This project contains a set of components to be used on OMNIA Platform models.
This repository can be cloned, and new components can be developed.
The toolbox contains all entries available when importing the Components package.
A toolbox entry is not a component, but can be the result of a composition of multiple components.
By default the following entries are available:
- lookUp
This entry purpose is to ease the creation of a UI attribute that allows the introduction of values for a reference attribute.
It renders a label, a text input along with a button that works as a look up for a given entity data, and a errors area. When the button is clicked it shows a modal with a list of entries for that entity type, and allows the selection of one.
- entityForm attribute
This entry has the goal to ease the creation of a UI element to be mapped to a entity attribute.
It renders a label, a text input, and a errors area.
- basic Card
This entry renders a panel with a set of labels, icons and buttons.
It should be used to render information to the end user, and grant the user the possibility of taking a modelable action when clicking the button.
- image Card
Similar to the basic Card, but it adds a Image component.
- pagination
This entry renders a panel with a set of buttons and texts, with the purpose of rendering pagination controls.
- yarn (npm install -g yarn)
- yarn
- yarn build
- yarn pack