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278 lines (246 loc) · 13.3 KB

File metadata and controls

278 lines (246 loc) · 13.3 KB
  • weak doesn't keep reference, it keeps child so that if parent is deallocated from memory, weak variable will be nil automatically. Example
  • unowned is basically weak! use unowned If you are sure parent won't be deallocated during childs lifecycle. Example
  • struct can't be referenced. Therefore, you can't use weak or unowned for struct.
  • If a class passed into a function without using weak or unowned, this function will keep a strong reference of this class and will release it as soon as execution is completed. Example
  • If a class passed into a function by using weak, function will break during execution(return nil), if parent reference is deallocated from memory.Example
  • Computed properties behaves as functions.
  • If functions(closures) are stored in a property, they will keep strong references inside them and this may cause retain cycles, if weak and unowned not used. Example
  • Property observers aren’t called when ARC sets a weak reference to nil.

Image below gives an opinion on how weak variables behave. Object will be allocated and deallocated immediately, because there is no strong reference to keep that object in the memory. weakInterview

  • Solution for retain cycles caused by passing a reference of class in a stored property, without using weak and unowned.
    // WRONG WAY! X
    class Person {
        var bag: Bag?
        var age: Int
        init(bag: Bag?, age: Int = 15) { self.age = age; self.bag = bag; print("Person init") }
        deinit { print("Person deinit") } // called if there is 0 reference count.
    class Bag {
        var person: Person?
        var count: Int
        init(person: Person?, count: Int = 5) { self.person = person; self.count = count; print("Bag init") }
        deinit { print("Bag deinit") } // called if there is 0 reference count.
    var person1 = Person(bag: Bag())
    // Bag init - Bag() Reference count: 1 (person1.bag)
    // Person init - Person() Reference count: 1 (person1)
    person3.bag = nil // Bag deinit - Bag() Reference count: 0
    var person2: Person? = Person() // Person init - Person() Reference count: 1 (person2)
    var bag2: Bag? = Bag() // Bag init - Bag() Reference count: 1 (bag2)
    person2.bag = bag2 // Bag() Reference count: 2 (bag2, person2.bag)
    bag2 = nil // Bag() Reference count: 1 (person2.bag)
    person2 = nil // Person deinit - Person() Reference count: 0 // Bag deinit - Bag() Reference count: 0
    var person3: Person? = Person() // Person init - Person() Reference count: 1 (person3)
    var bag3: Bag? = Bag() // Bag init - Bag() Reference count: 1 (bag3)
    person3.bag = bag3 // Bag() Reference count: 2 (bag3, person3.bag)
    bag3.person = person3 // Person() Reference count: 2 (person3, bag3.person)
    bag3 = nil // Bag() Reference count: 1 (person3.bag)
    person3 = nil // Person() Reference count: 1 (bag3.person)
    // now you are unable to reach these references due to bag3 and person3 is nil. Instead you should have done like below or use weak/unowned
    var person4: Person? = Person() // Person init - Person() Reference count: 1 (person4)
    var bag4: Bag? = Bag() // Bag init - Bag() Reference count: 1 (bag4)
    person4.bag = bag4 // Bag() Reference count: 2 (bag4, person4.bag)
    bag4.person = person4 // Person() Reference count: 2 (person4, bag4.person)
    bag4.person = nil // Person() Reference count: 1 (person4)
    person4.bag = nil // Bag() Reference count: 1 (bag4)
    bag4 = nil // Bag deinit - Bag() Reference count: 0
    person4 = nil // Person deinit - Person() Reference count: 0
  • Solution for retain cycles caused by passing a reference of class in a stored property, by using weak.
    class Person {
        weak var bag: Bag? // bu property buna kopyalanan property memory'de olduğu sürece olur, childi gibi düşünebilirsin
        var age: Int
        init(bag: Bag?, age: Int = 15) { self.age = age; self.bag = bag; print("Person init") }
        deinit { print("Person deinit") } // called if there is 0 reference count.
    class Bag {
        weak var person: Person? // This is a child property, if parent deallocated from memory, automatically child will too. It isn't a reference so It doesn't increase reference count.
        var count: Int
        init(person: Person?, count: Int = 5) { self.person = person; self.count = count; print("Bag init") }
        deinit { print("Bag deinit") } // called if there is 0 reference count.
    weak var person1 = Person() // Parent(Person()) isn't allocated anywhere in memory, so person1 will suddently deallocated(person1 == nil).
