+ epo:actsOnBehalfOf |
+ Represents. |
+ epo:ProcurementServiceProvider -> epo:Buyer [1..*] |
+ epo:amendsContract |
+ |
+ -> epo:Contract [1] |
+ epo:announcesAwardDecision |
+ |
+ epo:announcesCompletionOfContract |
+ |
+ -> epo:Contract [1] |
+ epo:announcesContract |
+ |
+ epo:announcesLot |
+ |
+ epo:announcesLotGroup |
+ |
+ epo:announcesLotGroupAwardInformation |
+ |
+ epo:announcesNoticeAwardInformation |
+ |
+ epo:announcesPlannedProcurementPart |
+ |
+ -> epo:PlannedProcurementPart [0..*] |
+ epo:announcesProcedure |
+ |
+ epo:announcesReviewObject |
+ |
+ -> epo:ReviewObject [1..*] |
+ epo:announcesRole |
+ |
+ epo:associatedWith |
+ The document to which a document is associated.
+ WGM 01/03/2022
+ |
+ epo:Document -> epo:Document [0..*] |
+ epo:attestedByLabel |
+ Relation indicating which label the certificate is about.
+ WG approval 28/07/2022 |
+ epo:Certificate -> epo:CertificationLabel [1] |
+ epo:bindsBuyer |
+ Provides legal constraint on the Buyer. |
+ epo:Contract -> epo:Buyer [0..*] |
+ epo:bindsContractor |
+ Provides legal constraint on the Contractor. |
+ epo:Contract -> epo:Contractor [0..*] |
+ epo:comprisesAwardOutcome |
+ Incorporates AwardOutcome. |
+ epo:AwardDecision -> epo:AwardOutcome [0..*] |
+ epo:comprisesTender |
+ Incorporates Tender. |
+ epo:TenderGroup -> epo:Tender [1..*] |
+ epo:comprisesTenderAwardOutcome |
+ Incorporates TenderAwardOutcome. |
+ epo:AwardOutcome -> epo:TenderAwardOutcome [0..*] |
+ epo:concernsGreenProcurement |
+ |
+ epo:VehicleInformation -> epo:GreenProcurement [1] |
+ epo:concernsLot |
+ Relates to Lot. Relates to Lot. |
+ epo:LotAwardOutcome -> epo:Lot [1] epo:ProcurementProcessInformation -> epo:Lot [0..1]
+ epo:concernsNotice |
+ |
+ epo:ChangeInformation -> epo:Notice [1] epo:NonPublishedInformation -> epo:Notice [1]
+ epo:concernsProcedure |
+ Relates to Procedure. |
+ epo:ProcurementProcessInformation -> epo:Procedure [0..1] |
+ epo:concernsReviewSummaryForLot |
+ Relates to Lot review summary.
+ Additional information:
+ This relation corresponds in eForms to BT-13722 Buyer Review Lot Identifier. |
+ epo:ReviewRequestSummary -> epo:Lot [1] |
+ epo:concernsTender |
+ |
+ epo:TenderAwardOutcome -> epo:Tender [1] |
+ epo:conformsToLegalBasis |
+ The Notice was designed in accordance with the given legal basis.
+ Additional Information:
+ This Notice can be used for Procedures which do not have the same legal basis.
+ This holds for standard forms. |
+ epo:Notice -> at-voc:legal-basis [0..*] |
+ epo:containsCandidate |
+ |
+ epo:SelectedCandidateList -> epo:Candidate [0..*] |
+ epo:contextualisedBy |
+ The place of the AgentInRole in the procurement is expressed by a ProcurementObject. |
+ epo:AgentInRole -> epo:ProcurementObject [0..*] |
+ epo:definesBudgetProvider |
+ Relation indicating a ProcedureTerm has a BudgetProvider. |
+ epo:ProcedureTerm -> epo:BudgetProvider [0..1] |
+ epo:definesCatalogueProvider |
+ Relation indicating an AccessTerm has a CatalogueProvider. |
+ epo:AccessTerm -> epo:CatalogueProvider [0..*] |
+ epo:definesCatalogueReceiver |
+ Relation indicating an AccessTerm has a CatalogueReceiver. |
+ epo:AccessTerm -> epo:CatalogueReceiver [0..*] |
+ epo:definesContractDuration |
+ Relation indicating a ContractTerm has a Duration. |
+ epo:ContractTerm -> epo:Duration [0..1] |
+ epo:definesContractPeriod |
+ Relation indicating a ContractTerm has a Period. |
+ epo:ContractTerm -> epo:Period [0..1] |
+ epo:definesInformationProvider |
+ Relation indicating a ProcedureTerm has an information provider. |
+ epo:ProcedureTerm -> epo:AuxiliaryParty [0..*] |
+ epo:definesLotGroup |
+ Relation indicating a ProcedureTerm has a LotGroup. |
+ epo:ProcedureTerm -> epo:LotGroup [0..*] |
+ epo:definesMediator |
+ Relation indicating a ProcedureTerm has a Mediator. |
+ epo:ProcedureTerm -> epo:Mediator [0..1] |
+ epo:definesOfflineAccessProvider |
+ Relation indicating an AccessTerm has an OfflineAccessProvider. |
+ epo:AccessTerm -> epo:OfflineAccessProvider [0..1] |
+ epo:definesOpeningPlace |
+ The place where the tenders will be publicly opened.
+ WG Approval 10-10-2019 |
+ epo:OpeningTerm -> locn:Address [0..1] |
+ epo:definesParticipationRequestProcessor |
+ Relation indicating a ParticipationRequestTerm has a ParticipationRequestProcessor. |
+ epo:ParticipationRequestTerm -> epo:ParticipationRequestProcessor [0..1] |
+ epo:definesParticipationRequestReceiver |
+ Relation indicating a ParticipationRequestTerm has a ParticipationRequestReceiver. |
+ epo:ParticipationRequestTerm -> epo:ParticipationRequestReceiver [0..1] |
+ epo:definesPaymentExecutor |
+ Relation indicating a ContractTerm has a PaymentExecutor. |
+ epo:ContractTerm -> epo:PaymentExecutor [0..1] |
+ epo:definesPrize |
+ Relation indicating a DesignContestRegimeTerm has a Prize. |
+ epo:DesignContestRegimeTerm -> epo:Prize [0..*] |
+ epo:definesProcurementProcedureInformationProvider |
+ Relation indicating an AccessTerm has a ProcurementProcedureInformationProvider. |
+ epo:AccessTerm -> epo:ProcurementProcedureInformationProvider [0..1] |
+ epo:definesReviewer |
+ Relation indicating a ReviewTerm has a Reviewer. |
+ epo:ReviewTerm -> epo:Reviewer [0..*] |
+ epo:definesReviewProcedureInformationProvider |
+ Relation indicating a ReviewTerm has a ReviewProcedureInformationProvider. |
+ epo:ReviewTerm -> epo:ReviewProcedureInformationProvider [0..1] |
+ epo:definesSpecificPlaceOfPerformance |
+ Relation indicating a ContractTerm has a specific place of performance. |
+ epo:ContractTerm -> dct:Location [0..*] |
+ epo:definesSubcontractingTerm |
+ Relation indicating a ContractTerm has a SubcontractingTerm.Relation indicating a
+ term has a subterm. |
+ epo:ContractTerm -> epo:SubcontractTerm [0..1] |
+ epo:definesTenderProcessor |
+ Relation indicating a SubmissionTerm has a TenderProcessor. |
+ epo:SubmissionTerm -> epo:TenderProcessor [0..1] |
+ epo:definesTenderReceiver |
+ Relation indicating a SubmissionTerm has a TenderReceiver. |
+ epo:SubmissionTerm -> epo:TenderReceiver [0..1] |
+ epo:delegatesAncillaryActivitiesTo |
+ Entrusts ancillary purchasing activities to ProcurementServiceProvider.
