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Sample which demonstrates an Office 365 Connector which generates and sends notifications for teams channel.
contentType createdDate
11/11/2021 11:30:17 PM


The existing Microsoft 365 (previously called Office 365) connectors across all cloud platforms are nearing deprecation, and the creation of new Microsoft 365 connectors will soon be blocked. For more information on the schedule and how the Workflows app provides a more flexible and secure experience, see retirement of Microsoft 365 connectors within Microsoft Teams.

Microsoft Teams Sample Connector Todo

This is a sample connector application which demonstarates how to add authentication to connector configuration page and send notification on task creation.

Included Features

  • Connectors

Interaction with bot



  • Microsoft Teams is installed and you have an account (not a guest account)
  • NodeJS
  • dev tunnel or ngrok latest version or equivalent tunneling solution
  • M365 developer account or access to a Teams account with the appropriate permissions to install an app.


Note these instructions are for running the sample on your local machine.

  1. Run ngrok - point to port 3978

    ngrok http 3978 --host-header="localhost:3978"

    Alternatively, you can also use the dev tunnels. Please follow Create and host a dev tunnel and host the tunnel with anonymous user access command as shown below:

    devtunnel host -p 3978 --allow-anonymous
  2. Clone the repository

    git clone
  3. Install node modules

    Navigate to samples/connector-todo-notification/nodejs

    Inside node js folder, open your local terminal and run the below command to install node modules. You can do the same in Visual Studio code terminal by opening the project in Visual Studio code.

    npm install
  4. Configure your own connector :

Note:The below gif file shows a simple implementation of a connector registration implementation. It also sends a connector card to the registered connector via a process triggered "externally". Connector_Configuration

  1. Register a new connector in the Connector Developer Portal

  2. Fill in all the basic details such as name, logo, descriptions etc. for the new connector.

  3. For the configuration page, you'll use our sample code's setup endpoint: https://[BASE_URI]/connector/SimpleAuth

  4. For Valid domains, make entery of your domain's https URL, e.g.

  5. Click on Save. After the save completes, you will see your connector id.

  6. Using Azure AD

    • Go to the Application Registration Portal and sign in with the your account to create an application.

    • Navigate to Authentication under Manage and add the following redirect URLs:

    • https://<your_tunnel_domain>/SimpleEnd

    • Additionally, under the Implicit grant subsection select Access tokens and ID tokens

    • Click on Expose an API under Manage. Select the Set link to generate the Application ID URI in the form of api://{AppID}. Insert your fully qualified domain name (with a forward slash "/" appended to the end) between the double forward slashes and the GUID. The entire ID should have the form of: api://<your_ngrok_domain>/{AppID}

    • Navigate to API Permissions, and make sure to add the following delegated permissions:

      • User.Read
      • email
      • offline_access
      • openid
      • profile
    • Scroll to the bottom of the page and click on "Add Permissions".

  7. Setting up .env configuration

    • Update the .env configuration with the ClientId and BaseUrl

    Note: ClientId is your Microsoft-App-ID and BaseUrl if you are using ngrok it would be and if you are using dev tunnels, your URL will be like:

  8. Run your app for server and client

    npm start
  9. This step is specific to Teams.

  • Edit the manifest.json contained in the appManifest folder to replace your ConnectorId field in ~/appManifest/manifest.json file with your ConnectorId in connectors section.
    • Edit the manifest.json for validDomains. if you are using ngrok it would be then your domain-name will be and if you are using dev tunnels then your domain will be

      Example :

        "connectors": [
          "connectorId": "<<CONNECTOR_ID>>",
          "configurationUrl": "https://<<VALID-DOMAIN>>/Connector/Setup"
    • Zip up the contents of the appManifest folder to create a (Make sure that zip file does not contains any subfolder otherwise you will get error while uploading your .zip package)

    • Upload the to Teams (In Teams Apps/Manage your apps click "Upload an app". Browse to and Open the .zip file. At the next dialog, click the Add button.)

    • Add the app to personal/team/groupChat scope (Supported scopes)

Running the sample

Setup your App in Teams setup

Click to Setup a Connector as given in the below image. Setup_connector

Sign In. Connector_App_SigIn

Welcome message after successfull SignIn Welcome_Save

Now connector todo is configured. Added_to_channel

Task Details will displayed. Task_details

Click Create button to create a new task. Task_Creation

Task add successfull message. Task_Added_Successfully

Created task list will displayed as below image shows. Task_List

This is notify you in the channel group. Task_Notification

Further Information