🟥 Add a file watcher for a possible recompilation 🟩 Make sure all libraries in -c compile to *.o. 🟥 Maybe add custom errors on Emfile based on key missing. 🟥 Revamp colors for text to be white bold and make sure error and success are colored properly. 🟥 Add incremental/individual compilation of files like make. 🟥 Rework makefile to be simpler and to align with em commands. 🟥 Add a logger mode where all commands results are explicitely displayed.
🟥 Maybe add an option for only installing missing dependencies. 🟥 Add a command option for libraries reinstall. 🟥 Add an automation that converts *nix paths (./dir/file) to File.join calls by splitting on '/'. 🟥 Add translation for status codes to actual errors in em run (11 for segfault and so on) 🟥 Handle json load errors. Failed to load or parse em.json: Unexpected token: } at line 21, column 5 parsing Emeralds::BuildConfig#warnings at line 20, column 7 parsing Emeralds::CompileFlags#debug at line 16, column 5 parsing Emeralds::Emfile#compile-flags at line 14, column 3
🟩 Allow for custom cflags inside of emfile.
🟩 Make sure em run
correctly outputs all results in stdout, stderr and stdin.
Otherwise just remove the command.
🟩 Do not include .o
files from dev-dependencies, only link normal deps (get from json list).
🟩 Use .a
static libraries one for specs and one for release.
🟩 In wget_a_gplv3_license, read license field in emfile and wget accordingly.
🟩 Abstract compilation command with option selection in custom function.
🟩 Made build process more robust using different C versions and flags, and standardizing to json.
🟩 Do not create new emerald when name already exists.
🟩 Do not em test when cSpec does not exist (throw error if libs/cSpec empty).
🟩 Validate that add
and init
options are valid string names (regex).
🟩 Fix colorize methods that clash (white bold does not apply when it follows another color).
🟩 In em loc, add a percentage that signifies how much is test code and source code accordingly.
🟩 Replace all direct paths with File.join.
🟩 Fix compilation error on generic_cmd.
🟩 Fix YamlReader case where key is not found.
🟩 On em add newfile
we should also generate tests.
🟩 Migrate into a .c/.h
pair architecture so when initting, we em add get_value
to return hello world.
🟩 Fix test code to include test file directly. When testing file.h we should directly include in file.spec.c/h along with cSpec.
🟩 Remove all direct cmd
commands and replace with cross platform crystal ones. (wget, git).
🟩 Make sure em/emeralds runs only when em.yml file exists.
🟩 Add an em loc all
🟩 Add an em run
command to run the executable in export.