment les gens de Redding réagiraient à la domination de la Cité de l'Abri.} {233}{}{Ouais, sans doute. Salut, Doc.} -{234}{}{I fill the user-ampoules with Jet and then distribute it purely as a service to the people of - Redding. I don't make a profit doing it. If I didn't do it, then some other quack would be preparing - the drug with germ-encrusted, rusty equipment. I'd never get this population disease-free after that.} +{234}{}{Je remplis les ampoules avec du Jet et je les distribue uniquement pour rendre service aux habitants de Redding. J'en tire aucun bénéfice. Si je ne le faisais pas, un charlatan préparerait ça avec du matériel rouillé, plein de germes. Et après ça, je ne pourrais plus les soigner.} {235}{}{T'es vraiment un chic type, Doc. C'est chouette. Puis-je te demander autre chose ?} {236}{}{Très *noble* de ta part, Docteur.} {237}{}{C'est intéressant. A plus tard, Doc. Au revoir.} @@ -229,4 +227,4 @@ {326}{}{On reprend connaissance, allez... Tu regorges de radiateurs thermiques et de membranes de dissipation. Ces protubérances auront disparu dans quelques semaines, mais ne compte pas non plus gagner un concours de beauté. Essaie de ne pas trop toucher les croûtes de pus près des incisions tant qu'elles n'ont pas cessé de suppurer.} {327}{}{Merci du conseil, Doc. C'est super. Eh, est-ce que je peux te demander autre chose ?} {328}{}{Merci pour ce travail de pro, Doc. Mieux vaut que je file. Au revoir !} -{329}{}{You deliver the Jet antidote to Dr. Johnson.} +{329}{}{Tu as délivré l'antidote au Jet au Doc Johnson.} diff --git a/data/text/hungarian/dialog/dctyler.msg b/data/text/hungarian/dialog/dctyler.msg index 603de67d0..38a4f4b7a 100644 --- a/data/text/hungarian/dialog/dctyler.msg +++ b/data/text/hungarian/dialog/dctyler.msg @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ {221}{}{Mintha csak birkákat vittünk volna a vágóhídra.} {222}{}{Végre meghalt az a kibaszott kurva!} {223}{}{Kösz a tippet, jól jött.} -{230}{}{Where the hell were you?} +{230}{}{Hol a pokolban voltál?} {231}{}{Nyald ki a seggem! Rohadt, hazug disznó!} {232}{}{Itt helyben kibelezlek!} {233}{}{Na, ennyit a tervekről, seggfej!} @@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ {443}{}{Semmi.} {444}{}{Uff.} {445}{}{Urseco?} -{450}{}{Damn, what the hell's wrong with you today? Lay off the drugs.} +{450}{}{A francba, mi bajod van ma? Hagyd el a drogokat!} {451}{}{A drogok ártanak neked, ember.} {452}{}{A drogok ártanak neked, kislány.} {453}{}{(Morog)} @@ -141,7 +141,7 @@ {712}{}{You see this mark on my forehead? Let me in. Now!} {713}{}{Én vagyok az új kurvája, azért. Ha nem engedsz be most rögtön, biztos lehetsz benne, hogy az elintézendő listája elején találod magad.} {714}{}{Figyelj, haver! Metzger megnyúz, ha nem ellenőrzök le mindent gyorsan. Tudod, hogy milyen.} -{715}{}{None of your fucking business. If the Boss wants his shit checked out, that's what I do. I don't ask questions.} +{715}{}{Ez nem a te kibaszott dolgod. Ha a Főnök ellenőriztetni akarja ezt a szart, akkor én megcsinálom. Nem kérdezősködöm.} {716}{}{Rá se ránts!} {717}{}{Shaka?} {1255}{}{. menet!} diff --git a/data/text/hungarian/dialog/ncchiwri.msg b/data/text/hungarian/dialog/ncchiwri.msg index cb17735b1..27f6c8520 100644 --- a/data/text/hungarian/dialog/ncchiwri.msg +++ b/data/text/hungarian/dialog/ncchiwri.msg @@ -38,9 +38,7 @@ {280}{}{Nem igazán. Bocs, hogy zavartalak.} {290}{}{Nem hallottál a Wright családról? Jó sokat lehettél a sivatagban! A Wright család a legnagyobb bűnszövetkezet Renóban. Mi fogjuk uralni a várost.} {291}{}{Valóban? Úgy tűnik, a Wright családnál vannak a legjobb lapok. Nem akarnak felbérelni senkit?} -{292}{}{Actually, I got the impression they were one of the weakest of the families... I mean, they - only deal in alcohol, they have no casino or drug trade, and their numbers are much less than - other families.} +{292}{}{Igazság szerint épp arra gondoltam, hogy ők a leggyengébb család... Úgy értem, csak alkoholban utaznak, nincs kaszinó, meg drogkereskedelem, és a család létszáma is alacsonyabb, mint a többieké.} {293}{}{Ha már a családnál tartunk, összefutottam édesanyáddal.} {294}{}{Tudsz valamit mondani arról, mi történt Richard öcséddel?} {295}{}{Igazán? Nagyon érdekes... nos hát... most mennem kell.} @@ -55,8 +53,7 @@ {317}{}{Belerúgsz azzal a lábaddal, amit leköpött.} {318}{}{Elslattyogsz} {319}{}{Békén hagyod és elmész. Ezúttal...} -{325}{}{Well... I...I mean, the Wright family... my family... might have an opening. I ain't promising nothing, but go to the mansion - south of here, find my brother Keith and tell him I sent you. Name's Chris. Chris Wright.} +{325}{}{Hogyismondjam... az a helyzet, hogy a Wright család... az én családom... talán tud ajánlani egy állást. Nem ígérek semmit, de menj a dél felé lévő kúriához, keresd fel Keith bátyámat, és mondd meg neki, hogy én küldtelek. A nevem Chris Wright.} {326}{}{Öö... Wright családot mondtál? Kik ők?} {327}{}{Wrightot mondtál? Összefutottam édesanyáddal.} {328}{}{Tudsz valamit mondani arról, mi történt Richard öcséddel?} diff --git a/data/text/hungarian/dialog/qccurlng.msg b/data/text/hungarian/dialog/qccurlng.msg index 20abf4160..ff443f380 100644 --- a/data/text/hungarian/dialog/qccurlng.msg +++ b/data/text/hungarian/dialog/qccurlng.msg @@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ {156}{}{Nem, nem igazán. Valójában sokban különbözünk, és a DNS változás a legkevesebb. Ez sajnos a háttérsugárzásban eltöltött évek áldásos hatása.} {157}{}{És mi van, ha a DNS-ünk egy kicsit különbözik, he?} {158}{}{Nem tudom, ez pontosan mit jelent, de akkor mi van, ha kicsit különbözünk?} -{159}{}{Oh, your DNA is more than just a *little* different. It's quite different. If I weren't so pressed for time by the Project I'd be interested in running further tests on your people, other than the FEV toxicological study, of course. Fascinating work really.