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Real Time Data Configuration Guide

barbeau edited this page Aug 3, 2012 · 26 revisions

While OneBusAway can work with just static schedule data, all the most interesting features require real-time transit information. Below is information about the various real-time data formats that OneBusAway supports.


We support GTFS-realtime out of the box, including support for trip updates, vehicle positions, and alerts. To add support, create a GtfsRealtimeSource bean in your data-sources.xml file. Then specify URLs for the three different types of GTFS-realtime data as properties of the bean.

Here is a full example:

<bean class="org.onebusaway.transit_data_federation.impl.realtime.gtfs_realtime.GtfsRealtimeSource">
  <property name="tripUpdatesUrl" value="http://url/to/gtfs-realtime/trip-updates" />
  <property name="vehiclePositionsUrl" value="http://url/to/gtfs-realtime/vehicle-positions" />
  <property name="alertsUrl" value="http://url/to/gtfs-realtime/alerts" />
  <!-- Optionally set the refresh interval - how often we query the URLs, in seconds (default=30) -->
  <property name="refreshInterval" value="30"/>
  <!-- Optionally configure the agency id we use to match incoming data -->
  <property name="agencyId" value="SomeAgencyId" />
  <property name="agencyIds>

You can additionally specify a refreshInterval that controls how often we query the URLs, in seconds. If you are deploying a multi-agency instance of OneBusAway, you may also need to specify the agencyId or agencyIds of the transit agency to associate the incoming GTFS-realtime data with. This allows you to define multiple incoming GTFS-realtime data-sources from different agencies in the same system.


We support SIRI out of the box, including support for vehicle monitoring (VM) and situation exchange (SX). To add support, create a SiriController bean in your data-sources.xml file. Then specify /onebusaway-siri/${onebusaway-siri-version}/cli-request-spec.html}SIRI endpoint requests indicating your SIRI data-source.

Here is a full example:

<!-- The "name" parameter controls which URL the SIRI client listens for pub-sub data.  See "clientUrl" below. -->
<bean name="/siri.action" class="org.onebusaway.transit_data_federation_webapp.siri.SiriController">
  <!-- Specify the SIRI endpoint -->
  <property name="endpoint" value="Url=http://host/siri-endpoing.xml,ModuleType=VEHICLE_MONITORING" />
  <!-- Or you can specify a series of endpoints -->
  <property name="endpoints">
  <!-- Control the URL your SIRI client publically broadcasts to endpoints for pub-sub data exchange -->
  <property name="clientUrl" value="http://localhost:8080/onebusaway-transit-data-federation-webapp/remoting/siri.action" />  
  <!-- Want to see what's going on behind the scenes with SIRI XML messages? -->
  <property name="logRawXmlType" value="CONTROL"/>

ACS Orbital - OrbCAD

A number of agencies have ACS Orbital - Orbcad AVL systems. Some agencies have configured the data-export option of these systems to spit out a CSV file of vehicle locations and schedule deviations for all the vehicles in their fleet, which is then shared through a webserver. OneBusAway supports data of this form. To add support, create a OrbcadRecordHttpSource bean in your data-sources.xml file. Then specify the URL for your real-time data file.

Here is a full example:

<bean class="org.onebusaway.transit_data_federation.impl.realtime.orbcad.OrbcadRecordHttpSource">
  <property name="url" value="http://host/busdata.txt" />
  <!-- Optionally configure the agency id we use to match incoming data -->
  <property name="agencyIds">


Back in the day, OneBusAway supported just one kind of real-time data: the legacy MyBus system used by King County Metro. If you want to relive the glory days (and the MyBus servers are still up), you can enable the MyBus real-time feed by adding the following bean to your data-sources.xml file:

<bean id="king_county_metro_avl" class="org.onebusaway.transit_data_federation.impl.realtime.mybus.TimepointPredictionServiceImpl" />

Custom Implementation