+ Additional Information:
+ Directive 2014/24/EU describes ancillary purchasing activities as activities consisting
+ in the provision of support to purchasing activities, in particular in the following
+ forms:
+ (a) technical infrastructure enabling contracting authorities to award public contracts
+ or to conclude framework agreements for works, supplies or services;
+ (b) advice on the conduct or design of public procurement procedures;
+ (c) preparation and management of procurement procedures on behalf and for the account
+ of the contracting authority concerned; |
+ epo:Buyer -> epo:ProcurementServiceProvider [0..*] |
+ epo:describesDirectAwardPrenotificationNotice |
+ |
+ epo:NoticeAwardInformation -> [0..1] |
+ epo:describesLotCompletion |
+ |
+ epo:ContractLotCompletionInformation -> epo:Lot [1] |
+ epo:describesLotGroup |
+ |
+ epo:LotGroupAwardInformation -> epo:LotGroup [1] |
+ epo:describesResultNotice |
+ |
+ epo:NoticeAwardInformation -> [0..1] |
+ epo:distributesOffer |
+ |
+ epo:OfferIssuer -> epo:Offer [0..*] |
+ epo:exposesChannel |
+ |
+ epo:AgentInRole -> cv:Channel [0..*] |
+ epo:exposesInvoiceeChannel |
+ |
+ epo:Buyer -> cv:Channel [0..*] |
+ epo:followsRulesSetBy |
+ |
+ epo:PurchaseContract -> epo:FrameworkAgreement [0..1] |
+ epo:foreseesConcession |
+ |
+ epo:Tender -> epo:ConcessionEstimate [0..1] epo:ProcurementObject -> epo:ConcessionEstimate [0..1]
+ epo:foreseesContractSpecificTerm |
+ |
+ epo:ProcurementObject -> epo:ContractSpecificTerm [0..*] |
+ epo:foreseesProcurementObject |
+ Relation indicating the instance of a Procurement Object that is planned.
+ Additional Information:
+ The properties of the Procurement Object that is foreseen should be read as foreseen
+ properties.
+ For example, Procedure isSMESuitable should be read as Procedure foreseesToBeSMESuitable.
+ For example, Procedure isFundedBy should be read as Procedure foreseesToBeFundedBy. |
+ epo:PlannedProcurementPart -> epo:ProcurementObject [0..1] |
+ epo:foreseesSubcontracting |
+ |
+ epo:Tender -> epo:SubcontractingEstimate [0..*] |
+ epo:foreseesTechnique |
+ |
+ epo:PlannedProcurementPart -> epo:Technique [0..*] |
+ epo:fulfillsRequirement |
+ The requirement to which the concept meets.
+ WG Approval 09/11/2021
+ The requirement to which the concept meets.
+ WG Approval 09/11/2021
+ The requirement to which the concept meets.
+ WG Approval 09/11/2021
+ The requirement to which the concept meets.
+ WG Approval 09/11/2021
+ |
+ epo:GreenProcurement -> at-voc:green-public-procurement-criteria [0..*] epo:GreenProcurement -> at-voc:environmental-impact [0..*] epo:InnovativeProcurement -> at-voc:innovative-acquisition [0..*] epo:SocialProcurement -> at-voc:social-objective [0..*]
+ epo:fulfillsStrategicProcurement |
+ |
+ epo:ProcurementObject -> epo:StrategicProcurement [0..*] |
+ epo:hasAdditionalClassification |
+ |
+ epo:Purpose -> at-voc:cpv [0..*] |
+ epo:hasAdditionalContractNature |
+ Additional type of acquisition taken into consideration in the contract.
+ WG Approval 11/06/2020
+ |
+ epo:ContractTerm -> at-voc:contract-nature [0..*] |
+ epo:hasAllegedIrregularityType |
+ Additional information:
+ This relation corresponds in eForms to BT-791 Review Irregularity Type
+ |
+ epo:ReviewRequest -> at-voc:irregularity-type [1..*] |
+ epo:hasApproximateFrameworkAgreementValue |
+ The estimated value to be spent within the Framework Agreement(s).
+ Additional information:
+ In the case of an Award Decision for a Lot, this relation represents the estimated
+ value for the awarded Framework Agreement.
+ In the case of a Notice, this relation represents the estimated value for all Framework
+ Agreements covered by the Notice.
+ The estimated value to be spent within the Framework Agreement(s).
+ Additional information:
+ In the case of an Award Decision for a Lot, this relation represents the estimated
+ value for the awarded Framework Agreement.
+ In the case of a Notice, this relation represents the estimated value for all Framework
+ Agreements covered by the Notice.
+ |
+ epo:LotAwardOutcome -> epo:MonetaryValue [0..1] epo:NoticeAwardInformation -> epo:MonetaryValue [0..1]
+ epo:hasAwardCriterionType |
+ Category of award criterion.
+ |
+ epo:AwardCriterion -> at-voc:award-criterion-type [0..1] |
+ epo:hasAwardedValue |
+ The value of the procurement provided by the Award Decision.
+ Additional Information:
+ Different cases of awarded values may refer to a lot, the global value of the procedure,
+ or of a combinatorial value of a group of lots.
+ In the case of framework agreements and dynamic purchasing systems this refers to
+ the maximum awarded value.
+ WG Approval 10/12/2019 |
+ epo:AwardOutcome -> epo:MonetaryValue [0..1] |
+ epo:hasAwardStatus |
+ Indicates whether the lot is awarded, not awarded or still open.
+ WG Approval 03/12/2019
+ |
+ epo:AwardOutcome -> at-voc:winner-selection-status [0..1] |
+ epo:hasBargainPrice |
+ The value of procured supplies that have used a particularly advantageous opportunity
+ available for a very short time at a value considerably lower than normal market prices.
+ WG approval 23/05/2023 |
+ epo:AwardOutcome -> epo:MonetaryValue [0..1] |
+ epo:hasBatchID |
+ The identifier assigned to a specific batch of the produced Item.
+ WG Approval 16/05/2023
+ |
+ -> adms:Identifier [0..1] |
+ epo:hasBeneficialOwner |
+ A role of any natural person(s) who ultimately owns or controls the organisation or
+ on whose behalf a transaction or activity is being conducted.
+ Additional Information:
+ This role is defined in the directive EU 2015/849 and it's beyond the scope for public
+ eProcurement domain.
+ WG approval 14/09/2021 |
+ epo:Business -> person:Person [0..*] |
+ epo:hasBroadPlaceOfPerformance |
+ Geopolitical zone where the contract can be executed.
+ Additional Information
+ Used for setting restrictions that cannot be established with one country code or
+ a geographical zone identifier (like NUTS), because they have a broader scope (geographical,
+ economic, political, other).
+ |
+ epo:ContractTerm -> at-voc:other-place-service [0..1] |
+ epo:hasBusinessSize |
+ The category of the business depending on number of employees and turnover.
+ Additional information:
+ See Commission Recommendation of 6 May 2003 concerning the definition of micro, small
+ and medium-sized enterprises.
+ WG Approval 28/05/2020
+ |
+ epo:Business -> at-voc:economic-operator-size [0..1] |
+ epo:hasBuyerItemID |
+ This refers to the identifier for the specific instance of the produced concept.