} +{159}{}{Ha nem lennék olyan fáradt a Projekt miatt, szívesen végeznék még kísérleteket a törzse tagjain, mint pl. az FEV toxikológiai vizsgálatot. Igazán érdekes lenne.} {160}{}{Miről akarsz kérdezni?} {161}{}{Hogy van ez a DNS különbözőségével?} {162}{}{Maguk kísérleti nyúlnak használják a törzsemet?} diff --git a/data/text/hungarian/dialog/rcdrjohn.msg b/data/text/hungarian/dialog/rcdrjohn.msg index a109e7f6c..a381af853 100644 --- a/data/text/hungarian/dialog/rcdrjohn.msg +++ b/data/text/hungarian/dialog/rcdrjohn.msg @@ -242,4 +242,4 @@ either. Try not to pick at the pus-crusts near the drainage incisions until they stop suppurating.} {327}{}{Kösz a tanácsot, doki! Ez marha jó! Mit szólnál lazításképp egy-két kérdéshez?} {328}{}{Köszönöm a műtétet, doki! Most már jobb lesz, ha indulok. Viszlát!} -{329}{}{You deliver the Jet antidote to Dr. Johnson.} +{329}{}{You deliver the Jet antidote to Doc Johnson.} diff --git a/data/text/hungarian/dialog/vcmclure.msg b/data/text/hungarian/dialog/vcmclure.msg index 8e5f046d6..91f1d2660 100644 --- a/data/text/hungarian/dialog/vcmclure.msg +++ b/data/text/hungarian/dialog/vcmclure.msg @@ -243,4 +243,4 @@ {342}{}{Lehetséges. Majd meglátom.} {343}{}{Tudattad McClure-ral, hogy kézbesítetted a Jet-ellenszert.} {344}{}{The disk shows that since the plant is now fully functional and optimized, it can now produce a great deal of energy. Far more than Gecko needs. Vault City could use that energy. I feel that the council should consider what this disk has to offer.} -{345}{}{This is quite interesting.} +{345}{}{Ez érdekes lesz.} diff --git a/data/text/hungarian/game/editor.msg b/data/text/hungarian/game/editor.msg index e5c4071d6..2241e36b5 100644 --- a/data/text/hungarian/game/editor.msg +++ b/data/text/hungarian/game/editor.msg @@ -163,7 +163,7 @@ {653}{}{ ::: Képzettségek ::: ::: Hullák :::} {654}{}{ ::: Tárgylista :::} {655}{}{ Össz tömeg:} -{656}{}{ ::: Addictions :::} +{656}{}{ ::: Függőségek :::} {657}{}{ ::: Hírnév :::} {1000}{}{Hírnév (Általános) } {1001}{}{Berzerker} diff --git a/data/text/hungarian/game/trait.msg b/data/text/hungarian/game/trait.msg index 4722a5ab5..1d12dc6c0 100644 --- a/data/text/hungarian/game/trait.msg +++ b/data/text/hungarian/game/trait.msg @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ {208}{}{Valamilyen különös oknál fogva az emberek erőszakos módon haláloznak el körülötted. Mindig a lehető legcsúnyább módját látod mások halálának.} {209}{}{A jó hír az, hogy körülötted mindenki többször vét kritikus hibát csatában. A rossz hír viszont az, hogy te is!} {210}{}{Kevés időt töltöttél harci jellegű képzettségek elsajátításával, ezek tehát alacsonyabb százalékról indulnak. Az Elsősegély, Orvos, Beszéd és Üzletelés képzettségeid viszont magasabbról.} -{211}{}{You are more easily influenced by drugs. Your chance to be addicted to drug use is twice normal, but you recover faster from their ill effects.} +{211}{}{Sokkal könnyebben leszel drogfüggő. Kétszer nagyobb az esélye, hogy függővé válsz, de hamarabb hevered ki a drogok áldatlan hatását.} {212}{}{A drogok csak a szokásos idő feléig hatnak rád, viszont a függőség veszélye is csak fele akkora.} {213}{}{Benned megvan "AZ" a valami. Az ellenkező neműek erősen vonzódnak hozzád, a veled egyneműek viszont hajlamosak féltékenykedni.} {214}{}{Mivel több időt töltöttél képzettségeid fejlesztésére, 5-tel több képzettség pontot kapsz szintenként. Cserébe viszont csak minden negyedik szinten kapsz új képességet.} diff --git a/data/text/italian/dialog/ncchiwri.msg b/data/text/italian/dialog/ncchiwri.msg index 3cfbe36e0..8cabfc704 100644 --- a/data/text/italian/dialog/ncchiwri.msg +++ b/data/text/italian/dialog/ncchiwri.msg @@ -88,8 +88,7 @@ {400}{}{Probabilmente abbastanza da spaccare questo posto… come minimo. Poi darebbe a tutti noi una bella strigliata e ci obbligherebbe a lunghe giornate di preghiera. Eh. } {401}{}{Interesting. Say, I had some other questions...} {402}{}{Hmmmmm. Grazie. } -{410}{}{Rich? Aw, you know, he was found like one of those Jet crashers, dead in one of the gutters. Near as we can - figure, someone pumped him with drugs until he was dead.} +{410}{}{Rich? Aw, l'hanno trovato morto in un fosso, come uno strafatto di Jet qualsiasi. Da quel che sappiamo, qualcuno deve averlo imbottito di droghe finche' non e' morto.} {411}{}{'Qualcuno' gli ha dato troppa droga? Come fate a dire che non e' morto di overdose perche' LUI ha preso troppa droga?} {412}{}{Chi pensate possa averlo fatto?} {413}{}{Mi dispiace. Avrei delle altre domande...} diff --git a/data/text/italian/dialog/ncchrwri.msg b/data/text/italian/dialog/ncchrwri.msg index 1fb2a542c..57a644dfe 100644 --- a/data/text/italian/dialog/ncchrwri.msg +++ b/data/text/italian/dialog/ncchrwri.msg @@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ {280}{}{Non molto. Scusa il disturbo.} {290}{}{Non hai mai sentito parlare della Famiglia *Wright*? Devi essere rimasto nel deserto un po' troppo a lungo. La Famiglia Wright e' la piu' grande famiglia criminale di New Reno. Presto domineremo questa citta'.} {291}{}{Davvero? Sembra proprio che la famiglia Wright abbia tutte le carte in regola. Avete bisogno di un paio di braccia in piu'?} -{292}{}{Actually, I got the impression they were one of the weakest of the families... I mean, they only deal in alcohol, they have no casino or drug trade, and their numbers are much less than other families.} +{292}{}{Veramente avevo l'impressione che fosse una delle famiglie piu' deboli... Voglio dire, vendono solo alcolici e non hanno un casino' ne' spacciano droga e i loro uomini sono pochi, confrontati con quelli delle altre famiglie.} {293}{}{A proposito di famiglia... ho conosciuto tua madre.} {295}{}{Davvero? Molto interessante... beh, scusa, ma devo andare.