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How to move a Merge Proposal to GitHub

Guewen Baconnier edited this page Jun 25, 2014 · 12 revisions

How to move a Merge Proposal to GitHub

I have this MP that I need to propose on GitHub:

Install the tool

Instructions on

Create a mapping file (in yaml)

On this model:


  - github:
    - ['lp:~camptocamp/openerp-connector-magento/7.0-update-stock-1330450', 7.0-update-stock-1330450]

github is the GitHub repository where will the branch be pushed branches is a list of branches to move from Launchpad to the GitHub repository, each line contains 1. the Launchpad URL of the branch, 2. the name that will be given to the branch in the Git repository

You can declare several projects or branches at once.

Run the command

$ mkdir branches $ oca-copy-branches branches --push --mapping mapping.yml

The branch(es) will be moved to GitHub.