+ WG Approval 16/05/2023
+ |
+ -> adms:Identifier [0..1] |
+ epo:hasBuyerLegalType |
+ A category that indicates the right of an Organisation to play the role of a buyer.
+ Additional Information:
+ The category also effects the rules that the buyer has to abide to within the public
+ procurement procedure.
+ WG 07/09/2021
+ |
+ org:Organization -> at-voc:buyer-legal-type [0..1] |
+ epo:hasCertification |
+ Relation to the proof of conformance.
+ WG approval 30/05/2023 Relation to the proof of conformance.
+ WG approval 30/05/2023 Relation to the proof of conformance.
+ WG approval 30/05/2023 |
+ foaf:Person -> epo:Certificate [0..*] org:Organization -> epo:Certificate [0..*]
+ epo:hasChangeJustification |
+ Code explaining the change.
+ WG Approval 5/11/2019
+ The motives for the change.
+ WG 5/11/2019
+ The codelist to be used is at-voc:change-corrig-justification which is available at
+ http://publications.europa.eu/resource/dataset/change-corrig-justification |
+ epo:ChangeInformation -> at-voc:change-corrig-justification [1] |
+ epo:hasConcessionEstimatedValue |
+ |
+ epo:ConcessionEstimate -> epo:MonetaryValue [0..1] |
+ epo:hasConfirmedIrregularityType |
+ Additional information:
+ This relation corresponds in eForms to BT-791 Review Irregularity Type |
+ epo:ReviewDecision -> at-voc:irregularity-type [0..*] |
+ epo:hasConstraint |
+ |
+ epo:ProcurementCriterion -> cccev:Constraint [0..*] |
+ epo:hasContactPointInRole |
+ |
+ epo:AgentInRole -> cpov:ContactPoint [0..*] |
+ epo:hasContractNatureType |
+ Subject of the acquisition.
+ WG Approval 11/06/2020
+ |
+ epo:ContractTerm -> at-voc:contract-nature [0..1] |
+ epo:hasContractValue |
+ |
+ epo:Contract -> epo:MonetaryValue [0..1] |
+ epo:hasCountryCode |
+ |
+ dct:Location -> at-voc:country [0..1] locn:Address -> at-voc:country [0..1]
+ epo:hasCountryOfBirth |
+ The country in which the Person was born.
+ |
+ person:Person -> at-voc:country [0..1] |
+ epo:hasCurrency |
+ The identifier of the currency as in the standard code list used.
+ |
+ epo:MonetaryValue -> at-voc:currency [0..1] |
+ epo:hasDirectAwardJustification |
+ List of reasons for using a procedure which allows awarding contracts directly without
+ publishing a notice.
+ WG Approval 28/05/2020
+ |
+ epo:DirectAwardTerm -> at-voc:direct-award-justification [0..1] |
+ epo:hasDocumentRestrictionJustification |
+ An explanation about the reasons why some procurement documents are restricted.
+ Additional Information:
+ This corresponds in eForms to BT-707 Documents Restricted Justification.
+ WG Approval 09/03/2021
+ |
+ epo:AccessTerm -> at-voc:communication-justification [0..1] |
+ epo:hasDPSScope |
+ Explanation as to whether a dps is used and by whom.
+ Additional Information:
+ This corresponds in eForms to BT-766 Dynamic Purchasing System.
+ WG Approval 09/11/2021
+ Explanation as to whether a dps is used and by whom.
+ WG Approval 09/11/2021
+ The codelist to be used is at-voc:dps-usage which is available at http://publications.europa.eu/resource/dataset/dps-usage |
+ epo:DynamicPurchaseSystemTechnique -> at-voc:dps-usage [0..1] |
+ epo:hasECataloguePermission |
+ The extent to which electronic catalogues may be used in tenders.
+ WG Approval 03/10/2019
+ |
+ epo:SubmissionTerm -> at-voc:permission [0..1] |
+ epo:hasEInvoicingPermission |
+ |
+ epo:ContractTerm -> at-voc:permission [0..1] |
+ epo:hasElectronicDigest |
+ |
+ epo:Document -> epo:Document [0..*] |
+ epo:hasElectronicSignature |
+ |
+ epo:Document -> epo:ElectronicSignature [0..*] |
+ epo:hasEndpointIdentifier |
+ |
+ cv:Channel -> adms:Identifier [0..*] |
+ epo:hasEstimatedBuyerConcessionRevenue |
+ The expected payments made by the buyer to the economic operator awarded the concession
+ that are not directly related to the use of the concession.
+ <u>Additional Information:</u>
+ For example the public buyer pays a yearly fee to provide a ticketing solution to
+ the public. The fee the public pays for every ticket sold through the solution is
+ not included in this estimation but in the estimation of the user concession revenue.
+ This corresponds to BT-160 in eForms.
+ WG Approval 07/01/2020 |
+ epo:ConcessionEstimate -> epo:MonetaryValue [0..1] |
+ epo:hasEstimatedDuration |
+ Relation indicating a Contract has an estimated Duration.
+ Additional Information
+ When the Lot uses a Technique the contract estimated duration applies to the Technique.
+ |
+ epo:Contract -> epo:Duration [0..1] |
+ epo:hasEstimatedUserConcessionRevenue |
+ The estimated revenue coming from the use of the concession.
+ Additional Information:
+ Revenues are for example fees and fines. For example, the fees and fines coming from
+ the cars using a motorway.
+ This corresponds to BT-162 in eForms.
+ |
+ epo:ConcessionEstimate -> epo:MonetaryValue [0..1] |
+ epo:hasEstimatedValue |
+ A forecast of the value of the procurement before competition.
+ Additional Information:
+ Different cases of estimated values may refer to a lot, the global value of the procedure,
+ or of a combinatorial value of a group of lots.
+ The forecast is calculated by the buyer and covers all revenues whether coming from
+ the buyer or third parties.
+ See for example recital (19), Article 5 of Directive 2014/24/EU and other articles
+ from the rest of Directives about procurement.
+ In the case of framework agreements and dynamic purchasing systems this refers to
+ the maximum estimated value.
+ This property corresponds to BT-27 in eForms (for Lot and Procedure) and can be used
+ for BT-157 (for LotGroup).
+ <b>
+ </b>WG Approval 05/12/2019
+ A forecast of the value of the procurement before competition.
+ Additional Information:
+ Different cases of estimated values may refer to a lot, the global value of the procedure,
+ or of a combinatorial value of a group of lots.
+ The forecast is calculated by the buyer and covers all revenues whether coming from
+ the buyer or third parties.
+ See for example recital (19), Article 5 of Directive 2014/24/EU and other articles
+ from the rest of Directives about procurement.
+ In the case of framework agreements and dynamic purchasing systems this refers to
+ the maximum estimated value.
+ This property corresponds to BT-27 in eForms (for Lot and Procedure) and can be used
+ for BT-157 (for LotGroup).
+ <b>
+ </b><b>WG Approval 05/12/2019</b>
+ |
+ epo:LotGroup -> epo:MonetaryValue [0..1] epo:ProcurementElement -> epo:MonetaryValue [0..1]
+ epo:hasESubmissionPermission |
+ The requirements as to what extent electronic submission is allowed.
+ WG Approval 03/10/2019
+ |
+ epo:SubmissionTerm -> at-voc:permission [0..1] |
+ epo:hasFinancialOfferValue |
+ The value offered by the Tenderer for a Lot.
+ Additional Information:
+ This value is normally the one awarded for a winning Tender Lot. In case of negotiated
+ procedures the original financial value may be reviewed and the offer updated.
