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YaTTI Custom Knowledgebase System

YaTTI builds and maintains knowledgebases in various focussed fields.

Available knowledgebases at the moment are:

appliedanthropology garydean jakartapost okusiassociates seculardharma The YaTTI API endpoint is


Requires Ubuntu 24.04, git, curl, urlencode and jq.

sudo apt install gridsite-clients curl jq git

Installation One-liner:

cd /tmp && git clone && sudo kb-query/kb-query.install

Query API

To query a knowledgebase, syntax is in this general form:

curl -s "{knowledgebase}?q={query}&{context_only}"

There are two parameters; q and context_only.

The q parameter is the text of your query. In curl, you must ensure the text is url encoded.

If context_only is set, then only the context is returned by the API; no LLM query is performed.

context_only is optional. If not set, then the API returns the contents of a query that has used context from the knowledgebase.

query="What is a dharma?"

curl -H "Accept: application/json" \
     -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
     -s "$kb/?q=\$(urlencode "$query")&$context_only" \
     | jq -r $fields

Test Script kb-query.test

`kb-query.test` is a full test script with explanations:
## !/usr/env /usr/local/bin/scripttour
# These are the essentials for accessing
# YaTTI CustomKB knowledgebases using simple
# curl directives to

# This is the knowledgebase to access:

# This is the user/system query:
query="What is a 'dharma'?"

# If context_only is set to 'context_only' then
# only the text segments from the knowledgebase
# are returned.

# To break up the json output into separate fields
# you need to specify the fields you wish to see.
# '.response' is usually the best default.
# The other fieldnames are: kb, query, context_only,
# elapsed_seconds, error, and '.'.
# Use '.' to return all fields.
# If no fields are specified, then kb-query prints
# out the value of .response.
fields=( .query .response )

# Call the YaTTI Knowledgebase API using 'kb-query'
kb-query "$kb" "$query" "${fields[@]}"

# Or you can use 'curl' directly
#curl -H "Accept: application/json" \
#     -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
#     -s "$kb/?q=$(urlencode "$query")&$context_only" \
#     | jq -r $fields

API Commands

Available API commands are 'list' and 'help'.

curl -s ""
curl -s ""

'list' will list all available YaTTI knowledgebases.

kb-query - YaTTI CustomKB API interface script

The kb-query script is a simplified command-line interface into the customKB knowledgebase API. It is essentially a wrapper for a curl command.

kb-query 0.9.12 - Interface into YaTTI CustomKB knowledgebase API


    sudo apt install git curl jq gridsite-clients


    git clone && sudo kb-query/kb-query.install

json Return Fields:

   ( kb query context_only reference response elapsed_seconds error )


  kb-query {command} [.field1 [.field2 ...]]

    command         list | help | update

  kb-query [OPTIONS] {knowledgebase} {query} [.field1 [.field2 ...]]

    knowledgebase   name of customKB knowledgebase

    query           query string for LLM

    .field{1...}    fields to output, default is all.

  -r, --reference-file FILE
                    Reference filename
  -R, --reference-str TEXT
                    Reference string
  -c, --context-only
                    Return entire context reference only,
                    do not send to LLM.

  --query-model LLM
                    LLM to use for query (if not context_only)
  --query-temperature TEMP
                    LLM Query Temperature
                    LLM max tokens allowed

  --query-top-k SEGMENTS
                    Number of SEGMENTS to return
  --query-context-scope SCOPE
                    Number of SEGMENTS above/below to return
                      A SCOPE of 1 only returns the match segment.
                      A SCOPE of 2 returns the match segment and the next segment.
                      A SCOPE of 3 returns the match segment, the previous segment, and the next segment.
                      A SCOPE of 4 returns the match segment, the previous segment, and the next 2 segments.
  --query-role ROLE
                    System ROLE
  --query-context-files FILE[,FILE...]
                    Context files

  -v, --verbose         Increase output verbosity
  -q, --quiet           Suppress non-error messages
  -d, --debug           Print debug messages
  -V, --version         Print version and exit
  -h, --help            Display this help


  # Help for kb-query utility

    kb-query --help

  # Overview YaTTI knowledgebase

    kb-query help

  # List YaTTI knowledgebases

    kb-query list

  # Query knowledgebase

    kb-query appliedanthropology "Concisely define 'applied anthropology'."

  # Query knowledgebase and output fields .query and .response

    kb-query appliedanthropology "Concisely define 'applied anthropology'." .query .response

  # Query knowledgebase for context only, with context reference

    kb-query appliedanthropology -c -r previouscontext.txt "Concisely define 'applied anthropology'."

  # Update to latest version

    kb-query update