} {296}{}{La Famiglia Wright e' la piu' grande famiglia criminale di New Reno. Presto domineremo questa citta'.} @@ -80,8 +80,7 @@ {400}{}{Probabilmente abbastanza da spaccare questo posto… come minimo. Poi darebbe a tutti noi una bella strigliata e ci obbligherebbe a lunghe giornate di preghiera. Eh. } {401}{}{Interesting. Say, I had some other questions...} {402}{}{Hmmmmm. Grazie. } -{410}{}{Richard? We found him dead in one of the gutters like one of those Jet crashers. Near as we can figure, - someone pumped him with drugs until he was dead.} +{410}{}{Richard? L'hanno trovato morto in un fosso, come uno strafatto di Jet qualsiasi. Da quel che sappiamo, qualcuno deve averlo imbottito di droghe finche' non e' morto.} {411}{}{"Qualcuno" gli avrebbe dato troppa droga? Come fate a dire che non e' morto di overdose perche' LUI ha preso troppa droga?} {412}{}{Chi pensate possa averlo fatto?} {413}{}{Mi dispiace. Avrei delle altre domande...} diff --git a/data/text/italian/dialog/ncjules.msg b/data/text/italian/dialog/ncjules.msg index dbef2433a..2a75fb52e 100644 --- a/data/text/italian/dialog/ncjules.msg +++ b/data/text/italian/dialog/ncjules.msg @@ -210,14 +210,13 @@ {811}{}{Che cosa succede li' dentro?} {825}{}{Si testano nuovi tipi di Jet, da quel che ho sentito. Ora, te lo dico in CONFIDENZA, amico: non andare a ficcare il naso da quelle parti... ai Mordino non piacciono i visitatori. Inoltre... Jules puo' darti tutto il Jet di cui hai bisogno.} {826}{}{Perche' i Mordino continuano a testare il Jet? Sembra gia' creare abbastanza dipendenza cosi' com'e'.} -{827}{}{Who do the Mordinos test the drugs on?} +{827}{}{Su chi testano la droga, i Mordino?} {828}{}{Sai per caso come potrei fare per introdurmi nelle Stalle?} {840}{}{Sugli schiavi, molto probabilmente. Li tengono all'interno di recinti nelle Stalle, come fossero brahmin. } {841}{}{I Mordino comprano un mucchio di schiavi dagli schiavisti che passano di qua. } {842}{}{I Mordino comprano un mucchio di schiavi dagli schiavisti come te che passano per New Reno. } {843}{}{E ne comprano davvero un sacco, dato che gli schiavi continuano a stare male, a scappare... o a morire. La maggior parte muore.} -{860}{}{Just to make it better, I guess, refine the process, refine the drug. Jet's good, but if they can make it even - BETTER... difference between scraping the sky and flying to the moon, I s'pose.} +{860}{}{Solo per migliorarlo, immagino, raffinare il processo, raffinare la droga. Il Jet attuale e' buono, ma se potessero in qualche modo MIGLIORARLO... ci sarebbe la stessa differenza che c'e' tra volare con un deltaplano e volare fino alla luna, credo. } {880}{}{Aspetta un secondo - Se fossi in te non ci PENSEREI nemmeno, amico. I Mordino controllano quel posto come cani rabbiosi. Cavatelo dalla testa e basta.} {881}{}{Ci dev'essere un modo per entrare...} {886}{}{D'accordo, allora lasciamo perdere. Grazie dell'informazione.} diff --git a/data/text/italian/dialog/rcdrjohn.msg b/data/text/italian/dialog/rcdrjohn.msg index 9cb8c87b3..d0450f1e3 100644 --- a/data/text/italian/dialog/rcdrjohn.msg +++ b/data/text/italian/dialog/rcdrjohn.msg @@ -229,4 +229,4 @@ {326}{}{Ci siamo svegliati, eh? Ti ho appena imbottito di dissipatori termici e membrane dissipatrici. Tra qualche settimana non avrai piu' questo aspetto cosi' bitorzoluto, ma non vincerai mai un concorso di bellezza, questo e' certo. Cerca di non grattare le croste purulente vicino alle incisioni di drenaggio prima che abbiano smesso di suppurare.} {327}{}{Grazie del consiglio, Doc. Davvero grandioso. Ehi, lascia che ti chieda qualcos'altro.} {328}{}{Grazie del lavoro, Doc. Sara' meglio che vada, adesso. Ci vediamo.} -{329}{}{You deliver the Jet antidote to Dr. Johnson.} +{329}{}{Consegni l'antidoto per il Jet al Doc Johnson.} diff --git a/data/text/italian/game/trait.msg b/data/text/italian/game/trait.msg index d1156bcad..6b98cf1b2 100644 --- a/data/text/italian/game/trait.msg +++ b/data/text/italian/game/trait.msg @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ {208}{}{Per uno strano scherzo del destino, la gente intorno a te muore violentemente. Vedi sempre il modo peggiore in cui una persona puo' morire.} {209}{}{La cosa positiva e' che tutti intorno a te subiscono un maggior numero di fallimenti critici, la cosa negativa e' che lo stesso succede a te!} {210}{}{Crescendo, hai migliorato le tua abilita' non legate alla lotta. Le tue abilita' di lotta partono da un livello piu' basso, ma Pronto Soccorso, Dottore, Dialogare e Barattare sono aumentate sostanzialmente.} -{211}{}{You are more easily influenced by drugs. Your chance to be addicted to drug use is twice normal, but you recover faster from their ill effects.} +{211}{}{Sei piu' facilmente influenzabile dalle droghe. La tua possibilita' di sviluppare dipendenza e' doppia rispetto alla norma, ma ti riprendi piu' velocemente dai loro effetti infausti.} {212}{}{Le droghe hanno effetto su di te solo per meta' tempo, ma anche le possibilita' di diventare dipendente sono solo il 50% del normale.} {213}{}{Sei dotato di quel "qualcosa" in piu'. I membri dell'altro sesso sono attratti da te, ma quelli del tuo stesso sesso tendono a diventare gelosi.} {214}{}{Hai speso piu' tempo a migliorare le tue abilita' rispetto agli altri e quindi guadagni +5 punti abilita' per livello. Il rovescio della medaglia e' che non guadagni altrettante abilita' extra. Guadagni una Strenna ogni 4 livelli.