    // Person init
    // Person deinit
    unowned var person2 = Person() // Parent(Person()) isn't allocated anywhere in memory, so person1 will suddently deallocated with an error(person2 != nil).
    // Person init
    // Person deinit
    var person3 = Person(bag: Bag()) // Parent(Bag()) isn't allocated anywhere in memory, so person3.bag will suddently deallocated
    // Bag init
    // Person init
    // Bag deinit
    var person4: Person? = Person() // Person init - Person() Reference count: 1 (person4)
    var bag4: Bag? = Bag() // Bag init - Bag() Reference count: 1 (bag4)
    person4!.bag = bag4 //  Bag() Reference count: 1 (bag4) - person4!.bag is child of bag4
    bag4!.person = person4 //  Person() Reference count: 1 (person4) - bag!.person4 is child of person4
    bag4 = nil // Bag deinit - Bag() Reference count: 0
    person!.bag == nil // true - Parent is denitiliazed so the child.
  • Solution for retain cycles caused by passing a reference of class in a stored property, by using unowned.
    class Person {
        weak var bag: Bag? // This is a child reference of a Strong Reference so that doesn't increase reference count of its parent.
        var age: Int
        init(bag: Bag?, age: Int = 15) { self.age = age; self.bag = bag; print("Person init") }
        deinit { print("Person deinit") } // called if there is 0 reference count.
    class Bag {
        unowned var person: Person // This is a child property, It isn't a reference so It doesn't increase reference count. We must be sure that parent of person will never be nil before bag.
        var count: Int
        init(person: Person?, count: Int = 5) { self.person = person; self.count = count; print("Bag init") }
        deinit { print("Bag deinit") } // called if there is 0 reference count.
    var person1: Person? = Person() // Person init - Person() Reference count: 1 (person1)
    var bag1: Bag? = Bag() // Bag init - Bag() Reference count: 1 (bag1)
    person1!.bag = bag1 // Bag() Reference count: 1 (bag1) - person1!.bag is child of bag1
    bag1!.person = person1 // Person() Reference count: 1 (person1) - bag1!.person is child of person1
    person1 = nil // Person deinit - Person() Reference count: 0
    // Error: unowned bag1!.person cannot be nil!
    var person2: Person? = Person() // Person init - Person() Reference count: 1 (person1)
    var bag2: Bag? = Bag() // Bag init - Bag() Reference count: 1 (bag1)
    person2!.bag = bag2 // Bag() Reference count: 1 (bag1) - person1!.bag is child of bag1
    bag2!.person = person2 // Person() Reference count: 1 (person1) - bag1!.person is child of person1
    bag2 = nil // Bag deinit - Bag() Reference count: 0
    person2 = nil // Person deinit - Person() Reference count: 0
  • Solution for retain cycles caused by passing a reference of class or self in a function(closure) by using weak.
    // WRONG WAY! X
    class Blog {
        let name: String
        let url: URL
        var publishedPosts:[String] = [String]()
        init(name: String, url: URL) { = name; self.url = url }
        func publish(post: String) {
            // Faking a networking request with this delay
            DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + 3) {
                print("Published post count is now: \(self.publishedPosts.count)")
        deinit { print("Blog deinit") }
    var blog: Blog? = Blog(name: "Weak and Unowned", url: URL(string: ""))
    blog?.publish(post: "Explaining weak and unowned self") // will be fired 3 seconds later
    blog = nil // fired now
    // Outputs: 3 seconds later
    // Published post count is now: 1
    // Blog deinit - DispatchQueue closure kept our self(Blog()) alive untill closure finishes (3 seconds).