+ This corresponds to BT-720 in eForms. |
+ epo:Tender -> epo:MonetaryValue [0..1] |
+ epo:hasFixedValueType |
+ The method to interpret the fixed value as pertaining to a total or unit.
+ WG Approval 17/09/2019
+ |
+ epo:AwardCriterion -> at-voc:number-fixed [0..1] |
+ epo:hasFormType |
+ A categorisation of the steps in which the Notice is used.
+ WG Approval 12/05/2020
+ |
+ epo:Notice -> at-voc:form-type [0..1] |
+ epo:hasFrameworkAgreementMaximumValue |
+ |
+ epo:LotAwardOutcome -> epo:MonetaryValue [0..1] |
+ epo:hasFrameworkAgreementType |
+ The form of framework agreement used in a procurement procedure.
+ Addition information:
+ A concept to distinguish the different types of framework agreement, which are:
+ 1. Framework agreement without reopening of competition,
+ 2. Framework agreement with reopening of competition, or
+ 3. Framework agreement partly without reopening of competition.
+ WG Approval 19/09/2019
+ |
+ epo:FrameworkAgreementTerm -> at-voc:framework-agreement [1] |
+ epo:hasFundProgramme |
+ |
+ epo:Fund -> at-voc:EU-programme [0..1] |
+ epo:hasGroupFrameworkAgreementMaximumValue |
+ This corresponds to BT-156 in the eForms. |
+ epo:LotGroupAwardInformation -> epo:MonetaryValue [0..1] |
+ epo:hasHighestReceivedTenderValue |
+ Amount of the Tender with the highest value.
+ Additional Information
+ The value must correspond to an admissible tender. For example, tenders compliant
+ with the procurement document requirements, not having an abnormally low price or
+ cost, etc.
+ WG Approval 12/12/2019
+ |
+ epo:SubmissionStatisticalInformation -> epo:MonetaryValue [0..1] |
+ epo:hasInternalIdentifier |
+ |
+ epo:LotGroup -> adms:Identifier [0..*] epo:ProcurementElement -> adms:Identifier [0..*]
+ epo:hasIrregularityType |
+ Additional information:
+ This relation corresponds in eForms to BT-636 Buyer Review Requests Irregularity
+ Type |
+ epo:ReviewIrregularitySummary -> at-voc:irregularity-type [1] |
+ epo:hasItemCountryOfOrigin |
+ The source country of the product or service.
+ Additional Information:
+ The country of origin can be provided by the buyer as a requirement or by the tenderer
+ information of the item to be provided.
+ WG Approval 07/01/2020
+ The codelist to be used is at-voc:country which is available at http://publications.europa.eu/resource/dataset/country |
+ epo:Tender -> at-voc:country [0..*] |
+ epo:hasItemStandardID |
+ The identifier for the instance of the concept based on a standard scheme.
+ Additional information:
+ For example the GTIN scheme (Global Trade Item Number).
+ WG Approval 24/02/2022
+ |
+ -> adms:Identifier [0..*] |
+ epo:hasLabelType |
+ The label type such environmental, quality, social etc. |
+ epo:CertificationLabel -> at-voc-new:certification-label-type [0..1] |
+ epo:hasLanguage |
+ Language in which the submitted information is to be expressed.
+ WG Approval 21/07/2020
+ |
+ epo:SubmissionTerm -> at-voc:language [0..*] |
+ epo:hasLateSubmissionPermission |
+ Whether economic operator-related information can be supplemented even after the submission
+ deadline.
+ Additional Information
+ This is specific to the information on the economic operator and not the actual offer.
+ This does not apply to the requests for clarification.
+ WG Approval 21/07/2020
+ |
+ epo:SubmissionTerm -> at-voc:missing-info-submission [0..1] |
+ epo:hasLaunchFrameworkAgreementMaximumValue |
+ |
+ epo:ProcurementObject -> epo:MonetaryValue [0..1] epo:LotGroup -> epo:MonetaryValue [0..1]
+ epo:hasLegalBasis |
+ The legal basis under which the procurement procedure takes place.
+ Additional Information:
+ For example European Directives or Regulations, national laws etc.
+ The recommended code list is the example for the legal basis at the European level.
+ WG 04/04/2023
+ The legal basis under which the procurement procedure takes place.
+ Additional Information:
+ For example European Directives or Regulations, national law
+ WG 09/11/2021
+ The codelist to be used is at-voc:legal-basis which is available at http://publications.europa.eu/resource/dataset/legal-basis
+ |
+ epo:ProcurementObject -> at-voc:legal-basis [0..*] |
+ epo:hasLegalIdentifier |
+ |
+ org:Organization -> adms:Identifier [0..*] |
+ epo:hasLotReference |
+ |
+ epo:Contract -> epo:Lot [1..*] |
+ epo:hasLowestReceivedTenderValue |
+ Amount of the Tender with the lowest value.
+ Additional Information
+ The value must correspond to an admissible tender. For example, tenders compliant
+ with the procurement document requirements, not having an abnormally low price or
+ cost, etc.
+ WG Approval 12/12/2019
+ |
+ epo:SubmissionStatisticalInformation -> epo:MonetaryValue [0..1] |
+ epo:hasMainActivity |
+ The principal sectoral area in which an organisation operates.
+ Additional information:
+ The activities associated with buyers are derived from the top level of the Classification
+ of the functions of the government (COFOG) from the United Nations Statistics Division.
+ The activities associated with buyer are derived from sectors explicitly falling within
+ the sectoral directive (2014/25/EU Art. 8 - Art. 14).
+ WG Approval 05/05/2020
+ |
+ org:Organization -> at-voc:main-activity [0..1] |
+ epo:hasMainClassification |
+ |
+ epo:Purpose -> at-voc:cpv [1..*] |
+ epo:hasManufacturerID |
+ The manufacturer's identifier for the item.
+ |
+ -> adms:Identifier [0..1] |
+ epo:hasManufacturerItemID |
+ This refers to the general identifier for the concept as defined by the manufacturer.
+ WG Approval 16/05/2023
+ |
+ -> adms:Identifier [0..1] |
+ epo:hasMaximumFrameworkAgreementAwardedValue |
+ The maximum value which can be spent through all the framework agreements announced
+ in this notice, including options and renewals of contracts.
+ Additional information:
+ The value provided is a threshold value that implicity means that it cannot be exceeded
+ however it may not be reached during the execution of a contract.
+ The Framework Agreements in a CAN are to be traced back and added to provide this
+ value.
+ This corresponds to the BT-118 in eForms.
+ WG Approval 03/12/2019 |
+ epo:NoticeAwardInformation -> epo:MonetaryValue [0..1] |
+ epo:hasMember |
+ |
+ epo:OrganisationGroup -> org:Organization [1..*] |
+ epo:hasModificationJustification |
+ Explanation of why a contract was modified.
+ WG Approval 09/11/2021
+ The codelist to be used is at-voc:modification-justification which is available at
+ http://publications.europa.eu/resource/dataset/modification-justification
+ Additional Information
+ This corresponds in Standard forms to Field VII.2.2.1 and VII.2.2.3 in F20 .
+ This corresponds in eForms to BT-200.
+ |
+ -> at-voc:modification-justification [1] |
+ epo:hasNationality |
+ |
+ person:Person -> at-voc:country [0..*] |
+ epo:hasNonAwardJustification |
+ On hold; Enumeration.
+ |
+ epo:AwardOutcome -> at-voc:non-award-justification [0..1] |
+ epo:hasNonElectronicSubmissionJustification |
+ Reason for not accepting electronic information.