} diff --git a/data/text/po/czech.po b/data/text/po/czech.po index 254cf4a9e..c99dcfaee 100644 --- a/data/text/po/czech.po +++ b/data/text/po/czech.po @@ -103244,19 +103244,14 @@ msgid "" msgstr "Opravdu? To zní, jako kdyby měli všechny esa. Nabírají lidi?" #: dialog/ncchiwri.msg:292 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "" -#| "Actually, I got the impression they were one of the weakest of the families... I mean, they\n" -#| " only deal in alcohol, they have no casino or chem trade, and their numbers are much less than\n" -#| " other families." msgid "" "Actually, I got the impression they were one of the weakest of the families... I mean, they\n" " only deal in alcohol, they have no casino or drug trade, and their numbers are much less than\n" " other families." msgstr "" -"Vlastně mi přijde, že jsou nejslabší rodina...tím myslím, že kšeftujou jenom" -" s chlastem, nemají ani kasíno nebo fet, a dohromady jich je mnohem méně než" -" v ostatních rodinách." +"Vlastně mi přijde, že jsou nejslabší rodina... chci říct, kšeftujou jenom s " +"chlastem, nemají ani kasíno nebo fet a dohromady jich je mnohem méně než v " +"ostatních rodinách." #: dialog/ncchiwri.msg:293 dialog/ncchrwri.msg:293 msgid "Speaking of family, I ran into your mom." @@ -103642,17 +103637,13 @@ msgid "I understand. Catch you later, Chris. " msgstr "Rozumím. Uvidíme se později, Chrisi." #: dialog/ncchiwri.msg:495 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "" -#| "Jules at the head of town also sells Jet, but he mostly sells to tourists... then there's Little Jesus Mordino:\n" -#| " he mighta pushed chems on Rich while Rich was out alone. He hangs out at the Desperado." msgid "" "Jules at the head of town also sells Jet, but he mostly sells to tourists... then there's Little Jesus Mordino:\n" " he mighta pushed drugs on Rich while Rich was out alone. He hangs out at the Desperado." msgstr "" -"Jules na kraji města taky prodává Jet, ale většinou prodává jen turistům...a" -" pak je tady Malej Ježíš Mordino. Mohl do něj nacpat drogy, když byl sám " -"venku. Potuluje se kolem Desperáda." +"Ještě Jules na kraji města prodává Jet, ale většinou jen turistům... a pak " +"je tady Malej Ježíš Mordino. Mohl ho napumpovat drogama, když byl Rich sám " +"venku. Poflakuje se kolem Desperada." #: dialog/ncchiwri.msg:497 dialog/ncchrwri.msg:497 msgid "" @@ -103982,19 +103973,14 @@ msgstr "" "celýmu městu." #: dialog/ncchrwri.msg:292 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "" -#| "Actually, I got the impression they were one of the weakest of the " -#| "families... I mean, they only deal in alcohol, they have no casino or chem " -#| "trade, and their numbers are much less than other families." msgid "" "Actually, I got the impression they were one of the weakest of the " "families... I mean, they only deal in alcohol, they have no casino or drug " "trade, and their numbers are much less than other families." msgstr "" -"Vlastně mi přijde, že jsou nejslabší rodina...tím myslím, že kšeftujou jenom" -" s chlastem, nemají ani kasíno nebo fet, a dohromady jich je mnohem méně než" -" v ostatních rodinách." +"Vlastně mi přijde, že jsou nejslabší rodina... chci říct, kšeftujou jenom s " +"chlastem, nemají ani kasíno nebo fet a dohromady jich je mnohem méně než v " +"ostatních rodinách." #: dialog/ncchrwri.msg:296 msgid "" @@ -104173,19 +104159,14 @@ msgid "Hey, lady, thank YOU. " msgstr "Hej, dámo, DÍKY. " #: dialog/ncchrwri.msg:495 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "" -#| "Jules at the head of town also sells Jet, but he mostly sells to tourists..." -#| " then there's Little Jesus Mordino: he mighta pushed chems on Rich while " -#| "Rich was out alone. He hangs out at the Desperado." msgid "" "Jules at the head of town also sells Jet, but he mostly sells to tourists..." " then there's Little Jesus Mordino: he mighta pushed drugs on Rich while " "Rich was out alone. He hangs out at the Desperado." msgstr "" -"Jules na kraji města taky prodává Jet, ale většinou prodává jen turistům...a" -" pak je tady Malej Ježíš Mordino. Mohl do něj nacpat drogy, když byl sám " -"venku. Potuluje se kolem Desperáda." +"Ještě Jules na kraji města prodává Jet, ale většinou jen turistům... a pak " +"je tady Malej Ježíš Mordino. Mohl ho napumpovat drogama, když byl Rich sám " +"venku. Poflakuje se kolem Desperada." #: dialog/nccody.msg:125 msgid "You see Cody." @@ -158466,9 +158447,7 @@ msgid "Thanks for your handiwork, Doc. I better be moving on now. Goodbye." msgstr "Díky za operaci, doktore. Už musím jít. Sbohem." #: dialog/rcdrjohn.msg:329 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "You deliver the Jet antidote to Doc Johnson." -msgid "You deliver the Jet antidote to Dr. Johnson." +msgid "You deliver the Jet antidote to Doc Johnson." msgstr "Protilátka na Jet byla doručena doktoru Johnsonovi." #: dialog/rcfannie.msg:100 @@ -239415,10 +239394,6 @@ msgstr "" "Léčení, Řeč a Obchodování jsou podstatně vylepšeny." #: game/trait.msg:211 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "" -#| "You are more easily influenced by chems. Your chance to be reliant by chem " -#| "use is twice normal, but you recover faster from their ill effects." msgid "" "You are more easily influenced by drugs. Your chance to be addicted to drug" " use is twice normal, but you recover faster from their ill effects." diff --git a/data/text/po/french.po b/data/text/po/french.po index 3b57262d4..8f08114ed 100644 --- a/data/text/po/french.po +++ b/data/text/po/french.po @@ -106143,11 +106143,6 @@ msgstr "" "elle ? " #: dialog/ncchiwri.msg:292 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "" -#| "Actually, I got the impression they were one of the weakest of the families... I mean, they\n" -#| " only deal in alcohol, they have no casino or chem trade, and their numbers are much less than\n" -#| " other families." msgid "" "Actually, I got the impression they were one of the weakest of the families... I mean, they\n" " only deal in alcohol, they have no casino or drug trade, and their numbers are much less than\n" @@ -106215,10 +106210,6 @@ msgid "Let it alone and walk away. This time. " msgstr "[Tu le laisses tranquille et tu files, pour cette fois]" #: dialog/ncchiwri.msg:325 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "" -#| "Well, I… I