Search Bar Spotlight-like for Windows 10
Hi! I'm Nuked and I've decided to create this little program that looks DECENT to me and does a similar job of the Spotlight feature on OS X on Windows.
- Searches all the files on the MFT in all the NTFS partitions on your PC;
- Creates a DB and uses it to categorize the results;
- Implements the Levenshtein algorithm for basic search capabilities;
- Memorizes the apps that you frequently launch and prioritizes them in the search results;
- Updates the main DB every 30 minutes;
- Shows the full preview of PDF, HTML, TXT, Images, Videos, Music files;
- Detects the dark/light theme on Windows 10 and changes it accordingly.
- Have a settings window;
- Optimize the way to refresh the main DB;
- Show the length of the music/video;
- Show the preview of excel/doc/power-point and other types of common files;
- Implement external plugins;
- Press ALT+SPACE to recall HS
- Type horus:reset to clear the main DB
- Type horus:restart to restart
- Type horus:kill to close HS
- The installer will copy the program in the Program Files directory of your PC, sets it to start when Windows boots, and launch it;
- HS will create a new database in C:\ProgramData\HorusSearch\ containing the list of all the files in your PC;
- After that, you can use it normally.
- Your system needs to be 64bit;
- For the current version, you will need at a minimum Visual C++ Redistributable Packages for Visual Studio 2015
- Your system needs to have at least the .NET Framework 4.7 installed;
- Include Reference to System.Windows.Forms
- Include Reference to System.Imaging
- Via NuGet: CefSharp, System.Data.SQLite, Microsoft.Data.Sqlite,FluentWpf
- Include External Reference to NtfsReader.dll
- I don't take ANY responsibility on ANY damage that this program will do to your system;
- This program has been tested successfully on a RYZEN 7 2700X - 16GB RAM - NVIDIA RTX 2070 - 1 TB AVAILABLE ON 4TB TOTAL SPACE
- On the test system it took about 2 minutes to index 3 TB of files on 8 different partitions.
- [CefSharp] (
- [NtfsReader] (