+ {String.raw`docker exec -ti charon-distributed-validator-node-teku-1 /opt/teku/bin/teku voluntary-exit \
+ --beacon-node-api-endpoint="http://charon:3600/" \
+ --confirmation-enabled=false \
+ --validator-keys="/opt/charon/validator_keys:/opt/charon/validator_keys" \
+ --epoch=194048`}
+ The following executes an interactive command inside the Nimbus VC container. It copies all files and directories from the Keystore path /home/user/data/charon
to the newly created /home/user/data/wd
+ For each file in the /home/user/data/wd/secrets
directory, it:
+ Extracts the filename without the extension as the file name is the public key
+ Appends {String.raw`--validator=`}
to the command
+ Executes a program called nimbus_beacon_node
with the following arguments:
+ deposits exit
: Exits validators
+ $command
: The generated command string from the loop.
+ --epoch=194048
: The epoch upon which to submit the voluntary exit.
+ --rest-url=http://charon:3600/
: Specifies the Charon host:port
+ --data-dir=/home/user/charon/
: Specifies the Keystore path
which has all the validator keys. There will be a secrets
and a validators
folder inside it.
+ {String.raw`docker exec -it charon-distributed-validator-node-nimbus-1 /bin/bash -c '\
+ mkdir /home/user/data/wd
+ cp -r /home/user/data/charon/ /home/user/data/wd
+ command=""; \
+ for file in /home/user/data/wd/secrets/*; do \
+ filename=$(basename "$file" | cut -d. -f1); \
+ command+=" --validator=$filename"; \
+ done; \
+ /home/user/nimbus_beacon_node deposits exit $command --epoch=194048 --rest-url=http://charon:3600/ --data-dir=/home/user/data/wd/'`}
+ The following executes an interactive command inside the Loestar VC container to exit all validators. It executes
+ node /usr/app/packages/cli/bin/lodestar validator voluntary-exit
with the arguments:
+ --beaconNodes="http://charon:3600"
: Specifies the Charon host:port
+ --data-dir=/opt/data
: Specifies the folder where the key stores were imported.
+ --exitEpoch=194048
: The epoch upon which to submit the voluntary exit.
+ --network=mainnet
: Specifies the network.
+ --yes
: Skips confirmation prompt.
+ {String.raw`docker exec -it charon-distributed-validator-node-lodestar-1 /bin/sh -c 'node /usr/app/packages/cli/bin/lodestar validator voluntary-exit --beaconNodes="http://charon:3600" --dataDir=/opt/data --exitEpoch=194048 --network=mainnet --yes'`}