Edutainment is a SwiftUI-based educational app designed to help users practice multiplication tables in a fun and interactive way. The app allows users to select a multiplication table and the number of questions they want to attempt, then provides a series of questions for them to answer.
- Select Multiplication Table: Choose a multiplication table from 2 to 12.
- Select Number of Questions: Choose from 5, 10, or 20 questions per session.
- Interactive Questioning: Answer multiplication questions and receive immediate feedback.
- Score Tracking: Keep track of your score throughout the session.
- Animations: Smooth transitions between different states of the app for an engaging user experience.
- Xcode: Make sure you have Xcode installed on your Mac.
- iOS Simulator or Device: You'll need either an iOS simulator or a physical iOS device to run the app.
- Clone the Repository:
git clone
- Open the Project:
Navigate to the project directory and open
in edutainment open Edutainment.xcodeproj
- Run the App: Select the target device or simulator and click the run button in Xcode.
Welcome Screen:
- Select the multiplication table you want to practice using the stepper.
- Choose the number of questions you want to answer using the segmented picker.
- Press the "Generate Questions" button to start the quiz.
Answer Questions:
- A multiplication question will be displayed.
- Enter your answer in the text field and press "Submit Answer".
- You will receive feedback on whether your answer is correct or incorrect.
- Proceed to the next question or end the game based on your choice.
End of Game:
- At the end of the session, your score will be displayed along with the total number of questions answered.
- Press "New Game" to start a new session.
- ContentView.swift: Main view containing the entire game logic and UI.
- State Variables: Manage the state of the game including selected table, question count, current question, user answers, score, and game status.
- Functions:
: Generates a new multiplication question.answerQuestion()
: Checks the user's answer and updates the score.
Contributions are welcome! If you have suggestions for improvements or new features, feel free to fork the repository and submit a pull request.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.
- Thanks to the Swift and SwiftUI community for their excellent resources and support.
- Hacking with Swift for providing the project inspiration.
- Inspired by educational apps that make learning fun and interactive.