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Brawlator Github Action Reliability Rating License sponge version

This is a Sponge Minecraft plugin designed to create custom monster spawners in your world, or replace default spawning monsters.
There are three things you can customize with Brawlator:

  • Custom monsters (pick their name, equipments and stats)
  • Custom spawners (choose the spawn frequency, range and maximum amount of monsters)
  • Custom loots (customize your spawned monsters loot. Can optionally use our itemizer)


This plugin needs a sponge server 1.12. Download our latest release and copy it into your server's mods/ folder. Then restart your server.
Check in the /config/brawlator/ folder if default configuration is properly copied, and you should notice server logs mentionning the proper plugin loaded.


  • /brawlator vision: Activate monstrovision for yourself to see Brawlator spawners particles, otherwise invisible.
  • /brawlator invoke <name> [<position>]: Spawn a preconfigured monster (or a vanilla one) at your position or at a given position.
    Permission: brawlator.command.invoke
  • /brawlator spawner create <spawnerType> <monsterName>: Create a spawner at your position with given type and monster.
    Permission: brawlator.command.spawner
  • /brawlator spawner delete: Delete all spawners in the few blocks around you.
    Permission: brawlator.command.spawner

Configuration files

Brawlator use different configuration files. When starting your server with the plugin the first time, it will generate default ones with example values.


Miscellaneous config for brawlator: right now it only contains one setting:

  • enableNaturalSpawning: If false, natural spawning will entirely be disabled (defaults to true)


Used to generate custom monsters with special attributes. You can still use vanilla monsters, but the configured one can have custom data and stats.

  • damage: Damage points the monster is able to deal
  • hp: Monster health points
  • knockbackResistance: Monster resistance to knockback
  • name: Name to identify the monster (used when issuing commands. if you include whitespace, don't forget to wrap it with "" when issuing in-game commands)
  • speed: Monster speed
  • type: Monster base type
  • pools: Array of loot pooltables id for additionnal loot; refer to loot configuration
  • equipments: Equipments that the monster will held
  • naturalSpawn: Used to replace a "natural" monster spawn with this custom monster. If the conditions are met, natural spawned monsters of the same type will use this configuration instead. Only if "enableNaturalSpawning" set to true.
    • biomeType: Type of biome when the spawn replacement can happen (like minecraft:forest, see possible biomes). If set, the replacement can only occur in the given biome.
    • probability: Chance for a spawn to be replaced. Only applied if conditions are met (and monster type is the same). Between 0 and 1 suffixed by "d" for decimals (ex: 0.2d).
    • maxHeight: Max height to prevent the replacement from happening above the specified height


Used for custom spawners stats. To create a spawner you will need a monster from monsters.conf as well as a spawner from spawners.conf.

  • quantityMax: Max simultaneous monster count who can come from that spawner
  • name: Spawner type name (used when issuing commands)
  • maxSpawnRange: Max range the monster can spawn around the spawner
  • maxRoamRange: Max range the monster can roam around the spawner without despawning (0 for unlimited)
  • rate: Minimum amount of seconds before the next spawn is allowed


Loot tables to add additionnal loot for custom monsters.

  • probability Probability that the loot table will be triggered, between 0 and 1. If not triggered, none of the loots below can happen
  • name Identifier for the loot table
  • loot Array with the possible loots
    • weight Probability within the loot table that the given item can drop, between 0 and 1.
      It goes from the first element to the last by increasing the current weight.
      If we roll a 0.7 and the first weight is 0.5, it is skipped. If the second weight is 0.3, then our roll is matched (0.7 < 0.5 + 0.3) and the second item drops. Therefore, items with cumulated weight exceeding a total of 1 will never drop.
    • type If you want a standard minecraft item to drop. Specify a string like "minecraft:cobblestone"
    • ref If Itemizer is present on the server, will give an item represented within Itemizer by that ref id
    • poolId If Itemizer is present on the server, will trigger an Itemizer pool and match its result