    class Blog {
        let name: String
        let url: URL
        var publishedPosts:[String] = []()
        init(name: String, url: URL) { = name; self.url = url }
        func publish(post: String) {
            // Faking a networking request with this delay
            DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + 3) { [weak self] // we cannot use unowned here, because we know Blog() may be deallocated from memory before our closure finishes.
                print("Published post count is now: \(self?.publishedPosts.count)")
        deinit { print("Blog deinit") }
    var blog: Blog? = Blog(name: "Weak and Unowned", url: URL(string: "")!)
    blog?.publish(post: "Explaining weak and unowned self") // will be fired 3 seconds later
    blog = nil // fired now
    // Outputs
    // Blog deinit
    // 3 seconds later
    // Published post count is now: nil
    // This is more appropriate approach to the Networking, we would stop networking if the class who calls it is deallocated.
  • Solution for retain cycles caused by passing a reference of class or self in a function(closure), which is stored in a property, by using weak.
    // WRONG WAY X
    class Blog {
        let name: String
        let url: URL
        var owner: Blogger?
        var publishedPosts:[String] = [String]()
        var onPublish: ((_ post: String) -> Void)?
        init(name: String, url: URL) {
 = name
          self.url = url
          onPublish = { post in
            print("Published post count is now: \(self.publishedPosts.count)")
        func publish(post: String) {
            DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + 3) { [weak self] // we cannot use unowned here, because we know Blog() may be deallocated from memory before our closure execution completed.
                // Faking a networking request with this delay
        deinit { print("Blog deinit") }
    var blogger: Blogger? = Blogger(name: "Oguz Yuksel")
    var blog: Blog? = Blog(name: "Weak and Unowned", url: URL(string: "")!) // Blog init - Blog() Reference count: 2 (blog, blog.onPublish )
    blog = nil // Blog() Reference count: 1 (blog.onPublish) - you can't reach this reference anymore(Memory Leak!).
    class Blog {
        let name: String
        let url: URL
        var owner: Blogger?
        var publishedPosts:[String] = [String]()
        var onPublish: ((_ post: String) -> Void)?
        init(name: String, url: URL) {
 = name
          self.url = url
          onPublish = { [unowned self] post in // we must use unowned here because this is not async work. Therefore, Blog() cannot be deallocated from memory before our function  execution completed.
            print("Published post count is now: \(self.publishedPosts.count)")
        func publish(post: String) {
            DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + 3) { [weak self] // we cannot use unowned here, because we know Blog() may be deallocated from memory before our closure finishes.
                // Faking a networking request with this delay
        deinit { print("Blog deinit") }
    var blogger: Blogger? = Blogger(name: "Oguz Yuksel")
    var blog: Blog? = Blog(name: "Weak and Unowned", url: URL(string: "")!) // Blog init - Blog() Reference count: 1 (blog) - blog!.onPublish(self) is child of blog!
    blog1 = nil // Blog() Reference count: 0
  • Comparation between unowned and weak.
    class Blog {
       let name: String
       let url: URL
       var owner: Blogger?
       var publishedPosts:[String] = [String]()
       var onPublish: ((_ post: String) -> Void)?
       var isPublished: Bool = false
       init(name: String, url: URL) { = name
         self.url = url
         onPublish = { [unowned self] post in // we must use unowned here because this is not async work. Therefore, Blog() cannot be deallocated from memory before our function  execution completed.
           print("Published post count is now: \(self.publishedPosts.count)")
           DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + 3) { [weak self] // we cannot use unowned here, because we know Blog() may be deallocated from memory before our closure finishes.
               self?.isPublished = true
       func publish(post: String) {
           // Faking a networking request with this delay
           DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + 3) { [weak self] // we cannot use unowned here, because we know Blog() may be deallocated from memory before our closure finishes.
       deinit { print("Blog deinit") }