diff --git a/benchmark/spe11a/r5_Cart_1mm_capmax2500Pa_strictol.txt b/benchmark/spe11a/r5_Cart_1mm_capmax2500Pa_strictol.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..601b631
--- /dev/null
+++ b/benchmark/spe11a/r5_Cart_1mm_capmax2500Pa_strictol.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+"""Set the full path to the flow executable and flags"""
+mpirun -np 32 flow --partition-method=2 --edge-weights-method=2 --imbalance-tol=1.1 --nonlinear-solver=nldd --matrix-add-well-contributions=1 --tolerance-mb=1e-7 --linear-solver=cpr_trueimpes --enable-tuning=false --solver-max-time-step-in-days=0.02 --enable-opm-rst-file=true --output-extra-convergence-info=steps,iterations --newton-min-iterations=1 --time-step-control-target-newton-iterations=2 --time-step-control-growth-rate=1.15 --time-step-control-decay-rate=0.85 --newton-max-iterations=6 --relaxed-max-pv-fraction=0 --min-strict-cnv-iter=8 --tolerance-cnv-relaxed=1e-2 --tolerance-cnv=1e-3 --local-domains-ordering-measure=residual --time-step-control=newtoniterationcount --use-update-stabilization=0 --enable-drift-compensation=0 --max-local-solve-iterations=50 --linear-solver-max-iter=50
+"""Set the model parameters"""
+spe11a master #Name of the spe case (spe11a, spe11b, or spe11c) and OPM Flow version (master or release)
+complete gaswater #Name of the co2 model (immiscible, convective [convective requires a Flow version newer than 22-08-2024], or complete) and co2store implementation (gaswater or gasoil [oil properties are set to water internally in OPM flow])
+cartesian #Type of grid (cartesian, tensor, or corner-point)
+2.8 0.01 1.2 #Length, width, and depth [m]
+2800 #If cartesian, number of x cells [-]; otherwise, variable array of x-refinment
+1 #If cartesian, number of y cells [-]; otherwise, variable array of y-refinment [-] (for spe11c)
+1200 #If cartesian, number of z cells [-]; if tensor, variable array of z-refinment; if corner-point, fix array of z-refinment (18 entries)
+20 20 #Temperature bottom and top rig [C]
+1.2 110000 1 #Pressure on the top [Pa] and multiplier for the permeability in the z direction [-]
+1e-9 1.6e-5 #Diffusion (in liquid and gas) [m^2/s]
+0 0 #Rock specific heat and density (for spe11b/c)
+0 0 0 #Added pore volume on top boundary (for spe11a [if 0, free flow bc]), pore volume on lateral boundaries, and width of buffer cell [m] (for spe11b/c)
+0 0 #Elevation of the parabola and back boundary [m] (for spe11c)
+"""Set the saturation functions"""
+(max(0, (s_w - swi) / (1 - swi))) ** 2 #Wetting rel perm saturation function [-]
+(max(0, (1 - s_w - sni) / (1 - sni))) ** 2 #Non-wetting rel perm saturation function [-]
+penmax * math.erf(pen * ((s_w-swi) / (1.-swi)) ** (-(1.0 / 2)) * math.pi**0.5 / (penmax * 2)) #Capillary pressure saturation function [Pa]
+(np.exp(np.flip(np.linspace(0, 5.0, npoints))) - 1) / (np.exp(5.0) - 1) #Points to evaluate the saturation functions (s_w) [-]
+"""Properties sat functions"""
+"""swi [-], sni [-], pen [Pa], penmax [Pa], npoints [-]"""
+SWI1 0.32 SNI1 0.1 PEN1 1500 PENMAX1 2500 NPOINTS1 1000
+SWI2 0.14 SNI2 0.1 PEN2 300 PENMAX2 2500 NPOINTS2 1000
+SWI3 0.12 SNI3 0.1 PEN3 100 PENMAX3 2500 NPOINTS3 1000
+SWI4 0.12 SNI4 0.1 PEN4 25 PENMAX4 2500 NPOINTS4 1000
+SWI5 0.12 SNI5 0.1 PEN5 10 PENMAX5 2500 NPOINTS5 1000
+SWI6 0.10 SNI6 0.1 PEN6 1 PENMAX6 2500 NPOINTS6 1000
+SWI7 0 SNI7 0 PEN7 0 PENMAX7 2500 NPOINTS7 2
+"""Properties rock"""
+"""K [mD], phi [-], disp [m]"""
+PERM1 44529.9988 PORO1 0.44 DISP1 1e-2
+PERM2 506624.985 PORO2 0.43 DISP2 1e-2
+PERM3 1013249.97 PORO3 0.44 DISP3 1e-2
+PERM4 2026499.95 PORO4 0.45 DISP4 1e-2
+PERM5 4052999.88 PORO5 0.43 DISP5 1e-2
+PERM6 10132499.7 PORO6 0.46 DISP6 1e-2
+PERM7 0 PORO7 0 DISP7 0
+"""Wells position"""
+"""radius (0 to use the SOURCE keyword instead of well keywords), x, y, and z position [m] (final positions as well for spe11c)"""
+0 0.9 0.005 0.3 #Well 1
+0 1.7 0.005 0.7 #Well 2
+"""Define the injection values ([hours] for spe11a; [years] for spe11b/c)"""
+"""injection time, time step size to write results, maximum solver time step, injected fluid (0 water, 1 co2) (well1), injection rate [kg/s] (well1), temperature [C] (well1), injected fluid (0 water, 1 co2) (well2), ..."""
