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For the lastest installation instructions for this repo please see this blog post: IR TALES: THE QUEST FOR THE HOLY SIEM: SPLUNK + SYSMON + OSQUERY + ZEEK

Init Ansible playbook

  1. vim macos-workshop/ChooseYourSIEMAdventure/hosts.ini and add the Graylog server IP address under [splunk]
  2. vim macos-workshop/ChooseYourSIEMAdventure/group_vars/all.yml and set:
    1. base_domain<external_domain - group_vars/all.yml>
    2. timezone – OPTIONAL – The default timezone is UTC+0
    3. siem_username – Ignore this setting
    4. siem_password – Set the Splunk admin password
  3. vim macos-workshop/ChooseYourSIEMAdventure/group_vars/splunk.yml and set:
    1. hostname – Set the desired hostname for the server
    2. splunk_version – Set the desired version of Splunk to use
    3. splunk_dl_url – Set to the URL to download Splunk
    4. beats_port – OPTIONAL – Set the port to ingest logs using BEATs clients
    5. elastic_version – OPTIONAL – Set the desired version of Logstash to use with Splunk – best to leave as default
      1. elastic_repo_version – Change the repo version to install Logstash

Run Ansible playbook

  1. ansible-playbook -i hosts.ini deploy_splunk.yml -u ubuntu --key-file terraform/ssh_keys/id_rsa

Generate Let's Encrypt certificate

  1. SSH into Elastic EC2 instance
  2. sudo su
  3. apt install certbot python3-certbot-nginx -y
  4. certbot --nginx -d splunk.<external domain>
  5. Enter the e-mail for the admin of the domain
  6. Enter A for Terms of Service
  7. Enter N to share e-mail with EFF
  8. Enter 2 to redirect HTTP traffic to HTTPS
  9. Review NGINX config: /etc/nginx/conf.d/graylog.conf
  10. systemctl restart nginx

Create workshop user

  1. Open browser to https://splunk.<external domain> and login
  2. Enter admin for username
  3. Enter <siem_password> into Password
  4. Settings > Users and Authentication > Users
  5. Select "New User" in top right
  6. Enter threathunter into name
  7. Enter threathunter into full name
  8. Leave e-mail blank
  9. Enter a password for the user
  10. UNcheck Require password change on first login
  11. Create Splunk workshop user
  12. Select "Create user"

Create indexes

  1. Settings > Data > Indexes
  2. Select "New index" in the top right
  3. Enter osquery into Index name
  4. Select Events for Index Data Type
  5. Ensure "Search & Reporting" is selected for App
  6. Splunk create index
  7. Select "Save"
  8. Repeat for the test index

Install Osquery Splunk TA

  1. Apps > Find More Apps
  2. Search for osquery
  3. Select "Install" for add-on for Osquery
  4. Enter Splunk account credentials
  5. Install app
  6. Restart Splunk

Install Sysmon Splunk TA

  1. Apps > Find More Apps
  2. Search for Sysmon
  3. Select "Install" for Splunk Add-On for Microsoft Sysmon
  4. Enter Splunk account credentials
  5. Install app
  6. Restart Splunk

Create HEC tokens

  1. Settings > Data > Data inputs
  2. Type > HTTP Event Collector
  3. Select "New Token" in the top right
  4. Select Source
  5. Enter osquery-hec-token into Name
  6. splunk HEC setup source
  7. Select "Next"
  8. Input Settings
  9. Select osquery:results for sourcetype
  10. Select osquery for allowed indexes-
  11. splunk_hec_setup_input_settings
  12. Select "Next"
  13. Review
  14. Select "Next"
  15. Done
  16. Repeat for test index
  17. Settings > Data > Data inputs
  18. Type > HTTP Event Collector
  19. Copy HEC tokens

Setup Logstash with HEC tokens

  1. SSH into Splunk EC2 instance
  2. sudo su
  3. systemctl stop logstash
  4. rm /etc/logstash/conf.d/3*-output-*.conf
  5. Delete all the outputs
  6. curl --output 30-output-splunk-osquery.conf
  7. sed -i "s#{{ logstash_type }}#osquery_json#g" 30-output-splunk-osquery.conf
  8. Set Logstash type
  9. sed -i "s#{{ hec_token }}#<osquery-hec-token>#g" 30-output-splunk-osquery.conf
  10. Set Splunk HEC token
  11. sed -i "s#{{ splunk_source_type }}#osquery:results#g" 30-output-splunk-osquery.conf
  12. Set Splunk source type
  13. splunk_logstash_osquery_output


  • tail -f /var/log/logstash/logstash-plain

Clearing index data

  1. SSH into Splunk
  2. /opt/splunk/bin/splunk stop
  3. /opt/splunk/bin/splunk clean eventdata -index <index name>