+ WG Approval 21/07/2020
+ |
+ epo:SubmissionTerm -> at-voc:communication-justification [0..*] |
+ epo:hasNonPublicationJustification |
+ The reason why data is not published.
+ WG Approval 11/06/2020
+ |
+ epo:NonPublishedInformation -> at-voc:non-publication-justification [1] |
+ epo:hasNoticeType |
+ |
+ epo:Notice -> at-voc:notice-type [1] |
+ epo:hasNutsCode |
+ |
+ dct:Location -> at-voc:nuts [0..1] locn:Address -> at-voc:nuts [0..1]
+ epo:hasOfficialLanguage |
+ The language(s) in which the instances of the given concepts are officially available.
+ These linguistic versions are equally legally valid.
+ WG Approval 03/10/2019
+ |
+ epo:Document -> at-voc:language [1..*] |
+ epo:hasPerformingStaffQualificationInformation |
+ Additional information:
+ This relation corresponds in eForms to BT-79.Explanation as to if and/or when information
+ of the persons to carry out the contract is to be provided.
+ WG Approval 09/11/2021
+ The codelist to be used is at-voc:requirement-stage which is available at http://publications.europa.eu/resource/dataset/requirement-stage
+ |
+ epo:ProcurementCriterion -> at-voc:requirement-stage [0..*] |
+ epo:hasPlannedDuration |
+ |
+ epo:PlannedProcurementPart -> epo:Duration [0..1] |
+ epo:hasPlannedPeriod |
+ |
+ epo:PlannedProcurementPart -> epo:Period [0..1] |
+ epo:hasPrimaryContactPoint |
+ |
+ org:Organization -> cpov:ContactPoint [0..*] |
+ epo:hasPrizeValue |
+ The monetary value of a prize, if any, for the winner (or runners-up) of the design
+ contest.
+ Additional Information:
+ This corresponds to BT-644 in eForms.
+ WG Approval 29/08/2019
+ |
+ epo:Prize -> epo:MonetaryValue [0..1] |
+ epo:hasProcedureType |
+ Identification of the Procedure used.
+ WG Approval 09/06/2020
+ |
+ epo:Procedure -> at-voc:procurement-procedure-type [1] |
+ epo:hasProcurementHighestReceivedTenderValue |
+ The highest received tender value for the procurement.
+ Additional Information:
+ This corresponds to section II.1.7.3. according to Regulation (EU) 2015/1986. |
+ epo:NoticeAwardInformation -> epo:MonetaryValue [0..1] |
+ epo:hasProcurementLowestReceivedTenderValue |
+ The lowest received tender value for the procurement.
+ Additional Information:
+ This corresponds to section II.1.7.2. according to Regulation (EU) 2015/1986. |
+ epo:NoticeAwardInformation -> epo:MonetaryValue [0..1] |
+ epo:hasProcurementScopeDividedIntoLot |
+ |
+ epo:Procedure -> epo:Lot [1..*] |
+ epo:hasPurpose |
+ Relation indicating the Purpose of a concept. |
+ epo:Contract -> epo:Purpose [0..1] epo:ProcurementObject -> epo:Purpose [0..1]
+ epo:hasQualificationSystemDuration |
+ |
+ epo:MultipleStageProcedureTerm -> epo:Duration [0..1] |
+ epo:hasReceivedSubmissionType |
+ |
+ epo:SubmissionStatisticalInformation -> at-voc:received-submission-type [0..1] |
+ epo:hasRegistrationCountry |
+ |
+ org:Organization -> at-voc:country [0..1] |
+ epo:hasRemedyValue |
+ Additional information:
+ This relation corresponds in eForms to BT-793 Review Remedy Value. |
+ epo:ReviewDecision -> epo:MonetaryValue [0..1] |
+ epo:hasReservedExecution |
+ |
+ epo:ContractTerm -> at-voc:applicability [0..1] |
+ epo:hasReservedProcurement |
+ Explanation as to whether a procurement may be reserved for the participation of certain
+ types of organisation.
+ Additional information:
+ This property corresponds in eForms to the BT-71
+ WG Approval 09/11/2021
+ Explanation as to whether a procurement may be reserved for the participation of certain
+ types of organisation.
+ Additional information:
+ This property corresponds in eForms to the BT-71
+ WG Approval 09/11/2021
+ |
+ epo:ParticipationCondition -> at-voc:reserved-procurement [0..*] epo:ParticipationConditionsSummary -> at-voc:reserved-procurement [0..*]
+ epo:hasReviewBodyType |
+ |
+ epo:Reviewer -> at-voc:review-body-type [0..*] |
+ epo:hasReviewDecisionType |
+ Additional information:
+ This relation corresponds in eForms to BT-790 Review Decision Type. |
+ epo:ReviewDecision -> at-voc:review-decision-type [0..*] |
+ epo:hasReviewIrregularitySummary |
+ Additional information:
+ This relation corresponds in eForms to BG-613 Buyer Review Requests |
+ epo:ReviewRequestSummary -> epo:ReviewIrregularitySummary [0..*] |
+ epo:hasReviewRequestFee |
+ Additional information:
+ This relation corresponds in eForms to BT-795 Review Request Fee. |
+ epo:ReviewRequest -> epo:MonetaryValue [0..1] |
+ epo:hasSelectionCriteriaUsage |
+ Additional Information:
+ This corresponds in eForms to BT-748 Selection Criteria Used. |
+ epo:SelectionCriterion -> at-voc:usage [0..1] |
+ epo:hasSelectionCriterionType |
+ The classification of the selection criteria.
+ Additional Information:
+ This corresponds in eForms to BT-747 Selection Criteria Type.
+ WG Approval 09/11/2021
+ |
+ epo:SelectionCriterion -> at-voc:selection-criterion [0..1] |
+ epo:hasSellerItemID |
+ The general identifier for the concept as defined by the seller.
+ WG Approval 16/05/2023
+ |
+ -> adms:Identifier [0..1] |
+ epo:hasSerialID |
+ The identifier assigned to the specific instance of the produced concept.
+ WG Approval 16/05/2023
+ |
+ -> adms:Identifier [0..1] |
+ epo:hasStartDate |
+ |
+ epo:SelectedCandidateList -> epo:Period [0..1] |
+ epo:hasSubcontracting |
+ |
+ epo:Tender -> at-voc:applicability [0..1] |
+ epo:hasSubcontractingEstimatedValue |
+ The estimated value of a single subcontract.
+ This relates to BT-553 in eForms.
+ WG Approval 01/09/2020
+ |
+ epo:SubcontractingEstimate -> epo:MonetaryValue [0..1] |
+ epo:hasSubcontractingObligation |
+ The requirement the tender must meet with regard to subcontracting parts of the contract.
+ WG Approval 09/11/2021
+ |
+ epo:SubcontractTerm -> at-voc:subcontracting-obligation [0..*] |
+ epo:hasTaxIdentifier |
+ |
+ org:Organization -> adms:Identifier [0..*] |
+ epo:hasTenderSubcontractingInformation |
+ The information about subcontracting that must be indicated in the tender.
+ WG Approval 10/10/2019
+ |
+ epo:SubmissionTerm -> at-voc:subcontracting-indication [0..*] |
+ epo:hasTenderValidityDuration |
+ |
+ epo:SubmissionTerm -> epo:Duration [0..1] |
+ epo:hasTenderValidityPeriod |
+ The relation indicating until when a tender instance is applicable.
+ |
+ epo:SubmissionTerm -> epo:Period [0..1] |
+ epo:hasThresholdType |
+ The method to interpret the threshold value as minimum or a maximum.