+2.5 0.5 0.5 1 1.7e-7 20 1 0 20
+2.5 0.5 0.5 1 1.7e-7 20 1 1.7e-7 20
+115 1 1 1 0 20 1 0 20
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/docs/_images/benchmark_spe11a_performance.png b/docs/_images/benchmark_spe11a_performance.png
index 02eccb2..4be6887 100644
Binary files a/docs/_images/benchmark_spe11a_performance.png and b/docs/_images/benchmark_spe11a_performance.png differ
diff --git a/docs/_images/benchmark_spe11a_sparse_data.png b/docs/_images/benchmark_spe11a_sparse_data.png
index d994e5a..2f09e6a 100644
Binary files a/docs/_images/benchmark_spe11a_sparse_data.png and b/docs/_images/benchmark_spe11a_sparse_data.png differ
diff --git a/docs/_sources/benchmark.rst.txt b/docs/_sources/benchmark.rst.txt
index 69366ee..8d8b922 100644
--- a/docs/_sources/benchmark.rst.txt
+++ b/docs/_sources/benchmark.rst.txt
@@ -16,6 +16,8 @@ SPE11A
Corner-point grid of ca. 1 cm size (maximum capillary pressure of 2500 Pa instead of 95000 Pa following the remarks in the benchmark description)
* r4_Cart_1mm_capmax2500Pa
Uniform grid of 1 mm size (maximum capillary pressure of 2500 Pa instead of 95000 Pa following the remarks in the benchmark description)
+* r5_Cart_1mm_capmax2500Pa_strictol
+ Uniform grid of 1 mm size with stricter tolerances (maximum capillary pressure of 2500 Pa instead of 95000 Pa following the remarks in the benchmark description)
To run the cases in the terminal:
@@ -25,10 +27,13 @@ To run the cases in the terminal:
pyopmspe11 -i r2_Cart_1cm_capmax2500Pa.txt -o r2_Cart_1cm_capmax2500Pa -m all -g all -t 1 -r 280,1,120 -w 0.16666666666666666
pyopmspe11 -i r3_cp_1cmish_capmax2500Pa.txt -o r3_cp_1cmish_capmax2500Pa -m all -g all -t 1 -r 280,1,120 -w 0.16666666666666666
pyopmspe11 -i r4_Cart_1mm_capmax2500Pa.txt -o r4_Cart_1mm_capmax2500Pa -m all -g all -t 1 -r 280,1,120 -w 0.16666666666666666
+ pyopmspe11 -i r5_Cart_1mm_capmax2500Pa_strictol.txt -o r5_Cart_1mm_capmax2500Pa_strictol -m all -g all -t 1 -r 280,1,120 -w 0.16666666666666666
As mentioned in the `CSP description Uniform grid of 1 mm size with stricter tolerances (maximum capillary pressure of 2500 Pa instead of 95000 Pa following the remarks in the benchmark description) To run the cases in the terminal: As mentioned in the CSP description, using the maximum value of 2500 Pa instead of
95000 Pa does not significantly impact the results (comparing r1 and r2), and this choice also reduces the simulation time. In addition, the corner-point grid results (r3) compare
-very well to the fine-scale simulations (r4).SPE11A<
+pyopmspe11 -i r1_Cart_1cm.txt -o r1_Cart_1cm -m all -g all -t 1 -r 280,1,120 -w 0.16666666666666666
pyopmspe11 -i r2_Cart_1cm_capmax2500Pa.txt -o r2_Cart_1cm_capmax2500Pa -m all -g all -t 1 -r 280,1,120 -w 0.16666666666666666
pyopmspe11 -i r3_cp_1cmish_capmax2500Pa.txt -o r3_cp_1cmish_capmax2500Pa -m all -g all -t 1 -r 280,1,120 -w 0.16666666666666666
pyopmspe11 -i r4_Cart_1mm_capmax2500Pa.txt -o r4_Cart_1mm_capmax2500Pa -m all -g all -t 1 -r 280,1,120 -w 0.16666666666666666
+pyopmspe11 -i r5_Cart_1mm_capmax2500Pa_strictol.txt -o r5_Cart_1mm_capmax2500Pa_strictol -m all -g all -t 1 -r 280,1,120 -w 0.16666666666666666