mean, the Wright family… my family… might have an opening. I ain't promising nothing, but go to the mansion\n" -#| " south of here, find my brother Keith and tell him I sent you. Name's Chris. Chris Wright." msgid "" "Well... I...I mean, the Wright family... my family... might have an opening. I ain't promising nothing, but go to the mansion\n" " south of here, find my brother Keith and tell him I sent you. Name's Chris. Chris Wright." @@ -106346,8 +106337,6 @@ msgid "What does your Dad do?" msgstr "Que fait ton père ?" #: dialog/ncchiwri.msg:382 dialog/ncchiwri.msg:392 dialog/ncchrwri.msg:382 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Hmmm. Okay, I had some other questions..." msgid "Hmmmm. Say, I had some other questions..." msgstr "Hum. D'accord, j'avais deux ou trois autres questions..." @@ -106379,8 +106368,6 @@ msgstr "" #: dialog/ncchiwri.msg:401 dialog/ncchrwri.msg:401 dialog/ncjimmyj.msg:512 #: dialog/ncjules.msg:547 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Interesting. I had some other questions..." msgid "Interesting. Say, I had some other questions..." msgstr "Intéressant. J'avais d'autres questions..." @@ -106389,10 +106376,6 @@ msgid "Hmmmmm. Thanks. " msgstr "Hum. Merci. " #: dialog/ncchiwri.msg:410 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "" -#| "Rich? Aw, you know, he was found like one of those Jet crashers, dead in one of the gutters. Near as we can\n" -#| " figure, someone pumped him with chems until he was dead." msgid "" "Rich? Aw, you know, he was found like one of those Jet crashers, dead in one of the gutters. Near as we can\n" " figure, someone pumped him with drugs until he was dead." @@ -106558,10 +106541,6 @@ msgid "I understand. Catch you later, Chris. " msgstr "Je comprends. A plus tard, Chris. " #: dialog/ncchiwri.msg:495 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "" -#| "Jules at the head of town also sells Jet, but he mostly sells to tourists... then there's Little Jesus Mordino:\n" -#| " he mighta pushed chems on Rich while Rich was out alone. He hangs out at the Desperado." msgid "" "Jules at the head of town also sells Jet, but he mostly sells to tourists... then there's Little Jesus Mordino:\n" " he mighta pushed drugs on Rich while Rich was out alone. He hangs out at the Desperado." @@ -106918,11 +106897,6 @@ msgstr "" "criminelle de Reno. Nous allons devenir les maîtres de cette ville." #: dialog/ncchrwri.msg:292 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "" -#| "Actually, I got the impression they were one of the weakest of the " -#| "families... I mean, they only deal in alcohol, they have no casino or chem " -#| "trade, and their numbers are much less than other families." msgid "" "Actually, I got the impression they were one of the weakest of the " "families... I mean, they only deal in alcohol, they have no casino or drug " @@ -107121,11 +107095,6 @@ msgid "Hey, lady, thank YOU. " msgstr "Hé, ma pt'ite dame, merci." #: dialog/ncchrwri.msg:495 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "" -#| "Jules at the head of town also sells Jet, but he mostly sells to tourists..." -#| " then there's Little Jesus Mordino: he mighta pushed chems on Rich while " -#| "Rich was out alone. He hangs out at the Desperado." msgid "" "Jules at the head of town also sells Jet, but he mostly sells to tourists..." " then there's Little Jesus Mordino: he mighta pushed drugs on Rich while " @@ -125901,9 +125870,6 @@ msgstr "" "type." #: dialog/ncmormen.msg:280 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "" -#| "Hey, hey, hey! Chica, you need to me to put that weapon away for you?" msgid "Hey, hey, hey! Chica, you need me to put that weapon away for you?" msgstr "Hé, hé là ! Chica, tu veux que je range cette arme pour toi ?" @@ -136379,10 +136345,6 @@ msgstr "" "Quel gâchis." #: dialog/ncscient.msg:211 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "" -#| "Myron, this new hallucinogen you've developed is promising, but it is not as" -#| " addictive as Jet..." msgid "" "Myron... this new mild hallucinogen you've developed is promising, but it is" " not as addictive as Jet..." @@ -162116,8 +162078,6 @@ msgstr "" "On peut pas se payer ça maintenant. Je regrette Doc, plus tard peut-être." #: dialog/rcdrjohn.msg:131 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "$100, huh? Maybe we'll have that done later. Goodbye Doc." msgid "$100, huh? Maybe we'll have that done later. Goodbye, Doc." msgstr "$100, hein ? On verra ça plus tard. Au revoir, Doc." @@ -162694,11 +162654,6 @@ msgid "Yeah, no doubt. Goodbye, Doc." msgstr "Ouais, sans doute. Salut, Doc." #: dialog/rcdrjohn.msg:234 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "" -#| "I fill the user-ampoules with Jet and then distribute it purely as a service to the people of\n" -#| " Redding. I don't make a profit doing it. If I didn't do it, then some other quack would be preparing\n" -#| " the chem with germ-encrusted, rusty equipment. I'd never get this population disease-free after that." msgid "" "I fill the user-ampoules with Jet and then distribute it purely as a service to the people of\n" " Redding. I don't make a profit doing it. If I didn't do it, then some other quack would be preparing\n" @@ -163267,9 +163222,7 @@ msgstr "" "Merci pour ce travail de pro, Doc. Mieux vaut que je file. Au revoir !" #: dialog/rcdrjohn.msg:329 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "You deliver the Jet antidote to Doc Johnson." -msgid "You deliver the Jet antidote to Dr. Johnson." +msgid "You deliver the Jet antidote to Doc Johnson." msgstr "Tu as délivré l'antidote au Jet au Doc Johnson." #: dialog/rcfannie.msg:100 diff --git a/data/text/po/hungarian.po b/data/text/po/hungarian.po index d5f4b6693..57aab0e73 100644 --- a/data/text/po/hungarian.po +++ b/data/text/po/hungarian.po @@ -31250,8 +31250,6 @@ msgid "Thanks for the tip, that was sweet." msgstr "Kösz a tippet, jól jött." #: dialog/dctyler.msg:230 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Were the hell were you?" msgid "Where the hell were you?" msgstr "Hol a pokolban voltál?" @@ -31600,9 +31598,6 @@ msgid "Urseco?" msgstr "" #: dialog/dctyler.msg:450 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "" -#| "Damn, what the hell's wrong with you today? Lay off the chems." msgid "Damn, what the hell's wrong with you today? Lay off the drugs." msgstr "A francba, mi bajod van ma? Hagyd el a drogokat!" @@ -31773,10 +31768,6 @@ msgstr "" "Tudod, hogy milyen." #: dialog/dctyler.msg:715 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "" -#| "Non of your fucking business. If the Boss wants his shit checked out, that's" -#| " what I do. I don't ask questions." msgid "" "None of your fucking business. If the Boss wants his shit checked out, " "that's what I do. I don't ask questions." @@ -106301,11 +106292,6 @@ msgstr "" "felbérelni senkit?" #: dialog/ncchiwri.msg:292 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "" -#| "Actually, I got the impression they were one of the weakest of the families…I mean, they\n" -#| " only deal in alcohol, they have no casino or chem trade, and their numbers are much less than\n" -#| " other families." msgid "" "Actually, I got the impression they were one of the weakest of the families... I mean, they\n" " only deal in alcohol, they have no casino or drug trade, and their numbers are much less than\n" @@ -106370,10 +106356,6 @@ msgid "Let it alone and walk away. This time. " msgstr "Békén hagyod és elmész. Ezúttal..." #: dialog/ncchiwri.msg:325 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "" -#| "Well, I… I mean, the Wright family… my family… might have an opening. I ain't promising nothing, but go to the mansion\n" -#| " south of here, find my brother Keith and tell him I sent you. Name's Chris. Chris Wright." msgid "" "Well... I...I mean, the Wright family... my family... might have an opening. I ain't promising nothing, but go to the mansion\n" " south of here, find my brother Keith and tell him I sent you. Name's Chris. Chris Wright." @@ -106498,8 +106480,6 @@ msgid "What does your Dad do?" msgstr "Miért, mit csinál az édesapád?" #: dialog/ncchiwri.msg:382 dialog/ncchiwri.msg:392 dialog/ncchrwri.msg:382 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Hmmm. Okay, I had some other questions..." msgid "Hmmmm. Say, I had some other questions..." msgstr "Akkor kérdeznék valami mást." @@ -106531,8 +106511,6 @@ msgstr "" #: dialog/ncchiwri.msg:401 dialog/ncchrwri.msg:401 dialog/ncjimmyj.msg:512 #: dialog/ncjules.msg:547 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Interesting. I had some other questions..." msgid "Interesting. Say, I had some other questions..." msgstr "Érdekes. Inkább kérdezek mást..." @@ -106541,10 +106519,6 @@ msgid "Hmmmmm. Thanks. " msgstr "Hmmmmm. Köszi." #: dialog/ncchiwri.msg:410 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "" -#| "Rich? Aw, you know, he was found like one of those jet crashers, dead in one of the gutters. Near as we can\n" -#| " figure, someone pumped him with chems until he was dead." msgid "" "Rich? Aw, you know, he was found like one of those Jet crashers, dead in one of the gutters. Near as we can\n" " figure, someone pumped him with drugs until he was dead." @@ -122581,10 +122555,6 @@ msgstr "" "egész Észak Kaliforniát az uralmatok alá hajthattátok volna." #: dialog/ncliljes.msg:800 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "" -#| "You're right about that…see, we didn't always HAVE Jet. But we stumbled across this kid - he took a look at the shitty\n" -#| " chems we was selling and said he could do 'better.' And he did. Now he works for us. That simple." msgid "" "You're right about that... see, we didn't always HAVE Jet. But we stumbled across this kid - he took a look at the shitty\n" " drugs we was selling and said he could do 'better.' And he did. Now he works for us. That simple." @@ -122606,10 +122576,6 @@ msgstr "" "Úgy hívják, hogy Myron. Ami a hollétét illeti... ezt nem kötöm az orrodra." #: dialog/ncliljes.msg:821 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "" -#| "Kid's name's Myron. We got him set up in the stables, north of town, testing new chems. You could go over and see him if\n" -#| " you want, but he's busy most of the time…either with the chems or the women." msgid "" "Kid's name's Myron. We got him set up in the stables, north of town, testing new drugs. You could go over and see him if\n" " you want, but he's busy most of the time... either with the drugs or the women." @@ -122623,8 +122589,6 @@ msgid "Why don't you get smart and tell me anyway?" msgstr "Miért nem embereled meg magad, és mondod el nekem?" #: dialog/ncliljes.msg:823 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Forget it. I had some other questions..." msgid "Got it. I had some other questions..." msgstr "Felejtsük el, ez már a múlt! Inkább kérdeznék valamit." @@ -154365,12 +154329,6 @@ msgstr "" "Nem tudom, ez pontosan mit jelent, de akkor mi van, ha kicsit különbözünk?" #: dialog/qccurlng.msg:159 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "" -#| "Oh, your DNA, is more than just a *little* different. It's quite different. " -#| "If I weren't so pressed for time by the Project I'd be interested in running" -#| " further tests on your people, other than the F.E.V. toxicological study, of" -#| " course. Fascinating work really." msgid "" "Oh, your DNA is more than just a *little* different. It's quite different. " "If I weren't so pressed for time by the Project I'd be interested in running" @@ -154378,7 +154336,7 @@ msgid "" "course. Fascinating work really." msgstr "" "Ha nem lennék olyan fáradt a Projekt miatt, szívesen