+ WG Approval 17/09/2019
+ |
+ cccev:Constraint -> at-voc:number-threshold [0..*] |
+ epo:hasTimePeriod |
+ |
+ epo:Period -> at-voc:timeperiod [1..*] |
+ epo:hasTotalAwardedValue |
+ The awarded value of all lots announced in this notice, including options and renewals.
+ Additional information:
+ The values of the individual Lots awarded under a framework agreement and mentioned
+ in this notice are included.
+ The values of the individual lots announced in a CAN are to be traced back and added
+ to provide this value.
+ This corresponds to the BT-161 in eForms.
+ WG Approval 03/12/2019
+ |
+ epo:NoticeAwardInformation -> epo:MonetaryValue [0..1] |
+ epo:hasTotalQuantity |
+ The number of units required.
+ Additional Information:
+ The quantity needs to go along with the unit.
+ |
+ epo:Purpose -> epo:Quantity [0..1] |
+ epo:hasTotalValue |
+ |
+ epo:TenderGroup -> epo:MonetaryValue [0..1]
+ epo:hasUnitCode |
+ |
+ epo:Quantity -> at-voc:measurement-unit [1] |
+ epo:hasUnofficialLanguage |
+ The language translation(s) in which the instances of the given concepts are available.
+ These linguistic versions are not an official translation, they are provided only
+ for information.
+ WG Approval 03/10/2019
+ |
+ epo:Document -> at-voc:language [0..*] |
+ epo:hasUsage |
+ The codelist to be used is at-voc:usage which is available at http://publications.europa.eu/resource/dataset/usage
+ |
+ epo:Technique -> at-voc:usage [0..1] |
+ epo:hasUUID |
+ A universally unique identifier for an instance of this document.
+ WG Approval 12/05/2020 |
+ epo:Document -> adms:Identifier [0..1] |
+ epo:hasValidityPeriod |
+ The relation indicating until when a given instance of a concept is applicable.
+ WG approval 30/05/2023 The relation indicating until when a given instance of a concept is applicable.
+ WG approval 30/05/2023
+ |
+ cccev:Evidence -> epo:Period [0..1] epo:Technique -> epo:Period [0..1]
+ epo:hasVariantPermission |
+ The obligation or possibility for tenderers to submit variants or not.
+ Additional Information:
+ Variants are alternative ways to fulfil the buyer's needs as opposed to solutions
+ indicated in the procurement documents.
+ eForms: Whether tenderers are required, allowed or forbidden to submit tenders which
+ fulfil the buyer's needs differently than as proposed in the procurement documents.
+ Additional Information:
+ Further conditions for submitting variant tenders are in the procurement documents.
+ |
+ epo:SubmissionTerm -> at-voc:permission [0..1] |
+ epo:hasWeightValueType |
+ No definition. Waiting on CCCEV alignment.
+ |
+ epo:ProcurementCriterion -> at-voc:number-weight [0..1] |
+ epo:includesAccessibilityCriterion |
+ Explanation as to whether accessibility Criterion are used or not.
+ WG Approval 09/11/2021
+ |
+ epo:StrategicProcurement -> at-voc:accessibility [0..*] |
+ epo:includesTender |
+ Additional information:
+ This corresponds in eForms to BT-3202 Contract Tender Identifier.
+ |
+ epo:Contract -> epo:Tender [0..*] |
+ epo:indicatesAwardToWinner |
+ Reveals the winner to whom the tender award outcome is attributed. |
+ epo:TenderAwardOutcome -> epo:Winner [0..1] |
+ epo:indicatesInvoiceeContactPoint |
+ |
+ epo:Buyer -> cpov:ContactPoint [] |
+ epo:involvesBuyer |
+ |
+ epo:Procedure -> epo:Buyer [0..*] |
+ epo:involvesProcurementDocument |
+ |
+ epo:AccessTerm -> epo:ProcurementDocument [0..1] |
+ epo:isBasedOnImplementingRegulation |
+ Indicates under which regulation a notice is created.
+ WG Acceptance 06/09/2022 |
+ epo:Notice -> at-voc:legal-basis [0..1] |
+ epo:isBeneficialOwnerOf |
+ A role of any natural person(s) who ultimately owns or controls the organisation or
+ on whose behalf a transaction or activity is being conducted.
+ Additional Information:
+ This role is defined in the directive EU 2015/849 and it's beyond the scope for public
+ eProcurement domain.
+ WG approval 14/09/2021 |
+ epo:Business [,0..*] <- person:Person |
+ epo:isCalculatedOn |
+ The monetary amount to which the multiplier factor is applied in calculating the amount
+ of this allowance or charge.
+ The monetary amount to which the multiplier factor is applied in calculating the amount
+ of this allowance or charge. |
+ epo:isExecutedByProcurementServiceProvider |
+ |
+ epo:Procedure -> epo:ProcurementServiceProvider [0..1] |
+ epo:isFundedBy |
+ Funding is provided either completely or partially by a Fund.
+ Additional information:
+ This corresponds in eForms to BG - 61 EU Funds (specified per Lot) and to BG - 611
+ Contract EU Funds (applied per Contract lot)
+ Funds may change between the lot and the contract, for example in the case of an emergency
+ crisis, a contract may be financed by a budget that was not foreseen in the call.
+ Funding is provided either completely or partially by a Fund.
+ Additional information:
+ This corresponds in eForms to BG - 61 EU Funds (specified per Lot) and to BG - 611
+ Contract EU Funds (applied per Contract lot)
+ Funds may change between the lot and the contract, for example in the case of an emergency
+ crisis, a contract may be financed by a budget that was not foreseen in the call.
+ |
+ epo:Contract -> epo:Fund [0..*] epo:ProcurementObject -> epo:Fund [0..*]
+ epo:isOwnedByAgent |
+ |
+ epo:System -> foaf:Agent [0..1] |
+ epo:isResponsibilityOfBuyer |
+ The buyer in charge of the procedure.
+ Additional Information:
+ In case there are multiple buyers, it may be the case that one or more buyers are
+ in charge of the procedure.
+ |
+ epo:Procedure -> epo:Buyer [0..*] |
+ epo:isSubjectToContractSpecificTerm |
+ |
+ epo:Contract -> epo:ContractSpecificTerm [0..*] |
+ epo:isSubjectToGrouping |
+ |
+ epo:Tender -> epo:LotGroup [0..1] |
+ epo:isSubjectToLotSpecificTerm |
+ |
+ epo:Lot -> epo:LotSpecificTerm [0..*] |
+ epo:isSubjectToProcedureSpecificTerm |
+ |
+ epo:Procedure -> epo:ProcedureSpecificTerm [1..*] |
+ epo:isSubjectToTerm |
+ |
+ epo:ProcurementObject -> epo:Term [0..*] |
+ epo:isSubmitedBy |
+ Relation indicating the submission of a tender by an economic operator.
+ WG approval 18/05/2021 |
+ epo:Tender -> epo:Tenderer [0..1] |
+ epo:isSubmittedForLot |
+ |
+ epo:Tender -> epo:Lot [1] |
+ epo:isSubmittedForLotGroup |
+ |
+ epo:TenderGroup -> epo:LotGroup [1] |
+ epo:issuedByCertifier |
+ Relation indicating the Certifier responsible for providing the ItemCertificate.
+ Additional Information:
+ Certifier is a role played by an organisation.
