Thesis work of Oganyan Robert. Fourth (final) year of study, 8th term.
In this project we work with terms with help of an abstract syntax tree.
The lambda calculus interpreter has such functions:
- Generating the number of possible terms and generate k-th random term.
- Checking the correctness of the beta reductions with tests.
- Replacing combinators with their representation in terms.
- Doing beta-reduction procedure to the input term in different reduction strategies (normal strategy, call by name, call by value).
Also I did some experiments on all possible closed lambda terms and wrote the papers about that:
- "Analysis of normal forms in lambda calculus"
- "Comparison of different reduction (evaluation) strategies"
Implemented with C++17, JetBrains Clion.
Rules of beta-reduction interpreter.
Running written tests.
Counting all possible terms.
Generating k-th random term.
Making beta-reduction in different strategies. The interpreter also supports 2 types of input.