végeznék még " -"kísérleteket a törzse tagjain, mint pl. az F.E.V toxikológiai vizsgálatot. " +"kísérleteket a törzse tagjain, mint pl. az FEV toxikológiai vizsgálatot. " "Igazán érdekes lenne." #: dialog/qccurlng.msg:161 @@ -163643,7 +163601,7 @@ msgstr "Köszönöm a műtétet, doki! Most már jobb lesz, ha indulok. Viszlát #: dialog/rcdrjohn.msg:329 #, fuzzy #| msgid "I delivered the antidote to Redding." -msgid "You deliver the Jet antidote to Dr. Johnson." +msgid "You deliver the Jet antidote to Doc Johnson." msgstr "Eljuttattam az ellenszert Reddingbe." #: dialog/rcfannie.msg:100 @@ -198645,8 +198603,6 @@ msgstr "" "Gekkónak szüksége van. Menedékváros felhasználhatná ezt a feles energiát." #: dialog/vcmclure.msg:345 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "This is going to be interesting." msgid "This is quite interesting." msgstr "Ez érdekes lesz." @@ -227722,7 +227678,6 @@ msgid " Total Weight:" msgstr " Össz tömeg:" #: game/editor.msg:656 -#, fuzzy msgid " ::: Addictions :::" msgstr " ::: Függőségek :::" @@ -247355,10 +247310,6 @@ msgstr "" "képzettségeid viszont magasabbról." #: game/trait.msg:211 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "" -#| "You are more easily influenced by chems. Your chance to be reliant by chem " -#| "use is twice normal, but you recover faster from their ill effects." msgid "" "You are more easily influenced by drugs. Your chance to be addicted to drug" " use is twice normal, but you recover faster from their ill effects." diff --git a/data/text/po/italian.po b/data/text/po/italian.po index 096941ff7..3537f1a19 100644 --- a/data/text/po/italian.po +++ b/data/text/po/italian.po @@ -106943,8 +106943,6 @@ msgid "What does your Dad do?" msgstr "Cosa fa tuo padre?" #: dialog/ncchiwri.msg:382 dialog/ncchiwri.msg:392 dialog/ncchrwri.msg:382 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Hmmm. Okay, I had some other questions..." msgid "Hmmmm. Say, I had some other questions..." msgstr "Hmmm. Okay, avrei delle altre domande..." @@ -106977,8 +106975,6 @@ msgstr "" #: dialog/ncchiwri.msg:401 dialog/ncchrwri.msg:401 dialog/ncjimmyj.msg:512 #: dialog/ncjules.msg:547 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Interesting. I had some other questions..." msgid "Interesting. Say, I had some other questions..." msgstr "Interessante. Ho delle altre domande..." @@ -106987,10 +106983,6 @@ msgid "Hmmmmm. Thanks. " msgstr "Hmmmmm. Grazie. " #: dialog/ncchiwri.msg:410 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "" -#| "Rich? Aw, you know, he was found like one of those Jet crashers, dead in one of the gutters. Near as we can\n" -#| " figure, someone pumped him with chems until he was dead." msgid "" "Rich? Aw, you know, he was found like one of those Jet crashers, dead in one of the gutters. Near as we can\n" " figure, someone pumped him with drugs until he was dead." @@ -107518,11 +107510,6 @@ msgstr "" "famiglia criminale di New Reno. Presto domineremo questa citta'." #: dialog/ncchrwri.msg:292 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "" -#| "Actually, I got the impression they were one of the weakest of the " -#| "families... I mean, they only deal in alcohol, they have no casino or chem " -#| "trade, and their numbers are much less than other families." msgid "" "Actually, I got the impression they were one of the weakest of the " "families... I mean, they only deal in alcohol, they have no casino or drug " @@ -107650,10 +107637,6 @@ msgstr "" "preghiera. Eh. " #: dialog/ncchrwri.msg:410 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "" -#| "Richard? We found him dead in one of the gutters like one of those Jet crashers. Near as we can figure,\n" -#| " someone pumped him with chems until he was dead." msgid "" "Richard? We found him dead in one of the gutters like one of those Jet crashers. Near as we can figure,\n" " someone pumped him with drugs until he was dead." @@ -117099,8 +117082,6 @@ msgstr "" " dipendenza cosi' com'e'." #: dialog/ncjules.msg:827 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Who do the Mordinos test the chems on?" msgid "Who do the Mordinos test the drugs on?" msgstr "Su chi testano la droga, i Mordino?" @@ -117136,10 +117117,6 @@ msgstr "" "male, a scappare... o a morire. La maggior parte muore." #: dialog/ncjules.msg:860 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "" -#| "Just to make it better, I guess, refine the process, refine the chem. Jet's good, but if they can make it even\n" -#| " BETTER... difference between scraping the sky and flying to the moon, I s'pose." msgid "" "Just to make it better, I guess, refine the process, refine the drug. Jet's good, but if they can make it even\n" " BETTER... difference between scraping the sky and flying to the moon, I s'pose." @@ -164485,10 +164462,8 @@ msgid "Thanks for your handiwork, Doc. I better be moving on now. Goodbye." msgstr "Grazie del lavoro, Doc. Sara' meglio che vada, adesso. Ci vediamo." #: dialog/rcdrjohn.msg:329 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "You deliver the Jet antidote to Dr. John." -msgid "You deliver the Jet antidote to Dr. Johnson." -msgstr "Consegni l'antidoto per il Jet al Dr. John." +msgid "You deliver the Jet antidote to Doc Johnson." +msgstr "Consegni l'antidoto per il Jet al Doc Johnson." #: dialog/rcfannie.msg:100 msgid "You see a rather worn-looking woman." @@ -247843,10 +247818,6 @@ msgstr "" "Dottore, Dialogare e Barattare sono aumentate sostanzialmente." #: game/trait.msg:211 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "" -#| "You are more easily influenced by chems. Your chance to be reliant by chem " -#| "use is twice normal, but you recover faster from their ill effects." msgid "" "You are more easily influenced by drugs. Your chance to be addicted to drug" " use is twice normal, but you recover faster from their ill