In this section, we will walk through the creation of system tests, also known as integration tests, for the LED component creation in prior steps.
Fprime system tests use a python api to dispatch commands to a deployment using the fprime GDS, verifying components behave as expected as part of deployment running on actual hardware.
Before starting this guide, users should have the LedBlinking deployment running on their hardware and connected to the fprime GDS running on a development machine. If hardware is not available, this guide can be followed by running the LedBlinking deployment locally on a development machine instead.
Installing the fprime-gds also installs a pytest fixture called fprime_test_api
. When used, this allows the pytest testing library to automatically connect to the currently running fprime-gds.
Note: if running the fprime GDS on non-default ports, you can use the same command line arguments used with
to point the system testing library to the correct GDS instance
First, create a basic test case to verify the system testing library is correctly setup.
Open the file Components/Led/test/int/
and add the following contents:
def test_cmd_no_op(fprime_test_api):
"""Test command CMD_NO_OP
Test that CMD_NO_OP can be sent and return without and errors
This test will send a CMD_NO_OP
command and verify if successfully returns.
Next, after verifying the fprime GDS is connected to your deployment, run the new system test and confirm it executes successfully.
# In led-blinker/LedBlinker
# Requires fprime-gds to be running and connected to LedBlinker deployment
$ pytest ../Components/Led/test/int/
The typical pattern for fprime system tests is to send a command, then wait until some condition is met, such as receiving an event. If the system test don't receive the expected results, they will time out and fail.
will send a command and wait for its completion, but there are several other variants we will use in this guide.
For example, fprime_test_api.send_and_assert_event
will send a command, then wait for specific events to be emitted.
Independently from sending commands, you can also search the history of received of events and telemetry to make sure deployments are sending the expected data.
There are several variants of these assertions, but this guide will use fprime_test_api.assert_telemetry
is used to check the expected telemetry values arrive and fprime_test_api.assert_telemetry_count
to assert that the expected amount of telemetry arrives.
Next, we will develop a test for the SetBlinkingState
Add the following to your previously created system test ``Components/Led/test/int/`:
import time
from fprime_gds.common.testing_fw import predicates
def test_blinking(fprime_test_api):
"""Test that LED component can respond to ground commands"""
First, we will turn blinking on, verify that we receive a SetBlinkingState
event, then check that LedState
on and off events start arriving. After, we will turn blinking off, and make sure that a SetBlinkingState
off event arrives.
Add the following to the test_blinking()
# Send command to enable blinking, then assert expected events are emitted
blink_start_evr = fprime_test_api.get_event_pred("led.SetBlinkingState", ["ON"])
led_on_evr = fprime_test_api.get_event_pred("led.LedState", ["ON"])
led_off_evr = fprime_test_api.get_event_pred("led.LedState", ["OFF"])
events=[blink_start_evr, led_on_evr, led_off_evr, led_on_evr],
# Send command to stop blinking, then assert blinking stops
#TODO: Define blink_stop_evr
"led.BLINKING_ON_OFF", args=["OFF"], events=[blink_stop_evr]
Now, run pytest
and verify the new test passes. Open the fprime GDS webpage and see if the expected events from the test appear in the event viewer.
Next, we will check that the BlinkingState telemetry channel is set ON and OFF when setting blinking on and off.
can be used to check that telemetry matches expectations.
In test_blinking()
, after turning blinking on, add the following the check that BlinkingState is set ON.
# Assert that blink command sets blinking state on
blink_state_on_tlm = fprime_test_api.get_telemetry_pred("led.BlinkingState", "ON")
Run pytest
and make sure the new assertion passes.
Now, add the similar assertion to verify the BlinkingState is set OFF after stopping blinking
# Assert that blink command sets blinking state off
#TODO: use fprime_test_api.assert_telemetry to check that "led.BlinkingState" is off
Run pytest
again. Notice that this new telemetry check should fail.
Events in fprime are emitted immediately, but telemetry is only emitted periodically. In the LedBlinker deployment, telemetry channels are sent once per second.
The fprime_test_api.assert_telemetry
check will immediately search for a matching led.BlinkingState
telemetry value.
However, because one second hasn't passed between setting blinking off and checking for telemetry, there hasn't been sufficient time for the updated telemetry value to be sent.
To correct this, add timeout=2
to fprime_test_api.assert_telemetry
. This will allow this check to wait for up to 2 seconds to receive the expected telemetry before failing.
Run pytest
and the tests should now pass.
To check that blinking stops after turning blinking off, we can check that the LedTransitions
channel is no longer being emitted.
Add the following assertion after disabling blinking:
time.sleep(1) # Wait one second to let any in-progress telemetry be sent
# Save reference to current telemetry history so we can search against future telemetry
telem_after_blink_off = fprime_test_api.telemetry_history.size()
time.sleep(2) # Wait to receive telemetry after stopping blinking
# Assert that blinking has stopped and that LedTransitions is no longer updating
0, "led.LedTransitions", start=telem_after_blink_off
Because telemetry is sent once per second, some outdated telemetry may be sent after disabling blinking. After waiting 1 second for old telemetry to be sent, we can save a reference to telemetry history size, allowing us to search any telemetry received after this point. We then search telemetry using that start reference to assert that 0 new values of the LedTransitions channel are received after this start time. This allows us to confirm that blinking is no longer occurring.
Finally, while blinking is enabled, verify that LedTransitions increments over time.
To verify this, fprime_test_api.assert_telemetry_count
can be used to wait for and collect a number of LedTransitions values.
# Assert that the LedTransitions channel increments
results = fprime_test_api.assert_telemetry_count(
predicates.greater_than(2), "led.LedTransitions", timeout=4
ascending = True
prev = None
for res in results:
if prev is not None:
if not res.get_val() > prev.get_val():
ascending = False
f"led.LedTransitions not in ascending order: First ({prev.get_val()}) Second ({res.get_val()})"
prev = res
assert fprime_test_api.test_assert(
ascending, "Expected all led.LedTransitions updates to ascend.", True