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158 lines (135 loc) · 7.23 KB

File metadata and controls

158 lines (135 loc) · 7.23 KB


  • Cleanup interface of autofonce_lib:
    • remove mutable state
    • add ~force_source_dir and ~force_build_dir to Project_config.from_file
  • Improved compatibility with Autoconf:
    • Discard spaces at end of lines, unless @&t@ is used as last space
    • Escape parens, do not escape them if they match each other
    • add support for [stdout], [stderr], [expout] and [experr]
  • Add file basename to test keywords, so that it is possible to use it as a keyword to select all the test of a file
  • Add --diff-args="..." to use instead of "-u" during promotion display

v0.9 ( 2023-06-27 )

  • New option -l/--print-seq to print the result immediately (default is to print a summary)
  • Improve filtering
    • New option -A/--match-all to run all tests that match ALL keywords instead of the ones matching ANY keyword
    • Add words of the test name to the test keywords
    • Remove comment date during promotion, remove corresponding option --no-comment
    • Transform all keywords to lowercase to match in a case-insensitive manner
  • Promotion of tests results:
    • Add some spaces between arguments during promotion
    • Keep comments and multi-line comments between toplevel commands
  • Support for exit code 99: fail the entire AT_CHECK without running run-if-fail actions
  • Add opam files for windows cross-compilation (generated by drom dep)

v0.8 ( 2023-03-15 )

  • Promotion (promote and run --auto-promote):
    • Fix --no-comment for promotion that was not used
    • Add argument --no-exit to promote, to promote everything except the exit code (so that the test will still fail with exitcode)
    • Don't promote failing AT_CHECK with run-if-fail or run-if-pass
  • Configuration file:
    • New config option 'project.run_from' that specifies where _autofonce/ should be created: build for build directory (default), source for source directory or config for configuration file directory
  • Command Arguments and Behavior:
    • Support for range of test ids like 1-10 or 10-
    • Exit with non-zero status on failed tests
    • If testsuite location is a directory instead of a file, scan all directoies and sub-directories for files *.at containing tests, with copying enabled (AT_COPY_ALL([true])).
    • New option -o LOGFILE to specify the log file
    • New command autofonce config to print the currently read config
    • New options -T <>, -E <> and -I <path> to describe a testsuite directly from the command-line
    • Option -k KEYWORDS: if a keyword starts is negated with -, then tests matching that keyword will not be executed (same as --not)
  • Improved version of _autofonce/results.log:
    • Include all files from failed checks and honor captured files
    • New option captured_files in autofonce.toml to include some project files
  • Standard Macro Language:
    • Implements AT_FAIL_IF([shell-cond])
    • To conform with namespace rules for autoconf, all macros are supported with both a AT_ and AF_ prefix, and autofonce will promote autofonce specific macros with the AF_ prefix, while using the AT_ prefix for autoconf compatible macros
  • Macro language extensions (default is AF_, but AT_ is accepted:
    • Skip macro definitions with AC_DEFUN/m4_define. This is currently mostly done to allow the definition of: AC_DEFUN([AF_ENV], [$1]). Print a warning for discarding the macro definition, except for AF_ENV.
    • Add AF_ENV([env]) as a way to define a specific environment for the test (such as environment variables).
      • At toplevel, declarations by AF_ENV are added in the file of every test.
      • At test level, declarations are added directly in all following check scripts
    • Add AF_COPY(files) to copy files from the test source directory to the test run directory
    • Add AF_LINK(files), same as AF_COPY, but symlink instead of copy
    • Add AF_COPY_ALL([true|false]). If true, used before tests, make tests copy all non .at files in their directory as if AF_COPY had been used. If false, disable copying files for following tests.
    • Add AF_LINK_ALL(), same as AF_COPY_ALL, but symlink instead of copy
    • Add AF_SUBST(variables) to replace occurrences of these env variables in the stdout/stderr. A special case is AUTOFONCE that replaces ${AUTOFONCE_RUN_DIR}/${TEST_ID}, ${AUTOFONCE_BUILD_DIR} and ${AUTOFONCE_SOURCE_DIR}.
  • Add a testsuite in test/

v0.7 ( 2023-02-09 )

  • Add option --auto-promote MAX to autofonce run to iterate run/promote until all changes have been promoted or a maximal number of MAX iterations
  • Add option --failures REASON to select tests matching a specific reason like exitcode, stdout or stderr
  • Add config option build_dir_candidates (default to [ "_build" ]) to automatically try to find build anchors from outside the build dir using alternative candidates

v0.6 ( 2023-02-05 )

  • Replace autofonce.env by a configuration file:

    • Configuration can be stored in autofonce.toml (typically not committed in sources) or .autofonce (committed in sources)
    • autofonce will lookup autofonce.toml first, and .autofonce if not found, and fail if none is found
    • autofonce init will create a autofonce.toml in the local directory.
    • A autofonce.toml file can be renamed to .autofonce and committed.
    • The configuration provides:
      • [testsuites] section: aliases for testsuites, with the testsuite file, the path for included files, and the env name
      • [envs] section: possibility to define different envs (included in tests scripts) for different testsuites
      • source_anchors and build_anchors are used to locate the project source dir and the project build dir in the upper directories
    • autofonce defines several variables at the beginning of test scripts envs:
      • AUTOFONCE_TESTSUITE: name of the testsuite
      • AUTOFONCE_RUN_DIR: directory where tests are run (containing `_autofonce/)
      • AUTOFONCE_SOURCE_DIR: source directory of the project (root/top dir)
      • AUTOFONCE_BUILD_DIR: build directory of the project
  • The run-dir (the directory that will contain the _autofonce/ subdir) is determined by:

    • the directory containing the file autofonce.toml, or
    • the build directory as defined by the anchors in the .autofonce file

v0.5 ( 2023-02-04 )

  • Add subcommand autofonce promote to update tests files with current results. This command can be applied using standard filters. By default, display a diff of changes to be performed. Use --apply to actually perform the tests.
  • Add selector --failed to run only previously failed tests
  • Scripts are run with AUTOFONCE_SUITE_DIR and AUTOFONCE_SUITE_FILE env variables (to locate and identify the file)
  • Rename _autotest/ dir to _autofonce/ dir
  • Simplify default gnucobol.env to use atconfig and atlocal: slower but probably more portable

v0.4 ( 2023-02-02 )

  • Improve m4 parsing
  • display nchecks performed
  • allow if/then/else within tests
  • min-edition set to 4.10

v0.3 ( 2023-01-28 )

  • add autofonce new to create new tests

v0.2 ( 2023-01-28 )

  • Improved documentation

v0.1 ( 2023-01-28 )

  • Initial commit