MiKTeX installation and packages for the Open Systems Pharmacology Suite. Please refer to the MiKTex project page: http://miktex.org.
Following packages will be installed on top of the standard MikTeX installation:
- xcolor
- adjustbox
- float}
- pdflscape
- grffile
- tab
- longtable
- needspace
- caption
- threeparttablex
- textcom
- hyperre
- fancyhd
- lastpag
- draftwatermar
- geometr
- tik
- sectsty
- placeins
- tcolorbox
- pgfplot
- siunit
MiKTeX is developed as a joint effort by all TeX user groups, and we encourage you, dear reader to join their a user group if you want to know more about MixTex. See http://www.tug.org/usergroups.html for a list of TeX user groups.