+ WG approval 26/07/2022 |
+ epo:Certificate -> epo:Certifier [0..1] |
+ epo:leadBy |
+ |
+ epo:OrganisationGroup -> org:Organization [0..1] |
+ epo:needsToBeATenderer |
+ The Winner must be a Tenderer. |
+ epo:Winner -> epo:Tenderer [0..1] |
+ epo:needsToBeAWinner |
+ The Contractor must be a Winner.
+ |
+ epo:Contractor -> epo:Winner [0..1] |
+ epo:ownsSystem |
+ |
+ epo:System [,0..*] <- foaf:Agent |
+ epo:playedBy |
+ |
+ epo:AgentInRole -> foaf:Agent [1] epo:JuryMember -> person:Person [0..1]
+ epo:providesContractTotalPaymentValue |
+ Additional Information:
+ This corresponds to BT-779 in eForms. |
+ epo:ContractLotCompletionInformation -> epo:MonetaryValue [0..1] |
+ epo:providesContractTotalPenaltyValue |
+ Additional Information:
+ This corresponds to BT-782 in eForms.
+ |
+ epo:ContractLotCompletionInformation -> epo:MonetaryValue [0..1] |
+ epo:providesRulingOnRemedy |
+ States the measures to be taken after a review procedure. |
+ epo:ReviewDecision -> at-voc:remedy-type [0..*] |
+ epo:refersToAwardDecision |
+ |
+ epo:refersToContract |
+ |
+ epo:ContractLotCompletionInformation -> epo:Contract [1] |
+ epo:refersToContractToBeModified |
+ |
+ -> epo:Contract [1] |
+ epo:refersToLot |
+ |
+ epo:Notice -> epo:Lot [1..*]
+ epo:refersToLotGroup |
+ |
+ epo:refersToLotGroupAwardInformation |
+ |
+ epo:refersToNotice |
+ |
+ epo:Notice -> epo:Notice [0..1] |
+ epo:refersToNoticeAwardInformation |
+ |
+ epo:refersToPlannedPart |
+ |
+ epo:AccessTerm -> epo:PlannedProcurementPart [0..*] |
+ epo:refersToPrevious |
+ |
+ epo:Document -> epo:Document [0..*] |
+ epo:refersToPreviousNotice |
+ Additional information:
+ This corresponds in eForms to BT-758 Change Notice Version Identifier. |
+ epo:ChangeInformation -> epo:Notice [1] |
+ epo:refersToPreviousProcedure |
+ Reference to a previous procedure.
+ Additional Information:
+ In the case of Direct Award Terms, this property points to a previous Procedure justifying
+ the use of Direct Award without a prior publication.
+ This corresponds in the eForms to BT-1252 Direct Award Justification Previous
+ Procedure Identifier |
+ epo:DirectAwardTerm -> epo:Procedure [0..1] |
+ epo:refersToPreviousProcedureLot |
+ Reference to one or more Lots in a previous procedure.
+ Additional Information:
+ In the case of Direct Award Terms, this property points to a previous Procedure justifying
+ the use of Direct Award without a prior publication.
+ This corresponds in the eForms to BT-1252 Direct Award Justification Previous
+ Procedure Identifier
+ WG Approval 22/11/2019 14:33:55 |
+ epo:DirectAwardTerm -> epo:Lot [0..*] |
+ epo:refersToPreviousReview |
+ Additional information:
+ This relation corresponds in eForms to BT-785 "Review Previous Identifier". |
+ epo:ReviewObject -> epo:ReviewObject [0..1] |
+ epo:refersToProcedure |
+ |
+ epo:Notice -> epo:Procedure [1]
+ epo:refersToProject |
+ |
+ -> epo:Project [0..1] |
+ epo:refersToRole |
+ |
+ -> epo:AgentInRole [0..*] |
+ epo:relatesToEFormSectionIdentifier |
+ |
+ epo:ChangeInformation -> adms:Identifier [1..*] epo:NonPublishedInformation -> adms:Identifier [1..*]
+ epo:requestsRemedyType |
+ Additional information:
+ This relation corresponds in eForms to BT-792 Review Remedy Type |
+ epo:ReviewRequest -> at-voc:remedy-type [0..*] |
+ epo:resolvesReviewRequest |
+ |
+ epo:ReviewDecision -> epo:ReviewRequest [1] |
+ epo:resultsFromLotAwardOutcome |
+ |
+ epo:DirectContract -> epo:LotAwardOutcome [0..*] epo:FrameworkAgreement -> epo:LotAwardOutcome [0..*]
+ epo:resultsFromMiniCompetitionAwardOutcome |
+ |
+ epo:PurchaseContract -> epo:MiniCompetitionAwardOutcome [0..1] |
+ epo:resultsFromUsingCandidateList |
+ |
+ epo:MiniCompetitionAwardOutcome -> epo:SelectedCandidateList [0..1] |
+ epo:setsGroupingContextForLot |
+ |
+ epo:LotGroup -> epo:Lot [1..*] |
+ epo:signedByBuyer |
+ |
+ epo:Contract -> epo:Buyer [0..*] |
+ epo:signedByContractor |
+ |
+ epo:Contract -> epo:Contractor [0..*] |
+ epo:signsAwardDecision |
+ |
+ epo:Buyer -> epo:AwardDecision [0..*] |
+ epo:specifiesBuyer |
+ |
+ epo:specifiesCatalogueProvider |
+ |
+ -> epo:CatalogueProvider [0..1] |
+ epo:specifiesCatalogueReceiver |
+ |
+ -> epo:CatalogueReceiver [0..1] |
+ epo:specifiesCleanVehicleDirectiveContractType |
+ |
+ epo:VehicleInformation -> at-voc:cvd-contract-type [0..1] |
+ epo:specifiesCleanVehicleDirectiveVehicleCategory |
+ |
+ epo:VehicleInformation -> at-voc:vehicle-category [0..1] |
+ epo:specifiesDeliverable |
+ |
+ epo:Contract -> [0..*] |
+ epo:specifiesProcurementCriteriaSummary |
+ |
+ epo:Procedure -> epo:ProcurementCriteriaSummary [0..*] |
+ epo:specifiesProcurementCriterion |
+ |
+ epo:Lot -> epo:ProcurementCriterion [0..*] epo:LotGroup -> epo:ProcurementCriterion [0..*]
+ epo:specifiesSubcontractors |
+ |
+ epo:Tender -> epo:Subcontractor [0..*] |
+ epo:substantiatesExclusionGround |
+ |
+ epo:Tenderer -> epo:ExclusionGround [0..1] |
+ epo:summarisesInformationForAwardOutcome |
+ Relates to submission for the given competition, either at Lot level or Mini-Competition
+ level.
+ WG approval 30/05/2023 |
+ epo:SubmissionStatisticalInformation -> epo:AwardOutcome [1] |
+ epo:updatesContractValue |
+ |
+ -> epo:MonetaryValue [0..1] |
+ epo:usesChannel |
+ |
+ epo:ProcurementElement -> cv:Channel [0..*] |
+ epo:usesTechnique |
+ |
+ epo:ProcurementObject -> epo:Technique [0..*] |
+ epo-cat:hasAmount |
+ The predetermined monetary value charged in addition to the price.
+ WG approval 26/07/2022 The predetermined monetary value charged in addition to the price.
+ WG approval 26/07/2022
+ |
+ epo-cat:hasBaseQuantity |
+ The quantity at which the net monetary value applies. |
+ -> epo:Quantity [0..1] |
+ epo-cat:hasCatalogueLineValidity |
+ |
+ -> epo:Period [0..1] |
+ epo-cat:hasCountryOfOrigin |
+ The source country of the product or service.
+ Additional Information:
+ The country of origin can be provided by the buyer as a requirement or by the tenderer
+ information of the item to be provided.
