- Make sure users can register and login
- [-] setup firewalling
- Make forgot password work
- Top widgets should be randomly chosen
- Rename "sidebar" to "widget"
- Add gravatar
- Friend users
- Add boxes / software / etc
- During registration, check user/email through ajax. Give it a checkmark when it's ok.
- activation text and email texts should be in a decent layout
- email should be send to administrator when a new user has registered.
- add data fixtures
- resources can only be deleted if they are not in use
- Create a twitter-type. This should be able to add @ in the form
- Matchenvironment widget should check matches based on environments (how do we calculate this?)
- Can we easily add fancyboxes for add/edit ?
- Do we even need messages? (if not, delete them)
- Active status on the menu items (how to set the "active" class) (add knpMenu or something)
- Let friends add kudos to the software you use, and comment on your configs
- Add comments to software.
- Wizard style addition of data for users.
- Rename configuration into machine.
- Box image is too large on the frontpage (get rid of the 50%)
- Let user upload images to hardware/software/operatingsystems
- Add links that allow users to add hardware/software/OS
- View more in the top-widgets should point to a TOP-X page (paginated) page.