diff --git a/src/app/stats/candidate/page.js b/src/app/stats/candidate/page.js
index bd3f473..d6445dd 100644
--- a/src/app/stats/candidate/page.js
+++ b/src/app/stats/candidate/page.js
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ export default function StatsByCandidate() {
return (
- 가장 질문이 많은 후보
+ 가장 많은 질문을 받은 후보
{loading && Loading...
{hasData && {candidateWithMaxRequest.name}({candidateWithMaxRequest.party}) : {candidateWithMaxRequest.requests}
diff --git a/src/app/stats/city/page.js b/src/app/stats/city/page.js
index b5cc550..0fc156a 100644
--- a/src/app/stats/city/page.js
+++ b/src/app/stats/city/page.js
@@ -20,8 +20,10 @@ export default function StatsByCity() {
const sum = requests.reduce((acc, counter) => acc + counter, 0)
- return await acc + sum
- }, 0)
+ const length = candidatesByRegions.length
+ const {requests: accRequests, candidates: accCandidates} = await acc
+ return await { requests: accRequests + sum, candidates: accCandidates + length }
+ }, ({requests: 0, candidates: 0}))
return candidatesRequests
@@ -31,7 +33,7 @@ export default function StatsByCity() {
const cities = await response.json()
const citiesRequests = await Promise.all(cities.map(async ({name}) => {
const requests = await fetchCandidatesRequestsByCity(name)
- return { city: name, requests }
+ return { city: name, ...requests}
@@ -42,34 +44,55 @@ export default function StatsByCity() {
}, [])
const hasData = !loading && requestsByCities.length > 0
- const cityWithMaxRequest = requestsByCities.reduce((acc, {city, requests}) => {
- return requests > acc.requests ? { city, requests } : acc
- }, { city: '', requests: 0 })
- const cityWithMinRequest = requestsByCities.reduce((acc, {city, requests}) => {
- return requests < acc.requests ?{ city, requests } : acc
- }, { city: '', requests: Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER })
+ const cityWithMaxRequest = requestsByCities.reduce((acc, cur) => {
+ return cur.requests > acc.requests ? cur : acc
+ }, { city: '', requests: Number.MIN_SAFE_INTEGER, candidates: 0 })
+ const cityWithMinRequest = requestsByCities.reduce((acc, cur) => {
+ return cur.requests < acc.requests ? cur : acc
+ }, { city: '', requests: Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER, candidates: 0 })
+ const cityWithMaxAverage = requestsByCities.reduce((acc, cur) => {
+ return (cur.requests / cur.candidates) > (acc.requests / acc.candidates) ? cur : acc
+ }, { city: '', requests: Number.MIN_SAFE_INTEGER, candidates: 0 })
+ const cityWithMinAverage = requestsByCities.reduce((acc, cur) => {
+ return (cur.requests / cur.candidates) < (acc.requests / acc.candidates) ? cur : acc
+ }, { city: '', requests: Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER, candidates: 0 })
+ function getAverage(requests, candidates) {
+ return (requests / candidates).toFixed()
+ }
return (
지역별 질문 수
{loading && Loading...
- {hasData && requestsByCities.map(({city, requests}) => (
+ {hasData && requestsByCities.map(({city, requests, candidates}) => (
{city} : {requests}
{city} : {requests} / {candidates} => 후보 한 명당 평균 {getAverage(requests, candidates)}개
- 가장 질문이 많은 지역
+ 가장 많은 질문을 받은 지역
{loading && Loading...
{hasData && {cityWithMaxRequest.city} : {cityWithMaxRequest.requests}
- 가장 질문이 적은 지역
+ 가장 적은 질문을 받은 지역
{loading && Loading...
{hasData && {cityWithMinRequest.city} : {cityWithMinRequest.requests}
+ 후보 한 명당 가장 많은 질문을 받은 지역
+ {loading && Loading...