+ WG Approval 07/01/2020
+ |
+ -> at-voc:country [0..1] |
+ epo-cat:hasDeliveryLocation |
+ Location delivery area where the Item can be ordered to the given price.
+ |
+ -> dct:Location [0..1] |
+ epo-cat:hasExpectedDeliveryTime |
+ The expected amount of time between the order and delivery of an item.
+ WG approval 26/07/2022
+ |
+ -> epo:Duration [0..1] |
+ epo-cat:hasExternalSpecification |
+ URI reference to external item information or specifications, e.g. web address.
+ |
+ -> epo:Document [] |
+ epo-cat:hasMaximumOrderQuantity |
+ The maximum number of orderable units that can be ordered according to details provided
+ in the catalogue line, such as price.
+ |
+ -> epo:Quantity [0..1] |
+ epo-cat:hasMinimumQuantityGuaranteedForDelivery |
+ The minimum quantity of an item that is guaranteed by the seller to be delivered.
+ |
+ -> epo:Quantity [0..1] |
+ epo-cat:hasNetMonetaryValue |
+ The price amount of an Item exclusive of taxes and after substracting price discounts.
+ |
+ -> epo:MonetaryValue [1] |
+ epo-cat:hasNetQuantity |
+ The net quantity of the item that is contained in each consumable unit, excluding
+ any packaging materials.
+ |
+ -> epo:Quantity [0..1] |
+ epo-cat:hasOrderabableUnitFactorRate |
+ The factor by which the base unit of the price can be converted to orderable unit.
+ Additional information:
+ This is needed when the base price is provided different than the orderable unit.
+ For example, when selling paper, the price may be set per page, but the orderable
+ unit is a package of 500 pieces. Therefore the price needs to be converted to the
+ orderable unit.
+ |
+ -> epo:Quantity [0..1] |
+ epo-cat:hasPriceValidity |
+ The period of time when the Item can be ordered to the given price.
+ |
+ -> epo:Period [1] |
+ epo-cat:hasQualifiedValue |
+ Qualified value of the property, which is defined in a classification scheme.
+ Additional Information:
+ For example, the (0173-1#02-AAA026#007) drilling diameter of an item has value of
+ 12 inches.
+ WG approval 28/07/2022 |
+ -> epo:Quantity [0..1] |
+ epo-cat:hasQuantity |
+ |
+ epo-cat:hasQuantityThreshold |
+ The minimum quantity of the item that can be ordered to the given net monetary value. |
+ -> epo:Quantity [0..1] |
+ epo-cat:isSubordinatedToContract |
+ |
+ -> epo:Contract [0..1] |
+ epo-ful:agreedByBuyer |
+ |
+ -> epo:Buyer [1..*] |
+ epo-ful:hasCarrierConsignmentID |
+ |
+ -> adms:Identifier [0..1] |
+ epo-ful:hasChargeableWeight |
+ |
+ -> epo:Quantity [0..1] |
+ epo-ful:hasConsigneeConsignmentID |
+ |
+ -> adms:Identifier [0..1] |
+ epo-ful:hasConsignmentDeclaredStatisticsValue |
+ |
+ -> epo:MonetaryValue [0..1] |
+ epo-ful:hasConsignmentFreeOnBoardValue |
+ |
+ -> epo:MonetaryValue [0..1] |
+ epo-ful:hasConsignmentInvoiceValue |
+ Declared amount of the Consignment.
+ Additional Information:
+ This is a logistics information needed for logistics, security measures, customs check,
+ etc. |
+ -> epo:MonetaryValue [0..1] |
+ epo-ful:hasDeclaredStatisticalValue |
+ |
+ -> epo:MonetaryValue [0..*] |
+ epo-ful:hasDespatchedQuantity |
+ Quantity despatched for delivered. |
+ -> epo:Quantity [1] |
+ epo-ful:hasEstimatedDeliveryPeriod |
+ |
+ -> epo:Period [0..1] |
+ epo-ful:hasFreightForwarderConsignmentID |
+ |
+ -> adms:Identifier [0..1] |
+ epo-ful:hasGrossVolume |
+ |
+ epo-ful:hasGrossWeight |
+ |
+ epo-ful:hasHeight |
+ |
+ -> epo:Quantity [0..1] |
+ epo-ful:hasLength |
+ |
+ -> epo:Quantity [0..1] |
+ epo-ful:hasLoadingLength |
+ |
+ -> epo:Quantity [0..1] |
+ epo-ful:hasMaximumTemperature |
+ |
+ -> epo:Quantity [0..1] |
+ epo-ful:hasMinimumTemperature |
+ |
+ -> epo:Quantity [0..1] |
+ epo-ful:hasNetVolume |
+ |
+ -> epo:Quantity [0..1] |
+ epo-ful:hasNetWeight |
+ |
+ epo-ful:hasOutstandingQuantity |
+ |
+ -> epo:Quantity [0..1] |
+ epo-ful:hasTotalGoodsItemQuantity |
+ |
+ epo-ful:hasTraceID |
+ |
+ -> adms:Identifier [0..1] |
+ epo-ful:hasTrackingID |
+ |
+ -> adms:Identifier [0..1] |
+ epo-ful:hasTransportHandlingUnitQuantity |
+ |
+ -> epo:Quantity [0..1] |
+ epo-ful:hasVehicleID |
+ |
+ -> adms:Identifier [1] |
+ epo-ful:hasVehicleSegmentID |
+ |
+ -> adms:Identifier [0..1] |
+ epo-ful:hasWidth |
+ |
+ -> epo:Quantity [0..1] |
+ epo-ful:specifiesPlaceOfDespatch |
+ |
+ -> dct:Location [0..1] |
+ epo-not:announcesRole |
+ |
+ -> epo:AgentInRole [0..*] |
+ epo-not:refersToRole |
+ |
+ -> epo:AgentInRole [1..*] |
+ epo-ord:concernsContract |
+ |
+ -> epo:Contract [1] |
+ epo-ord:concernsOriginatorRequest |
+ |
+ -> epo:OriginatorRequest [0..1] |
+ epo-ord:hasAmountDueForPayment |
+ |
+ -> epo:MonetaryValue [1] |
+ epo-ord:hasDeliveryPeriod |
+ |
+ epo-ord:hasPrepaidAmount |
+ |
+ -> epo:MonetaryValue [0..1] |
+ epo-ord:hasRoundingAmount |
+ |
+ -> epo:MonetaryValue [0..1] |
+ epo-ord:hasTaxInformation |
+ |
+ epo:Contract -> [0..1] |
+ epo-ord:hasTotalAllowanceAmount |
+ |
+ -> epo:MonetaryValue [0..1] |
+ epo-ord:hasTotalChargeAmount |
+ |
+ -> epo:MonetaryValue [0..1] |
+ epo-ord:hasTotalLineAmount |
+ |
+ -> epo:MonetaryValue [1] |
+ epo-ord:hasTotalTaxExclusiveAmount |
+ |
+ -> epo:MonetaryValue [0..1] |
+ epo-ord:hasTotalTaxInclusiveAmount |
+ |
+ -> epo:MonetaryValue [0..1] |
+ epo-ord:implementsContract |
+ |
+ -> epo:Contract [0..1] |
+ epo-ord:specifiesBuyer |
+ |
+ -> epo:Buyer [0..1] |
+ epo-ord:specifiesDeliveryAgreementLocation |
+ |
+ -> dct:Location [0..1] |
+ epo-ord:specifiesPlaceOfDelivery |
+ |
+ -> dct:Location [0..1] |