[SmartX-Automation:BStarInstall] : Linux-based Script (BASH) automated installation tools of SmartX Box type B* for OF@TEIN Testbed.
This tool is developed to do automated provisiong (installation and configuration) SmartX Box type B* of OF@TEIN Testbed infrastructure by utilizing DevStack (OpenStack Cloud automatic installer) and OpenvSwitch OpenFlow-SDN configuration.
This is the first version of the tools released on June 2015 and it still being developed/verified.
This current released tools only support (OF@TEIN Testbed) current environment target:
- Ubuntu Operating System 14.04.02 (Trusty Tahr)
- OpenStack Juno Stable Release
- OpenStack VLAN-based Tenant Network
- OpenvSwitch OpenFlow-SDN VXLAN Overlay Network
In order to install SmartX B* Box using this tool and integrate with current OF@TEIN Testbed infrastructure, the required/recommended hardware specification is:
- Processor (CPU) : 4 cores or more
- Memory (RAM) : 12 GB or more
- Storage (HDD) : 80 GB or more
- Network interface : 4 ports (Power + Management + Control + Data)
- Outband Management: IPMI (HP iLO or IBM IMM)
Before the tools are executed, it required some components and verifications such as:
- OF@TEIN Box Specific Configuration : ask the testbed operators (TEIN-GIST@nm.gist.ac.kr) for the details
- OF@TEIN SmartX B* OpenStack Centralized Management (Keystone and Horizon) :
- OF@TEIN OpenFlow-SDN Network Slicer (FlowVisor) :
- OF@TEIN SmartX Configuration and Access Center :
- OF@TEIN Testbed HUB nodes (MYREN or GIST) : or
There are current features:
- Automated Upgrade Tools from previous SmartX Box type (Remote upgrade include: Clean Up + OS Upgrade + Install)
- Automated clean up tools for previous SmartX B+ Installation (XEN Hypervisor and OpenvSwitch)
- Automated Ubuntu Operating system upgrade to 14.04 LTS version
- Automated Fresh Install Tools of SmartX B*
Git Tools
Download the cleanup/OS-upgrade/installation scripts into SmartX Box and Edit the "Specific Parameter" in the Script
- Site = Site ID of SmartX Box
- PHY_EXT = Physical interface for OpenStack external (control) Connection
- BR1_DPID = Datapath ID for SDN user switch1
- BR2_DPID = Datapath ID for SDN user switch2
- BRCAP_DPID = Datapath ID for SDN operator capsulator switch
- DP_IF = Physical interface for datapath interface
- DP_GW = Gateway for data interface to reach the site
- HUB = Central site (GIST or MYREN)
Download the automated upgrade scripts into Remote Machine (Linux) and Edit the "Specific Parameter" in the script
Ping to all OF@TEIN components above (,,,, and Some of them maybe required specific TCP-level verification based on API/Service Ports. Please check details OpenStack and OpenvSwitch Ports.
- ./smartx_bplus_cleanup.sh
- ./smartx_bstar_os_upgrade.sh
- ./smartx_bstar_installation.sh
During installation the script will ask for some additional interactive manual steps for restarting OpenStack Services.
- Authors : SmartX Collaboration (GIST NetCS)
- Contributors : Aris Cahyadi Risdianto
- Contact : TEIN-GIST@nm.gist.ac.kr