effects." diff --git a/data/text/po/russian.po b/data/text/po/russian.po index a279255ea..599812577 100644 --- a/data/text/po/russian.po +++ b/data/text/po/russian.po @@ -104909,11 +104909,6 @@ msgstr "" "этим городом." #: dialog/ncchrwri.msg:292 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "" -#| "Actually, I got the impression they were one of the weakest of the " -#| "families... I mean, they only deal in alcohol, they have no casino or chem " -#| "trade, and their numbers are much less than other families." msgid "" "Actually, I got the impression they were one of the weakest of the " "families... I mean, they only deal in alcohol, they have no casino or drug " @@ -105111,18 +105106,13 @@ msgid "Hey, lady, thank YOU. " msgstr "Эй, девушка, спасибо ТЕБЕ." #: dialog/ncchrwri.msg:495 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "" -#| "Jules at the head of town also sells Jet, but he mostly sells to tourists..." -#| " then there's Little Jesus Mordino: he mighta pushed chems on Rich while " -#| "Rich was out alone. He hangs out at the Desperado." msgid "" "Jules at the head of town also sells Jet, but he mostly sells to tourists..." " then there's Little Jesus Mordino: he mighta pushed drugs on Rich while " "Rich was out alone. He hangs out at the Desperado." msgstr "" "Хулио в входа в город также продает винт, но в основном туристам... еще есть" -" Хесусик Мордино: он мог спихнуть Ричу наркотики, пока Рич был один. Он " +" Хесусик Мордино: он мог спихнуть Ричу наркотики, пока Рич был один. Он " "постоянно тусуется в Десперадо." #: dialog/nccody.msg:125 diff --git a/data/text/po/spanish.po b/data/text/po/spanish.po index ca59f528f..1531d2a23 100644 --- a/data/text/po/spanish.po +++ b/data/text/po/spanish.po @@ -148014,7 +148014,7 @@ msgid "" "I think it's called the FEV virus. The Enclave is, or was, doing extensive research on it. I'm\n" " sorry, but I don't know anything more." msgstr "" -"Creo que lo llaman virus V.E.F. El Enclave está, o estaba, investigándolo a fondo. Lo\n" +"Creo que lo llaman virus VEF. El Enclave está, o estaba, investigándolo a fondo. Lo\n" " siento, pero no sé nada más." #: dialog/ocgoris.msg:169 diff --git a/data/text/russian/dialog/ncchrwri.msg b/data/text/russian/dialog/ncchrwri.msg index a1d7a5463..2846d0304 100644 --- a/data/text/russian/dialog/ncchrwri.msg +++ b/data/text/russian/dialog/ncchrwri.msg @@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ {280}{}{Мне ничего не нужно. Прости за беспокойство.} {290}{}{Ты ничего не знаешь о семье *Райт*? Да ты, должно быть, недавно из пустыни. Райты - самая большая мафиозная семья в Нью-Рино. Скоро мы будем править этим городом.} {291}{}{Правда? Звучит, словно у семьи Райт все козыри. У вас не найдется вакансии?} -{292}{}{Actually, I got the impression they were one of the weakest of the families... I mean, they only deal in alcohol, they have no casino or drug trade, and their numbers are much less than other families.} +{292}{}{Вообще-то мне показалось, что это самая слабая из семей... То есть они ведь только алкоголем занимаются, у них нет ни казино, ни наркоторговли, да и людей гораздо меньше, чем в других семьях.} {293}{}{Кстати о семье, мы тут случайно встретились с твоей мамой.} {295}{}{Правда? Как интересно... что ж, похоже, мне пора идти.} {296}{}{Райты - самая большая мафиозная семья в Нью-Рино. Скоро мы будем править этим городом.} @@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ {486}{}{Эй, девушка, спасибо ТЕБЕ.} {487}{}{Если ты выяснишь, кто убил моего брата, вся семья Райт отблагодарит тебя. И отблагодарит щедро, понятно?} {488}{}{Понятно. Увидимся позже, Крис.} -{495}{}{Jules at the head of town also sells Jet, but he mostly sells to tourists... then there's Little Jesus Mordino: he mighta pushed drugs on Rich while Rich was out alone. He hangs out at the Desperado.} +{495}{}{Хулио в входа в город также продает винт, но в основном туристам... еще есть Хесусик Мордино: он мог спихнуть Ричу наркотики, пока Рич был один. Он постоянно тусуется в Десперадо.} {497}{}{Драчливый Джимми Д., Ренеско "Ракетчик", Хулио и Хесусик... Я проверю их всех. Спасибо за информацию, Крис.} {1200}{}{! Давно пора было надрать задницу Анклаву!} {1201}{}{! Ты лучше всех!} diff --git a/data/text/spanish/dialog/ocgoris.msg b/data/text/spanish/dialog/ocgoris.msg index 95c6ec98d..5145dab01 100644 --- a/data/text/spanish/dialog/ocgoris.msg +++ b/data/text/spanish/dialog/ocgoris.msg @@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ {165}{}{Bueno, cualquier información por pequeña que sea sirve, y te lo agradezco.} {166}{}{¡Resulta que este es un tema muy importante para mí y me has decepcionado!} {167}{}{Ya veo.} -{168}{}{Creo que lo llaman virus V.E.F. El Enclave está, o estaba, investigándolo a fondo. Lo +{168}{}{Creo que lo llaman virus VEF. El Enclave está, o estaba, investigándolo a fondo. Lo siento, pero no sé nada más.} {169}{}{Está bien; hablemos de otros asuntos.} {170}{}{Deberías avergonzarte. ¡Me dijeron que eras una fuente de conocimiento!} diff --git a/data/text/spanish/dialog_female/ocgoris.msg b/data/text/spanish/dialog_female/ocgoris.msg index c4d32ea4f..650b0e37d 100644 --- a/data/text/spanish/dialog_female/ocgoris.msg +++ b/data/text/spanish/dialog_female/ocgoris.msg @@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ {165}{}{Bueno, cualquier información por pequeña que sea sirve, y te lo agradezco.} {166}{}{¡Resulta que este es un tema muy importante para mí y me has decepcionado!} {167}{}{Ya veo.} -{168}{}{Creo que lo llaman virus V.E.F. El Enclave está, o estaba, investigándolo a fondo. Lo +{168}{}{Creo que lo llaman virus VEF. El Enclave está, o estaba, investigándolo a fondo. Lo siento, pero no sé nada más.} {169}{}{Está bien; hablemos de otros asuntos.} {170}{}{Deberías avergonzarte. ¡Me dijeron que eras una fuente de conocimiento!}