// MARK: - Applicative implementation.
extension Array {
func apply<U>(fs: [(Element) -> U]) -> [U] {
var result = [U]()
for f in fs {
for element in self.map(f) {
return result
extension Optional {
func apply<U>(f: ((Wrapped) -> U)?) -> U? {
switch f {
case .some(let someF): return self.map(someF)
case .none: return .none
// MARK: - Examples
let array = [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6], [7]]
let optional: Int?? = 1
let applicativeFunc: ((Int) -> String)? = String.init
// MARK: Results
// -- Functor
// ---- Unwraps the value from the outer context,
// then apply the modifying function to the value,
// and wraps the new value to the outer context. (applied one level deep contexts)
print("----- Functor Examples -----")
print("Array: ", array.map { $0 })
print("Optional: ", optional.map { $0 } ?? "Optional(nil)")
// -- Applicative
// ---- Unwraps the value and modifying function from the outer context,
// then apply the modifying function to the value,
// and wraps the new value to the outer context. (applied one level deep contexts)
print("----- Applicative Examples -----")
print("Array: ", array.apply(fs: [String.init]))
print("Optional: ", optional.flatMap { $0 }.apply(f: applicativeFunc) ?? "nil")
// -- Monad
// ---- Flattens nested contexts by looping contexts until reaching the value,
// then apply the modifying function to the value,
// and wraps the new value to the outer context. (applied nested contexts)
print("----- Monad Examples -----")
print("Array: ", array.flatMap { $0 })
print("Optional: ", optional.flatMap { $0 } ?? "nil")