+ {hasData && {cityWithMaxAverage.city} : {getAverage(cityWithMaxAverage.requests, cityWithMaxAverage.candidates)}
+ 후보 한 명당 가장 적은 질문을 받은 지역
+ {loading && Loading...
+ {hasData && {cityWithMinAverage.city} : {getAverage(cityWithMinAverage.requests, cityWithMinAverage.candidates)}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/app/stats/party/page.js b/src/app/stats/party/page.js
index 5e6e358..f4b2cb1 100644
--- a/src/app/stats/party/page.js
+++ b/src/app/stats/party/page.js
@@ -16,7 +16,8 @@ export default function StatsByParty() {
return data.requests
const sum = requests.reduce((acc, counter) => acc + counter, 0)
- return sum
+ const length = candidatesByParties.length
+ return {requests: sum, candidates: length}
const getRequestsByParties = async () => {
@@ -25,7 +26,7 @@ export default function StatsByParty() {
const parties = await response.json()
const partiesRequests = await Promise.all(parties.map(async ({name}) => {
const requests = await fetchCandidatesRequestsByParty(name)
- return { party: name, requests }
+ return { party: name, ...requests }
@@ -36,34 +37,55 @@ export default function StatsByParty() {
}, [])
const hasData = !loading && requestsByParties.length > 0
- const partyWithMaxRequest = requestsByParties.reduce((acc, {party, requests}) => {
- return requests > acc.requests ? { party, requests } : acc
- }, { party: '', requests: 0 })
- const partyWithMinRequest = requestsByParties.reduce((acc, {party, requests}) => {
- return requests < acc.requests ?{ party, requests } : acc
- }, { party: '', requests: Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER })
+ const partyWithMaxRequest = requestsByParties.reduce((acc, cur) => {
+ return cur.requests > acc.requests ? cur : acc
+ }, { party: '', requests: Number.MIN_SAFE_INTEGER, candidates: 0 })
+ const partyWithMinRequest = requestsByParties.reduce((acc, cur) => {
+ return cur.requests < acc.requests ? cur : acc
+ }, { party: '', requests: Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER, candidates: 0 })
+ const partyWithMaxAverage = requestsByParties.reduce((acc, cur) => {
+ return (cur.requests / cur.candidates) > (acc.requests / acc.candidates) ? cur : acc
+ }, { party: '', requests: Number.MIN_SAFE_INTEGER, candidates: 0 })
+ const partyWithMinAverage = requestsByParties.reduce((acc, cur) => {
+ return (cur.requests / cur.candidates) < (acc.requests / acc.candidates) ? cur : acc
+ }, { party: '', requests: Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER, candidates: 0 })
+ function getAverage(requests, candidates) {
+ return (requests / candidates).toFixed()
+ }
return (
정당별 질문 수
{loading && Loading...
- {hasData && requestsByParties.map(({party, requests}) => (
+ {hasData && requestsByParties.map(({party, requests, candidates}) => (
{party} : {requests}
{party} : {requests} / {candidates} => 후보 한 명당 평균 {getAverage(requests, candidates)}개
- 가장 질문이 많은 정당
+ 가장 많은 질문을 받은 정당
{loading && Loading...
{hasData && {partyWithMaxRequest.party} : {partyWithMaxRequest.requests}
- 가장 질문이 적은 정당
+ 가장 적은 질문을 받은 정당
{loading && Loading...
{hasData && {partyWithMinRequest.party} : {partyWithMinRequest.requests}
+ 후보 한 명당 가장 많은 질문을 받은 정당
+ {loading && Loading...
+ {hasData && {partyWithMaxAverage.party} : {getAverage(partyWithMaxAverage.requests, partyWithMaxAverage.candidates)}
+ 후보 한 명당 가장 적은 질문을 받은 정당
+ {loading && Loading...
+ {hasData && {partyWithMinAverage.party} : {getAverage(partyWithMinAverage.requests, partyWithMinAverage.candidates)}
\ No newline at end of file